SEPTEMBER 23, 2019
9:00 a.m.

1.   Roll Call by Honorable Margie Ramirez-Ibarra, Webb County Clerk
2.   Pledge of Allegiance/Invocation
3.   Discussion and possible action for Approval of Bills, Payroll, and Monthly Reports (Auditor, Treasurer, Human Resources, Risk Management, Tax Assessor-Collector); and any other matters incident thereto.
4.   Public Comment - This section provides the public the opportunity to address the Commissioners Court on any items on the Agenda. Members of the public wishing to participate must complete a Witness Card specifying which agenda item they wish to comment on. Each public member, individually or in a group, will be allowed a total of Three (3) minutes within which to make any/all public comments.
CONSENT AGENDA: At most meetings, the Commissioners Court establishes a Consent Agenda.  It consists of those Agenda Items which are routine or non-controversial, and which neither a member of the Commissioners court has asked to be pulled for discussion.  Once the Commissioners Court has established the Consent Agenda, Agenda Items included on it will be voted upon in one vote, and will not be discussed separately unless requested by the County Judge or Commissioners.

The consent agenda has been created in order to give constituents the opportunity to view any and all pertinent backup information with reference to any item in the agenda. The objective of the consent agenda is for all Webb County constituents to be familiar with everyday county business and to demonstrate the transparency and fairness of this Commissioners Court.

The following Agenda Items are of a routine nature, and the Commissioners Court has received supporting materials for consideration. All of these Agenda Items will be passed with one vote without being discussed separately, unless a member of the Commissioners Court or the public requests that a particular Agenda Item be discussed. If so, that Agenda Item will be pulled from the Consent Agenda and discussed as part of the regular Agenda at the appropriate time. One vote will approve the remaining items on the Consent Agenda.

5.   Honorable Joe Lopez, 49th District Court Judge
a.   Discussion and possible action to ratify the following budget amendment (line item transfer) within the General fund:
  Acct. Number Acct. Name Adopted Request Current End Bal.
From: 1001-2230-001-451005 Capital Murder $200,000 $10,000 $72,595.21 $62,595.21
To: 1001-2230-001-433002 Indigent Defense $314,750 $10,000 $30.19 $10,030.19

Issue: Account need funds to pay current pending invoices.

Solution: Transfer of funds will pay end of the year invoices.

Result: Current pending invoices will be paid.
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6.   Honorable Isidro Alaniz, District Attorney
a.   Discussion and possible action to approve a reimbursement agreement between the District Attorney’s Office and the Organized Crime Drug Enforcement Task Forces program (OCDETF) for an amount not to exceed $159,343. The total reimbursable amount covers overtime for investigators assigned to the DEA Task Force ($130,543) and payments related to 3 leased vehicles ($28,800). The period of performance for this award is October 1, 2019 through September 30, 2020. Forfeiture funds will be utilized to cover the fringe benefits allocated to the overtime therefore no impact to the General Fund. [Account #2587-2260-001-413000]

Issue: Collaboration between Federal, State and local law enforcement agencies is necessary to pursue and dismantle organized crime organizations along Webb County and the Texas Border.

Solution: Accept Federal assistance to continue local participation in Joint Operations under the Organized Crime Drug Enforcement Task Forces Program.

Result: Disruption of organized crime activity along the Texas border and in Webb County.
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7.   Auditor
a.   Discussion and possible action to approve, by Order, the following budget amendment (line item transfer) within the Water Utilities Fund. [Requested by Water Utilities]
  Acct. Number Acct. Name Adopted Request Current End Bal.
From: 7200-7050-001-456305 Uniforms $13,023 $50 $2,744 $2,694
To: 7200-9050-001-482401-175 Interest Expense-2014 $16,726 $50 $5,220 $5,270

Issue: Line Item transfer is needed to cover line item account that do not have enough funding to cover expenses.

Solution: With Court approval of line item transfer, expenses for the remainder of the fiscal year will be covered.

Result: There will be sufficient funds to cover current and projected expenditures.
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b.   Discussion and possible action to ratify the following budget amendment (line item transfers) within Grant funds. [Requested by Aliza Oliveros, Head Start Director]
  Acct. Number Acct. Name Adopted Request Current End Bal.
From: 2357-5190-531-456305 Uniforms $6,600 $300 $2,354.35 $2,054.35
  2357-5190-531-432088 Mental Health Observations $5,000 $140 $2,640.00 $2,500.00
  2367-5190-531-432088 Mental Health $1,000 $52 $265.00 $213.00
To: 2357-5190-531-443000-020 Building Maintenance $41,510 $300 $9.83 $309.83
  2357-5190-531-456105 License & Permits $6,000 $140 $10.61 $150.61
  2367-5190-531-463809 Subsidy $16,701 $52 $1,411.00 $1,463.00

Issue: Funds are need in the Building Maintenance, License & Permits, and Subsidy line items to complete the fiscal year. 

Solution: Approve Budget Amendment (line item transfer) request.

Result: All line items will be sufficiently funded.
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c.   Discussion and possible action to approve, by Order, the following budget amendments (line item transfers) within Grant funds; and any other matters incident thereto. [Requested by James Flores, Interim CAA Executive Director]
  Acct. Number Acct. Name Adopted Request Current End Bal.
From: 2362-5360-521-463802 Household Crisis $700,448.00 $667,476.17 $685,024.77 $17,548.60
To: 2362-5360-521-463805 Heating and Cooling $     -0- $7,000.00 $      -0- $7,000.00
  2362-5360-521-463804 Utility Assistance $700,449.00 $660,476.17 $163,304.79 $823,780.96

Issue: Funds available in accounts will cover cost needed to continue operation of service.

Solution: By the Commissioner's court approval, accounts line item transfers will have funds to cover operation of service.

Result: There will be sufficient funds in mentioned line item transfers which will allow for continuation of service.
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d.   Discussion and possible action to approve, by Order, the following budget amendment (line item transfer) within Grant funds; and any other matters incident thereto. [Requested by James Flores, Interim CAA Executive Director]
  Acct. Number Acct. Name Adopted Request Current End Bal.
From: 2368-5170-521-444100 Space Rental $13,368.50 $6,500.00 $12,338.50 $5,838.50
  2368-5170-521-441205 Utilities $739.00 $542.00 $739.00 $  197.00
To: 2368-5170-521-458000 Administrative Travel $6,328.70 $6,000 $2,780.40 $8,780.40
  2368-5170-521-456005 Postage & Courier Service $2,413.17 $500.00 $880.58 $1,380.58
  2368-5170-521-443000-020 Repairs & Maintenance Building $955.58 $542.00 $357.50 $899.50

Issue: Funds available in accounts will cover cost needed to continue operation of service.

Solution: By the Commissioner's court approval, account line item transfers will have funds to cover operation of service.

Result:There will be sufficient funds in mentioned line item transfers which will allow for continuation of service.
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e.   Discussion and possible action to authorize the Budget Officers and Auditors Office to enter and post budget amendments for fiscal year end transactions necessary to process payment of all invoices dated or services rendered on or before September 30, 2019.  Line item transfers are to be determined by the Business Office in coordination with the Auditors Office and presented for ratification.

