OCTOBER 26, 2015
9:00 a.m.

1.   Roll Call by Honorable Margie Ramirez-Ibarra, Webb County Clerk
2.   Pledge of Allegiance
3.   Approval of Minutes for October 13, 2015
4.   Approval of Bills, Payroll, and Monthly Report
5.   Public Comment - This section provides the public the opportunity to address the Commissioners Court on any items on the Agenda. Members of the public wishing to participate must complete a Witness Card specifying which agenda item they wish to comment on. Each public member will be allowed a total of Three (3) minutes within which to make any/all public comments.
Honorable Tano E. Tijerina, Webb County Judge
6.   Discussion and possible action to adopt a Resolution to appoint two commissioners court representatives to the South Texas Development Council for the period covering October 1, 2015 through September 30, 2016 and approve payment to South Texas Development Council for membership dues in the amount of $2,262.30 for the period covering October 1, 2015 through September 30, 2016; and any other matters incident thereto. [Account #001-0200-6007 (Dues & Membership)]
Honorable Frank J. Sciaraffa, Webb County Commissioner Pct. 1
7.   Discussion and possible action to authorize the Purchasing Department to work with Engineering and county staff to solicit a Request for Proposals (RFP’s) for a soccer field project to be located on county property adjacent to the Las Presas Community Center; and any other matters incident thereto. [Funding source, Account #635 (La Presa Community Center 2010)] 
8.   Presentation by Raul Reyes, El Cenizo Mayor, regarding a proposed Library/Learning Center for the City of El Cenizo in partnership with Webb County; with discussion and possible action to authorize the county attorney’s office to prepare a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) or interlocal agreement between the county and the City of Cenizo for completion of this project; and any other matters incident thereto.
Honorable Rosaura “Wawi” Tijerina, Webb County Commissioner Pct. 2
9.   Discussion and possible action to accept grant award for the Community Services Block Grant Program (CSBG) from the Texas Department of Housing & Community Affairs (TDHCA) for Program Year 2016, in the amount of FOUR HUNDRED AND EIGHTY EIGHT THOUSAND FOUR HUNDRED THIRTY-NINE DOLLARS ($488,439.00), 2016 CSBG Community Action Plan (CAP) and authorizing the County Judge to sign all relevant documents. [Requested by Mr. Ricardo D. Martinez, Community Action Agency Director]

Issue: Accept grant award for the Community Services Block Grant for program year 2016 from the Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs.

Solution: Funding will be use for eligible families of Webb County.

Result: Be in compliance with the State funding agency.  
Commissioners Court Administrator
10.   Discussion  and possible action to authorize the Purchasing Department to solicit a public Request for Qualifications (RFQ’s) for an engineering consultant to supplement efforts performed by the City of Laredo's existing transportation engineer on the Hachar Parkway project.  Efforts will be coordinated with the cities consultant to supplement the production of a single environmental document, schematic, and related work to be submitted to TxDOT for approval. Tasks include an environmental assessment, route alignment and schematic on the extension of a new location roadway across Reuthinger property located North of “N.D. Hachar tract and West of I.H. 35” for the continuation of the proposed Hachar Parkway to I.H. 35; with further action to approve that the county will be adopting the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) Professional Engineering Procurement Services (PEPS) Contracting: Consultant Selection Process (March 2015) in its entirety  for this project; and any other matters incident thereto. [Requested by Tano E. Tijerina, County Judge and Jaime A. Canales, Commissioner Pct. 4 ]

11.   Discussion and possible action to transfer and allocate county personnel savings funds for the month of September 2015, in the amount of Six Hundred Thousand Dollars ($600,000), into Account #603-0101-8801 (Capital Outlay) and Account #604-0101-8103 (Building Improvement); and any other matters incident thereto.
12.   Discussion and possible action by Resolution of the Webb County Commissioners Court to cast all of Webb County Commissioners Court’s 956 votes for (Name of Individual(s) Listed on the Ballot and Number of Votes) as Webb County Commissioners Court’s action to appoint member(s) to the Webb County Appraisal District Board of Directors for the 2016-2017 term as per Section 6.033 of the Texas Property Tax Code. [Requested by Martin Villarreal, Webb County Chief Appraiser]
13.   Discussion and possible action to authorize the county attorney’s office to review the current Casa Blanca Golf Course management contract in place with Southern Golf Properties, Inc. and the county in an effort to amend, if necessary, the terms of the contract with regards to golf course maintenance and upkeep; and any other matters incident thereto. 

