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Official Minutes for Webb County
Commissioners Court Meeting

Monday, March 26, 2018 at 9:00 AM
(Approved April 9, 2018)

Let it be remembered that a regular meeting of the Webb County Commissioners Court was held at 9:00 a.m. at the regular meeting place with the following members present to wit:

Tano E. Tijerina,                                 County Judge
Jesse Gonzalez,                                 Commissioner, Pct. 1
Rosaura "Wawi" Tijerina,                    Commissioner, Pct. 2
John C. Galo,                                      Commissioner, Pct. 3
Jaime Alberto Canales,                       Commissioner, Pct. 4

Thus constituting a quorum, the Commissioners Court proceeded to act upon the Agenda as posted in the meeting notice of the 23rd day of March 2018. Present also were Mrs. Virginia M. Rodriguez, Deputy County Clerk representing Mrs. Margie Ramirez Ibarra, Ex-officio Clerk of the Commissioners Court, various officers and others interested in the business of the Court.
1.   Roll Call by Honorable Margie Ramirez-Ibarra, Webb County Clerk
2.   Pledge of Allegiance/Invocation
3.   Discussion and possible action for Approval of Bills, Payroll, and Monthly Reports (Auditor, Treasurer, Human Resources, Tax-Assessor Collector); and any other matters incident thereto.
  County Treasurer, Ms. Delia Perales presented the Recap of Checks, Ratification of Checks, and Payroll.

Ms. Perales also presented the monthly report for February 2018.
  Motion by County Judge Tano E. Tijerina, seconded by Commissioner, Pct. 2 Rosaura “Wawi” Tijerina
  Vote: 5 - 0 Motion Carried
  Chief Deputy Auditor, Mr. Rafael Perez presented the monthly report for February 2018
  Motion by Commissioner, Pct. 2 Rosaura “Wawi” Tijerina, seconded by Commissioner, Pct. 1 Jesse Gonzalez
  Vote: 5 - 0 Motion Carried
  HR Director, Mr. Ernesto Guajardo presented the Wage and Pay Scale Budget Amendments Report from 03/12/18 to 03/23/18.
  Motion by Commissioner, Pct. 3 John C. Galo, seconded by Commissioner, Pct. 4 Jaime Alberto Canales to make the budget amendments as per the second page of the report and the necessary adjustments, budget amendments, and line item transfers
  Vote: 5 - 0 Motion Carried
  Tax Assessor-Collector, Ms. Norma Farabough presented a Certified Collection Report.
  HR Item #3 backup.pdf
4.   Public Comment - This section provides the public the opportunity to address the Commissioners Court on any items on the Agenda. Members of the public wishing to participate must complete a Witness Card specifying which agenda item they wish to comment on. Each public member, individually or in a group, will be allowed a total of Three (3) minutes within which to make any/all public comments.
  No one signed up for Public Comment.
CONSENT AGENDA: At most meetings, the Commissioners Court establishes a Consent Agenda. It consists of those Agenda Items which are routine or non-controversial, and which neither a member of the Commissioners court has asked to be pulled for discussion. Once the Commissioners Court has established the Consent Agenda, Agenda Items included on it will be voted upon in one vote, and will not be discussed separately unless requested by the County Judge or Commissioners.

The consent agenda has been created in order to give constituents the opportunity to view any and all pertinent backup information with reference to any item in the agenda. The objective of the consent agenda is for all Webb County constituents to be familiar with everyday county business and to demonstrate the transparency and fairness of this Commissioners Court.

The following Agenda Items are of a routine nature, and the Commissioners Court has received supporting materials for consideration. All of these Agenda Items will be passed with one vote without being discussed separately, unless a member of the Commissioners Court or the public requests that a particular Agenda Item be discussed. If so, that Agenda Item will be pulled from the Consent Agenda and discussed as part of the regular Agenda at the appropriate time. One vote will approve the remaining items on the Consent Agenda.

5.   Honorable Oscar Hale, 406th District Court Judge
a.   AI-7192    Discussion and possible action to approve the following budget amendment (line item transfer) by increasing the expense account in the amount of $3,000 from revenues received from the Veterans Treatment Program Jury fund. These expenditures are allowable as costs for the development and maintenance of drug court and Veterans Court programs operated within the county.
  Acct. Number Acct. Name Amount Bal. End Bal.
From: 2354-259700 Fund Balance $3,000 $4,370.50 $1,370.50
To: 2354-4060-001-432001 Professional Services $3,000 $0.00 $3,000.00

Issue: Frequent Drug and Alcohol testing is part of the 10-key components of a Veterans Treatment Program as indicated by the National Association for Drug Court Professionals Organization. Drug testing services are rendered to all participants.

Solution: The Veterans Treatment Program fees allows funds to be utilized for services provided to the VTP program participants, specifically, drug and alcohol testing services.