Issue: Various departments and offices have depleted departmental budgets nonetheless there are invoices pending to be processed that must be paid with FY 2018-2019 funds.  Invoices cannot be validated if the accounts are in negative.

Solution: In order to timely process and pay invoices, Business Office and/or Auditors Office will identify line item transfers and perform administrative budget amendments as needed to process invoices.  A list of invoices pending process due to insufficient funds will be generated and provided to the Budget Officers by the Business Office.

Result: Invoices will be processed and sent to the Auditor's for approval.
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f.   Discussion and possible action to approve, by Order, the following budget amendment (line item transfer) within Grant funds. [Requested by Martin Cuellar, Sheriff]
  Acct. Number Acct. Name Adopted Request Current End Bal.
From: 2741-3010-001-413000 Overtime $109,800 $48.51 $52.89 $4.38
To: 2741-3010-001-426000 Worker Compensation $300,239 $48.51 $-48.51 $48.51

Issue: Additional funds are needed in Worker Compensation account to cover the deficit.

Solution: Create a line item transfer to cover shortfall.

Result: Line item transfer will eliminate the deficit.
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8.   Casa Blanca Golf Course
a.   Discussion and possible action to ratify the following budget amendment (line item transfers) within Golf Course funds:
  Acct. Number Acct. Name Adopted Request Current End Bal.
From: 7100-6090-001-443000-115 Repairs & Main't- Cart Barn $4,175 $1,500 $2,499.20 $999.20
  7100-6080-001-443000-160 Repairs & Main't- Barn $1,200 $1,100 $1,654.81 $554.81
To: 7100-6120-001-460105 Minor Tools & Apparatus $70,589.39 $1,500 $3,603.32 $5,103.32
  7100-6080-001-444001-020 Trees & Landscaping- Sand $6,072.50 $1,100 $35.34 $1,135.34

Issue: A load of sand is needed for greens topdressing.  Sufficient funds that are not needed in the Repair & Maintenance account are available to fund this. The Food & Beverage operation at Casa Blanca would benefit from a set of banquet tables and chairs to be used for outside patio events.  This transfer will allow that purchase for a total of approximately $4,000 to be accomplished. 

Solution: Transfer as requested above.

Result: There will be sufficient funds in all budget line items to pay requested items.
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b.   Discussion and possible action to ratify the following budget amendment (line item transfer) within the Golf Course Fund:
  Acct. Number Acct. Name Adopted Request Current End Bal.
From: 7100-6080-001-444001-010 Trees &  Landscaping - Fertilizers $16,230.75 $500 $3,473 $2,973
To: 7100-6080-001-444001-005 Trees &  Landscaping - Chemicals $21,000 $500 $1,432.65 $1,932.65

Issue: Final chemical order for the year is just over the remaining budget balance; additional monies are available in the fertilizer line item.

Solution: Transfer as requested above.

Result: There will be sufficient funds in all budget line items to pay requested items.
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c.   Discussion and possible action to ratify the following budget amendment (line item transfers) in the Golf Course Fund:
  Acct. Number Acct. Name Adopted Request Current End Bal.
From: 7100-6080-001-444001-010 Trees & Landscaping - Fertilizers $16,320.75 $2,029.22 $3,573 $1,443.78
  7100-6090-001-443000-115 Reparis & Main't- Cart Barn $2,675 $718.96 $999.20 $280.24
To: 7100-6080-001-443000-035 Repairs & Main't- Equipment $37,624.68 $158.56 $291.44 $450
  7100-6080-001-443000-135 Repairs & Main't- Clubhouse $5,329.54 $718.96 $711.04 $1,430
  7100-6080-001-444001-020 Trees & Landscaping - Sand/Soil $7,172.50 $1,870.66 $1,135.34 $3,006

Issue: The first reallocation of funds will allow for the renovation of the bar top to match the decor of the rest of the restaurant facility; the second reallocation of funds will allow for the proper aerification and sanding of the green surface- the pervious amount of sand funding was insufficient.

Solution: Transfer as requested above.

Result: There will be sufficient funds in all budget line items to pay requested items.
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d.   Discussion and possible action to ratify the following budget amendments (line item transfers) within the Golf Course Fund:
  Acct. Number Acct. Name Adopted Request Current End Bal.
From: 7100-6080-001-444001-015 Trees & Landscaping- Plants $2,500 $10 $20 $10
  7100-6110-001-461005-030 Merchandise COS Shoes $2,500 $367.81 $367.81 $0
  7100-6130-001-454000 Advertising (G&A) $5,293.65 $4,056.62 $4,778.97 $722.35
  7100-6130-001-458000 Administrative Travel $20,700 $2,000 $5,667.01 $3,667.01
  7100-6080-001-460028 Janitorial Supplies (Golf) $1,750 $500 $1,065.87 $565.87
  7100-6090-001-443000-130 Repairs & Main't- Carts $2,869.61 $500 $911.26 $411.26
  7100-6100-001-461000 Materials & Supplies (Range) $9,130.95 $500 $804.95 $304.95
  7100-6130-001-460000 Office Supplies $2,350 $1,000 $1,655.58 $655.58
  7100-6120-001-442501 Pest Control (F&B) $1,705 $1,000 $1,501 $501
To: 7100-6080-001-443000-155 Repairs & Main't- Irrigation $24,750.48 $10 $10.26 $20.26
  7100-6110-001-461005-030 Merchandise COS- Equipment $21,000 $367.81 $161.31 $529.12
  7100-6125-001-432001 Professional Services $25,000 $56.62 $3,943.38 $4,000
  7100-6080-001-443000-135 Repairs &  Main't- Clubhouse $5,329.54 $9,500 $1,430 $10,930

Issue: The first block above is a minor reallocation of funds for a change order on irrigation parts that were recently ordered.  Total impact: $10.00. The second block above is a minor reallocation of funds from the Merchandise Shoes COS to Merchandise Equipment COS to cover a golf bag order for a tournament.  Total impact: $367.81.  The third blocks is a minor reallocation to bring the Professional Services account to an even $4,000 to accommodate the August and September payments to Golf Maintenance Solutions.  
Solution: Transfer as requested above.

