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Official Minutes for Webb County
Commissioners Court Meeting

Monday, May 9, 2016 at 9:00 AM
(Approved May 23, 2016)

Let it be remembered that a regular meeting of the Webb County Commissioners Court was held at 9:00 a.m. at the regular meeting place with the following members present to wit:

Tano E. Tijerina,                                            County Judge
Frank Sciaraffa,                                             Commissioner, Pct. 1
Rosaura "Wawi" Tijerina,                              Commissioner, Pct. 2
John C. Galo,                                                Commissioner, Pct. 3
Jaime Alberto Canales,                                 Commissioner, Pct. 4

Thus constituting a quorum, the Commissioners Court proceeded to act upon the Agenda as posted in the meeting notice of the 6th day of May 2016. Present also were Ms. Virginia Martinez, Deputy County Clerk representing Mrs. Margie Ramirez Ibarra, Ex-officio Clerk of the Commissioners Court, various officers and others interested in the business of the Court.
1. Roll Call by Honorable Margie Ramirez-Ibarra, Webb County Clerk
2. Pledge of Allegiance/Invocation
3. Approval of Bills, Payroll, and Monthly Report
  Accounts Payable Supervisor, Ms. Deyanira Saenz presented the Recap of Checks, Ratification of Payroll for May 6, 2016, Auditor's Errors, and a check from Executive Office Supply in the amount of $5,215.34 pending approval.
  Motion by Commissioner, Pct. 3 John C. Galo, seconded by Commissioner, Pct. 1 Frank Sciaraffa
  Vote: 5 - 0 Motion Carried
  Chief Deputy Auditor, Mr. Rafael Perez presented the monthly report for April 2016.
  Motion by County Judge Tano E. Tijerina, seconded by Commissioner, Pct. 1 Frank Sciaraffa
  Vote: 5 - 0 Motion Carried
4. Public Comment - This section provides the public the opportunity to address the Commissioners Court on any items on the Agenda. Members of the public wishing to participate must complete a Witness Card specifying which agenda item they wish to comment on. Each public member, individually or in a group, will be allowed a total of Three (3) minutes within which to make any/all public comments.
  1) Geoff Connor with Pescadito Environmental Resource Center spoke in regards to item #37.
2) Sheriff's Commander Wayo Ruiz spoke in regards to item #26.
3) Sheriff's Chief Federico Garza spoke in regards to item #26.
CONSENT AGENDA: At most meetings, the Commissioners Court establishes a Consent Agenda. it consists of those Agenda Items which are routine or non-controversial, and which neither a member of the Commissioners court has asked to be pulled for discussion. Once the Commissioners Court has established the Consent Agenda, Agenda Items included on it will be voted upon in one vote, and will not be discussed separately unless requested by the County Judge or Commissioners.

The consent agenda has been created in order to give constituents the opportunity to view any and all pertinent backup information with reference to any item in the agenda. The objective of the consent agenda is for all Webb County constituents to be familiar with everyday county business and to demonstrate the transparency and fairness of this Commissioners Court.

The following Agenda Items are of a routine nature, and the Commissioners Court has received supporting materials for consideration. All of these Agenda Items will be passed with one vote without being discussed separately, unless a member of the Commissioners Court or the public requests that a particular Agenda Item be discussed. If so, that Agenda Item will be pulled from the Consent Agenda and discussed as part of the regular Agenda at the appropriate time. One vote will approve the remaining items on the Consent Agenda.

Consent Items:
5. AI-4233  Approval of Minutes for April 25, 2016
  Commissioners Court Meeting Minutes for April 25, 2016.pdf
6. Honorable Monica Notzon, 111th District Court Judge
a. AI-4242  Discussion and possible action to approve a Resolution and authorize the submission of a grant application to the U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs, Bureau of Justice Assistance and establish a Mental Health Court Program.  Grant Number BJA-2016-9205

Issue: It has been documenteaqd that offenders with mental illness are readily falling through the cracks in an inadequate criminal justice system. This appears to be due to the lack of mental health services and facilities available to the. This has brought to the fore the urgent need for a judicial system that could specifically advance these services to them. The presence of defendants with mental illnesses in the criminal justice system imposes substantial costs on that system and a substantial harm on the community.

Solution: Judge Notzon began a pilot Mental Health Court program which emphasizes public safety, diverts defendants with mental illness from incarceration to appropriate treatment facility and community resources.