Result: Continue drug testing all participants for drug and alcohol to monitor abstinence and compliance while participating in the 406th Judicial District Veterans Treatment Program.
6.   Civil Legal Division
a.   AI-7200    Discussion and possible action authorizing Webb County to enter into a Thirty Six month (36) agreement with AT&T for the provision of upgraded Internet services to Webb County at a monthly rate of $2,524.00 plus surcharges and other fees; and authorizing the County Judge to execute all relevant documents; and any other matters incident thereto, subject to annual budgetary appropriation. The provision of these Internet services will be an upgrade to the existing primary Internet services for Webb County.  We are currently paying $2,402.00 plus surcharges and other fees for this service; therefore, the financial increase is approximately $120.00 per month.  [Requested by Rafael Pena, Webb County I.T. Director; Account #1001-1130-001-441001 Internet]
  Agreement - AT&T - Executed
  AT&T Agreement for internet service upgrade I.T. March 2018
  AT&T Summary Price Quote for internet service upgrade I.T. March 2018
b.   AI-7201    Discussion and possible action to enter into a Memorandum of Understanding between Office of the Attorney General of the State of Texas and Webb County in order for Webb County to receive monetary assistance from the OAG to upgrade the Internet bandwidth connection for Webb County at an annual fee amount of $3,120.00 (Three Thousand One Hundred Twenty Dollars); The pro-rated fee due to Webb County from OAG for the remaining 6 months for this fiscal year from April 1, 2018 thru September 30th, 2018 will be $1,560.00 (One Thousand Five Hundred Sixty Dollars). The total amount of the contract will be $10,920.00 (Ten Thousand Nine Hundred and Twenty Dollars). In exchange, Webb County will configure a Virtual Private Network (VPN) tunnel that will allow authorized OAG employees to access Webb County’s case management and imaging and judicial software system for the term of the agreement (April 1, 2018 to September 30, 2021). [Requested by Rafael Pena, Webb County I.T. Director; Account #1001-1130-001-441001 (Internet)]
  Contract - Office of the Attorney General - Executed
c.   AI-7207    Discussion and possible action to enter into a Purchase Agreement between Webb County and Technique Data Systems, at a total cost of Thirty One Thousand Two Hundred Forty Three Dollars ($31,243.00) for hardware and software for the financial operation of the Webb County Tax Assessor and Collector Office, and authorizing the County Judge to execute all relevant documents; and any other matters incident thereto. [Requested by Norma Farabough, Webb County Tax Assessor and Collector; Account #1001-1280-001-443000-110 (Tax Office TDS Software Contract)]
  Agreement - Tech. Data Systems - Executed
  Technique Data Systems Purchase Agreement for Tax Office
d.   AI-7209    Discussion and possible action to enter into a One (1) year (March 26, 2018 through March 25, 2019) Preventative Maintenance Agreement between Ford Audio-Video Systems, LLC and the Webb County for the Public Information Office for maintenance on audio and video equipment at a cost of One Thousand Nine Hundred Fifty Six Dollars ($1,956.00), and authorizing the County Judge to sign and execute all relevant documents. [Requested by Larry Sanchez, Public Information Officer, Acct #1001-1300-001-44300-030 (Repairs and Maintenance)]
  Preventative Maint Agrmt - Ford Audio-Video - Executed
e.   AI-7210    Discussion and possible action to enter into a Thirty (30) month (March 26, 2018 through September 25, 2020) Lease with Maintenance Agreement between Toshiba Business Solutions and Webb County for the Webb County Meals on Wheels Program for a Toshiba E-Studio 2508A Copier at a month cost of One Hundred Twenty Dollars and Ninety Nine Cents and a total amount of Three Thousand Six Hundred Twenty Nine Dollars and Seventy Cents ($3,629.70), subject to annul budgetary appropriation and authorizing the County Judge to sign and execute all relevant documents. [Requested by Javier Ramirez, Director, Webb County Community Action Agency; Account #2371-5260-521-444500 (Equipment Rental)]
  Lease Maint. Agreement - Toshiba - Executed
f.   AI-7211    Discussion and possible action to enter into a Twelve (12) month (March 26, 2018 through March 25, 2019) Maintenance Agreement between Toshiba Business Solutions and Webb County for the Webb County Commissioners Court Administration for a Toshiba E-Studio 3555C Copier for a total amount of Seven Hundred Seventy Five Dollars ($775.00), and authorizing the County Judge to sign and execute all relevant documents. [Requested by Leroy Medford, Webb County Commissioners Court Administrator; Account #1001-1010-001-443000-35 (Repairs and Maintenance)]
  AIMS Maintenance Contract - Toshiba Business Solutions - Executed
  Maint Contract - Toshiba - Executed
g.   AI-7212    Discussion and possible action to amend an existing Service Agreement contract with West Publishing Corporation D/B/A West Government Services to decrease the amount of users from Four (4) licenses to Two (2) licenses for Thirty-Six (36) months for the Consolidated Lead Evaluation and Reporting Services (CLEAR) for investigative purposes at a monthly charge not to exceed One Hundred Ninety Two Dollars and Forty Cents ($192.40), to be adjusted after each succeeding 12 month term at a rate not to exceed Seven (7%) percent over the charges for the preceding 12 month term, subject to annual budget appropriating and authorizing the County Judge to sign and execute all relevant documents. [Requested by Nancy Cadena, Webb County Indigent Health Care Director; Account #1001-5040-001532001 (Professional Services)]
Issue: The Indigent Health Care Services Department utilizes this online software program to obtain investigative reports on program applicants to verify possible assets/resources and residency. This software program is also used to find relatives of unclaimed pauper decedents. The IHC Department is currently limited with only one licensed user which may delay the approval process for the indigent clients.
Solution: Staff members will have access to conduct searches in an efficient and effective manner that will expedite the investigative process.
Result: With the adequate access to this online resource, IHC caseworkers will be able to make a eligibility determination for the program applicants.
  Service Agrmt- West Publishing Corp. 03-26-2018 - Executed
7.   Community Action Agency
a.   AI-7182    Discussion and possible action to approve the budget amendment (line item transfer) within the following grant funds:
  Acct. Number Acct. Name Amount Bal. End Bal.
From: 2025-5320-521-464010 Dues & Memberships $236.75 $500.00 $263.25
To: 2025-5320-521-464010 Repairs & Maintenance $236.75 $0 $236.75

Issue: The Repairs and Building Maintenance account requires a transfer of funds to cover expenditures.