Result: There will be sufficient funds in all budget line items to pay requested items.
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9.   Civil Legal Division
a.   Discussion and possible action to approve payment to United Independent School District (UISD) for services provided by school attendance officers to serve as Juvenile Justice of the Peace Court Coordinators for truancy duties for the academic school year 2018-2019 for Justice of the Peace, Precinct 2, Place 1 ($13,461.00) and Justice of the Peace Precinct 4 ($23,829.00) being a total of Thirty Seven Thousand Two Hundred Ninety Dollars ($37,290.00), and any other matters incident thereto. [Fund #2014 (Juvenile Case manager Fund)] Click to View
b.   Discussion and possible action to enter into a thirty-six (36) month (September 1, 2019, through August 31, 2022) Professional Services Agreement between Dr. Hector Lopez and Webb County for the Head Start/Early Head Start Program for dental services for the Head Start/Early Head Start population at a cost pursuant to the fee schedule (Attachment A) and authorizing the County Judge to sign and execute all relevant documents. [Requested by Aliza Oliveros, Webb County Head Start Director; Account #2357-5200-531-432083, 2331-5200-531-432083, and 2367-5200-531-432083 (Medical-Dental)] Click to View
c.   Discussion and possible action to enter into a one (1) year (October 1, 2019, through September 30, 2020) Preventative Maintenance & Service Agreement with Southwest Solutions Group to provide maintenance to the Lektriever (SN30762) located in the Webb County Public Defender's Office at an annual cost of One Thousand Three Hundred Ninety Seven Dollars and Fifty-Three Cents ($1,397.53) and authorizing the County Judge to execute all relevant documents. [Requested by Virginia Aranda, Webb County Public Defender; Account #1001-2280-001-443000-035 (Repairs and Maintenance)] Click to View
d.   Discussion and possible action to authorize Webb County to execute an Order of Acceptance for the dedication of ELEVEN (11) Roadway Right-of-Way and/or Public Utility Easements out of the Ranchitos Los Arcos, Ranchitos Los Fresnos, and  Ranchitos Los Nopalitos Subdivisions, for the purpose of acquiring these necessary easements by Webb County to perform road maintenance and improvements in order to facilitate transportation needs for residents including emergency medical services and school bus pickups for students, and for use, extension and/or provision of utility services; and authorizing the Webb County Judge to execute all relevant documents; and any other matters incident thereto. [Requested by Luis Perez Garcia, Webb County Engineer]

Ranchitos  Los Arcos                                 
Property Grantor(s)
Lot 9 Antonio Salinas & Yolanda Salinas                                
Ranchitos Los Fresnos  
Property Grantor(s)
Lots 61 & 62 Brenda Peña & Juanita Martinez
                                                               Ranchitos Los Nopalitos                                                             
Property Grantor(s)
Lots 28, 29, & 30 Hilario Aguilar
Lot 42 Guadalupe A. Rubio a/k/a Guadalupe Castillo-Gomez & Jose H. Castillo
Lot 45 Maria Teresa Martinez
Lot 62 Hilda Garza
Ranchitos Los Mesquites  
Property Grantor(s)
Lot 26 Jose Enrique Rodriguez & Juan Carlos Rodriguez
Lot 52 Cynthia Michelle Santos Silva
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e.   Discussion and possible action to enter into a twenty-four (24) month (October 1, 2019, through September 30, 2021) Maintenance Contract between Toshiba Business Solutions and Webb County for the Webb County Records Management Department, for an MBM 5009 Cross Cut Shredder at a monthly cost of Two Hundred Seventy Five Dollars ($275.00) and a total yearly amount of Three Thousand Three Hundred Dollars ($3,300.00), subject to annual budget appropriation and authorizing the County Judge to sign and execute all relevant documents. [Requested by Ramon A. Villafranca, Jr., Civil Legal Division; Account #2005-1010-001-443000-035 (Repairs and Maintenance Equipment)] Click to View
f.   Discussion and possible action to enter into a Non-Financial Cooperative Agreement between Webb County for its Head Start/Early Head Start Program and Community Action Corporation of South Texas Project Niño’s Early Childhood Intervention Program. This Agreement defines the roles and responsibilities under which both parties, within the respective state and federal mandates, relate to children with disabilities. The term of the Agreement shall be for a term of twenty-four (24) months (September 1, 2019, through August 31, 2021) and authorizing the County Judge to sign and execute all relevant documents. [Requested by Aliza Oliveros, Director, Webb County Head Start] Click to View
g.   Discussion and possible action to enter into a twelve (12) month (September 1, 2019, through August 31, 2020) Non-Financial Services Agreement between Serving Children and Adults in Need, Inc. (SCAN) and Webb County for the Head Start/Early Head Start Program. The purpose of the agreement is to secure professional services in the form of substance abuse education for the Webb County Head Start/Early Head Start Program and authorizing the County Judge to sign and execute all relevant documents. [Requested by Aliza Oliveros, Director, Webb County Head Start/Early Head Start] Click to View
10.   Honorable Jesse Gonzalez, Webb County Commissioner Pct. 1
a.   Discussion and possible action to ratify the following budget amendment (line item transfer) within the General fund:
  Acct. Number Acct. Name Adopted Request Current End Bal.
From: 1001-6170-001-461000 Materials & Supplies $2,500 $100 $988.78 $888.78
To: 1001-6170-001-443000-075 Repairs & Maint.- Vehicles $1,500 $100 $851.87 $951.87

Issue: Currently line item has insufficient funding for the repairs of community center vehicle. 

Solution: Process line item transfer in order to have funding necessary for vehicle repair.

Result: Sufficient monies for needed repair of county vehicle used for daily operations.
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b.   Discussion and possible action to approve, by Order, the following budget amendment (line item transfer) within the General fund:
  Acct. Number Acct. Name Adopted Request Current End Bal.
From: 1001-1030-001-410000 Payroll Cost $197,882 $4,500 $10,017.49 $5,517.49
To: 1001-1030-001-412000 Part-Time $20,000 $4,500 -$1,485.00 $3,015.00

Issue: Precinct 1 office has run out of part-time monies to continue daily operations. There are currently payroll savings accumulated within their payroll line item.

Solution: Approve line item transfer to end out fiscal year.

Result: Sufficient part-time monies for daily operations.
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11.   Economic Development
a.   Discussion and possible action to authorize the acceptance of a Fiscal Year 2020 Local Border Security Program (FY 20 LBSP) grant award in the amount of $140,000 from the Office of Homeland Security Grants Division (HSGD) as specifically developed, written, and submitted by and for the Webb County Sheriff’s Office for its peace officers’ overtime and applicable fringe benefits to provide enhanced border security in the Laredo/Webb County area as well as carry over this grant budget over into Webb County's new fiscal year, and authorize the Webb County Judge to execute all relevant documents; and any other matters incident thereto. This grant does not require any match; and, thus shall have no impact to the general fund.  All required documents were sent for review through the Economic Development Department and the solicitation is compliant with the Webb County Single Point of Contact (SPOC) procedures. [Requested by Martin Cuellar, Webb County Sheriff; Grant Account #2741]

Issue:   The State of Texas recognizes that border communities face urgent security challenges caused by increased activity from transnational organized criminal syndicates and their allies that are intensified by the fluidity of border crossings, heavy commercial activity, and interdependence of the international border communities’ economies. These socio-economic pressures place increased demands on law enforcement services and intensify the need for augmented public safety resources.

Solution:  Grant award to provide enhanced border security in Laredo/Webb County in order to fulfill State of Texas local border security program objectives, including overtime (OT) resources to suppress, deter, and reduce border-related criminal activity in Texas.

Result:  Enhanced/increased patrol and investigative capacity for certified peace officers working at the Webb County Sheriff’s Office.
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b.   Discussion and possible action to approve an Emergency Food Grant in the amount of $5,000.00 from Emergency Food and Shelter Program (EFSP) 2019 Phase #36 and authorizing the County Judge to sign all relevant documents. Single Point of Contact (SPOC) procedures were followed and approved. There is no County Match and will not have impact on the County's General Fund. [Requested by James Flores, Interim CAA Executive Director]

Issue: There is a greater demand for food assistance in the area of Webb County than there is funding.

