TUESDAY, MAY 26, 2020
9:00 a.m.

1.   Roll Call by Honorable Margie Ramirez-Ibarra, Webb County Clerk
2.   Pledge of Allegiance/Invocation
3.   Discussion and possible action for Approval of Bills, Payroll, and Monthly Reports (Auditor, Treasurer, Business Office, Human Resources, Judicial Collections, Risk Management, Tax Assessor-Collector); and any other matters incident thereto.
4.   Public Comment - This section provides the public the opportunity to address the Commissioners Court on any items on the Agenda. Members of the public wishing to participate must complete a Witness Card specifying which agenda item they wish to comment on. Each public member, individually or in a group, will be allowed a total of Three (3) minutes within which to make any/all public comments.
CONSENT AGENDA: At most meetings, the Commissioners Court establishes a Consent Agenda.  It consists of those Agenda Items which are routine or non-controversial, and which neither a member of the Commissioners court has asked to be pulled for discussion.  Once the Commissioners Court has established the Consent Agenda, Agenda Items included on it will be voted upon in one vote, and will not be discussed separately unless requested by the County Judge or Commissioners.

The consent agenda has been created in order to give constituents the opportunity to view any and all pertinent backup information with reference to any item in the agenda. The objective of the consent agenda is for all Webb County constituents to be familiar with everyday county business and to demonstrate the transparency and fairness of this Commissioners Court.

The following Agenda Items are of a routine nature, and the Commissioners Court has received supporting materials for consideration. All of these Agenda Items will be passed with one vote without being discussed separately, unless a member of the Commissioners Court or the public requests that a particular Agenda Item be discussed. If so, that Agenda Item will be pulled from the Consent Agenda and discussed as part of the regular Agenda at the appropriate time. One vote will approve the remaining items on the Consent Agenda.

5.   Auditor
a.   Discussion and possible action to ratify, by Order, a budget amendment of $10,000 to the District Attorney Federal Forfeiture Fund from new proceeds received from the U.S. Department of Justice Equitable Share Program. [Requested by Isidro "Chilo" Alaniz, District Attorney; Fund #2162 (DOJ - Federal Forfeiture)]
  Account Name Account Number Amount
From: Fund Balance 2162-259700 $10,000
To: Repairs & Maintenance - Vehicles 2162-2260-001-443000-075 $10,000

Issue: New equitable shared funds have been awarded to the District Attorney's Office and may be spent after a budget for the expenditure of the proceeds has been submitted to the Governing Body. The budget must be detailed and clearly define the categories of expenditures.

Solution: Submit a budget to the Governing Body that clearly defines the categories of expenditures to be incurred with the new proceeds.

Result: The District Attorney's Office will add the new proceeds to its current budget to be utilized for law enforcement purposes in accordance with the Department of Justice Equitable Sharing Guidelines.
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b.   Discussion and possible action to ratify, by Order, the following budget amendment (line item transfer) within Forfeiture funds. [Requested by Martin Cuellar Webb County Sheriff]
  Acct. Number Acct. Name Adopted Request Current End Bal.
From: 2151-3010-001-458000 Administrative Travel $15,000 $10,000 $10,000 $5,000
To: 2151-3010-001-461000 Materials & Supplies $20,000 $10,000 $3,702.52 $13,702.52

Issue: Sheriff's Office needs to purchase plaques and food for National Law Enforcement Week.

Solution: Seeking authorization from court to approve ratification line item transfer.

Result: Funds will be available to cover current expenses.
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c.   Discussion and possible action to approve, by Order, a budget amendment of $18,500 to the District Attorney Federal Forfeiture Fund from new proceeds received from the U.S. Department of Justice Equitable Share Program. [Requested by Isidro "Chilo" Alaniz, District Attorney; Fund #2162 (DOJ - Federal Forfeiture)]
  Account Name Account Number Amount
From: Fund Balance 2162-259700 $18,500
To: Law Enforcement - Other 2162-2260-001-457006 $18,500

Issue: New equitable shared funds have been awarded to the District Attorney's Office and may be spent after a budget for the expenditure of the proceeds has been submitted to the Governing Body. The budget must be detailed and clearly define the categories of expenditures.

Solution: Submit a budget to the Governing Body that clearly defines the categories of expenditures to be incurred with the new proceeds.

Result: The District Attorney's Office will add the new proceeds to its current budget to be utilized for law enforcement purposes in accordance with the Department of Justice Equitable Sharing Guidelines.
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d.   Discussion and possible action to approve, by Order, the following budget amendment (line item transfers) within Grant funds. [Requested by Aliza Oliveros, Head Start Director]
  Acct. Number Acct. Name Adopted Request Current End Bal.
From: 2357-5200-531-410000 Payroll Cost $4,509,004 $60,000 $942,791.72 $882,791.72
  2357-5200-531-421000 Health Life Insurance $1,599,621 $70,000 $443,015.49 $373,015.49
To: 2357-5200-531-444100 Space Rental $79,271 $20,000 $3,824.11 $23,824.11
  2357-5200-531-443000-020 Building Maintenance $20,000 $60,000 $1,492.79 $61,492.79
  2357-5200-531-460024 Medical/Dental Supplies $5,000 $10,000 $78.62 $10,078.62
  2357-5200-531-460004 Classroom Supplies $55,000 $20,000 $21,888.62 $41,888.62
  2357-5200-531-460105 Minor Tools & Apparatus $9,000 $20,000 $1,128.69 $21,128.69

Issue: Savings are available in the Payroll and Health Insurance Line Items. 

Solution: Approve line item transfer (Budget Amendment) request.

Result: Funds will be available in the Space Rental, Building Maintenance, Medical/Dental Supplies, Classroom Supplies, and Minor Tools & Apparatus line items.
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e.   Discussion and possible action to approve, by Order, the following budget amendment (line item transfers) within Grant funds. [Requested by Aliza Oliveros, Head Start Director]
  Acct. Number Acct. Name Adopted Request Current End Bal.
From: 2361-5200-531-410000 Payroll Cost $478,971 $20,000 $173,006.59 $153,006.59
To: 2361-5200-531-443000-020 Building Maintenance $15,411 $20,000 $5,972.12 $25,979.12

Issue: Funds are available in the Payroll Line Item.