Solution: Utilize savings from Dues and Memberships account to cover costs as quoted by the vendor.

Result: The requested line item transfer will allow for the vendor to inspect and repair the fire suppression system as well as the fire extinguishers in our building.
  line item transfer - building maintenance
b.   AI-7186    Discussion and possible action to authorize Webb County Community Action Agency to enter into an annual vendor agreement with Retail Energy Providers (listed below) for the implementation of Community Services Block Grant (CSBG) and the Comprehensive Energy Assistance Program (CEAP). These vendor agreements are a Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs (TDHCA) requirement for the implementation of the programs.

List of Retail Energy Providers


Issue: The Webb County CAA will enter into an annual vendor agreement with Retail Energy Providers for the implementation of the Community Services Block Grant (CSBG) and the Comprehensive Energy Assistance Program (CEAP).

Solution: These vendor agreements are a Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs (TDHCA) requirement for the implementation of the programs.

Result: The Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs (TDHCA) will provide funding to be used for payment of qualifying low income clients home energy expenses.
  Vendor Agreement
  Reliant agreement
c.   AI-7191    Discussion and possible action to approve the budget amendment (line item transfer) within the following grant  funds. No impact to general fund.
  Acct. Number Acct. Name Amount Bal. End Bal.
From: 2368-5170-521-457008-010 Contractual Skills Training $36,079.00 $56,079.00 $20,000.00
To: 2368-5170-521-410000 Payroll $36,079.00 $-13,251.22 $22,827.78

Issue: As per the state Webb County CAA must use both CEAP & CSBG grant for expenses: space rental, materials & supplies, office supplies, equipment rental and postage etc.

Solution: To have enough funds in CEAP account to pay necessary expenses.

Result: To ensure funding for the remainders of the current fiscal year.
d.   AI-7194    Discussion and possible action to approve the budget amendment (line item transfer) within the following grant funds. No Impact to the to General Fund.
  Acct. Number Acct. Name Amount Bal. End Bal.
From: 2661-7110-521-410000 Payroll Cost $10,000 $150,810.62 $140,810.62
To: 2661-7110-521-413000 Overtime $10,000 $-150.05 $9,849.95

Issue: Funds available in the account cannot cover cost needed to continue operating of services (overtime).

Solution: Monies transferred will allow the department to pay overtime when driver(s) call in sick or on leave.

Result: Continuation of operation for department to meet its rural transit services.
e.   AI-7181    Discussion and possible action to approve Home Delivered Meal (HDM) Waiver to the inter-local agreement between Webb County (Community Action Agency - Meals on Wheels Program) and the Texas Department of Health and Human Services Commission (HHCS) as required to provide "emergency" hot, shelf-stable and/or frozen meals to HDM consumers; and authorizing the County Judge to sign all relevant documents; and any other matters incident thereto.
8.   Honorable Marco Montemayor, County Attorney
a.   AI-7184    Discussion and possible action to approve the following budget amendment (line item transfer) within the following forfeiture funds. No impact to general fund.
  Acct. Number Acct. Name Amount Bal. End Bal.
From: 2171-2270-001-45800 Administrative Travel $5,000 $5,000.00 $0
To: 2171-2270-001-456305 Uniforms $5,000 $2,689.74 $7,689.74

Issue: Transfer is needed to cover uniform expenses for the remainder of the fiscal year.

Solution: Approve line item transfer request.

Result: To ensure funding for the remainder of the current fiscal year.
9.   Honorable Margie Ibarra, County Clerk
a.   AI-7173    Approval of Minutes for March 12, 2018
  Commissioners Court Meeting Minutes for March 12, 2018
10.   Economic Development
a.   AI-7168    Discussion and possible action to add the following no-cost budget items to the Community Outdoor Outreach Program (CO-OP) grant budget; and any other matters incident thereto. Budget item to be added: Coolers and Cabin Rental/Other Associated Cabin Fees for use on trips to state parks by the children/youth of Laredo/Webb County. The Webb County Sheriff's Office received verification by the grant funding agency that these items are allowable expenses once the budget amendment is approved; and, this neither increases nor decreases the grant budget in any manner. Furthermore, this grant does not require a cash match; and, thus, will have no impact to the general fund. All required documents were sent for review through the Economic Development Department and the solicitation is compliant with the Webb County Single Point of Contact (SPOC) procedures. [Requested by Martin Cuellar, Webb County Sheriff; Grant #2851]
Issue: The new CO-OP Program Director seeks to purchase coolers and rent cabins for planned summer field trips. 
Solution: Submit a no-cost budget adjustment to add these items to the grant budget. 
Result: These proposed items will be eligible expenses under the CO-OP grant program.
  Transmittal Documentation
c.   AI-7174    Discussion and possible action to approve to add the following no-cost budget item to the Friends of the National Rifle Association (NRA) Foundation grant budget as awarded and authorized by the Laredo/Webb County volunteer committee made up of local community leaders; and any other matters incident thereto. Budget item to be added: two (2) handguns and sixty (60) boxes of training ammunition strictly for use by law enforcement officers at the Webb County Sheriff's Office. The Webb County Sheriff's Office received the necessary approval by the funding agency in order to be able to increase the number of items purchased for the same amount of grant funds; and this neither increases nor decreases the grant budget in any manner. Furthermore, these are grant funds; and, thus, there is no impact on general funds. All required documents were sent for review through the Economic Development Department and the solicitation is compliant with the Webb County Single Point of Contact (SPOC) procedures. [Requested by Martin Cuellar, Webb County Sheriff; Grant Account #2920 (Foundation Grant No. 18TXS021)]