Solution: By applying to the Emergency Food Grant provided by Emergency Food and Shelter Program, Webb County Community Action Agency seeks to address the hunger needs of the community using a partnership method with the local food banks.

Result: Webb County will be able to assist 500 eligible households with emergency food items.
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c.    Discussion and possible action to authorize the submission of a grant application to the NRA Foundation estimated at $8,130 as developed, written, and submitted by and for the Webb County Sheriff's Office for firearms equipment for its certified peace officers, and authorizing the County Judge to execute all relevant documents; and any other matters incident thereto. This grant does not require any match; and, thus shall have no impact to the general fund. All required documents were sent for review through the Economic Development Department and the solicitation is compliant with the Webb County Single Point of Contact (SPOC) procedures. [Requested by Martin Cuellar, Webb County Sheriff]
Issue: The Webb County Sheriff’s Office must continually equip its sworn officer force with an important array of duty gear, other critical safety equipment, and essential, but costly expendable supplies, such as ammunition, utilizing limited local funds.  Moreover, the vast majority of federal and state grants do not allow for the purchase of firearms and/or ammunition as an eligible grant expense.
Solution: Grant application to the Friends of the National Rifle Association (NRA) Foundation by the Webb County Sheriff's Office to provide firearms as a supplemental source of this needed equipment.
Result: The Webb County Sheriff’s Office's sworn officer force will be provided with additional firearms.
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d.   Discussion and possible action to accept a truancy grant in the amount of $60,785 from the Office of the Governor as developed, prepared, written, presented, and submitted by the Justice of the Peace, Pct. 4 in conjunction with the Webb County Sheriff’s Office to continue to pay the grant-funded salary, fringe benefits, and supplies for a Truancy Juvenile Case Manager in order to continue to divert at-risk truant juveniles from entering into the criminal justice system, and designating the Webb County Judge as the authorized official; and any other matters incident thereto. This grant requires no matching and/or in-kind requirements; and, thus, there is no impact to the general fund. All required documents were sent to the Economic Development Department and were found in compliance with the Single Point of Contact (SPOC) policy. [Requested by Judge Jose R. Salinas, Justice of the Peace, Pct. 4; Grant Account #2734]

Issue: Truancy can be considered a gateway to juvenile delinquency and is a nationwide problem that negatively affects not only the delinquent youth and their families but also adversely impacts schools, neighborhoods, and the local community at large. In addition, youth at-risk for juvenile delinquency who enter into the juvenile justice system tend to face limited future career, educational, and other socio-economic prospects, especially in the South Texas area.

Solution: Grant award to continue to fund a currently grant-funded truancy case manager in order to continue to provide prevention, diversion, and intervention strategies through the court of the Justice of the Peace, Precinct 4 in Laredo/Webb County area.

Result: Increased focus on diversion strategies to steer at-risk juveniles from the juvenile and criminal justice system.
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e.   Discussion and possible action to authorize the submission of a grant application to the U.S Department of Justice (DOJ) estimated at $150,000 as developed, written, and submitted by the Webb County Sheriff's Office in conjunction with the 49th Judicial District Attorney’s Office for technology for their certified peace officers, and authorizing the County Judge to execute all relevant documents; and any other matters incident thereto. This grant does not require any match; and, thus shall have no impact to the general fund. All required documents were sent for review through the Economic Development Department and the solicitation is compliant with the Webb County Single Point of Contact (SPOC) procedures. [Requested by Martin Cuellar, Webb County Sheriff and Isidro Alaniz, 49th Judicial District Attorney]
Issue: The Webb County Sheriff’s Office and 49th Judicial District Attorney’s Office must continually equip its sworn officer force with an important array of critical safety/communications equipment.

Solution: Grant application to provide portable radios as a supplemental source of this needed equipment.
Result: The Webb County Sheriff’s Office's  and 49th Judicial District Attorney Office’s sworn officer force will be provided with needed equipment.
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f.   Discussion and possible action to authorize the submission of a Fiscal Year 2019 Local Border Security Program (FY19 LBSP) grant awarded funding (3004405) in the amount of Fifteen Thousand (15,000.00) as developed, written and submitted by Webb County Constable Pct. 3 Department to the office of Homeland Security Grants Division (HSGD) for peace officers' overtime/applicable fringe benefits.  To help provide enhanced border security in Webb County and Precinct 3 area, and authorizing the Webb County Judge to execute all relevant documents and other matters incident thereto.  This grant does not require a match; and, thus will have no impact to the general fund.  All required documents were sent for review through the Economic Development Department and the solicitation is compliant with the Webb County single point of contact (SPOC) procedures. [Requested by Adrian Cortez, Webb County Constable Pct. 3]

Issue:  The State of Texas recognizes that border communities face urgent security challenges caused by increased activity from transnational organized criminal syndicates and their allies that are intensified by the fluidity of border crossings, heavy commercial activity, and interdependence of the international border communities' economies.  Theses socio-economic pressures place increased demands on law enforcement services and intensify the need for augmented public safety resources.

Solution:  Acceptance of awarded grant funds will help enhanced border security in Webb County and Precinct 3 in order to fulfill State of Texas Local Border Security Program objectives including overtime (OT) resources to suppress, deter and reduce border-related criminal activity in Texas.

Result: Awarded grant funding will enhanced/increased patrol for certified peace officers working at Webb County Constable Pct. 3.
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g.   Discussion and possible action to accept a Region 2 Border Prosecution Unit grant from the Office of the Governor Homeland Security Grants Division (HSGD) in the amount of $525,000; and authorizing the Webb County Judge to execute all relevant documents; and any other matters incident thereto. This grant does not require matching funds. [Requested by Isidro "Chilo" Alaniz, District Attorney - Fund #2739]

Issue: There is a need for resources to prosecute felony cases, provide technical assistance and training to law enforcement agencies and to prosecute border crime cases along the "Texas-Mexican Border". The Office of the Governor of Texas Homeland Security Grants Division has provided available resources through a grant opportunity to enhance prosecution in the area of organized crime / criminal enterprise cases.

Solution: Authorize the acceptance of the grant award as set forth above to ensure that the District Attorney's Office Border Prosecution Unit can continue to successfully prosecute border crime cases along the "Texas-Mexican Border".

Result: The District Attorney's Office will have the opportunity to receive additional resources to continue prosecuting cases, specifically in the area of organized crime / criminal enterprises along the "Texas-Mexican Border".
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h.   Discussion and possible action to authorize the Economic Development Department to develop and submit Zero Mass Water Potable Water Systems and dispensers for the La Presa Community Center and the Santa Teresita Community Center in the amount of up to One million ($1,000,000.00) dollars for the submission to the North American Development Bank (NADB) and authorizing the County Judge to act as the County's Executive Officer and Authorized Representative in all matters pertaining to the County's request for funding. There will be a ten (10%) percent cash match that shall be provided by Zero Mass Water, Inc. Therefore, this grant project if funded will have no impact on the General Fund. All required documents were sent for review through Economic Development Department and the solicitation is compliant with the Webb County Single Point of Contact (SPOC) procedures.

