AUGUST 25, 2014
9:00 a.m.

1.   Roll Call by Honorable Margie Ramirez-Ibarra, Webb County Clerk
2.   Pledge of Allegiance
3.   Approval of Minutes for August 11, 2014
4.   Approval of Bills, Payroll, and Monthly Report
5.   Communications
6.   Public Comment - This section provides the public the opportunity to address the Commissioners Court on any items on the Agenda. Members of the public wishing to participate must complete a Witness Card specifying which agenda item they wish to comment on. Each public member will be allowed a total of Three (3) minutes within which to make any/all public comments.
Honorable Danny Valdez, Webb County Judge
7.   Recognition of Laredo Main Street, a Non-profit corporation for its recent awards on the 2014 Nationally accredited Main Program, 2014 Texas accredited Main Program, Certification for "El Centro de Laredo Farmers Market", and Certification for "Go Texas" Program.
Honorable Linda R. Ramirez, Webb County Commissioner Pct. 1
8.   Discussion and possible action to secure engineering services from Porras Engineering in the amount of $5,500 to conduct a drainage study and report (services include surveying, modeling, etc.) for that area in Mirando City generally located North of 6th street between Linder and Behlen Avenues, and to grant a professional services exemption pursuant to Local Government Code Section 262.024 (4) Discretionary Exemptions; said study to provide two to three options to mitigate recurring flooding of the streets and residences in the vicinity. [Account #741-7501-8801-5 (Road Improvements)]
Honorable Rosaura “Wawi” Tijerina, Webb County Commissioner Pct. 2
9.   Discussion and possible action to make the following changes to status and pay for the following grant funded positions at the Webb County Veteran's Transportation Program, subject to availability of grant funds and all applicable Civil Service guidelines:

Slot # 2836 - Driver - Change from Part-Time (29 hrs.) to Full Time (40 hrs./wk).  Salary remains at $10.00/hr.
Slot # 2835 - Project Coordinator - Salary increase from $13.65/hr. to $14.85/hr.

[Requested by David Garza, Webb County Veteran's Services Officer]
Honorable John C. Galo, Webb County Commissioner Pct. 3
Commissioners Court

10.   Discussion and possible action to review and approve the proposed changes to the county vehicle use policy; and any other matters incident thereto. [Requested by policy committee]

11.   Discussion and possible action to approve a freeze on capital outlay expenses other than those already approved by committee, for the remainder of the fiscal year; and any other matters incidents thereto. [Requested by Leroy Medford, Executive Administrator] 

12.   Discussion and possible action to appoint/designate a salary grievance committee, in accordance with Local Government Code Section(s) 152.014, 152.015 and 152.016, including nominating the required number of individuals to meet statutory requirements which requires that there must be Nine (9) voting members, and authorizing the County Judge to sign all relevant documents; and any other matters incident thereto. [Requested by County Auditor and Administrator]
13.   Recognition of Jimena Elizondo and Ernesto Saucedo who placed 1st and 2nd place in Taekwondo Tournament, qualifying both to compete Nationally, and later go on to compete Internationally. Jimena won the gold medal in her tournament in Muju, Korea.