Solution: Approve Line Item Transfer (Budget Amendment) request.

Result: Funds will be available in the Building Maintenance Line Item for program use.
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f.   Discussion and possible action to approve, by Order, the following budget amendment (line item transfers) within Grant funds.  [Requested by Aliza Oliveros, Head Start Director]
  Acct. Number Acct. Name Adopted Request Current End Bal.
From: 2367-5150-531-410000 Payroll Cost $57,418 $35,000 $49,901.17 $14,901.17
  2367-5150-531-421000 Health Life Insurance $57,418 $5,000 $7,760.16 $2,760.16
To: 2367-5200-531-460024 Medical/Dental Supplies $500 $20,000 $197.03 $20,197.03
  2367-5200-531-460004 Classroom Supplies $25,000 $20,000 $4,891.69 $24,891.69

Issue: Funds are available in the Payroll and Health Insurance Line Items.

Solution: Approve Line Item Transfer (Budget Amendment) request.

Result: Funds will be available in the Medical/Dental Supplies and Classroom Supplies line items for program use.
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g.   Discussion and possible action to approve, by Order, the following budget amendment (line item transfers) within Grant funds, and any other matters incident thereto: [Requested by Martin Cuellar, Webb County Sheriff's Office; Grant Fund #2604]
  Acct. Number Acct. Name Adopted Request Current End Bal.
From: 2604-2520-001-410000 Payroll $69,478 $24,153.56 $43,351.11 $19,197.55
  2604-2520-001-422000 FICA $5,615 $2,298.61 $3,648.61 $1,350.00
  2604-2520-001-423000 Retirement $8,043 $2,785.23 $4,900.49 $2,115.26
  2604-2520-001-425000 Unemployment $709 $409.99 $528.65 $118.66
  2604-2520-001-426000 Worker's Compensation $1,697 $397.47 $913.41 $515.94
To: 2604-2520-001-432001 Professional Services $36,019.63 $28,044.86 $36,019.63 $64,064.49
  2604-2520-001-421000 Health Insurance $8,479 $2,000 $1,934.70 $3,934.70

Issue: Due to a gap in employment while the current OVW-funded investigator undertook the hiring process, it was forecasted that grant funding would be left remaining by the end of the grant period in the budget categories of payroll and associated fringe benefits. 

Solution: Seek and obtain authorization from the grant funding agency and the county to transfer funds to other needed budget categories in order to use remaining grant funds more optimally. 

Result: The remaining grant funds are now forecasted be utilized.
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h.   Discussion and possible action to approve, by Order, the following budget amendment (line item transfer) within Grant funds. [Requested by Victor Villarreal, County Court at Law 2 Judge]
  Acct. Number Acct. Name Adopted Request Current End Bal.
From: 2356-2070-003-459020 Other Expenses $29,227 $1,500 $29,227 $27,727
To: 2356-2070-003-460105 Minor Tools & Apparatus $0.00 $1,500 $0.00 $1,500

Issue: The DWI Court Program requires necessary equipment and supplies to operate the remainder of the year. To comply with social distancing measures, all the services provided by the court are conducted virtually and or via-phone.

Solution: Purchase two cell phones with a line each from AT&T would assist in the court operations to communicate with all DWI Court Participants.

Result: The DWI Court Program will be able to continue the operations of the program.
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i.   Discussion and possible action to approve, by Order, the following budget amendment (line item transfers) from the Texas Department of Transportation Fund (TxDOT) 3720 County Transportation Infrastructure Fund Grant (CTIF) Contract No. CTIF-01-240. [Requested by Luis Perez Garcia, Engineer]
  Acct. Number Acct. Name Adopted Request Current End Bal.
From: 3720-7230-001-421000 Health Life Insurance $50,050.00 $4,128.00 $46,444.73 $42,316.73
To: 3720-7230-001-410000 Payroll Cost $38,510.40 $3,230.47 $18,421.18 $21,651.65
  3720-7230-001-422000 Fica County Share $2,946.05 $83.57 $1,486.36 $1,569.93
  3720-7230-001-423000 Retirement County Share $4,451.80 $559.71 $2,101.59 $2661.30
  3720-7230-001-425000 Unemployment Tax $265.72 $24.27 $122.19 $146.46
  3720-7230-001-426000 Worker Compensation $2,664.92 $229.98 $1,275.50 $1,505.48

Issue: Webb County is providing in-kind services (as the county cash match) for the CTIF Espejo Gates Road Project. The initial cost provided was an estimate and Payroll funds were distributed accordingly as per Budgets approved in Commissioner Court February 10, 2020.

Solution: As part of CTIF Project closeout phase, reconciliation of fringe benefits line item amounts from original cost estimate to actual cost. This is required by Court Policy but does not impact the Grant; and, therefore, does not require notification to approval by the Funding Agency in accordance with Texas Local Government Code Section 111.07075.

Result: Transfer will reflect actual funds incurred for payroll for this project, maintaining the correct budget balances. Funds will be reimbursed to the County by TxDOT. Finish and balance project's budget for future accountability.
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j.   Discussion and possible action to approve, by Order, the following budget amendment (line item transfers) within Federal Forfeiture Funds. [Requested by Rudy Rodriguez, Constable Pct. 1]
  Acct. Number Acct. Name Adopted Request Current End Bal.
From: 2180-3150-001 Federal Forfeiture   $4,064    
To: 2180-3150-001-413000 Overtime $1,500 $2,233 ($233) $2,000
  2180-3150-001-422000 Fica/Medi $150 $405 $5 $400
  2180-3150-001-423000 Retirement $600 $526 374 $900
  2180-3150-001-425000 Unemployment $20 $494 $6 $500
  2180-3150-001-426000 Worker Comp $50 $406 ($6) $400

Issue: Budget shortfalls.

Solution: Transfer of funds.

Result: Balanced accounts.
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k.   Discussion and possible action to approve, by Order, the following budget amendment (line item transfers) within State Forfeiture Funds. [Requested by Rudy Rodriguez, Constable Pct. 1]
  Acct. Number Acct. Name Adopted Request Current End Bal.
From: 2181-3150-001 State Forfeiture $41,934 $1,800 $41,934 $40,134
To: 2181-3150-001-413000 Overtime $0 $1,200 ($557) $643
  2181-3150-001-425000 Unemployment $200 $300 $131 $431
  2181-3150-001-426000 Workers Comp $500 $300 $180 $480

Issue: Budget shortfalls.