Issue: Colonia La Presa and the colonias on US Highway 59 do not have potable water generating system in their areas.

Solution: Submit a grant application to the North American Development Bank for funding to establish Webb County Zero Mass Water Potable Water Systems and dispensers in the La Presa Community center and the Santa Teresita Community center for the provision of potable water.

Result: Potable water readily available to the residents within these colonias.
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12.   Fire Suppression & EMS Services
a.   Discussion and possible action to approve, by Order, the following budget amendment (line item transfers) within the General fund:
  Acct. Number Acct. Name Adopted Request Current End Bal.
From: 1001-3140-001-431009 Stipends $50,000 $5,000 $19,500.00 $14,500.00
To: 1001-3140-600-441205 Utilities $5,000 $2,500 $730.67 $3,230.67
  1001-3140-001-462605 Fuel & Lubricants $30,000 $2,500 $1,040.36 $3,540.36

Issue: Transfer of funds is required to cover estimated forecasted expenditures in the fuel & lubricants, and utilities line items.

Solution: Approval of line item transfer to cover forecasted expenses.

Result: Line items will have sufficient funds and fire department operations will continue.
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13.   Head Start
Disclaimer: All Head Start monies are 100% Federal funds
a.   Discussion and possible action to approve the posting and filling of the following Slot, subject to the availability of payroll funds, effective September 23, 2019:
Slot # Title Hourly Rate
2192   Part Time Substitute $9.15
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14.   Human Resources
a.   Discussion and possible action to approve the Drug and Alcohol Policy Revisions to the El Aguila Rural Transportation Drug and Alcohol Free Workplace Policy in compliance with mandates of the United States Department of Transportation; and any other matters incident thereto. Click to View
b.   Discussion and possible action to amend the Webb County Personnel Policy and Procedures, Section 16.2, as recommended by the Department of Housing and Community Affairs (TDHCA) for compliance with Organization Standards.
Issue: Revisions are being recommended by the Department of Housing and Community Affairs (TDHCA) for compliance with Organization Standards.

Solution: Amend Webb County Personnel Policy and Procedures, Section 16.2, to comply with TDHCA Organization Standards

Result: The County will be in compliance with recommended TDHCA mandates.
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15.   Information Technology
a.   Discussion and possible action to purchase core (main) county servers and equipment in the amount not to exceed $290,321.55 from Insight Public Sector in accordance with the Texas Government Code; Section 271.101 and 271.102 Cooperative Program Participation, USC Contract No. 4400006644. [Account #3185-1280-001-470000 Capital Outlay (Bond Series 2013) and Account #3864-7360-001-470000 Capital Outlay (Bond Series 2016)]

Issue: Core county servers and equipment are reaching their end-of-life- and extended warranties.

Solution: Authorize and purchase specified equipment.

Result: Core county servers and equipment will be upgraded and supported for the next five years.
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16.   Law Library
a.   Discussion and possible action to ratify the following budget amendment (line item transfer) within the Law Library Fund:
  Acct. Number Acct. Name Adopted Request Current End Bal.
From: 2027-2320-001-444500 Equipment Rental  $2500 $171.05 $1203.17 $1032.12
To: 2027-2320-001-464005 Books & Subscriptions  $27,000 $171.05 $2950.26 $3121.31

Issue: Current account balance cannot cover awaiting invoices.

Solution: Request a ministerial line item transfer with court authorization to cover current pending invoices.

Result: Monies transfer will allow to cover current expense without going below budget.
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17.   Planning & Physical Development
a.   Discussion and possible action to issue a “Certificate of Compliance with Plat Requirements” to authorize an electrical service connection pursuant to Section 232.029(c)(2), Local Government Code., to an unplatted 9.91 acre tract of land, more or less, being the South One-Half (1/2) of Tract C-31 of Botines Subdivision, as further described in Vol. 703, Pgs. 310-311, Webb County Deed Records;said site is further identified by GPS coordinates of Lat 27°46'13.865"N and Long 99°27'28.676"W (ID 9786).
Issue: Item is a regulatory compliance issue regarding real property development provisions of state law and local regulations with particular emphasis on the Model Subdivision Rules enacted for residential subdivisions.  Commissioners Court must certify to certain property conditions before utility service connections may be authorized.

Solution: As reflected in agenda backup, staff has verified compliance matters and recommends the Court’s approval of this certificate.
Result: If approved, applicant may connect property to electrical utility services.  If not approved, utility connection to property is prohibited.
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b.   Discussion and possible action to authorize Webb County to accept and execute a one (1) year Technical Support and Software Maintenance Renewal Quotation (October 1, 2019 through September 30, 2020) with Environmental Systems Research Institute, Inc. (ESRI) to provide software maintenance support for the Geographic Information System (GIS) Mapping and 911 software utilized by the Webb County Planning Department at a cost of EIGHT THOUSAND FOUR HUNDRED SIXTY THREE DOLLARS ($8,463.00), and authorizing the County Judge to sign and execute all relevant documents; and any other matters incident thereto. [Requested by Rhonda Tiffin, Director, Webb County Planning Department; Account #2007-7020-001-457004 (GIS Mapping)] Click to View
18.   Purchasing
a.   Discussion and possible action to award the following Annual Contracts:
Bid 2020-10 Annual Contract for Office Supplies – Patria Office Supply, Executive Office Supply, Gulf Coast Paper Co., Amsterdam Printing and Litho, Discount School Supply
Issue: The Annual Contracts listed above expired 09/30/2019.

Solution: The Purchasing Agent solicited for new contracts.

Result: Annual Contracts will provide stable, lowest available and cost efficient prices from responsible bidders for Webb County.
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b.   Discussion and possible action to reject the following Annual Contract Bids:

ITB 2020-06 Annual Contract for Janitorial Supplies -  SiteOne Landscape Supply
ITB 2020-10 Annual Contract for Office Supplies - Encon Systems

Issue: The Bid submittals do not correspond to the Bid solicitation.

Solution: Reject the bid submittals.