Honorable Marco Montemayor, County Attorney
14.   Discussion and possible action to enter into a VCR Grant Agreement No. 51422F7253 with the State of Texas, acting through the Texas Department of Transportation, wherein Webb County accepts a grant amount of $26,304.00 and $3,946.00 of TDC's (transportation development credits) for the El Aguila Rural Transportation program and  authorizing the Webb County Judge to execute all relevant documents. [Requested by Juan Vargas, Webb County CAA/Economic Development Director]
15.   Discussion and possible action to enter into a Rural Transportation State Fund Agreement (No. 51522F7041) with the State of Texas, acting through the Texas Department of Transportation, wherein Webb County accepts a grant, amount not to exceed TWO HUNDRED SIXTY THOUSAND SIXTEEN DOLLARS ($260,016.00) for the El Aguila Rural Transportation Program and authorizing the Webb County Judge to execute all relevant documents. [Requested by Juan Vargas, Webb County CAA/Economic Development Director]
16.   Discussion and possible action to enter into a One (1) year Service Agreement with InfoSeal, LLC (September 22, 2014 to September 21, 2015) for a PS 100 Folder/Sealer unit at an annual cost of ONE THOUSAND FOUR HUNDRED SIXTY-TWO DOLLARS ($1,462.00), subject to annual budget appropriation and authorizing County Judge to sign and execute all relevant documents. [Requested by Esther Degollado, Webb County District Clerk; Account #001-1111-6402]
Honorable Isidro Alaniz, District Attorney
17.   Discussion and possible action to approve the donation of the following vehicle to Webb Consolidated Indpendent School District Police Department, as authorized by the Department of Justice, and authorizing the Webb County Judge to execute all relevant documents; and any other matters incident thereto: 

Unit 9-70
2011 Ford Crown Victoria
VIN: 2FABP7BV9BX166808
18.   Discussion and possible action to continue paying grant funded personnel under the Criminal Justice Division (CJD) Grant No. 2466303, Webb County Border Prosecution Unit Grant, for Thirty (30) days, until notification about grant continuation award from the Criminal Justice Division of the Governor's Office. [Fund Source 338]
Honorable Monica Notzon, 111th District Court Judge
19.   Discussion and possible action to approve the following line item transfer to pay membership dues for an employee who was newly hired in April 2014 and had not been allotted in last year's budget:

From: 001-1002-6010 Book Subscriptions $375
To: 001-1002-6007 Membership Dues $375

Honorable Oscar Hale, 406th District Court Judge
20.   Discussion and possible action to approve and ratify the 406th District Court Drug Court Program, specifically the 406th Veterans Treatment Program and La Familia Consulting and Counseling Services, L.C. contract August 1, 2014 - July 31, 2015.
Honorable Joe Lopez, 49th District Court Judge
21.   Discussion and possible action to approve the following line item transfers to cover pending invoices for payment and projected invoices until the end of September:

From: 001-1001-6402 Equipment Maint. $2,000
  001-1001-6022 Professional Services $4,000
To: 001-1001-6010 Books & Subscriptions $2,000
  001-1001-7001 Indigent Defense $4,000
Honorable Jesus Garza, County Court at Law 2 Judge
22.   Discussion and possible action to approve the following line item transfer to cover insufficient funds in administrative travel account:

From: 001-1011-6022 Professional Services $2,000
To:      001-1011-5601 Administrative Travel $2,000
Honorable Ricardo Rangel, Justice of the Peace Pct. 2 Pl. 2
23.   Discussion and possible action to approve the following line item transfers to purchase office supplies, printing supplies, seal paper for warrants, jackets for citations, envelopes with County Seal, and a television for courtroom:

001-1045-5601 Administrative Travel $  965
  001-1045-6014 Equipment Rental $  200
To: 001-1045-6205 Materials & Supplies $1,165

Honorable Oscar Martinez, Justice of the Peace Pct. 4
24.   Discussion and possible action to approve the following line item transfer to purchase Five (5) office desk chairs, One (1) television set for conference room and One (1) television set for lunch room: 