Solution: Transfer of funds.

Result: Balanced budget.
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6.   Budget Officer
a.   Discussion and possible action to approve a payment in the amount of $11,300.00 to De Nora Neptune LLC for equipment rental services related to COVID-19; with additional action to process a budget adjustment to increase the following funding source in the said amount. This expense will be funded from the Emergency Management Plan COVID-19 Fund where 75% of expenses are being considered for reimbursement by federal funding. [Account #2470-7410-001-444500 (Equipment Rental)]

Issue: There is a pending invoice for De Nora Neptune LLC with a balance to pay for services rendered.

Solution: Budget Adjustment will provide funding for this invoice.

Result: Vendor will be paid.
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7.   Casa Blanca Golf Course
a.   Discussion and possible action to ratify, by Order, the following budget amendment (line item transfer) within Golf Course funds:
  Acct. Number Acct. Name Adopted Request Current End Bal.
From: 6080-001-443000-035 Repairs and Maint. Equip. $1,5000 $1,000 $7,951.45 $6,951.45
To: 6080-001-443000-135 Repairs and Maint. Clubhouse $5,000 $1,000 $407.95 $1,407.95

Issue: We didn't have enough in Clubhouse repairs to complete the purchase of paint for the pavement stripping. Remaining funds in the source account should be sufficient for the remainder of the fiscal year.

Solution:Transfer as requested above.

Result: There will be enough funds to procure items needed to complete project.
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b.   Discussion and possible action to ratify, by Order, the following budget amendment (line item transfers) within the Golf Course funds:
  Acct. Number Acct. Name Adopted Request Current End Bal.
From: 7100-6110-001-461005-040 Merchandise COS Accessories $7,900 $1,000 $2,289.81 $1,289.81
To: 7100-6110-001-461005-030 Merchandise COS Shoes $3,900 $1,000 $9.76 $1,009.76
From: 7100-6110-001-461005-025 Merchandise COS Headwear $4,080 $500 $1,105.53 $605.53
To: 7100-6110-001-461005-030 Merchandise COS Shoes $3,700 $500 $1,009.76 $1,509.76

Issue: We have a need to align merchandise cost of sales budget to meet demand for shoe sale.

Solution: Transfer as requested above.

Result: There will be sufficient funds in all budget line items to pay requested items.
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c.   Discussion and possible action to ratify, by Order, the following budget amendment (line item transfers) within the Golf Course funds:
  Acct. Number Acct. Name Adopted Request Current End Bal.
From: 7100-6130-001-458000 Administrative Travel $19,600 $3,000 $8,840.40 $5,840.40
To: 7100-6080-001-443000-155 Repairs & Maint. Irrigation $12,500 $3,000 $259.99 $3,259.99
From: 7100-6130-001-459017 Credit Card Fees $7,048 $2,000 $7,048.00 $5048.00
To: 7100-6080-001-443000-155 Repairs & Maint. Irrigation $12,500 $2,000 3,259.99 $5,259.99

Issue: To supplement the irrigation project there are additional parts and sprinkler heads needed to complete the project in a proper manner. Remaining funds in the source accounts should be sufficient for the remainder of the fiscal year due to travel restrictions and lower revenue impacting credit card fees.

Solution: Transfer as requested above.

Result: There will be sufficient funds in all budget line items to pay requested items.
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d.   Discussion and possible action to ratify, by Order, the following budget amendment (line item transfer) within Golf Course funds:
  Acct. Number Acct. Name Adopted Request Current End Bal.
From: 7100-6130-001-458000 Administrative Travel $19,600 $1,500 $10,340.40 $,8840.40
To: 7100-6080-001-443000-155 Repairs and Maint. Irrigation $5,000 $1,500 $3,117.41 $4,617.41

Issue: To supplement the irrigation project there are additional parts and sprinkler heads to complete the project properly. Remaining funds in the source account should be sufficient for the remainder of the fiscal year due to travel restrictions.

Solution:Transfer as requested above.

Result: There will be sufficient funds in all budget line items to pay requested items.
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8.   Civil Legal Division
a.   Discussion and possible action to enter into a Development Agreement with BayWa R. E. with a financial guarantee (in favor of Webb County) in the amount of THREE HUNDRED FIFTY THOUSAND DOLLARS ($350,000.00) to ensure completion of a Letter of Map Revision (LOMR) for the proposed Corazon Solar Project; and authorizing the County Judge to sign the relevant documents and any other matters incident thereto. Click to View
b.   Discussion and possible action to approve an amendment to the Inter-Governmental Service Agreement (IGSA) Contract 70DCR18DIG000010 (Laredo Processing Center) issued by the federal government in which a new wage determination increased retroactively (beginning July 1, 2019) the fringe benefits for many of the employees at that facility; and authorizing the Webb County Judge to sign all relevant documents and any other matters incident thereto. This will have no impact on the County's General Fund. [Laredo Processing Center; Account #1001-209250-185] Click to View
c.   Discussion and possible action to enter into a One (1) year (May 31, 2020 – May 30, 2021) Program Evaluator Contract between Webb County and La Familia Consulting and Counseling Services for the 406th District Court Adult Drug Court Program, specifically the 406th Veterans Treatment Program, at a cost not to exceed Thirty-Six Thousand Dollars ($36,000); pursuant to Section 262.024 Discretionary Exemptions (A)(4) Professional Services; and any other matters incident thereto. [Account #2351-2040-001-432001 (Grant Funds)]

Issue: According to the National Association for Drug Court Professionals, monitoring and evaluation measure the achievement of program goals and gauge effectiveness and are part of the 10 Key Components that prove to be effective for Drug Court Programs.

Solution: The Program evaluator will monitor the performance and compliance of the project with model fidelity to keep court personnel and all program staff aware of the program standards and issues. This includes preparing and submitting monthly and annual performance reports as required by SAMHSA.