Honorable Marco Montemayor, County Attorney
14.   Discussion and possible action to accept the dedication of Fifteen (15) roadway right-of-way easements out of Ranchitos Los Centenarios subdivision, and to authorize the County Judge to execute all relevant documents; and any other matters incident thereto. [Requested by Luis Perez Garcia, County Engineer]
Grantor    Lot Dedication
1. Juan A. and WF Elda Garza  5 0.033 Acres
2. 8A Construction, LLC. by Jose Luis Ochoa    8 0.033 Acres
3. Jorge A. Paniagua and WF Martha Navarette Paniagua   22 0.034 Acres
4. Edgar Paul Rodriguez and Jessica Iveth Rodriguez   27 0.034 Acres
5. Guadalupe and Ofelia Garcia 44 0.034 Acres
6. Teresa Cruz and Maria Teresa Cruz 50 0.192 Acres
7. Daisie Ann Lopez, ETAL     52 0.034 Acres
8. Rosalba Guerrero, Trustee  65 0.034 Acres
9. Andrea Cabrera Ramos and Gerardo Cabrera  67 0.124 Acres
10. Flora E.Cedillo C., ETAL 96 0.034 Acres
11. Flora E. Cedillo  C., ETAL   97 0.094 Acres
12. Ana Laura Arredondo 100 0.035 Acres
13. Ana Laura Arredondo  101 0.034 Acres
14. Jesus Ibarra Lizarraga  109 0.024 Acres
15. Jesus Ibarra Lizarraga   110 0.024 Acres
15.   Discussion and possible action for Webb County to enter into a One (1) year (November 1, 2015 through October 31, 2016) lease agreement extension with the Laredo Housing Authority regarding lease space located at 2801 Ireland St., Laredo, Texas (Magic Corner Head Start Center) at a monthly cost of SIX HUNDRED FIFTY DOLLARS ($650.00) and a total cost of SEVEN THOUSAND EIGHT HUNDRED DOLLARS ($7,800) over the term of the agreement and authorizing the County Judge to execute all relevant documents; and any other matters incident thereto. [Requested by Aliza Oliveros, Webb County Head Start Director; Account #903-4207-6012]
16.   Discussion and possible action for Webb County to enter into a One (1) year (November 1, 2015 through October 31, 2016) lease agreement extension with the Laredo Housing Authority regarding lease space located at 6500 Springfield Avenue, Laredo, Texas (Springfield Acres Head Start) at a monthly cost of FIVE HUNDRED FIFTY DOLLARS ($550.00) and a total cost of SIX THOUSAND SIX HUNDRED DOLLARS ($6,600) over the term of the agreement and authorizing the County Judge to execute all relevant documents; and any other matters incident thereto.[Requested by Aliza Oliveros, Webb County Head Start Director; Account #903-4207-6012]
17.   Discussion and possible action for Webb County to enter into a month to month Storage Rental Agreement with Store It All Storage-Del Norte at a monthly cost of ONE HUNDRED FORTY-NINE DOLLARS ($149.00) with a one time administrative fee of FIFTEEN DOLLARS ($15.00) and authorizing the County Judge to execute all relevant documents; and any other matters incident thereto. [Requested by Ricardo David Martinez, Webb County Community Action Agency Executive Director; Account #920-4202-6012 (Space Rental)]  