From: 001-1044-6005 Postage & Courier Service $4,000
To: 001-1044-6205 Materials & Supplies $4,000
Honorable Harold Devally, Constable Pct. 4
25.   Discussion and possible action to ratify and approve the balance owed to Godot, LTD. in the amount of $17,792.56, for remodeling cost overages for the Constable Pct. 4 offices located on 9901 McPherson, Suite 202, Laredo, Texas, 78045; and any other matters incident thereto. [Account #604-0101-8801]
Honorable Martin Cuellar, Sheriff
26.   Discussion and possible action to authorize the acceptance of a Fiscal Year 2015 Statewide Automated Victim Services (SAVNS) grant in the amount of $27,715.32 from the Office of the Attorney General (OAG Grant No. 1555689) for contractual services for the Webb County jail and the courts to provide relevant offender release information, notification of relevant court setting and/or events, promote public safety, and support the rights of victims of crime in Laredo/Webb County; and designating the Webb County Judge as the authorized official in all matters related to this grant; and any other matters incident thereto. This grant does not require any cash match. 
27.   Discussion and possible action to authorize the acceptance of a Fiscal Year 2015 Victim Coordinator and Liaison Grant (VCLG) from the Office of the Attorney General (OAG No. 1554146) in the amount of $42,000 for the salary and fringe benefits of the Crime Victim Advocate serving at the Webb County Sheriff's to continue to provide appropriate services to victims of crime as well as promote and educate the community about crime victims rights in Laredo/Webb County; and designating the Webb County Judge as the authorized official in all matters related to this grant; and any other matters incident thereto.  This grant does not require a match. 
Honorable Delia Perales, Treasurer
28.   Discussion and possible action to approve the following line item transfers to purchase supplies:

From: 001-0300-5601 Administrative Travel $3,587
  001-0300-6011 Training & Education $  910
To:     001-0300-6205 Materials & Supplies $4,497

29.   Discussion and possible action to hire a temporary full time (without benefits) employee to replace an employee out on Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) without pay, effective immediately; and to approve the posting and filling of the following Slot, subject to the availability of payroll funds and any applicable Civil Service guidelines, effective August 25, 2014:

Slot # Title Hourly Rate
0081 Accounts Payable Clerk $14.42

Administrative Services
30.   Discussion and possible action to approve the purchase of gift cards to be given out to employees as incentives for the Wellness Programs to promote county employee health and safety.  Purchase not to exceed a total of One Thousand Seven Hundred Fifty Dollars ($1,750.00). [Account #001-0114-6702 (Health Education Program)]
31.   Discussion and possible action to approve the following line item transfers to pay consultant invoice for the next Two (2) months and also to help purchase gifts for the Safety Fair: 

From: 817-0105-9201 Claims Paid $1,000
  001-0114-6205 Materials & Supplies $  300
To: 817-0105-6022 Professional Services $1,000
  001-0114-6702 Safety Fair $  300
32.   Status report on the recommendations of Mr. Steve Condrey from Condrey and Associates with discussion and possible action on the approval of the updated Wage & Classification Plan; and any other matters incident thereto. 
33.   Discussion and possible action to authorize that primary responsibilities regarding the document process for hiring, transferring and terminating county employees be maintained and initiated through the administrative services/human resources department, effective October 1, 2014; with additional action to amend current county policy to implement these changes; and any other matters incident thereto. [Requested by policy committee]
Building Maintenance
34.   Status report from Building Maintenance regarding the implementation of a new custodial work schedule for county buildings in an effort to improve efficiency and to better serve the public.
Casa Blanca Golf Course
35.   Discussion and possible action to approve the following line item transfers to order needed parts for John Deere Tractors and cover supply costs in the restaurant:

From: 800-6014-6232 Merchandise Cost $6,000
  800-6015-6208 Food $  500
To: 800-6011-6412 Tractor $  600
  800-6011-6412 Equipment $5,400
  800-6015-6208 Supplies $  500
Economic Development
36.   Discussion and possible action to award bid 2014-4 Webb County Housing Rehabilitation Program in Colonia Pueblo Nuevo to the lowest and best qualified bidder for the Texas Community Development Program (TCDP) #712095 Housing Rehabilitation Program - Texas Community Development Block Grant (TxCDBG) and authorize the County Judge to sign all relevant documentation. 

Bid Address
Texas Dept. of Agriculture #013 117 W. Paredes
Texas Dept. of Agriculture #014 122 E. Mendoza
37.   Discussion and possible action to approve release of 10% retainage for the completion of Webb County Housing Rehabilitation Program in Colonia Pueblo Nuevo under the Texas Community Development Program (TCDP) #712095-Texas Community Development Block Grant (TxCDBG) and authorize the County Judge to sign all relevant documentation. This will not impact the general fund.