Issue:  Grant funds were available to purchase additional hand guns and training ammunition for the exclusive use of law enforcement officials at the Webb County Sheriff's Office and in order to utilize all available grant funds. 

Solution:  Receive authorization to purchase additional law enforcement equipment. 

Result: Grant funds will be fully utilized, and the Webb County Sheriff's Office law enforcement officers will be provided with additional firearms and training ammunition. 
  Documentation to Econ Dev
d.   AI-7172    Discussion and possible action to approve a no-cost budget adjustment to reduce the amount of grant funds by $54,188.52 in the budget line item specific to the acquisition of GH Hard Armor vests from $170,950 to $116,761.48 for the purchase of said hard armor; and any other matters incident thereto. During the procurement process, a vendor provided through a cooperative agreement a total quote that reduced the unit cost of the 263 hard armor vests from the originally estimated amount of $650 per vest kit to an actual quote of $443.96 per vest kit. The state agency has already ruled that the remaining grant funds be de-obligated since these extra, remaining $54,188.52 funds cannot be used to purchase additional body armor. The grant funds to be utilized for the purchase of said hard armor kits will be reimbursed by the state agency as the vast majority of grants awarded to Webb County are solely on a reimbursement basis. These are grant funds; and, thus, there is no impact on general fund. All required documents were sent for review through the Economic Development Department and the solicitation is compliant with the Webb County Single Point of Contact (SPOC) procedures. [Requested by Martin Cuellar, Webb County Sheriff; Grant Account #2745 (Rifle Resistant Body Armor Project)]
  Documentation to Econ Dev
e.   AI-7176    Discussion and possible action to proclaim April 2018 as the 50th Anniversary of Fair Housing Month, April 9-13, 2018 as Fair Housing Week and designating the Webb County Community Action Agency to monitor Fair Housing in Webb County.

Issue: In order to continue to apply for grants, it is a federal requirement that Webb County promotes Fair Housing within its jurisdiction.

Solution: Promoting Fair Housing in Webb County and designating a week during the month of April will help citizens of Webb County to know of their legal rights in housing discrimination.

Result: The federal requirement for Fair Housing will be met by promoting Fair Housing within Webb County's jurisdiction. This will allow Webb County to continue to apply for grants.
  Proclamation - Fair Housing Week - Executed
  Fair Housing Proclamation
f.   AI-7189    Discussion and possible action to accept grant award Contract Number #61180002873 for the Community Services Block Grant Program (CSBG) from the Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs (TDHCA) for Program Year 2018, in the amount of  Five Hundred Forty Four Thousand Dollars ($544,000.00) and the 2018 Community Action Plan (CAP), and authorizing the County Judge to sign all relevant documents. Community Services Block Grant (CSBG), Account #2368-5170-3303000. All required documents were sent for review through the Economic Development Department and the solicitation is complaint with the Webb County Single Point of Contact (SPOC) procedures. This action will have no impact to the General Fund. [Requested by Javier Ramirez, CAA Director]

Issue: Approve funding for the Community Services Block Grant (CSBG) from the Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs (TDHCA) for program year 2018 in the amount of $544,000.00. The contract shall commence on January 01, 2018 and end on December 31, 2018.

Solution: The Community Services Block Grant Program (CSBG) provides support services to eligible elderly, disabled and low income residents of Webb County.