18.   Discussion and possible action to enter into a Forty-Eight (48) month (October 27, 2015 through October 26, 2019) Lease with Maintenance Agreement between Toshiba Business Solutions and the Webb County 111th District Court for a Toshiba E-Studio 6570CT and a Lexmark XN3150 Laser MFP at a cost of Two Hundred Eighty-Five Dollars and Six Cents ($285.06) per month for a total amount of Thirteen Thousand Six Hundred Eighty-Two Dollars and Eighty-Eight cents ($13,682.88) over the term of the agreement, pursuant to Texas Local Government Code, Subchapter F., Cooperative Purchasing Program; Sections 271.101 and 271.102, Contract No. DIR-TSO-3042, subject to annual budget appropriating and authorizing the County Judge to sign and execute all relevant documents. [Requested by Judge Monica Notzon, 111th District Court Judge; Account #001-1002-6402] 
19.   Discussion and possible action to enter into a Forty-Eight (48) month (October 27, 2015 through October 26, 2019) Lease with Maintenance Agreement between Toshiba Business solutions and the Webb County Child Protection Court for a Toshiba E-Studio 457 at a cost of One Hundred Nineteen Dollars and Ninety Four Cents ($119.94) per month for a total amount of Five Thousand Seven Hundred Fifty-Seven Dollars and Twelve Cents ($5,757.12) over the term of the agreement, pursuant to Texas Local Government Code, Subchapter F., Cooperative Purchasing Program; Sections 271.101 and 271.102, Contract No. DIR-TSO-3042, subject to annual budget appropriating and authorizing the County Judge to sign and execute all relevant documents. [Requested by Judge Selina Mireles, Webb County Child Protection Court; Account #603-0101-8801 (Capital Outlay)]
20.   Discussion and possible action to enter into a Forty-Eight (48) month (October 27, 2015 through October 26, 2019) Lease with Maintenance agreement between Toshiba Business Solutions and the Webb County Judge's Office for a Toshiba E-Studio 6560CT at a cost of Two Hundred Fifty-Two Dollars and Eighty-One Cents ($252.81) per month for a total amount of Twelve Thousand One Hundred Thirty-Four Dollars and Eighty Eight Cents ($12,134.88) over the term of the agreement, pursuant to Texas Local Government Code, Subchapter F., Cooperative Purchasing Program; Sections 271.101 and 271.102, Contract No. DIR-TSO-3042, subject to annual budget appropriating and authorizing the County Judge to sign and execute all relevant documents. [Requested by Tano E. Tijerina, Webb County Judge; Account #001-0200-6405 (Equipment Maintenance)]
Honorable Esther Degollado, District Clerk
21.   Discussion and possible action to adjust the salary of Slot #1889, Systems Analyst, from Grade 21/G ($55,643.76) to Grade 21/J ($57,756.59).
Issue: The system analyst Sot #1889 is currently on Grade 21/G; however, the wage scale adopted by the Commissioner's Court allows the elected official to move the slot up to ten steps to 21/J. This requires C Ct approval.
Solution: Adjusting the salary would be in accordance with the wage scale adopted by the Commissioner's Court.
Result: It would place the System Analyst in the proper grade and step without the need to resign and reapply for the same position.
Honorable Monica Notzon, 111th District Court Judge
22.   Discussion and possible action to authorize the Building Maintenance department to secure the offices for the Honorable Selina Mireles, newly appointed Judge of the Child Protective Court by purchasing and installing a door Monitor Security System; and any other matters incident thereto. Action may include authorizing the Purchasing department to request quotes for the costs associated with purchasing and installing this system, as well as identifying a funding source.