Result: Vendors will not be part of the Annual Contracts for FY 2020.
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c.   Discussion and possible action to ratify the payment of a membership for a non-profit state association as required by Local Government Code Section §89.002 for the 111th District Court in the amount of Seventy Five ($75.00) Dollars to the Texas Association of Court Administration regarding the annual membership dues. This annual membership fee will be added to the membership master list. [Requested by Judge Monica Z. Notzon, 111th District Court, Account #1001-2020-001-464010,(Dues and Memberships)]
Issue: Local Government Code Section §89.002 requires that the Commissioners Court may spend, in the name of the county, money from the county's general fund for membership fees and dues of a nonprofit state association of counties if:
 (1)  a majority of the court votes to approve membership in the association;
 (2)  the association exists for the betterment of county government and the benefit of all county officials;
 (3)  the association is not affiliated with a labor organization;
 (4)  neither the association nor an employee of the association directly or indirectly influences or attempts to influence the outcome of any legislation pending before the legislature, except that this subdivision does not prevent a person from providing information for a member of the legislature or appearing before a legislative committee at the request of the committee or the member of the legislature;  and
(5) neither the association nor an employee of the association directly or indirectly contributes any money, services, or other valuable thing to a political campaign or endorses a candidate or group of candidates for public office.
Solution: Obtain court approval as required.
Result: Invoices for associations approved by the Court will be processed for payment. 
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d.   Discussion and possible action to authorize the Purchasing Agent to process surplus and/or salvage property in accordance with the Texas Local Government Code, Section 263.152 (Disposition) and to publish notice to public as per Local Government Code Section 263.153 (Notice) for surplus and/or salvage property being auctioned.
Issue: Excess County property that either is salvage property because of time, accident, or any other cause is so worn, damaged, or obsolete that it has no value for the purpose it was originally intended for and/or surplus property that that is no longer needed by the department and may have some usefulness for the purpose it was intended and would be transferred for use by another County department or auctioned online to the general public.
Solution: Attempt to sell the County surplus or salvage property by competitive bids or auction, dispose or destroy property that cannot be sold through auction and/or competitive bids because it has deemed worthless or dispose through and/or competitive bids because it has deemed worthless or dispose through a recycling program under which property is collected, separated, or processed and returned to use in the form of raw materials of new products.

Result: Generate revenue from sale of property, reduce County expenditures by transferring surplus property to other departments and make room for future assets turned in by County departments. Excess County property that either is salvage property because of time, accident, or any other cause is so worn, damaged, or obsolete that it has no value for the purpose it was originally intended for and/or surplus property that may have some usefulness for the purpose it was intended. The Purchasing agent will attempt to sell the County surplus or salvage property by competitive bids or auction, dispose or destroy property that can't be sold through auction and/or competitive bids because its deemed worthless or dispose through a recycling program under which property is collected, separated, or processed and returned to use in the form of raw materials of new products.
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e.   Discussion with possible action to accept the ranking and award RFP 2019-010 “Urinalysis Testing for CSCD (Community Supervision Corrections Department)” to the highest ranking firm Avertest, LLC; and to further authorize the Civil/Legal Department to negotiate the terms and conditions of the professional services agreement; and any other matters incident thereto. [Account #2775-4020-001-460021 (Surveillance Supplies)]
Company Name Ranking
Avertest, LLC    1
Norton Medical Industries    2

Issue: The Current contract expired 8/31/2019.

Solution: Award RFP to highest ranking firm as recommended by the evaluation committee.

Result: Compliance of State Grant requirements.
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f.   Discussion and possible action to authorize the Purchasing Agent to utilize national purchasing cooperative vendors: Amazon Business (US Communities R-TC-17006), Staples Business Advantage (Sourcewell #010615-SCC) and Office Depot Business (Sourcewell #010615-SCC) to provide an On-Line Marketplace for the purchase of products for Fiscal Year 2020 in accordance with the Texas Local Government Code; Sub-Chapter F. Cooperative Purchasing Program, Sections 271.101, 271.102 (Cooperative Purchasing Participation) and any other matters incident thereto.

Issue: Webb County benefits from online marketplace vendors that provide value pricing on various items.

Solution: Utilizing national cooperative pricing through online marketplace vendors is a mechanism in providing Webb County better costs and value for items purchased. 

Result: Authorizing the Purchasing Agent to use national coops for online marketplace purchases will provide more options and better value for County Departments.
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g.   Discussion and possible action to award a sole source building lease contract to Hurd Urban Development LTD for approximately 3,000 square feet of building space for the purpose of housing the Webb County Sheriff’s Safe Haven program and to further authorize the Purchasing Agent to negotiate a monthly rental price for the term of the building lease in accordance with the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ), Guide to Procurement under DOJ Grants and Cooperative Agreements; Chapter 10 (Procurement by Non-Competitive Proposals – Sole Source Contracting). [DOJ Grant No. 2018-FJ-AX-0007; Account #2607-1150-001-444100 Space Rental OVW Justice for Families Program]
Issue:  After solicitation of a number of sources, competition is determined inadequate.  The Purchasing Agent has solicited for qualified proposals twice and none of the properties inspected met the Grantors requirements.  Additional City owned properties were also inspected and also did not meet the requirements of the Safe Haven program.
Solutions:  Approve the sole source contract and authorize the Purchasing Agent to negotiate the rental rates.
Result: finalize the award, seek final approval of site plan from GRANTOR, and negotiate rental rates with property owner.
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h.   Discussion with possible action to authorize the Purchasing Agent to solicit formal Request for Qualifications for the architectural services for the design of a Public Health Facility located in Bruni, TX and surrounding areas in accordance with Texas Government Code 2254 (Professional and Consulting Services). [Community Enhancement Fund #3522-7230-001-474501]

Issue: The residents of Bruni, TX and surrounding areas do not have a Public Health Facility.

Solution:  Webb County shall construct the first ever Public Health Facility in Bruni, Texas.

Result: The Public Health Facility will provide medical services to the rural residents in the colonias and surrounding areas.
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i.   Discussion and possible action to authorize the Purchasing Agent to solicit formal Requests for Qualifications for the design and construction of two (2) Splash Pads for Rio Bravo and Bruni, Texas to include surrounding communities.  The solicitation will comply with the Texas Government Code; Section 2269.303 (Contracts for Buildings: Design Build) [Texas Parks and Wildlife Grant; Account No. 3701-7230-001-432001 - Professional Services]
Issue: The County has secured funding through a Texas Parks and Wildlife Grant to construct two (2) Splash Pad Parks for Rio Bravo and Bruni, Texas.
Solution: Authorize the formal solicitation to secure qualified design build firms who can design and construct the splash pads for Webb County.
Result: Secure qualified proposals for the Court's consideration to award under the Design Build Delivery Method.
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19.   Risk Management
a.   Discussion and possible action to ratify the following budget amendment (line item transfer) within the General fund:
  Acct. Number Acct. Name Adopted Request Current End Bal.
From: 1001-1180-001-462605 Fuel & Lub $2,500 $120 $1,867.03 $1,747.03
To: 1001-1180-001-443000-075 Repairs & Maint. Vehicles $1,500 $120 $500.00 $45.28

Issue: Current account balance cannot cover awaiting invoices. 
Solution: Request a ministerial line item transfer with court authorization to cover current pending invoices.