Result: If funded, the program would be designed to identify and address the unique needs of the criminal offenders with behavioral needs.  Mental Health Court would represent an effort to increase effective cooperation between the criminal justice system and the mental health system. Positive results are seen with faster processing time, improved access to mental health treatment services and reducing recidivism.
  Letter of Intent To Apply
7. Building Maintenance
a. AI-4249  Discussion and possible action to approve the following line item transfers for the Building Maintenance Department:
  Acct. Number Acct. Name Amount Bal. End Bal.
From: 001-0106-5601 Administrative Travel $2,500 $2,500.00 $0.00
  001-0106-6011 Training & Education $4,600 $4,602.12 $2.12
  001-0106-6014 Equipment Rental $4,700 $4,783.23 $83.23
  001-0106-6204 Fuel & Lubricants $15,000 $24,448.32 $9,448.32
To: 001-0106-6401 Repairs & Maintenance of Buildings $26,000 $265.38 $26,265.38
  001-0106-6224 Minor Tools & Apparatus $800 $0.69 $800.69

Issue: Transfer is requested to fund future projects and expenses.

Solution: Approval of line item transfer to make funds available for the issuing of Purchase Orders. 

Result: Will have available funds to pay for items and projects as needed. 
8. Honorable John C. Galo, Webb County Commissioner Pct. 3
a. AI-4244  Discussion and possible action to re-appoint Mr. Steve LaMantia, Precinct 3 representative, to the Webb County City of Laredo Regional Mobility Authority (WCCL-RMA) for a time period of Two (2) years effective February 1, 2016 through February 1, 2018; and any other matters incident thereto.  
9. Honorable Jaime A. Canales, Webb County Commissioner Pct. 4
a. AI-4255  Discussion and possible action to approve the following line item transfers:
  Acct. Number Acct. Name Amount Bal. End Bal.
From: 001-0204-5601 Administrative Travel $1,750 $5,426.61 $3,676.61
  001-0204-6219-2 Goods for Public Events $600 $3,536.00 $2,936.00
To: 001-0204-6005 Postage & Courier $1,350 $.30 $1,350.30
  001-0204-6205 Materials & Supplies $1,000 $479.23 $1,479.23

Issue: The funds allocated to these accounts have been exhausted.

Solution: Transfer funds available in other line items to cover future operational expenses needed.

Result: Ensure funds available for all operational expenditures.
10. Community Action Agency
a. AI-4201  Discussion and possible action to approve the posting and filling of the following Slots, subject to the availability of payroll funds and any applicable Civil Service guidelines, effective Monday, May 9, 2016.
Slot # Title Hourly Rate
1129 Full Time Driver with Benefits $11.25
2054 Part Time Driver without benefits $10.00

Issue: Slots are currently vacant.

Solution: Request is being submitted to fill slots.

Result: The filling of these two slots will allow the department to effectively continue the flow of work at El Aguila Rural Transportation.
  Job Description
b. AI-4202  Discussion and possible action to adjust pay rates for El Aguila Rural Transit Staff from grant funds, to provide a more competitive rate for employees as allowed by the granting agency; and any other matters incident thereto.
Slot # Title Salary/Hourly Adjusted Salary/Hourly
1133 Field Supervisor $24,850.00 $29,120.00/yr
1128 Driver III  $11.30  $12.00/hr
1123 Driver II  $11.57 $12.00/hr
1132  Driver III  $10.76  $11.25/hr
1129 Driver III  $10.50 $11.25/hr
1127  Driver III  $10.76  $11.25/hr
1911 Driver III  $10.25  $11.25/hr
1556 Maint / Driver  $11.03 $11.25/hr

Issue: High Turnover in staff due to low rates.

Solution: Establish a more competitive rate to improve and sustain staff.

Result: To stay competitive in the industry regarding salaries and to retain long term employment.
c. AI-4228  Discussion and possible action to authorize the Community Action Agency Department to submit a Contract Amendment to the Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs - Office of Colonia Initiatives (TDHCA-OCI).  (Self-Help Center -TCDP Contract #712003). This will not impact the general fund.  

Issue: The Self-Help Center Contract will be ending on July 26, 2016. The Contract requires an Amendment to reflect the actual activities that were accomplished during the contract period and to transfer funds between line items. Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs requires a Resolution issued by the Commissioners Court to consider this Contract Amendment Request. 

Solution: Commissioners Court pass a Resolution authorizing the submission of this Contract Amendment as required by the Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs. 

Result: Webb County can successfully close out the Self-Help Center Grant.
  Resolution-TDHCA.- CAA - Executed
11. Honorable Harold Devally, Constable Pct. 4
a. AI-4204  Discussion and possible action to approve the acceptance of the following canines (K-9) from Laredo Sector US Custom Service and Lackland Air Force Base; with authorization to utilize canine expenditures to cover any canine related expenses; and any other matters incident thereto. [Account #171-2502-6706 (Forfeiture funds)]
  • Dutch Shepherd canine (K-9) named Andy 1220 for narcotics detection purpose
  • Labrador Retriever canine (K-9) named Ted V-123 for explosive detection purpose
Issue: Two (2) canines will be transferred: Andy 1220 from the Laredo Sector US Custom Service and Ted V-123 from Lackland Air Force Base to the Webb County Constable Pct. 4 and approval is needed from Commissioners Court.