Result: The evaluator will ensure the program is in full compliance with grant requirements to meet goals and objectives for the success of the program.
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d.   Discussion and possible action to approve the execution of a construction contract between Webb County and Southern Trenchless Solutions, LLC., in the amount of $1,116,135.00 pursuant to the Court’s prior approval and award of Buy Board Contract (BBC) No. 555-18 labor & materials pricing w/discount, for the rehabilitation and pump replacement of PHASE I-Webb County Lift Stations #2/Espejo Molina Rd. (2nd Location), Lift Station #4/Paseo De Nubio St.,  & Lift Station #7, Wastewater Plant Main Station, Phase I, Rehabilitation Project, in accordance with the Texas Local Government Code (Cooperative Purchasing Program Participation) and authorizing the Webb County Judge to execute any and all relevant documents; and any other matters incident thereto. [Funding Source Capital Improvement Program under the 2016 Bond, 7220-7270-001-474501] [Requested by Tomas Sanchez, Jr., Director-Webb County Utilities Dept. & Joe Lopez-Director Webb County Purchasing Dept.] Click to View
e.   Discussion and possible action to retain the services of Allison, Bass & Magee, L..P. to represent Webb County and the Sheriff in Cause No. 2020CVF000875D2; Nelda Nuncio v. Webb County, Sheriff Martin Cuellar, John Does #1-30 and any other matters incident thereto; and authorizing the County Judge to sign all relevant documents. Click to View
f.   Discussion and possible action to enter into an architectural services agreement (AIA B101-2017) with Redline Architecture, L.L.C. for design plans for the renovation of the Quad City Fire Station, as awarded by the Commissioners Court in RFQ 2020-004, in the amount of Ten Thousand Dollars ($10,000.00) and any other matters incident thereto; authorizing the County Judge to sign all relevant documents. [Account #1001-1130-001-432-001 (Professional Services)]

Issue: Commissioners Court recognizes the need for additional dormitory and staff space at the Quad City Fire Station.

Solution: Prepare design plans to expand dormitory and staff space into the brush truck bay.

Result: Project will be ready to be bid and remodel the station to provide the needed dormitory and staff space.
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9.   Community Action Agency
a.   Discussion and possible action to authorize the Webb County Commissioners Court to pass a Resolution designating the Honorable Tano E. Tijerina, Webb County Judge and the Honorable Rosaura “Wawi” Tijerina, Webb County Commissioner Precinct 2, as Depository/Authorized Signatories for draw requests for Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs, Self-Help Center Program, Contract Number TBA (will be assigned upon execution of contract). This Resolution will have no impact to the General Fund.

Issue: Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs requires the Commissioner's Court to designate two authorized signatories by Resolution for all reimbursement requests related to the Self-Help Center Program.  A signed copy must be included with grant proposal.

Solution: Pass a resolution that will designate two individuals as authorized signatories for the Self-Help Center Program in order to include as part of the grant proposal package as required by the Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs.
Result: This will ensure that Webb County's grant proposal package is complete and it will allow the county to receive future reimbursements for the Self-Help Center Program.
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b.   Discussion and possible action to authorize the Webb County Commissioners Court to pass a Resolution authorizing the submission of a grant proposal to the Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs Office of Colonia Initiatives for the Self-Help Center Grant Program for funding in an amount not to exceed One Million dollars ($1,000,000), and authorizing the Webb County Judge to sign all relevant contract documents and any other matters incident thereto. There will be no impact to the General fund.
Issue: Resolutions are required from Commissioner’s Court in order to submit the application for re-funding of the Self-Help Center Program. 

Solution: Place the Agenda Item in order to obtain Commissioner’s Court authorization to issue this Resolution.  

Result: The grant application for refunding the Self-Help Center Program will be submitted.
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c.   Discussion and possible action to approve the posting and filling of the following Slot. Webb County Community Action Agency (CAA) Community Social Services Program is not part of the County's Wage Plan, grant funded. 
Slot # Title Hourly Rate
1853 Part- Time Case Worker $10.50

Issue: Vacant Slot #1853 - Part Time Case Worker is currently vacant.

Solution: Post and Fill vacant slot.

Result: Filling of slot will alleviate work overload.
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10.   Commissioners Court
a.   Discussion and possible action to adopt a resolution in support of the creation of a Cultural District to be known as the Laredo Cultural District-Webb County which will include the downtown area of the City of Laredo (being an approximate 0.4 x 0.6 mile sector centered from the Laredo Center for the Arts), the Historic Fort McIntosh College Campus and an approximate two mile strip along San Bernardo Avenue. Click to View
11.   Honorable Rudy Rodriguez, Constable Pct. 1
a.   Discussion with possible action to approve a Memorandum of Understanding between the United States Department of Justice, Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) and Webb County Constable Pct. 1 in the amount $18,649, to expire on September 30, 2020; and any other matters incident thereto. This has no financial impact, as FLSA pay, straight time overtime, and fringe benefits will be paid through federal forfeiture funds.

Issue: Pending ratification of agreement.

Solution: Execution of agreement.

Result: Executed and approved MOU.
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12.   Honorable Victor Villarreal, County Court at Law 2 Judge
a.   Discussion and possible action to approve, by Order, the following budget amendment (line item transfer) within the General fund:
  Acct. Number Acct. Name Adopted Request Current End Bal.
From: 1001-2070-001-461000 Materials & Supplies $5,000 $150 $1,355.77 $1,205.77
To: 1001-2070-001-464005 Books & Subscriptions $1,500 $150 $64.50 $214.50

Issue: Line item transfer is required to cover a pending invoice.

Solution: Approve the line item transfer to cover the amount of the pending invoice.

Result: Invoice will be paid.
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13.   Economic Development
a.   Discussion and possible action to authorize the acceptance of a grant award from the Office of the Texas Attorney General in the amount at $4,550 and as developed, written, and submitted by the Webb County Sheriff's Office for training and equipment/supplies for the Webb County Sheriff’s Office Internet Crimes Against Children (ICAC), and authorizing the County Judge to execute all relevant documents; and any other matters incident thereto. This grant does not require any match; and, thus shall have no impact to the general fund. All required documents were sent for review through the Economic Development Department and the solicitation is compliant with the Webb County Single Point of Contact (SPOC) procedures. [Requested by Martin Cuellar, Webb County Sheriff] 
Issue: The psychological, emotional, and physical damage caused by child predators and inflicted on innocent victims, their families, and communities can be deeply destructive and have far-reaching consequences that can last a lifetime. Furthermore, throughout the United States, criminal cases built against child predators can be extremely complex, technologically challenging, and legally complicated.
Solution: The Webb County Sheriff’s Office cybercrimes law enforcement unit has successfully worked with multiple federal, state, and local law enforcement agencies, including the Office of the Attorney General, to arrest child predators in the Laredo/Webb County area. Grant application to supplement the successful endeavors of the Webb County Sheriff’s Office cyber crimes against children task force to protect the children and youth of the Laredo/Webb County community against child predation.