Issue: Current offices for the Cluster can be accessed by the public and current security measures are non-existent for the Judges' Chambers.  In the previously approved request, item included two bookcases, after doing the walk-through with Building Maintenance it was discussed that six book cases had just been removed from an office and could be re-used for the Judges' Chambers.

Solution: Purchase Security System for office entry.

Result: Secure funding for items to be purchased.
Honorable Hugo Martinez, County Court at Law 1 Judge
23.   Discussion and possible action to change the title for Slot #0393 and Slot #2324 from Warrant Officer to Court Coordinator. 

Issue: The job title does not reflect the duties that individuals are performing. Furthermore, It is also not the responsibility of the court to arrest individuals and so the court should not be handling warrant officer duties. 

Solution: Change the titles in order to reflect their assigned duties.

Result: If this change is approved it wil be a true reflection of the coordinators duties and responsibilities to the court. 
Honorable Hector Liendo, Justice of the Peace Pct. 1 Pl. 1
24.   Discussion and possible action to approve the posting and filling of the following Slot, there will be no fiscal impact on budget, postion already exists in yearly budget and any applicable Civil Service guidelines, effective October 26, 2015:

Slot # Title Hourly Rate
2352 Court Clerk $13.90 10/A-E
Honorable Rudy Rodriguez, Constable Pct. 1
25.   Discussion and possible action to accept and approve the terms of the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) authorized by the Juvenile Board of Judges on October 7, 2015 which provides for the following transfer of funds for the Hon. Rodolfo Rodriguez, Jr., Constable Pct. 1, for security services to be provided at the Webb County Youth Village building; and any other matters incident thereto. [Co-Sponsored by John Galo, Commissioner Pct. 3]

  Acct. Number Acct. Name Amount Bal. End Bal.
From: 001-1301-6708-02 Juvenile Security Cost $56,500 $56,500 $0
To: 001-2500-5005 Part Time $30,000 $100 $30,100
  001-2500-6205 Materials & Supplies $26,500 $10,000 $36,500

Issue: The Webb County Youth Village building requires the presence of certified peace officers in and about their facility to assist with safety, law enforcement, and other issues relating to the well-being of the children, occupants, residents and visitors. On October 7, 2015, the Webb County Juvenile Board approved an MOU between Webb County Juvenile Board and Webb County Constable Pct. 1, to provide security at the Juvenile Department in exchange for a total of $56,500 to the Constable Pct. 1 budget.

Solution: Security services are essential to the safety and well-being of staff, residents, students and general public.

Result: Transferring funds will ensure that there would be proper security for the Webb County Youth Village.
Honorable Adrian Cortez, Constable Pct. 3
26.   Discussion and possible action to approve the posting and filling of the following Slot, subject to the availability of payroll funds and any applicable Civil Service guidelines.

Slot Title Deputy Constable Hourly Rate
2859 Deputy Constable $18.46  16/A-E

Honorable Martin Cuellar, Sheriff
27.   Discussion and possible action to renew a contract agreement with Justice Benefits, Inc. to provide professional services as per Texas Local Government Code 262.024 (A)(4) Discretionary Exemptions in order to obtain reimbursements through federal financial participation projects for an additional period of Two (2) years effective October 1, 2015 through September 30, 2017, and authorizing the Webb County Judge to execute all relevant documents; and any other matters incident thereto.

Issue: Although there are many costs to the housing of federal inmates at the Webb County jail for which Webb County can seek federal reimbursement and due to the limitations of the current records management software, there are often obstacles in generating the very specific, abstruse, and complex customized data required by the federal government for successful reimbursement requests for each individual criminal alien housed at the jail. 

Solution: Contract professional services with Justice Benefits, Inc. in order to increase federal reimbursement for costs associated with housing inmates facing federal charges, including aliens with felonious criminal violations, at the Webb County jail.

 Result: Federal revenue maximization for Webb County as it seeks to increase its State Alien Assistance Program (SCAAP) reimbursements.
28.   Discussion and possible action to approve a reimbursement agreement between Webb County Sheriff's Office and the Organized Crime Drug Enforcement Task Force (OCDETF) for overtime expenses for performance period October 2015 through September 2016 for an amount not to exceed $17,374.00, OCDETF Investigation/Strategic Initiative No. SWTXS-0957H. Cash match for fringe benefits will be covered by State forfeiture funds and authorizing the County Judge to sign all relevant documents; and any other matters incident thereto. [Cash Match will be covered by Fund 168 (State Forfeiture Fund)] 

Collaboration between Federal,State and local law enforcement agencies is necessary to pursue and dismantle organized crime organizations along the Texas border and within our Community.

Solution: Accept Federal assistance to continue local participation in OCDETF investigations, strategic initiatives and prosecution of organized crime.  

Results: Disruption of organized crime activity along the Texas border and in Webb County; prosecution of individuals responsible for organized crime.
29.   Discussion and possible action to approve the following line item transfers to cover overtime agreement as per the Organized Crime Drug Enforcement Task Force (OCDETF):

  Acct. Number Acct. Name Amount Bal. End Bal.
From: 168-2001-8801 Capital Outlay $5,000.00 $5,000.00 $0.00
To: 168-2001-5301 FICA $1,500.00 $1,632.00 $3,132.00
  168-2001-5303 Retirement $2,000.00 $1,573.00 $3,573.00
  168-2001-5305 Workers Compensation $1,000.00 $855.00 $1,855.00
  168-2001-5306 Unemployment Tax $500.00 $676.00 $1,176.00

Issue: Fiscal Year 2016 OCDETF Overtime Agreement requires a cash match for fringe benefits.  Agreement only covers cost of Overtime pay.