Result: The support services are intended to assist eligible Webb County residents to transition out of poverty.
  CSBG Grant 2018
11.   Planning & Physical Development
a.   AI-7183    Discussion and possible action to grant Preliminary and Final Plat Approval to Lot 1, Block 1 of the Martinez Subdivision (ID 8364).  The Planning Advisory Board recommended approval of this item contingent upon compliance with staff comments at their meeting of December 21, 2017.
  Martinez Plat
12.   Purchasing
a.   AI-7177    Discussion and possible action to authorize the Purchasing Agent to process surplus and/or salvage property in accordance with the Texas Local Government Code; Section 263.152 (Disposition) and authorizing the Purchasing Agent to publish notice to public as per Local Government Code Section 263.153 (Notice) for surplus and/or salvage property being auctioned.
Issue: Excess County property that either is salvage property because of time, accident, or any other cause is so worn, damaged, or obsolete that it has no value for the purpose it was originally intended for and/or surplus property that that is no longer needed by the department and may have some usefulness for the purpose it was intended and would be transferred for use by another County department or auctioned online to the general public.
Solution: Attempt to sell the County surplus or salvage property by competitive bids or auction, dispose or destroy property that cannot be sold through auction and/or competitive bids because it has deemed worthless or dispose through a and/or competitive bids because it has deemed worthless or dispose through a recycling program under which property is collected, separated, or processed and returned to use in the form of raw materials of new products.
Result: Generate revenue from sale of property, reduce County expenditures by transferring surplus property to other departments and make room for future assets turned in by County departments.
  Asset Disposition 03-26-2018
b.   AI-7195    Discussion and possible action to purchase 263 rifle resistant body armor from Grainger Inc., in the amount of One Hundred Sixteen Thousand Seven Hundred Sixty-One Dollars and Forty-Eight Cents ($116,761.48) for the Sheriff’s Office, District Attorney’s Office, County Attorney’s Office and Constable Precinct 2, 3 and 4 in accordance with the Texas Local Government Code Sections 271.101 and 271.102.  (NASPO Value Point Cooperative Contract 2016-179). [Requested by Sheriff Martin Cuellar Jr., Grant Account #2745-3010-001-460105]

Issue: On 1/22/2018, Commissioners Court approved and accepted a grant award in the amount of $184,973 for the purchase of rifle resistant body armor for the Webb County Sheriff's Office; the Offices of the Constable Pct. 1-4; the District Attorney’s Office; and the Webb County Attorney’s Office.

Solution: Authorize the purchase of the 263 rifle resistant body armor.

Result: Armor will be available for first responders for the Sheriff’s Office, District Attorney’s Office, County Attorney’s Office and Constable Precinct 2, 3 and 4.
  Grainger Quote Coop
13.   Honorable Martin Cuellar, Sheriff
a.   AI-7170    Discussion and possible action to approve the budget amendment (line item transfer) within the following commissary funds:
  Acct. Number Acct. Name Amount Bal. End Bal.
From: 2022-4100-001-432001 Professional Services $4,900 $5,000 $100
To: 2022-4100-001-461000 Materials & Supplies $4,900 $34,704 $39,604

Issue: Funds are needed under Materials & Supplies.

Solution: A transfer is required from another budget category.

Result: There will be sufficient funds under Materials & Supplies.
  Motion by Commissioner, Pct. 3 John C. Galo, seconded by Commissioner, Pct. 2 Rosaura “Wawi” Tijerina to approve all Consent Agenda items except items #10.b. and #10.g.
  Vote: 5 - 0 Motion Carried
  2022 Line Item Transfer Back Up
10.   Economic Development
b.   AI-7193    Discussion and possible action to authorize the development and submission of a Texas Community Development Block Grant application to the Texas Department of Agriculture for the Community Enhancement Fund Program in an amount not to exceed $500,000.00, and authorizing the County Judge to act as the County's Executive Officer and Authorized Representative in all matters pertaining to the County's participation in the Community Enhancement Program. This grant application will not require a cash match and will not impact the Webb County General Fund, but will require at least a 25% in-kind contribution from Webb County. [Requested by James Flores, Economic Development Director]
  Economic Development Director, Mr. James Flores stated as a correction and proposed $125,000-25% as cash match as well as $125,000-25% as in-kind to make up the 50% on item #10.b.
  Motion by Commissioner, Pct. 2 Rosaura “Wawi” Tijerina, seconded by Commissioner, Pct. 1 Jesse Gonzalez to approve item #10.b. as corrected
  Vote: 5 - 0 Motion Carried
  Resolution - TX Community Dev Block Grant - Executed
g.   AI-7190    Discussion and possible action to approve extension of grant Contract Number #58170002607 for the Comprehensive Energy Assistance Program (CEAP) from Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs (TDHCA) for the Program year 2017. The extension is from January 01, 2017 through June 30, 2018 and authorizing the County Judge to sign all relevant documents. All required documents were sent for review through the Economic Development Department and the solicitation is compliant with the Webb County Single Point of Contact (SPOC) procedures. There will be no impact to the general fund. [Requested by Javier Ramirez, CAA Director; Account #2362-5150-330300]

Issue: Approve amendment No. 5 for the CEAP Program from TDHCA for PY-2017.

Solution: The CEAP Program provides direct client services to eligible elderly, disabled and low income residents of Webb County.

Result: The services are intended to assist eligible Webb County residents up to 8 highest remaining calendar months of energy consumption. The CEAP allocation for this contract is for 12 months.
  Motion by Commissioner, Pct. 4 Jaime Alberto Canales, seconded by Commissioner, Pct. 3 John C. Galo
  Vote: 5 - 0 Motion Carried
  CEAP Amendment #5
Honorable Martin Cuellar, Sheriff
14.   AI-7169    Discussion and possible action to approve the payout cost of compensatory time to pay Employee ID 5897 and Employee ID 7000 using payroll overtime (OT) from department account numbers 4070 and 3010 with the following breakdown:
Acct. Number Acct. Name Amount
1001-3010-001-413000-010 Overtime $10,431.90
1001-3010-001-422000 FICA $798.04
1001-3010-001-423000 Retirement $1,227.83
1001-3010-001-425000 Unemployment $79.28
1001-3010-001-426000 Workers Comp $182.56
1001-4070-001-413000-010 Overtime $9,208.50
1001-4070-001-422000 FICA $704.45
1001-4070-001-423000 Retirement $1,083.84
1001-4070-001-425000 Unemployment $69.98
1001-4070-001-426000 Workers Comp $161.15
  Total $23,947.54

Issue: For Employee ID #7000, compensatory time was not paid out when he was transferred from hourly to salary/exempt employee status on January 28, 2015. For Employee ID #5897, he transferred to another county department on February 9, 2018, so compensatory time/hours need to be paid out by the Webb County Sheriff's Office using payroll overtime (OT).