Result: The Webb County Sheriff’s Office will continue to enhance its ability to work proactively not only to catch individual child predators, but to produce an overall inhospitable environment for cyber crimes against children in Laredo/Webb County for the further prevention of child predation in our community.
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b.   Discussion and possible action to approve the acceptance of grant funding for the payroll and related fringe benefits for Two (2) High Intensity Drug Trafficking Area (HIDTA) Investigator positions working for the Webb County Sheriff’s Office and specifically assigned to the Laredo Police Department Task Force in the amount of $132,390, including $119,589 grant and $12,801 cash match for FY 2020 for the performance period effective January 1, 2020 through December 31, 2020. All required documents were sent for review through the Economic Development Department and the solicitation is compliant with the Webb County Single Point of Contact (SPOC) procedures. This includes an estimated cash match of $12,801 for some applicable fringe benefits, which shall be requested during the budget process during the forthcoming fiscal year.  [Requested by Martin Cuellar, Webb County Sheriff's Office; Account #2906 (Grant Revenue)]

Issue: HIDTA is a multi-agency task force that continues to gather intelligence and disrupts the illicit flow of narcotics and money laundering activities along the South Texas Border region.  South Texas HITDA is an alliance of over 57 federal, state, and local law enforcement agencies working together to combat drug trafficking and related crimes.

Solution: For the Webb County Sheriff's Office to continue supporting HIDTA by employing grant funded investigators and continue coordinated efforts with other law enforcement agencies to push forward the mission and goals of the South Texas HIDTA task force.

Result: The Webb County Sheriff's Office will continue to employ two (2) HIDTA funded investigators who will actively participate and help the task force fight against the continued flow of illicit drugs and related crime within the South Texas region.
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c.   Discussion and possible action to approve the submission of a Coronavirus Emergency Supplemental grant application to the Office of the Governor, Public Safety Office Criminal Justice Division in the amount estimated at $25,000, for overtime, to assist the District Attorney’s Office in its continued effort to prevent, prepare for, and respond to the coronavirus in Webb/Zapata Counties. This formal request shall authorize the County Judge to act as the County's Executive Officer and Authorized Representative in all matters pertaining to the County's participation in this grant. There is no cash match requirement for this grant; All required documents were sent for review through the Economic Development Department and the solicitation is compliant with the Webb County Single Point of Contact (SPOC) procedures. Contract Term: February 1, 2020 to January 31, 2021. [Requested by Isidro "Chilo" Alaniz, District Attorney]

Covid-19 represents a public health disaster within the meaning of Chapter 81 of the Texas Health and Safety Code. This virus has affected millions of people’s way of living and has devastated the growth of our local economy. 

Solution: The Office of the Governor has provided a funding opportunity to combat the spread of COVID-19. These resources will allow The 49th Judicial District Attorney’s Office Criminal Investigative Division (CID) to conduct law enforcement operations in Webb and / or Zapata County in effort to reduce the spread of COVD-19. The main objective will be, but is not limited to enforcing laws and to educate business’s and the public of any violation of the restrictions and obligations set forth by Governor Gregg Abbott that identify unique threats to the safety and security of its residents.

Result: The District Attorney’s Office will have the opportunity to received additional resources to continue its efforts in combating the spread of COVID-19 thru enforcement and education; thus reducing the risk of further infections in the community.
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d.   Discussion and possible action to authorize the acceptance of Year 2, FY 2020-2021 for the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) Grant award, grant number 5 H79 TI081929-02 in the amount of $400,000, which will allow the continuation of the services currently being provided by the 406th Veterans Treatment Program and authorizing the Webb County Judge to execute all relevant documents, and any other matters incident thereto. There are no matching funds required. All required documents were sent for review through the Economic Development Department and the were found in compliance with the Webb County Single Point of Contact (SPOC) procedures. [Requested by Ramiro Hernandez, 406th Veterans Treatment Program; Grant Fund 2352]

Issue: The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration has been authorized to award up to 5 years ($400,000 /year), to fund and support Veterans Treatment Courts in order to address the needs of veteran participants and their families.

Solution: Securing funding through grant awards to enable continuance of services to veterans in the 406th District Court’s Veterans Treatment Program and regional services.

Result: Enabling the 406th Veterans Treatment Program to continue to provide services and/or enhance the services currently being provided.
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e.   Discussion and possible action for submission of a Texas Department of Agriculture Texas Community Development Block Grant Emergency SHC Opportunity - Emergency Services Help for Colonias Program Application for the Webb County Community Action Agency-Self Help Center in the amount of TWO-HUNDRED THIRTY THOUSAND DOLLARS ($230,000.00). This grant does NOT require a County Match. All required documentation has been submitted for review to the Economic Development Department and the solicitation is compliant with Webb County Single Point of Contact (SPOC) procedures. No impact to the General Fund.

Issue: CAA Self Help Center is a grant funded agency. Texas Department of Agriculture-TxCDBG Emergency Services-Help for Colonias Program identified the Webb County Community Action Agency as a possible recipient for additional funding to be made available for Colonia residents needing Housing assistance and/or Assistance for Food and Other Needs during COVID-19 pandemic.

Solution: This grant will allow Colonia residents to receive a maximum of $2,000.00 in grant funds per family.

Result: If approved, funding would allow Self Help Center to expand assistance to Colonias throughout Webb County, Texas and provide housing assistance for up to three months of mortgage expenses and/or assistance for food and other needs for up to three months with a maximum worth of $2,000.00 per family eligible having experienced an income reduction as a result of public health restrictions.
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14.   Fire Suppression & EMS Services
a.   Discussion and possible action to approve, by Order, the following budget amendment (line item transfer) within the General fund; the expense will be reimbursed contingent upon the acceptance of the Rural Volunteer Fire Department Assistance Program (HB 2604) :
  Acct. Number Acct. Name Adopted Request Current End Bal.
From: 1001-3140-001-458000 Administrative Travel $1,750 $3,000 $3,079.75 $79.75
To: 1001-3140-001-456205 Training & Education $1,250 $3,000 $1,250.00 $4,250.00

Issue: Transfer of funds is required to cover projected training cost at Kilgore College for volunteer personnel to attend basic fire suppression training.