Solution: Transfer funds within State forfeiture Fund to provide required match. 

Result: Execution of OCDETF OT agreement.
30.   Discussion and possible action to exercise the holding over clause under the lease agreement between Moises Gonzalez (LANDLORD) and Webb County (TENANT) for leased premises known as 2900 US Highway 83. The holding over rate of $4,000.00 would be effective November 1, 2015 and would terminate upon vacating the leased premises, all over terms and conditions remain unchanged. [Account #001-0109-6012]

: Due to damages sustained by the Probation/Sheriff Boxing Gym building located at 3802 S. Zapata HWY, the Sheriff's athletics division was relocated temporarily to the above mentioned location under a lease rental agreement with Mr. Gonzalez.  Initial term was for one (1) year ending March 2014.  Subsequent to that the lease agreement was extended for one more year ending March 2015.

Solution: The estimated time of completion for renovations is projected by end of November 2015.  Since renovations are nearing completion it would not be favorable to Webb County to renew lease agreement for another year or any other term that would exceed the estimated time of completion.

Result: Therefore, exercising the HOLDING OVER clause would provide a month to month rental payment without any financial commitments beyond the vacancy of this leased property.
31.   Discussion and possible action to approve the first (1st) option to extend sublease agreement between Jett Racing and Sales, Inc. and Webb County Sheriff's Office for approximately 1,600 square feet of hangar space and 800 square feet of office space located at the Laredo International Airport, Laredo, Texas effective October 1, 2015 through September 30, 2016 and authorizing the County Judge to sign all relevant documents and any other matters incident thereto. [Account #170-2002-6227 (Federal Forfeiture Fund)]

Current hangar lease expired September 30, 2015.

Solution:  Exercise the option to extend provision under Section 1.02 Term.

Result:     Continue renting hangar space in a secure area at the Laredo International Airport for the Sheriff's Aviation Operation.
Administrative Services
32.   Discussion and possible action to approve the allocation of funds from the Flexible Spending Fund for the Health Fair and several other Employee functions as follows:

  Acct. Number Acct. Name Amount Bal. End Bal.
From: 001-2100-30 Flexible Spending Plan $12,000 $60,506.69 $48,506.69
To: 001-0114-6701-01 Health Fair $6,000 $100.00 $6,100.00
  001-0114-6701 Health Education $6,000 $100.00 $6,100.00

Issue: The Health Fair and Health Education accounts were reduced to a balance of $100.00 at the budget process, since   funds from the Flexible Account were to be Allocated to these employee orientated accounts.

Solution: Allocate funds from Flexible Spending Plan Account to the Health Fair and Health Education Funds. 

Result: There will be NO cost to County Funds since the Flexible Spending Plan will cover employee related events.
33.   Discussion and possible action to award renewal contract to McGriff, Seibels & Williams of Texas, Inc., for the School Leaders Errors & Omissions Insurance coverage, and the Pollution and Storage Tank Liability Insurance Coverage, effective October 1, 2015 thru September 30, 2016, with an approximate total premium of Twenty-Five Thousand Five Hundred Dollars ($25,500.00), and authorizing the Webb County Judge to execute all relevant documents. [Account #001-0114-6032 (Property Casualty Premiums)]
34.   Discussion and possible action to amend court action taken on July 27th, in regards to approval of renewal contract with Midwest Employers Casualty Company, for Webb County's Excess Workers Compensation plan. The Court had approved a renewal premium amount of $133,082.00 (annual); at the time of Court action, the "final payroll numbers were not in. Final numbers were submitted, but this resulted in an "additional" amount needed. The difference needed is $6,215.00. If approved, the difference will be taken from Accounts #817-0105-6035 (Workers Compensation) and #001-0114-6032 (Property Casualty Premiums).

Issue: Annual renewal of Excess Workers Compensation Insurance. Final numbers have resulted in an increase, different from what was approved by court.

Solution: Being able to pay the premium that will insure county employees above the standard Workers Compensation limits.