Solution: When approved by Commissioners Court, employees will receive owed but pending compensatory time/hours to be paid.

Result: This court action will resolve these pending issues.
  Motion by Commissioner, Pct. 3 John C. Galo, seconded by Commissioner, Pct. 4 Jaime Alberto Canales
  Vote: 5 - 0 Motion Carried
  Account Info
  Final Revision
  Further Revisions
Economic Development
15.   AI-7175    Discussion and possible action to approve the 2018-2019 Third Party Application, set submission dates and deadlines for application of Third Party Funding; and any other matters incident thereto.

Issue: Third Party Applications must be submitted with ample time in order to review and approve/deny funding and prepare for next fiscal year's budget.

Solution: Set date(s) to solicit Third Party Funding Applications in order to have enough time to review and approve/deny funding  and prepare for next fiscal year's budget.

Result: Provide Third Party funding to eligible organizations that provide a purpose in the community.
  Motion by Commissioner, Pct. 3 John C. Galo, seconded by Commissioner, Pct. 4 Jaime Alberto Canales to approve item #15 effective today and set June 15 as the deadline and to add that to where there will be no payroll
  Vote: 5 - 0 Motion Carried
Human Resources
16.   AI-7187    Discussion and possible action to rescind the appointment of Risk Management director and take action to consider other applicants, request additional posting of position, or take any other action the court deems appropriate for designating a permanent or interim Risk Management Director; and any other matters incident thereto.
Issue: Original applicant did not accept position.
Solution: Court needs to consider making another selection from current applicants that were interviewed in previous meeting, request a posting for additional applicants or appoint an interim.
Result: The Risk Management Department will be more efficient with the appointment of a permanent individual.
  Motion by County Judge Tano E. Tijerina, seconded by Commissioner, Pct. 2 Rosaura “Wawi” Tijerina to approve item #16 and to repost the Risk Management director position
  Vote: 5 - 0 Motion Carried
  Risk Management Director
17.   AI-7208    Discussion and possible action to address policy and procedural failures regarding a recent transfer of employee from Sheriff’s department #4070 (Slot #463) to Constable Pct. 1 department #3150 (Slot #2373); and any other matters incident thereto. [Co-sponsored by Commissioner John Galo, Pct. 3]
  Motion by Commissioner, Pct. 1 Jesse Gonzalez , seconded by Commissioner, Pct. 3 John C. Galo to go with HR recommendations and approve the salary at $19.40

Cmr. Galo withdrew his second.

Cmr. Gonzalez withdrew his motion.
  Motion by County Judge Tano E. Tijerina, seconded by Commissioner, Pct. 4 Jaime Alberto Canales to approve the moving of monies as effective today so he does not lose his salary from now until the end of the fiscal year to come out of the County Judge's Office budget
  Vote: 5 - 0 Motion Carried
  Item #17 backup(2).pdf
  Item #17 backup.pdf
  policy notes
Civil Legal Division
18.   AI-7180    Discussion and possible action to approve the dissolution of the Webb County Housing Finance Corporation pursuant to article XII of the article of incorporation of said entity, and to approve the transfer of $129,768.81 held in a special revenue fund 2016 to the general fund account, as per Texas Local Government Code Section 394.023 (b), and authorizing the Webb County Judge to execute all relevant documents; and any other matters incident thereto. [Requested Webb County Commissioners Court]
  Motion by Commissioner, Pct. 3 John C. Galo, seconded by County Judge Tano E. Tijerina
  Vote: 5 - 0 Motion Carried
Public Information Officer
19.   AI-7178    Discussion and possible action approve the posting and filling of Slot #2129 which is currently funded at $100.00, subject to the availability of payroll funds and any applicable Civil Service guidelines, effective March 26, 2018; and any other matters incident thereto.
Slot # Title Hourly Rate/Salary
2129 Production Administrator $19.40/$40,346.66  17/A-E

Issue: Slot #2129 is currently funded at $100.00. Would like to fund remainder of budget year to have position funded at full time ($40, 346.66 yr.). Currently have part time employee who can only work limited hours due to part time status.

Solution: Having full time employee with allow department to provide more services during business hours. Balance of money (approximately $10,000) from part time position can be transferred to slot with balance of $10,000 from payroll savings for remainder of the year.