Solution: Approval of line item transfer to cover projected expenses.

Result: Line items will have sufficient funds, and personnel will be provided with online and hands-on skills training.
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15.   Purchasing
a.   Discussion and possible action to authorize the Purchasing Agent to solicit formal bids for the following contracts for fiscal year 2020-2021.
Annual Contract for Outdoor Advertising
Annual Contract for Auto Parts
Annual Contract for Auto, Truck, Bus & Heavy Equipment Mechanical Repairs
Annual Contract for Electrical Repair Service for Webb County Vehicles
Annual Contract for Electrical Supplies
Annual Contract for Flexible Base
Annual Contract for Fuel & Lubricants for Webb County Vehicles
Annual Contract for Janitorial Supplies
Annual Contract for Machine Shop Repair
Annual Contract for Milk, Bread, Meat
Annual Contract for Motor Rewinds
Annual Contract for Office Supplies
Annual Contract for Paint, Body Work & Decals for Webb County Vehicles
Annual Contract for Pharmaceutical Supplies
Annual Contract for Processed Foods
Annual Contract for Produce
Annual Contract for Refuse Collection
Annual Contract for Uniforms (Civilian Personnel Only)
Annual Contract for Water Plant Chemicals
Issue: The contracts listed above are set to expire 09/30/2020.
Solution: Authorize the Purchasing Agent to solicit formal bids.
Result: Annual Contracts will provide stable, lowest available and cost efficient prices from responsible bidders for Webb County.
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b.   Discussion and possible action to authorize the Purchasing Agent to process surplus and/or salvage property in accordance with the Texas Local Government Code, Section 263-152 (Disposition) and to publish notice to public as per Local Government Code Section 263.153 (Notice) for surplus and/or salvage property being auctioned. 

Issue: Excess county property that either is salvage property that has no value for the purpose it was originally intended for and/or surplus property that is no longer needed by the department and could be transferred for use by another county department or auctioned online to the general public and/or donated as permitted by law. 

Solution: Attempt to sell the county surplus or salvage property by public auction, dispose or destroy property that cannot be sold through auction because it has deemed worthless or dispose through a recycling program under which property is collected, separated, or processed and returned to use in the form of raw materials of new products. 

Result: Process all surplus or salvage property in accordance with state law and Webb County Procurement Policy.
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c.   Discussion and possible action to authorize the purchase of replacement parts for a Bosch MIC 9000I PTZ Thermal Camera to include software and firmware updates, configuration to server, client vehicle, network and training / testing and associated warranty-support for 30 days from Turn-Key Mobile, Inc. in an amount not to exceed $49,999.41 for the Webb County Sheriff’s Office in accordance with the Texas Local Government Code, Sub-Chapter G. (Purchases From Federal Schedule Sources of Supply) and any other matters incident thereto. [Requested by Sheriff Martin Cuellar; Account #2467-3010-001-470000 FY 2019 Operation Stonegarden (OPSG)]
Issue: Through a grant, funding is allocated for the purchase of needed repairs, upgrades, equipment, and maintenance to be utilized for multi-jurisdictional law enforcement operations in the border communities of Webb County, Texas.
Solution: Proceed with the purchase of said items.
Result:  Supplemental border security enhancements will be acquired for the enhanced safety of border area and the general public.
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d.   Discussion and possible action to authorize the purchase of two (2) Vector Cameras and two (2) TraffiCatch hardware to include annual cloud server, license and user access to Traffidata from Jenoptik in an amount not to exceed $62,268.00 for the Webb County Sheriff’s Office in accordance with the Texas Local Government Code, Section 262.024 (Discretionary Exemptions)(7)(A) Patents & Copyrights and any other matters incident thereto. [Requested by Sheriff Martin Cuellar; Account #2467-3010-001-443000-035; FY 2019 Operation Stonegarden (OPSG)]
Issue: Through a grant, funding is allocated for the purchase of needed repairs, upgrades, equipment, and maintenance to be utilized for multi-jurisdictional law enforcement operations in the border communities of Webb County, Texas.
Solution: Proceed with the purchase of said items.
Result: Supplemental border security enhancements will be acquired for the enhanced safety of border area and the general public.
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e.   Discussion and possible action to authorize the purchase of two (2) Vector LPR Trailers with Dome Surveillance Cameras from Jenoptik in an amount not to exceed $97,000.00 for the Webb County Sheriff’s Office in accordance with the Texas Local Government Code, Section 262.024 (Discretionary Exemptions)(7)(A) Patents & Copyrights and any other matters incident thereto. [Requested by Sheriff Martin Cuellar; Account #2467-3010-001-470000 FY 2019 Operation Stonegarden (OPSG)]
Issue: Through a grant, funding is allocated for the purchase of needed repairs, upgrades, equipment, and maintenance to be utilized for multi-jurisdictional law enforcement operations in the border communities of Webb County, Texas.
Solution: Proceed with the purchase of said items.
Result: Supplemental border security enhancements will be acquired for the enhanced safety of border area and the general public.
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f.   Discussion and possible action to approve, by Order, the following budget amendment (line item transfer) within the General Fund. [Requested by Joe Lopez, Purchasing Agent]
  Acct. Number Acct. Name Adopted Request Current End Bal.
From: 1001-1310-001-443000-075 Repairs & Maint. Vehicle $4,000 $58 $3,525.00 $3,467.00
To: 1001-1310-001-464010 Dues & Memberships $450 $58 $42.75 $100.75

Issue: Department is in need to pay the State of Texas Cooperative Purchasing Program (CO-OP) Annual Membership Participation Fee
Solution: Approve budget amendment to have funds available in order to pay the annual membership fee.