Result: Protection for employees beyond the self-insured level.
35.   Discussion and possible action to accept a proposal from Professional Actuarial Services, Inc. for the Actuarial Report of Webb County's Self-funded Workers' Compensation Program as of September 30, 2015 at a cost no to exceed $5,250.00.  Requesting an exception from Section 262.023 of the Local Government Code (Competitive Proposal Requirements) and authorizing the County Judge to execute all relevant documents. [Account #817-0105-6022 (Professional Services)]
36.   Discussion and possible action to authorize a professional service agreement with the Lewis & Ellis, Inc., for the mandated Governmental Accounting Standard Board (GASB) Statement 45 for the accounting and financial reporting for the Retiree Fund Program at a cost not to exceed TWO THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED DOLLARS ($2,500.00) and requesting an exemption from Section 262.024 of the Local Government code (Competitive Proposal Requirements) and authorizing the Count Judge to execute all relevant documents. [Account #863-0105-6022 (Professional Services)]
Community Action Agency
37.   Discussion and possible action to approve the posting and filling of the following Slot, subject to the availability of payroll funds and any applicable Civil Service guidelines, effective October 26, 2015:

Slot # Title Hourly Rate
1150 Cook $9.00

Issue: The Elderly Nutrition program currently has a vacant Cook position.

Solution: The request is being made for Court approval to fill the vacant  position. 40 hours per week

Result: If approved, the position will allow the Food Transporter to deliver  Home Delivered Meals to the elderly that are home-bound.
38.   Discussion and possible action to accept the recommendation from the Webb County Housing Rehabilitation Scoring Committee to approve the following Three (3) applicants to receive housing rehabilitation assistance under the Texas Department of Housing & Community Affairs- Office of Colonia Initiatives (TDHCA-OCI), Self-Help Center program and authorize the Purchasing Agent solicit bids. Housing Rehabilitation costs to be covered by Self-Help Center grant funds Texas Community Development Program (TCDP) contract #712003.

1. 253 Los Altos Los Altos
2. 7552 Enlace Rd.  Los Altos
3. 131 W. Mendoza Pueblo Nuevo

Issue: Commissioner's Court approval is required in order to solicit bids for these homes.

Solution: Place the Agenda Item in order to obtain Commissioner's Court authorization for the solicitation of bids by the Purchasing Agent. 

Result: These home will be rehabilitated  utilizing Grant funds.
39.   Discussion and possible action to approve the posting and filling of the following vacant Slot #1536, at the Utilities Department, subject to the availability of payroll funds and any applicable Civil Service guidelines:

Slot # Title Hourly Rate
1536 Customer Service Technician $13.73 10/A-E

 Issue:  Employee resigned.

Solution: Fill job opening of newly vacated position.

Result:  The filling of this position will alleviate overload created by vacancy and allow for efficiency, effectiveness and production of work within the department to better serve the needs of our customers, the residents of Rio Bravo and El Cenizo.
40.   Discussion and possible action to ratify the award of an emergency contract in the amount of $429,008.00 to Environmental Improvement, Inc., for the construction project consisting of installation of the UV Disinfection system including electrical improvements and instrumentation monitoring of an Ultra Violet Treatment System for the Rio Bravo Treatment Plant. [Sec. 262.024. DISCRETIONARY EXEMPTIONS. (a) A contract for the purchase of any of the following item is exempt from the requirement established by Section 262.023 if the Commissioner Court by order grants the exemption: (11) vehicle and equipment repairs]. [Account #745-3001-8801-7 (Water Utilities Improvements 2013)]

Issue:  UV Disinfection was initially designed into the original plant.  For unknown reasons this system was never operated or maintained and fell into permanent disrepair. A new system is required to comply with the new Long Term 2 Enhanced Treatment Rule requiring additional treatment techniques for our plant. This will require new reactors at a cost of $190,000.00 construction costs for the installation of $250,000.00 and a recommended $63,000.00 for three (3) years annual maintenance and warranty.

Solution:  Sole source acquisition of the Wedeco UV Reactors, hiring of contractor with experience in the field of UV installation.