Result: Monies transfer will allow funds to cover current expense without going below budget.
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b.   Discussion and possible action to award renewal contract to USI Southwest, Inc., for Property/Casualty, Liability Insurance, Excess Workers Compensation, Aviation Liability, Boiler & Machinery,  and Terrorism and Sabotage Property Damage Insurance, with the option to decline  (Active Shooter & Malicious Attack) coverage. Premium amount option with Active Shooter $689,658.96, and/or without Active Shooter Premium amount of $684,933.96, through the following insurance carriers listed below, and authorizing the County Judge to execute all relevant documents. [Account #1001-1180-001-452012 (Property & Casualty Premium) and #6200-1090-001-452013 (Property & Casualty Premium)]

*Liberty Mutual
*Loyd's  of London
*National Union Fire Insurance
* Safety Specialty 
*Travelers Casualty
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c.   Discussion and possible action to award renewal contract to McGriff, Seibels & Williams of Texas, Inc., for the School Leaders Errors & Omissions Insurance coverage, and the Pollution and Storage Tank Liability Insurance coverage, effective October 1, 2019, thru September 30, 2020, with the option to add Terrorism for an  approximate total premium not to exceed Forty Thousand Dollars ($40,000) and authorizing the County Judge to execute all relevant documents. [Account #1001-1180-001-452012 (Property Casualty Premiums)]  Click to View
20.   Honorable Martin Cuellar, Sheriff
a.   Discussion and possible action to approve, by Order, the following budget amendment (line item transfers) within the General fund:
  Acct. Number Acct. Name Adopted Request Current End Bal.
From: 1001-4070-001-458000 Administrative Travel $10,000 $1,924 $1,924.86 $0.86
  1001-3010-001-460140 Fire and Ammo $70,000 $6.167 $6,167.83 $0.83
  1001-3010-001-460105 Minor Tools $30,000 $3,025 $8,491.92 $5,649.08
To: 1001-4070-001-441505 Trash Pickup $9,000 $1,200 0.00 $1,200
  1001-4070-001-462605 Fuel and Lubricants $300,000 $9,916 $14,536.17 $24,452.17

Issue: Additional funds needed for fuel. Pending invoices from Trashco need to be paid.

Solution: Transfer of funds to pay end of the FY invoices.

Result: Future and pending invoices will be paid.
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21.   Honorable Roberto "Bobby" Quintana, Justice of the Peace Pct. 2 Pl. 1
a.   Discussion and possible action to ratify the following budget amendment (line item transfer) within the General fund:
  Acct. Number Acct. Name Adopted Request Current End Bal.
From: 1001-2160-001-461000 Materials & Supplies $6,000 $21.39 $56.86 $35.47
To: 1001-2160-001-441205 Utilities $2,500 $21.39 $185.91 $207.30

Issue: Current account balance cannot cover awaiting  ATT&T invoice.

Solution: Request a ministerial line item transfer with court authorization to cover current pending invoice.

Result: Monies transfer will allow to cover current expense without going below budget.
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22.   Water Utilities
a.   Discussion and possible action to approve the posting and filling of the following Slot, subject to the availability of payroll funds and any applicable Civil Service guidelines, effective September 23, 2019:
Slot # Title Hourly Rate
1301 Wastewater Plant Supervisor   $19.40 - 17/A

Issue: Slot became vacant on September 05, 2019.

Solution: Obtain authorization to advertise and fill the position with qualified candidate.

Result: Provide continuous operation for Water Utilities.
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b.   Discussion and possible action to approve final payment and release of retainage in the amount $58,900.00 to JMJ Construction for the completion of the Valve and Actuator replacement Project for the Rio Bravo Water Treatment Plant Facility and authorize the County Judge to execute all relevant documents; any other matters incident thereto. [Account #7220-7280-001-474501 (Construction in Progress), Account #7220-206000 (Retainage Payable)]

Issue: Final payment with retainage to contractor in the completion of project scope in full.

Solution: Approve of Payment.

Result: Issue final payment and close project.
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23.   Status report with discussion and possible action to authorize the Purchasing Agent to order additional lease vehicles with Enterprise Fleet Management (Source-Well Contract No. 060618) in order to replace County owned units exceeding 90,000 miles in accordance with Commissioners Court directive and any other matters incident thereto. [Multiple Operating Lease Accounts]
Issue: Commissioners Court authorized the Purchasing Agent to secure pricing for all vehicles exceeding 90,000 miles.
Solution: Review the financial impact of replacing County owned vehicles with high mileage with new lease vehicles and instruct the Purchasing Agent to order the quantities approved by the Court.
Result: Replace high mileage units with new lease units with full maintenance plans to provide more efficient and safe vehicles for county employees and to reduce the vehicle maintenance expenses impacting the general fund.
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Civil Legal Division
24.   Discussion and possible action to approve a County Voluntary Separation Plan as signed by an eligible employee in the amount of Eleven Thousand Five Hundred Thirty Seven Dollars and Seventy Six Cents ($11,537.76); and authorize the Webb County Judge to sign all relevant documents and any other matters incident thereto. [Account #1001-1130-001-431007-005 (Payroll Reserve)] Click to View
Risk Management
25.   Discussion and possible action to approve and implement one of three quote options, regarding Cyber Liability, not to exceed $17,070. Effective October 1, 2019 through September 30, 2020, and any other matters incident thereto, and authorizing the County Judge to sign and execute all relevant documents. [Account #1001-1180- 001-452012 (Property Casualty Premium)] Click to View
26.   Presentation by Risk Manager with discussion and possible action to approve employee health insurance plan with proposed county healthcare premiums for all employees for next calendar year, and any other matters incident thereto.

Issue: The current premiums are disproportionate to its population. 

Solution: Reorganize the premiums to maximize the dollar amount and coordination with the number of enrollees.

Result: Bring unification to the plan and its employee census.
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Budget Officers
27.   Public Hearing to consider the proposed budget for fiscal year 2019-2020 pursuant to Texas Local Government Code Section 111.067. At the Conclusion of the Public Hearing, the Commissioners Court shall take action on the proposed budget pursuant to Texas Local Government Code Section 111.068.

This budget will raise more total property taxes than last year’s budget by $8,808,425 (10.37%) and of that amount, $1,225,774.09 is tax revenue to be raised from new property added to the tax roll this year.
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28.   Discussion and possible action to ratify, adopt and approve the property tax revenue increase in the amount of $1,225,774.09 reflected in the proposed budget that required raising more revenue from property taxes than in the previous year as required by Texas Local Government Code 111.068, and executing an Order adopting the property tax rate for fiscal year 2019-2020. Click to View
29.   Discussion and possible action to adopt Commissioners Court Order setting the salaries and allowances of elected county officers in compliance with Texas Local Government Code Section 152.013 as follows:
Judge Tano E. Tijerina $122,198.00 **
Commissioner Jesse Gonzalez $95,731.00
Commissioner Rosaura “Wawi” Tijerina $95,731.00
Commissioner John C. Galo $95,731.00
Commissioner Cindy Liendo $95,731.00
Tax Assessor Collector Rosie Cuellar $117,477.34
Judge Jose A. Lopez $15,735.00 **
Judge Monica Z. Notzon $18,165.00 **
Judge Rebecca Ramirez Palomo $18,165.00 **
Judge Oscar J. Hale, Jr. $18,165.00 **
Judge Victor Villarreal $159,915.00 **
Judge Hugo Martinez $177,937.50 **
Judge Hector J. Liendo $86,138.44
Judge Oscar R. Liendo $86,138.44
Judge Roberto Quintana $86,138.44
Judge Danny Dominguez $86,138.44
Judge Salvador Johnson $86,138.44
Judge Jose “Pepe” Salinas $86,138.44
District Attorney Isidro R. Alaniz  $51,839.05****
County Attorney Marco A. Montemayor $146,492.55
District Clerk Esther Degollado $110,199.49
County Clerk Margie Ramirez Ibarra $110,199.49
Sheriff Martin Cuellar $135,845.64***
Treasurer Raul Reyes $110,199.49
Constable Rodolfo Rodriguez $92,733.39 ***
Constable Mike Villarreal  $80,383.39
Constable Adrian Cortez $80,383.39
Constable Harold DeVally $80,383.39

** Includes a supplement in the amount of $4,800 for Juvenile Board
***Includes a supplement in the amount of $12,350 for Operational Allowance
****Includes a supplement in the amount of $3,640 HB9 86th Texas Legislature
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30.   Discussion and possible action to adopt the county budget for fiscal year 2019-2020 pursuant to Chapter 111 of the Texas Local Government Code. The Court may make any modifications to the proposed budget that it considers warranted by law and required by the interest of the taxpayers by majority vote.