Result: The annual membership participation fee can be paid once line item transfer is approved.
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g.   Discussion and possible action to authorize the Purchasing Agent to solicit Requests for Qualifications for Professional Engineering Services for the Mirando City Water Well Project for the design, preparation of construction documents and project oversight throughout the duration of the project in accordance with the Texas Government Code; Chapter 2254 (Professional Services Procurement Act) and any other matters incident thereto. [Account #1001-1160-001-463904-015 (Mirando Water Well)]
Issue: The Mirando City Water Supply Corporation has had numerous "deficiency findings" by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality.

Solution: An increase in water volume by drilling an additional water well and water well system improvements for the Mirando City Water Supply Corporation will address this deficiency finding as per the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality.

Result: The performance of the water system improvements for the Mirando City Water Supply Corporation will address this deficiency finding.
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16.   Honorable Martin Cuellar, Sheriff
a.   Discussion and possible action to approve, by Order, the following budget amendment (line item transfers) within the General fund:
  Acct. Number Acct. Name Adopted Request Current End Bal.
From: 1001-4070-001-450001-035 Contract Services Maverick $100,000 $28,332 $33,332 $5,000
  1001-4070-001-450001-020 Contract Services Zapata $100,000 $86,320 $91,320 $5,000
  1001-3010-001-458000 Administrative Travel $20,000 $6,400 $17,990.29 $11,590.29
  1001-4070-001-454000  Advertising  $0.00 $1,700 $1,700 $0.00
To: 1001-4070-001-441505 Trash Pickup $9,270 $8,100 $1,170 $9,270
  1001-3010-001-413000-010 Overtime CBA $35,000 $57,326 $22,735.85 $80,061.85
  1001-4070-001-413000-010 Overtime CBA $35,000 $57,326 $19,679.72 $77,005.72

Issue: Trashco went up in price since the jail needs more pick-ups during the week. Business office needs to encumber payments from April – September. Overtime accounts needs more funds since officers are working more overtime during this pandemic.

Solution: Seeking authorization from court to transfer money so that Trashco payments can continue and cover overtime payments.

Result: Funds will be available to proceed with payments for all 3 accounts.
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Community Action Agency
17.   Discussion and possible action to authorize following Self-Help Center vehicles for replacement under the County’s vehicle leasing program and issue an exemption to the minimum 90,000 mile requirement if necessary; and any other matters incident thereto.
Year Unit Make/Model Mileage
2001 3201 Ford 8 Passanger Van 82,708
2003 3202 Ford Pick-up F350 37,222
2003 3205 Ford Pick -up truck F150 89,349
2004 3203 Ford Econoline Van 15 Passanger 62,693

Issue: The Community Action Agency Self-Help Center Program has a dire need to replace the vehicles in their fleet.  The existing vehicles pose a safety risk and are not economically feasible to keep operational. The Self-Help Center plans to expand its services and is in need of safe and reliable vehicles to carry out its day to day operations. The vehicles to be replaced are 16-19 years old.
Solution: Authorize the vehicles to be replaced with leased vehicles.
Result: Self Help Center will be able to carry out day- to-day operations safely.
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18.   Discussion and possible action to approve, by Order, the following budget amendment (line item transfers) within the General Fund:
  Acct. Number Acct. Name Adopted Request Current End Bal.
From: 1001-1130-001-431007-010 Operational Reserve   $29,932.32    
To: 1001-1010-001-461000 Materials & Supplies $6,500 $5,986.47 $3,499.83 $9,486.30
  1001-1310-001-460105 Minor Tools & Apparatus $6,000 $23,945.85  $477.81 $24,423.66

Issue: Budget line item transfer is needed to cover emergency purchase of surface pros for staff to be able to perform all other responsibilities while working remotely due to current circumstances and in order to prevent COVID-19 exposure.  Purchase order were issued and budgeted expenditure account is pending to process payment.

Solution: With court approval of line item transfer, proper budgeted expenditure accounts will have the funds necessary to process payment.

Result: There will be sufficient funds to pay for items in a timely manner.
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Civil Legal Division
19.   Public Hearing on the adoption of 2020 Tax Abatement Guidelines. Public Hearing is required for the adoption of Tax Abatement Guidelines and Criteria pursuant to Texas Tax Code, §312.002 (c-1), Chapter 312 Property Redevelopment and Tax Abatement Act.

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20.   Discussion and possible action to adopt a Resolution establishing the 2020 Tax Abatement Guidelines and Criteria and any other matters incident thereto. Click to View
21.   Discussion and possible action to adopt a Resolution acknowledging the need to cross Wormser Road at Cuatro Vientos Drive and Guaymas Avenue and imposing no objection thereto, and any matters incident thereto. Click to View
22.   Discussion and possible action to approve the Order of Democratic Primary Runoff Election and to authorize and establish the Main and Temporary Branch Early Voting Polling Sites and Election Day Sites for the July 14, 2020 Democratic Primary Runoff Elections within Webb County, Texas pursuant to Chapter 85, Texas Election Code. Click to View
Emergency Management
23.   Discussion with possible action to permanently fund the position of Emergency Management Coordinator for the remainder of the fiscal year in an amount not to exceed $40,000, with additional action to process a line item transfer from Account #1001-1130-001-431007-005 (Payroll Reserve); and any other matters incident thereto. Salary shall be in line with all entry-level positions relative to County department heads.  [Sponsored by Webb County Judge Tano E. Tijerina] Click to View
24.   Discussion and possible action to purchase a UV Light System and Filter System for the Three (3) downtown county buildings (County Courthouse, Justice Center, Administration Building); and any other matters incident thereto.

Issue: A new filter system for county buildings is needed as a result of the COVID-19 global pandemic. 

Solution: The purchase of the new system will create a safe and clean environment for count employees as they return to the workplace.