Result:  Compliance with the new Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) enhanced treatment rule and prevent continuous Public Notice.
Head Start
41.   Discussion and possible action to approve the posting and filling of the following Slots:

Slot # Title Hourly Rate Pay Periods
1358 Teacher Assistant $9.90 - $11.31 20
2558 Home Visitor $10.24 26
2559 Part Time Early HS Teacher Floater $9.87 26
42.   Discussion and possible action to convert Slot #1104, Full Time Classroom Aide, with an hourly rate of $8.49 to Part Time Classroom Aide, with an hourly rate of $8.49, for 20 Pay Periods, and to post and fill this Slot, subject to the availability of payroll funds. 
Indigent Healthcare Services
43.   Discussion and possible action to approve the posting and filling of the following Slot, subject to the availability of payroll funds and any applicable Civil Service guidelines, effective October 26, 2015:

Slot # Title Hourly Rate
599 Caseworker $15.15 12/A-E

Issue: The Indigent Health Care Services Department currently has a vacant slot that needs to be filled.

Solution: The Commissioners Court approves the filling of the vacant slot as requested.

Result: The filling of the vacant position will alleviate the increased caseload for current Caseworkers created as a result of the vacancy.
Juvenile Probation Department
44.   Discussion and possible action to approve purchase of kitchen equipment for Youth Village Department from El Competidor not to exceed $22,000.00.  [Approved by Capital Outlay Committee on April 30, 2015]

Issue: The Webb County Youth Village is a 72-bed detention facility.  Initial plans for the department's kitchen called for a prep-kitchen to be installed but instead was equipped with a warming kitchen.  With the construction of the Drug Rehab soon to start, our current kitchen will not be enough to service Detention, the Drug Rehab, and JJAEP.  In addition, if the upgrade is not approved, design and cost of the Drug Rehab will need to be rectified.

Solution: Commissioner's Court to approve requested funds to upgrade to prep-kitchen in order to serve meals to the Drug Rehab, JJAEP, and the Juvenile Detention Center.

Result: The Juvenile Department will be equipped to serve meals to the Drug Rehab, JJAEP, and the Juvenile Detention Center.
Larga Vista Community Center
45.   Discussion and possible action to accept a donation in the amount of $1,000 dollars from United HealthCare Inc. to Webb County Larga Vista Community Center for the benefit of Christmas events and toy giveaways. Funds to be deposited to Account #001-6103-6219-2 (Goods For Public Events).

Issue: To prepare for the upcoming Larga Vista Community Center Christmas Toy Giveaways. $1,000 dollars has been given as a donation from United HealthCare Inc.  

Solution: Accept donation offer from United HealthCare Inc. to provide toys to the children of Hwy 359.

Result: To continue to set the standard for high quality assistance.
46.   Discussion and possible action to issue a “Certificate of No Plat Required” pursuant to Section 232.0015(f), Texas Local Government Code to that certain tract of land subdivided into Two (2) tracts of land containing approximately0 Thirty-Five (35) acres each; said parcels being out of and part of the Western 70.06 acre tract of Tract 11, La Moca Ranch Subdivision as further described in that certain deed recorded on July 14, 1989 in Volume 1369, Pages 488-492 of the Webb County Real Property Records (App ID 4304). [Co-Sponsored by the Jaime Canales, Commissioner Precinct 4]
Issue: The owner of the described property wishes to subdivide and plat their property in such a manner that the division of the property is exempt from the platting requirements of Chapter 232, LGC as defined by the provisions of Sec. 232.0015(f).  However, to be recorded in the plat records, the plat must either be approved by the commissioners court or contain certification that approval is not required by the commissioners court.  The issuance of a “Certificate of No Plat Required” advises the County Clerk’s Office of the eligibility for recording the plat in the official plat records.
Solution/Result: Approve the “Certificate of No Plat Required” for this proposed subdivision pursuant to Section 232.0015(f), Texas Local Government Code as reviewed and recommended by staff to allow the property owner to record the plat of this subdivision.
Pre-Trial Services
47.   Discussion and possible action to approve the posting and filling of the following new Slot, subject to the availability of payroll funds and any applicable Civil Service guidelines. The slot confirms to the Condrey Classification and Compensation plan.

Slot # Title Hourly Rate
2888 Judicial Bond Officer  $31,519.00 - $33,538.54 - 12/A-E

Issue: This position is newly created and needs to be filled.

Solution: Request is being made for court approval to fill the vacant position.

Result: The position will be filled after and eligible candidates are interviewed.
Public Defender
48.   Discussion and possible action to adjust the salary of Slot #0267, Second Assistant Public Defender, from Grade 26/J ($96,641) to Grade 26/N ($99,462.42). 