Contractor Projected Address Retainage Amount
AA Builder 117 W. Mendoza $2,246.83
38.   Discussion and possible action to approve the appointment of Presiding and Alternate Judges from lists provided by the local political party chairmen, in each election precinct for a Two-Year term to begin September 1, 2014 and terminate August 31, 2016, pursuant to Chapter 32, Texas Election Code and authorize the County Judge to sign all relevant documents.
39.   Discussion and possible action to authorize 12-hour shifts for the Rio Bravo Water Treatment Plant. Employees will work 7 day 12-hour shifts straight and then will have 7 days off. This is being requested in order to assure 24/7 Plant operation by Licensed Operators.
40.   Discussion and possible action to approve the following line item transfers to cover expenses for the Utilities Department:

From: 801-3001-6022-8 Professional Services $8,850
  801-3004-6048 Licenses & Permits $1,350
To: 801-3004-6205 Materials & Supplies $3,000
  801-3004-6401 Repair & Maint.-Building $2,000
  801-3001-6214 Chemicals $3,200
  801-3001-6205 Materials & Supplies $2,000
41.   Discussion and possible action to approve the following line item transfers for the Engineering department to purchase  computer equipment, upgrade software, end of the year cellular services and fuel:

From: 010-0115-6010 Books & Subscriptions $  500
  010-0115-5602 Local Mileage $  500
  010-0115-5601 Administrative Travel $3,000
  010-0115-6004 Telephone $1,500
  010-0115-6005 Postage $  500
To: 010-0115-6004-2 Cell Phones $1,000
  010-0115-6204 Fuel & Lube $1,000
  010-0115-6205 Materials & Supplies $4,000
Larga Vista Community Center
42.   Discussion and possible action to approve the posting and filling of the following vacant Slot for Larga Vista Community Center subject to the availability of payroll funds and any applicable Civil Service guidelines, effective August 25, 2014:

Slot # Title Hourly Rate
2339 Driver/ Maintenance $11.47

Law Library
43.   Discussion and possible action to approve the posting and filling of the following Slot, subject to the availability of payroll funds and any applicable Civil Service guidelines, effective August 26, 2014:

Slot # Title Hourly Rate
0317 Assistant Librarian $14.53

Medical Examiner
44.   Discussion and possible action to approve the following new fee schedule for the medical examiner’s office, effective October 1, 2014; and any other matters incident thereto.

Autopsy Reports** $25.00
Autopsy Report with Affidavit $50.00
Investigator Reports $25.00
Cremation Clearance $25.00
Photographs $30.00 per page (4/page)
Radiographs $30.00 per page (1/page)
Recuts of Microscopic Slides $20.00 each
Out-of-County Autopsy $1,700.00
Private Autopsy (non-reportable case) $2,000.00
Testimony Fees (criminal cases only, payable to witness) $500.00 per hour (minimum 3 hours)
Testimony Travel (payable to witness) $150.00 per hour

** There is no charge to immediate family members (spouse, parents, adult children or siblings), law enforcement investigating the case, Consumer Product Safety Commission, Occupational Safety Health Administration, Child Protective Services, Adult Protective Services, or Food and Drug Administration.
Mirando City Activity/Learning Center
45.   Discussion and possible action to approve the following line item transfers to purchase materials needed for the center:

From:    001-6307-6011 Training & Education $  500
  001-6307-5601 Administrative Travel $  350
  001-6307-6401 Repairs & Maint. -Building $  500
  001-6307-6402 Repairs & Maint.- Equip. $  500
To:  001-6307-6205 Materials & Supplies $1,350
  001-6307-6219-2 Goods for Public Events $  500