Result: Employee will be safe and comfortable as they return to work.
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25.   Discussion and possible action to approve Contract Amendment #4 (AIA Document G802-2007) in the amount of $29,004.00 to Ausland Architects and Metaform Studio for the Webb County Youth Village Rehabilitation Center Project. This Amendment to the Professional Services Contract is based on the seven and a half percent (7.5%) of the final construction cost of the Four Million Seventy-Two Thousand Nine Hundred Twenty-Seven Dollars and Ninety Cents ($4,072,927.90) as amended by Change Order No. 01, approved by Webb County Commissioner Court on December 9, 2019 to Summit Building and Design, and authorize the Webb County Judge to execute all relevant documents; and further authorize the transfer of funds from Fund 3095-Interest Income 2006: $850.00, Fund 3200-Interest Income 2013: $19,058.00, Fund 1001-General Fund-Operational Reserve: $29,984.00; and any other matters incident thereto. [Accounts #3140-2450-001-470000-030 (Capital Outlay) & #3115-2450-001-47000 (Capital Outlay)]

Issue: Additional A/E Fee for Professional Design Services as a result of Change Order #01 to the Youth Village Rehabilitation Project. At this time the Auditor's Department is requesting to allocate funds int he amount of $30,000.00 (included in transfer) for Contingency funds already approved for the Construction Project as approved on December 9, 2019.

Solution: Approve Contract Amendment No. 04, based on the 7.5% of final construction cost. This line item transfer will cover Amendment and Contingency amount of Construction contract.

Result: Ausland Architects in association with Metaform Studio Architects, look forward to realizing the completion of this important project for Webb County.
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26.   Discussion and possible action to accept the rankings as listed below for Request For Qualifications (RFQ) 2020-009 "Owner's Representative for the Webb County Fairgrounds” and to further authorize the Purchasing Agent to schedule public interviews with the top three (3) highest ranking firms and any other matters incident thereto. [2020A Bond Series]
Company Name  Ranking 
Gilpin Engineering Company 2
Isaias Electric Inc.  7
JHS Architect Inc. 4
Marc Taylor Inc.  3
Project Control of Texas  1
WT Partnership  6
Zero Six Consulting LLC  5

Issue: The Webb County Fairgrounds project is estimated to cost $45 million to include new construction and renovations to existing facilities. The Court is requesting an independent firm to oversee the process from beginning to end and provide frequent reports and recommendations as the project develops. The Owners representative will provide oversight and report on any recommendations, discrepancies and progress of design, construction and all other components of the construction such as compliance and project estimates being recommended by general contractor and design team to reach a guaranteed maximum price.
Solution: Accept the rankings as submitted by the Scoring Committee and select the top three (3) highest ranking firms to be interviewed at a future meeting by Commissioner Court.
Result: Secure approval to schedule firm interviews to be conducted by Commissioners Court at a later date.
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Honorable Mike Villarreal, Constable Pct. 2
27.   Discussion and possible action to approve the creation of a new Federal Fund for the Constables Office Precinct 2 to deposit forfeiture funds from the Untied States Department of Treasury and the United States Department of Justice; and any other matters incident thereto.

Issue: The Webb County Constable's Precinct 2 is eligible to receive funds from Home Land Security into the Equitable Sharing Program. Currently, Constable Pct. 2 does not have a designated account for Federal Funds.  Account is needed to receive Federal ACH payments.

Solution: Create an account to have separate accounting for Federal Funds.

Result: With Commissioner Court approval of the account, future Federal Funds will be direct ACH payments.
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Budget Officer
28.   Consideration and approval of an order amending and restating an order authorizing the issuance of "Webb County, Texas Tax Notes, Series 2020"; authorizing a bond purchase agreement and paying Agent/Registrar agreement; and any other matters related thereto. Click to View
29.   Discussion and possible action to approve, by Order, the following budget amendment by increasing Fund 2470 FEMA Disaster Assistance, which exceeds the Budget Officers $10,000 threshold, in respond to COVID-19 emergency pandemic; and any other matters incident thereto.
Account Number Account Name Increase
2470-7410-001-461000 Materials & Supplies $30,000
2470-7410-001-444500 Equipment Rentals $10,000
2470-7410-001-460105 Minor Tools & Apparatus $10,000

Issue: Due to Coronavirus COVID-19 pandemic, personal protective equipment is greatly needed and must be ordered as soon as possible.

Solution: Placing order to secure supplies as soon as possible,

Result: Will provide Webb County with the required protection in order to deal with Coronavirus COVID-19.
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Honorable John C. Galo, Webb County Commissioner Pct. 3
30.   Discussion and possible action to rescind the court’s previous action allowing the Risk Management department to fill the Administrative Secretary position (Slot #2319, Grade 10) and authorize instead the transfer of existing position Warehouse Inventory Technician (Slot #1375, Grade 12), with employee to the Risk Management department; and any other matters incident thereto. Click to View
Closed Session/Executive Session
31.   Status report with possible action on automobile accident which occurred on June 4, 2019 involving a Webb County employee. [Executive Session/Closed Session may be requested pursuant to Texas Government Code §551.071, Consultation with Attorney, pending or contemplated litigation] Click to View
32.   Status report by outside counsel with discussion and possible action regarding Cynthia Mares v. Webb County, Texas Case No. 5-18-cv-00121 in the United States District Court. [Executive Session/Closed Session may be requested pursuant to Texas Government Code §551.071, Consultation with Attorney, pending or contemplated litigation] Click to View
33.   Presentation with discussion and possible action regarding the proposed Detox Facility and the Bruni Health Facility and any other matters incident thereto. [Requested by Tano E. Tijerina, County Judge] [Co-Sponsored by Commissioner Rosaura "Wawi" Tijerina, Pct. 2] Click to View
34.   Communications
35.   Adjourn
The Webb County Commissioners Court hereby reserves the right to go into closed session at any time during this public meeting, if such is requested by the County Attorney or other legal counsel for the County, pursuant to his or her duty under Section 551.071(2) of the Government Code, to consult privately with his or her client on an item on the agenda, or on a matter arising out of such item.

Persons with disabilities who plan to attend this meeting and who may need auxiliary aid of service such as interpreters for persons who are deaf or hearing impaired, readers, or need large print are requested to contact the court administrator at (956) 523-4622.


By: ______________________________
Melinda Mata
Court Administrator


I, the undersigned, County Clerk, do hereby certify that the above notice of meeting of the Webb County Commissioners Court, is a true and correct copy of said notice, and that I posted a true and correct copy of said notice on the bulletin board at the Courthouse door of Webb County, Texas, at a place readily accessible to the general public at all times on the ____ day of May, 2020 and said notice remained so posted continuously for at least 72 hours preceding the scheduled time of said meeting.



BY: ______________________________________________
      Margie Ramirez-Ibarra, County Clerk


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