Result: Having a full time employee will allow department to complete work requested by different departments.
  Motion by Commissioner, Pct. 2 Rosaura “Wawi” Tijerina, seconded by County Judge Tano E. Tijerina to approve item #19 effective the day he has sufficient funds
  Vote: 5 - 0 Motion Carried
  Judge Tijerina recognized Mayor Pete Saenz and Assistant Chief Torres.
  Production Adm
20.   AI-7205    Discussion and possible action to authorize the Purchasing Agent to solicit for competitive bids to convert County owned property located on 1001 Houston Street to a parking lot for County employees housed at the County Courthouse and authorizing the County Judge to sign all relevant documents and any other matters incident thereto. [Requested by Commissioners Court; Bond Account #3050-7380-001-470000 (Capital Outlay); Account #3055-1250-361100 (Interest Income)]
Issue: Courthouse Visitors do not have sufficient parking spaces.
Solution: Relocate Courthouse staff members to proposed parking lot.
Result: Maximize parking space for both County staff and Courthouse visitors/general public.
  Motion by County Judge Tano E. Tijerina, seconded by Commissioner, Pct. 3 John C. Galo
  Vote: 5 - 0 Motion Carried
21.   AI-7219    Discussion and possible action to accept a donation of a Texas A&M Aggie Medical Clinic (40 foot container) from the Texas A&M University, Inc. as per Local Government Code 81.032, and authorizing the Purchasing Agent to purchase or accept a donation of a trailer that is 20,000 to 30,000 pounds GVWR and a minimum of 40 feet, and authorizing the County Judge to sign all relevant documents; and any other matters incident thereto. [Requested by Judge Tano Tijerina, Account #3015-7050-001-470000-075 (Capital Outlay)]
Issue: There is a need to provide clinical services the citizens of Webb County. A portable clinic will help provide this need.
Solution: Accept donation of a Texas A&M Aggie Medical Clinic and authorize Purchasing Agent to procure or accept a donation of a trailer to transport the unit.

Result: The donated clinic will be utilized as a mobile unit for the citizens of Webb County.
  Motion by County Judge Tano E. Tijerina, seconded by Commissioner, Pct. 2 Rosaura “Wawi” Tijerina
  Vote: 5 - 0 Motion Carried
Risk Management
22.   AI-7213    Discussion and possible action to correct and properly set the COBRA rates for plan year 2018 and authorizing the County Judge to sign any relevant documents; and any other relevant matters thereto.

Issue: The COBRA rates previously set by the former insurance consultant are incorrect and Webb County is unable to collect the proper premium from those employees who separate from the County and elect to remain on the County’s insurance through the COBRA plan.

Solution: Correct and set the rates at the proper premium which is the full premium (employee portion plus employer contribution) plus a 2% administrative cost.