46.   Discussion and possible action to issue a "Certification of Compliance with Plat Requirements" to authorize electrical service connection pursuant to Section 232.029 (c)(2), L.G.C., to a 9.998 acre tract of land, more or less, out of and part of Porcion 32, Abstract 762 (ID 3565) as further described in that certain deed recorded in Vol. 724, Pages 589-92 (said tract also known as a portion of Tract 2, S.V. Edwards Pasture).
Public Defender
47.   Discussion and possible action to correct a typographical error on agenda item #54 from the August 11, 2014 Commissioner's Court meeting to reflect an employee transfer from Slot #267 - Assistant Public Defender II to Slot #253 - 1st Assistant Public Defender (instead of to Slot #252, as erroneously stated), effective August 11, 2014; and to further approve the correction in the minutes of the meeting to reflect said changes; and any other matters incident thereto.
48.   Discussion and possible action to authorize the Purchasing Agent to solicit for additional Request for Qualifications (RFQs) for the following:

RFQ 2013-86
Annual Contract for Medical Professional Services for Head Start.
49.   Discussion and possible action to purchase Two (2) Motorola Radios from Motorola Solutions in the amount of $12,770.76 for Constable Pct. 1; pursuant to Sections 271.102 and 271.102 Subchapter F; Cooperative Purchasing Programs; Texas Local Government Code. (HGAC Contract RA05-12). [Requested by Rudy Rodriguez, Webb County Constable Pct. 1; Account #603-0101-8801]
50.   Discussion and possible action to approve a Thirty-six (36) month Lease & Maintenance contract at $1,112.85 per month for Toshiba Business Solutions (DIR-SDD -1686) for One (1) E-Studio 657,and E-Studio 857; and One (1) KIP 700 CPS for County Clerks office, pursuant to Sections 271.101 and 271.102 Subchapter F; Cooperative Purchasing Programs; Texas Local Government Code. [Requested by Margie Ibarra, Webb County Clerk; Accounts #001-1120-6014 (Equipment Rental) and #001-1120-6402 (Repair and Maintenance of Equipment)]
51.   Discussion and possible action to award the following annual contracts:

Bid 2015-15 Annual Contract for Oxygen, Acetylene & Welding Supplies- Praxair (Primary) Tim's (Secondary)

RFP 2015-31  Two (2) year Contract for Outdoor Advertising- Lamar Outdoor (Primary)

Bid 2015-39  Annual contract for welding repairs & fabrication services to- Laredo Machine Shop (Primary), ABBA (Secondary)

Bid 2015-56 Annual contract for Instrument Control Maintenance & ER Response/Repair- Square E Engineering (Primary)

Bid 2015-58  Three (3) year contract for an Electrician
Construeleck (Primary), Square E Engineering (Secondary)
Discussion and possible action to reject and rebid BID 2015-28 annual contract for electrical motor and pump repair due to specification clarification requests.
53.   Discussion and possible action to authorize the Purchasing Agent to solicit bids for the following annual contracts:
Bid 2015-22 - One (1) year Contract for Light Bulbs & Lamps

Bid 2014-30 - Six (6) month Contract for Hot Mix Asphalt

Bid 2015-59 - Two (2) year contract for Texas Real Estate Commission (TREC) Inspector

Bid 2015-80 - Six (6) month contract for Copier Paper, Toner, Ink Cartridges & Bottled Water