Issue: The attorney in slot #0267 is currently on Grade 26/G; however, Grade 26 begins at letter N according to the wage scale adopted by the Commissioner's Court.

Solution: Adjusting the salary would conform to the wage scale adopted by the Commissioner's Court.

Result: It would place the Second Assistant Public Defender in the proper grade and step without the need to resign and reapply for the same position. 

49.    Discussion and possible action to adjust the salary of Slot #0253, First Assistant Public Defender, from Grade 27/B ($98,175) to Grade 27/J ($104,465.85). 

Issue: The First Assistant Public Defender (slot#0253) is currently on grade 27/B at a pay rate lower than the indicated rate approved by the Commissioner's Court for the Second Assistant Public Defender. 

Solution: Adjusting the salary would prevent the inequitable result of having the Second Assistant earning more than the First Assistant Public Defender. 

Result: It would place the First Assistant Public Defender on a grade and step that would be in accordance with the wage scale adopted by the Commissioner's Court.
50.   Discussion and possible action to purchase the upgrade for Time Clock Plus, software and hardware from Time Clock Plus by Data Management Inc., in the amount of $55,777.50. [Requested by Delia Perales, Treasurer; Account #603-0101-8801 (Capital Outlay Fund)]

Issue: An Upgrade is available for Time Clock Plus which includes enhancement in software and hardware that will be beneficial for Webb County.  Also, Time Clock Plus will be customizing the hours upload process to reduce manual work at the Treasury department.

Solution:  the solution will be to purchase upgrade in order to keep up with the new Time Clock Plus enhancements which include top of the line desktop biometric scanners that are more sensitive and reliable.  Enhancements will include modules to better track federal affordable care act (ACA) requirements.

Result: Accepting Time Clock Plus upgrade will be beneficial to Webb County department heads and elected officials in monitoring staff  hours and report capabilities. Also upload Enhancements will stream line payroll process and thus produce saving to Webb County.
Santa Teresita Community Center
51.   Discussion and possible action to accept donation in the amount of Five Hundred Dollars ($500.00) form Medina Electric to the Santa Teresita Community Center for goods for public events use.

Issue: Operation Round Up program from Medina Electric has provided $500.00 donation for use at the Santa Teresita Community Center. As required by the court, a request is being submitted so that the funds can be accepted.

Solution: Approving donation to add funds available to community center.

Result: Donation will help with costs and expenses incurred for goods for public events.

Veteran's Office
52.   Discussion and possible action to authorize the Economic Development Department to develop and submit a Series 16-B Fund for Veterans' Assistance (FVA) General Assistance Grant application to the Texas Veterans Commission (TVC) in an amount not to exceed Seventy-Five Thousand Dollars ($75,000) for the purpose of creating an entrepreneurship program for Webb County veterans. This action will have no impact on the County General Fund now or in the foreseeable future.

Issue: Statistics show that many veterans have difficulty adjusting to civilian life and integrating into the job market.

Solution: The proposed program will serve as a catalyst for Webb County veterans to potentially own their own business by means of education and training.

Result: The development and submission of a Series 16-B General Assistance Grant application to the Texas Veterans Commission for a one-year program to promote the local economy and serve the County’s veterans. 
53.   Communications
54.   Adjourn
The Webb County Commissioners Court hereby reserves the right to go into closed session at any time during this public meeting, if such is requested by the County Attorney or other legal counsel for the County, pursuant to his or her duty under Section 551.071(2) of the Government Code, to consult privately with his or her client on an item on the agenda, or on a matter arising out of such item.

Persons with disabilities who plan to attend this meeting and who may need auxiliary aid of service such as interpreters for persons who are deaf or hearing impaired, readers, or need large print are requested to contact the court administrator at (956) 523-4622.


By: ______________________________
Melinda Mata
Court Administrator


I, the undersigned, County Clerk, do hereby certify that the above notice of meeting of the Webb County Commissioners Court, is a true and correct copy of said notice, and that I posted a true and correct copy of said notice on the bulletin board at the Courthouse door of Webb County, Texas, at a place readily accessible to the general public at all times on the___ day of October, 2015 and said notice remained so posted continuously for at least 72 hours preceding the scheduled time of said meeting.



BY: ______________________________________________
      Margie Ramirez-Ibarra, County Clerk


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