Result: The County will be able to collect the proper premium from those employees who separate from the County.
  Motion by Commissioner, Pct. 3 John C. Galo, seconded by Commissioner, Pct. 2 Rosaura “Wawi” Tijerina
  Vote: 5 - 0 Motion Carried
  Item #22 backup.pdf
Honorable Marco Montemayor, County Attorney
23.   AI-7185    Discussion and possible action to approve the personal injury settlement in the amount of $7,500.00 as a result of a motor vehicle accident that occurred on March 2, 2016, at the 2500 block of Jacaman Road in Laredo, Texas; and any other matters incident thereto. [Executive Session is requested pursuant to Texas Government Code Title 5, Subchapter D, Section 551.071(1)(B) (consultation with attorney regarding a settlement offer)]
  Motion by Commissioner, Pct. 3 John C. Galo, seconded by County Judge Tano E. Tijerina
  Vote: 5 - 0 Motion Carried
Honorable Rosaura “Wawi” Tijerina, Webb County Commissioner Pct. 2
24.   AI-7198    Discussion and possible action to authorize the placement of a bust on the first floor hallway of the Webb County Criminal Justice Center in honor of the late attorney Julio Garcia, Sr., as requested by the Webb County Bar Association; and any other matters incident thereto.
  Motion by Commissioner, Pct. 2 Rosaura “Wawi” Tijerina, seconded by Commissioner, Pct. 3 John C. Galo
  Vote: 5 - 0 Motion Carried
25.   AI-7199    Discussion ad possible action to appoint Two (2) directors to the Webb County Drainage District No. 1, pursuant to Texas water Code §49.105 (c); and any other matters incident thereto.
  Cmr. Tijerina stated that the item should read as one (1) other director instead of Two (2) directors.
  Motion by County Judge Tano E. Tijerina, seconded by Commissioner, Pct. 3 John C. Galo to appoint Ms. Sara Sanchez
  Vote: 5 - 0 Motion Carried
Honorable John C. Galo, Webb County Commissioner Pct. 3
27.   AI-7202    Discussion ad possible action to authorize civil legal division and staff to enter into negotiations with the board of directors of the Laredo International Fair & Exposition (LIFE) in an effort to renegotiate the terms of the current License Agreement with Webb County for the use of LIFE downs property; and any other matters incident thereto.  [Closed/Executive Session is requested pursuant to Texas Government Code, Title 5, Subchapter D, Section 551.071 (1) (A) (Consultation With Attorney)]
  Motion by Commissioner, Pct. 3 John C. Galo, seconded by County Judge Tano E. Tijerina to revoke the license, give them all the notice they need and to begin negotiations with the LIFE Board for them to continue to serve as the exposition people to continue having the livestock fairs
  Vote: 5 - 0 Motion Carried
28.   AI-7203    Discussion and possible action to clarify the Thirty-Six (36) month financial lease purchase agreement approved on February 12, 2018, Agenda item #25 for a 2017 John Deere 622GX Motor Grader or similar model, financed through an authorized financial institution and Webb County for a total amount not to exceed $276,000.00, payable in monthly installments, in accordance with the Local Government Code; Section 271.005 (Authority to Contract for Personal Property) and with Texas Local Government Code Section 271.102 (c) (Cooperative Purchasing Program Participation) (Buyboard Contract 515-16); and authorizing the County Judge to sign all relevant documents and any other matters incident thereto. [Requested by the Road & Bridge department; Account #2007-7150-001-470000 (Capital Outlay)]
  Motion by Commissioner, Pct. 4 Jaime Alberto Canales, seconded by County Judge Tano E. Tijerina
  Vote: 5 - 0 Motion Carried
29.   AI-7215    Request for a formal report from county staff regarding county road inventory, including right of way, prescriptive rights, dedicated roads, etc.; with discussion and possible action to authorize the civil legal division to review and determine county obligations for these roads; and any other matters incident thereto.
  No action taken.
(Recess 10:54 - 11:09 a.m.)
Closed Session/Executive Session
32.   AI-7196    Discussion and possible action to approve a possible settlement of a workers compensation lien in connection with Civil Action No. 5:17-CV-00009, Horacio Lopez vs. ThyssenKrupp Elevator Corporationand any other matters incident thereto. [Executive Session is requested pursuant to Texas Government Code Title 5, Subchapter D, Section 551.071(1)(B)(Consultation with attorney regarding a settlement offer)]
  Motion by County Judge Tano E. Tijerina, seconded by Commissioner, Pct. 3 John C. Galo
  Vote: 5 - 0 Motion Carried
33.   AI-7167    Discussion and possible action to proclaim the month of April, 2018 as “Child Abuse & Neglect Awareness Prevention Month” in Webb County, Texas. [Requested by Tano E. Tijerina, County Judge]
36.   AI-7216    Discussion and possible action to proclaim the month of April, 2018 as Sexual Assault Awareness and Prevention Month in Webb County. [Requested by Tano E. Tijerina, County Judge]
35.   AI-7204    Recognition and presentation of plaque to the Cigarroa High School Silver Roses dance team for their outstanding achievements in competing and winning various awards and recognitions at the American Dance and Drill Team Competition in South Padre Island.[Requested by Jesse Gonzalez, Commissioner Precinct 1]
34.   AI-7197    Recognition and presentation of plaque to the Alexander High School Girls Basketball team and coaches for reaching the Elite 8 state tournament and their accomplishments this season. [Requested by Tano E. Tijerina, County Judge]
Honorable Rosaura "Wawi" Tijerina, Webb County Commissioner Pct. 2
26.   AI-7206    Discussion and possible action to approve a resolution to recognize the month of April, 2018 as World Autism Awareness Month and to commemorate World Autism Awareness month in Webb County, Texas by lighting up the Webb County Courthouse in Blue for the entire month of April, 2018, and any matters incident thereto.
Honorable Jaime A. Canales, Webb County Commissioner Pct. 4
30.   AI-7218    Discussion and possible action to approve the following budget amendment (line item transfer):
  Acct. Number Acct. Name Amount Bal. End Bal.
From: 1001-1060-001-461000 Materials & Supplies $2,500 $3,242.32 $742.32
  1001-1060-001-461003 Goods for Public Events $1,000 $2,384.54 $1,384.54
To: 1001-1060-001-458000 Administrative Travel $3,000 $25.15 $3,025.15
  1001-1060-001-456205 Training & Education $500  0.00 $500.00

Issue: There is currently insufficient funds under administrative travel.

Solution: A line item transfer is required to make funds available for use.

Result: Sufficient funds for administrative travel.
  Motion by Commissioner, Pct. 3 John C. Galo, seconded by Commissioner, Pct. 1 Jesse Gonzalez
  Vote: 5 - 0 Motion Carried
  Motion by Commissioner, Pct. 3 John C. Galo, seconded by County Judge Tano E. Tijerina to go to Executive Session on item #31
  Vote: 5 - 0 Motion Carried
(Executive Session 12:07 - 12:13 p.m.)
  No action taken.
Closed Session/Executive Session
31.   AI-7179    Status report with discussion and possible action regarding pending litigation in Cause No. 2017-CVG-000400-D2, 111th District Court, Webb County, Texas styled Martin M. Camacho & Maria G. Camacho vs. Webb County, Texas; and any other matters incident thereto. [Closed/Executive Session is requested pursuant to Texas Government Code, Title 5, Subchapter D, Section 551.071 (1) (A) (B) (Consultation With Attorney)] [Requested by Webb County Civil Legal Division]
  Motion by County Judge Tano E. Tijerina, seconded by Commissioner, Pct. 1 Jesse Gonzalez to approve the Civil Legal Division's recommendation
  Vote: 5 - 0 Motion Carried
37.   Communications
  Cmr. Tijerina read communications on behalf of the Commissioners Court.
Additional communications were made by Judge Tijerina, Cmr. Canales, and Cmr. Galo.
38.   Adjourn
  Motion by County Judge Tano E. Tijerina, seconded by Commissioner, Pct. 2 Rosaura “Wawi” Tijerina to adjourn
  Vote: 5 - 0 Motion Carried


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