Bid 2015-84 - Two (2) year contract for Prisoner Transportation

Bid 2015-79 - One (1) year Contract for Land Clearing by Shredding

Bid 2015-98 - Two (2) year Contract for Bus Advertising Services for El Aguila

Bid 2015-100 - Two (2) year contract for Uniforms
54.   Discussion and possible action to purchase Six (6) Surveillance Cameras and Three (3) Electric Convection ovens for E.J. Salinas Community Center, El Cenizo Community Center and La Presa Community Center from Sam's not to exceed the amount of $12,900.00. [Requested by Linda R. Ramirez, Webb County Commissioner Pct. 1; Account #660-8108-8801 (Capital Outlay)]
55.   Discussion and possible action to purchase One (1) Shredder from Allegheny Shredders for Information Technology Department not to exceed $45,000.00. [Requested by Rafael Pena, Information Technology Director; Account #603-0101-8801 (Capital Outlay)] 
56.   Discussion and possible action to purchase Two (2) Computer Servers for  Information Technology Department from Dell, pursuant to Sections 271.101 and 271.102 Subchapter F; Cooperative Purchasing Program; Texas Local Government Code Dell Contract DIR-SDD-1951 in the amount of $27,973.84. [Requested by Rafael Pena, Information Technology Director; Account #749-0500-8801]
57.   Discussion and possible action to purchase Two (2) Microsoft Server Enterprise Licenses for Information Technology Department from SHI in the amount of $5,231.20. [Request by Rafael Pena, Information Technology Director; Account #749-0500-8801]
58.   Discussion and possible action to award RFP 2014-07-01 “Remodeling of Webb County Building”  (4101 Juarez) to Azar Services, LLC for an estimated contract amount of $186,122.48.
59.   Presentation from the top Three (3) responders on Request for Qualifications 2014-001 "Architect or Engineering Services for Webb County Jail and Law Enforcement Complex" with discussion and possible action to select a responder for RFQ 21014-001; and any other matters incident thereto. Successful Responder selected will not commence work until funding is identified and approved by the Court. [Requested by Martin Cuellar, Webb County Sheriff and Dr. Cecilia May Moreno, Webb County Purchasing Agent]

Top Three (3) Responders

Frank Architects
Deborah Williams
Closed Session/Executive Session
60.   Discussion and possible action to approve settlement in the case entitled Eduardo Gutierrez v. Webb County, Texas, Civil case number 5:13-CV-00166, pending in the United States District Court, Southern District, Laredo Division and authorizing the County Judge to execute all relevant documents; and any other matters incident thereto. [Executive Session is requested pursuant to Texas Government Code, Title 5, Subchapter D, Section 551.071 (Consultation with attorney regarding pending litigation and settlement offers)]
61.   Status report from county staff regarding the pending completion of the Fernando Salinas Community Center project by Zertuche Construction; with  discussion and possible action to authorize the County attorney’s office to take legal action, if necessary, to enforce the contractual obligations in place or recommend other resolutions in an effort to complete the project; and any other matters incident thereto. [Closed Meeting/Executive Session may be requested pursuant to Texas Government Code Title 5, Subchapter D, Section 551.07 (A) (Contemplated Litigation)] [Co-Sponsored by Jaime A. Canales, Webb County Commissioner Pct. 4]
62.   Discussion and possible action to approve a settlement agreement in Cause Number 2014CVQ000742 D1, Border Insulation, Inc. vs. Webb County, Texas; and any other matters incident thereto. [Executive Session is requested pursuant to Texas Government Code, Title 5, Subchapter D, Section 551.071(1)(A) (Consultation with Attorney regarding pending litigation)]
63.   Adjourn
The Webb County Commissioners Court hereby reserves the right to go into closed session at any time during this public meeting, if such is requested by the County Attorney or other legal counsel for the County, pursuant to his or her duty under Section 551.071(2) of the Government Code, to consult privately with his or her client on an item on the agenda, or on a matter arising out of such item.


Persons with disabilities who plan to attend this meeting and who may need auxiliary aid of service such as interpreters for persons who are deaf or hearing impaired, readers, or need large print are requested to contact the court administrator at (956) 523-4622.


By: ______________________________
Melinda Mata
Court Administrator


I, the undersigned, County Clerk, do hereby certify that the above notice of meeting of the Webb County Commissioners Court, is a true and correct copy of said notice, and that I posted a true and correct copy of said notice on the bulletin board at the Courthouse door of Webb County, Texas, at a place readily accessible to the general public at all times on the___ day of August, 2014 and said notice remained so posted continuously for at least 72 hours preceding the scheduled time of said meeting.



BY: ______________________________________________
      Margie Ramirez-Ibarra, County Clerk


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