30. (A) Discussion and possible action to itemize and set fees by Order as part of the FY 19-20 budget preparation process for the county’s floodplain management program including but not limited to determinations, development permits, certifications and inspections as prescribed by the provisions of Section 16.324, Texas Water Code.  Staff recommends keeping the same fee schedule approved with the FY 19-20 budget.
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Commissioners Court Administrator
31.   Discussion and possible action to designate the following meeting dates and times on which the Commissioners Court shall convene in regular term each month during Fiscal Year 2019-2020 pursuant to Section 81.005, Texas Local Government Code. All meetings shall start at 9:00 a.m. The Court may convene on any other day as deemed necessary and as authorized by law. Commissioners Court may at its discretion, re-schedule meeting dates and times if necessary.

October 15, 2019 (Tuesday)
October 28, 2019
November 12, 2019 (Tuesday)
November 25, 2019
December 9, 2019
January 13, 2020
January 27, 2020
February 10, 2020
February 24, 2020
March 9, 2020
March 23, 2020
April 14, 2020 (Tuesday)
May 11, 2020
May 26, 2020 (Tuesday)
June 8, 2020
June 22, 2020
July 13, 2020
July 27, 2020
August 10, 2020
August 24, 2020
September 14, 2020
September 21, 2020*
September 28, 2020

*Meeting for budget adoption purposes if needed.
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32.   Discussion and possible action to approve the proposed holiday schedule for Fiscal Year 2019-2020; and any other matters incident thereto.
Columbus Day October 14, 2019 (Monday)
Veteran’s Day  November 11, 2019 (Monday)
Thanksgiving  November 28 & 29, 2019 (Thursday & Friday)
Christmas December 25, 2019 (Wednesday)
New Year’s Day January 1, 2020 (Wednesday)
Martin Luther King January 20, 2020 (Monday)
President’s Day February 17, 2020 (Monday)
Easter  April 13, 2020 (Monday)
Memorial Day May 25, 2020 (Monday)
Independence Day  July 3, 2020 (Friday)
Labor Day September 7, 2020 (Monday)

*Four (4) Personal Holidays will be approved for this fiscal year

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Honorable Jesse Gonzalez, Webb County Commissioner Pct. 1
33.   Discussion and possible action to enter into a Letter of Agreement with ZeroMass Water to allow ZeroMass to participate with the County's Public Water System for application to the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) for innovative/alternate technology and any matters incident thereto; authorizing the County Judge to sign all relevant documents. Click to View
Honorable Rosaura “Wawi” Tijerina, Webb County Commissioner Pct. 2
34.   Discussion and possible action to authorize the development and submission of a Texas Communities Count Grant Proposal for the 2020 U.S. Census to the Hogg Foundation for Mental Health in an amount not to exceed Seventy Five Thousand Dollars $75,000.00); and authorizing the County Judge to act as the County's Executive Officer and Authorized Representative in all matters pertaining to the County's Executive Officer and Authorized Representative in all matters pertaining to the County's participation. Click to View
Honorable John C. Galo, Webb County Commissioner Pct. 3
35.   Discussion and possible action to accept a donation from COBANK, ACB (Medina Electric) for the amount of One Thousand Seven Hundred Dollars ($1,700.00 Ck# 0000147392), Medina Electric for the amount of One Thousand Seven Hundred Dollars  ($1,700.00 Ck# 92319) and Centene Management Company LLC for the amount of Two Thousand Three Hundred Dollars ($2,300.00 Ck# 356059) as per Local Government Code 81.032 (Acceptance of Donations) to be deposited into Webb County Santa Teresita Community Center Materials and Supplies; and any other matters incident thereto. [Account #1001-3160-001-460140] Click to View
Honorable Tano E. Tijerina, Webb County Judge
36.   Discussion with possible action to review Webb County’s policies and procedures regarding Discretion and Longevity, especially as it pertains to those employees adversely affected by taking a lesser-grade position (willingly or by demotion) and consequently losing their discretion and longevity without separation from the County; and any other matters incident thereto. Click to View
Closed Session/Executive Session
37.   Discussion regarding resolution on Delinquent Tax Account No. #900-33452-001 and Account No. #900-3342-002, containing 4.12 and 2.86 Acres, respectively, in Survey 730, F. Lopez Original Grantee, Abstract 3345. [Executive Session if requested pursuant to Texas Government Code, Title 5, Subchapter D, Section 551.071 (1) (A) & (B) Consultation with attorney regarding pending/contemplated litigation and/or settlement offer] Click to View
38.   Action regarding resolution on Delinquent Tax Account No. #900-33452-001 and Account No. #900-3342-002, containing 4.12 and 2.86 Acres, respectively, in Survey 730, F. Lopez Original Grantee, Abstract 3345, and authorizing the Webb County Judge to sign any relevant documents and any other matters incident thereto. Click to View
39.   Discussion and possible action to proclaim the month of October, 2019 as Dyslexia Awareness Month. [Requested by John C. Galo, Commissioner Pct. 3] Click to View
40.   Recognition and presentation of plaque to Melissa L. Mojica, Chief Juvenile Probation Officer for her 40 years of dedication, commitment, and loyalty to Webb County. [Requested by Tano Tijerina, County Judge] Click to View
41.   Communications
42.   Adjourn
The Webb County Commissioners Court hereby reserves the right to go into closed session at any time during this public meeting, if such is requested by the County Attorney or other legal counsel for the County, pursuant to his or her duty under Section 551.071(2) of the Government Code, to consult privately with his or her client on an item on the agenda, or on a matter arising out of such item.

Persons with disabilities who plan to attend this meeting and who may need auxiliary aid of service such as interpreters for persons who are deaf or hearing impaired, readers, or need large print are requested to contact the court administrator at (956) 523-4622.


By: ______________________________
Melinda Mata
Court Administrator


I, the undersigned, County Clerk, do hereby certify that the above notice of meeting of the Webb County Commissioners Court, is a true and correct copy of said notice, and that I posted a true and correct copy of said notice on the bulletin board at the Courthouse door of Webb County, Texas, at a place readily accessible to the general public at all times on the ____ day of September, 2019 and said notice remained so posted continuously for at least 72 hours preceding the scheduled time of said meeting.



BY: ______________________________________________
      Margie Ramirez-Ibarra, County Clerk


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