Solution: Approval of transfer/donation of canines.

Result: Canines acquired will be used for law enforcement interdiction and detection purposes.
b. AI-4211  Discussion and possible action to approve the acceptance of  2 segways donated from Laredo Police Department; with authorization to utilize repairs and maintenance to cover any segway expenses; and any other matters incident thereto. [Account #001-2502-6403 (Repairs & Maintenance)]
  • Segway #8 (serial # 082331045959) Model # X (2)
  • Segway #11 (serial # 082331045996) Model # X (2)?
Issue:  Two segways will be transferred from Laredo Police Department  to the Webb County Constable Pct. 4 and approval is needed from Commissioners Court.

Solution: Approval of donation of segways.

Result: Segways will be utilized to ensure safety in Pct. 4
12. Honorable Marco Montemayor, County Attorney
a. AI-4238  Discussion and possible action to enter into a Forty-Eight (48) month (May 9, 2016 through May 8, 2020) Lease with Maintenance Agreement between Toshiba Business Solutions and Webb County for the 341st District Court for a Toshiba E-Studio 6560CT copier at a monthly cost of Two Hundred Sixty-Eight Dollars and Eighty-Seven Cents ($268.87) for a total amount of Twelve Thousand Nine Hundred Five Dollars and Seventy-Six Cents ($12,905.76) over the term of the agreement, subject to annual budget appropriating and authorizing the County Judge to sign and execute all relevant documents. [Requested by Judge Beckie Palomo, 341st District Court; Accounts #001-1003-6402 and #001-1003-6205]
  Toshiba Lease/Maintenance 341st
b. AI-4236  Discussion and possible action to approve a One (1) year contract with Advanced Computer Technologies, LLC. and Webb County for the 406th District Adult Drug Court for case management software. The contract will have a total cost of $12,500 (TWELVE THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED DOLLARS). This amount is due and payable upon the execution of the agreement, and authorizing the County Judge to sign and execute all relevant documents [Requested by Judge Oscar J. Hale, 406th District Court; Account #332-1212-6022 (Program Fees)] 
  Advanced Technologies-Agmnt - 406th Dist Adult Drug Crt - Executed
  406th Drug Court Program- Advanced Computer Technologies
c. AI-4237  Discussion and possible action to enter into an Onsite Services Agreement between Catapult Health, LLC and Webb County for the Webb County Administrative Services Department. Catapult will provide initial and periodic on-site preventive health and related services for all Webb County employees for a term of One (1) year that shall commence on May 9, 2016 and expire on May 8, 2017. The total cost will be dependent on the amount of employees that participate and will follow a fee schedule, and authorizing the County Judge to execute all relevant documents; and any other matters incident thereto. [Requested by Cynthia Mares, Administrative Services Department; Account #001-0114-6701 (Professional Services)]
  Catapult Health-Admin. Services
d. AI-4240  Discussion and possible action to enter into a Training Contract between National Curriculum & Training Institute and Webb County for the Webb County Youth Village for on-site training that will take place on June 1, 2016 for a total cost of Ten Thousand Six Hundred Seventy-Five Dollars ($10,675.00), and authorizing the County Judge to sign and execute all relevant documents. [Requested by Melissa Mojica, Webb County Youth Village Director; Account #147-1303-6011]
  NCTI-Youth Village
e. AI-4239  Discussion and possible action to authorize the purchase of commercial advertisement with NC Communications Publications by the Webb County Attorney’s Office for Anti-Bullying promotional advertisement for a term of One (1) year that shall commence on May 1, 2016 and expire on April 30, 2017 for a total cost of Six Thousand Dollars ($6,000.00), and authorizing the County Judge to execute all relevant documents; and any other matters incident thereto. [Account #163-1101-6707 (Forfeiture Funds)]
  NC Communications
f. AI-4250  Discussion and possible action to authorize the purchase of commercial advertisement with KGNS-TV by the Webb County Attorney’s Office for Anti-Bullying promotional advertisement for a term of Eight (8) months that shall commence on April 1, 2016 and expire on November 30, 2016 for a total cost of Six Thousand Dollars ($6,000.00) and authorizing the County Judge to execute all relevant documents; and any other matters incident thereto.  [Account #163-1101-6707 (Forfeiture Funds)]
  KGNS TV- County Attorney's Office
13. Honorable Esther Degollado, District Clerk
a. AI-4234  Discussion and possible action to approve the following line item transfer:
  Acct. Number Acct. Name Amount Bal. End Bal.
From: 001-1110-6205 Materials & Supplies $50 $10,599.28 $10,549.28
To: 001-1110-6010 Books & Subscriptions $50 $319.00 $369.00

Issue: There is not enough funds in our Books & Subscriptions account to cover an invoice.  

Solution: Transfer of funds.

Result: Transfer of funds will allow invoice to be paid.
14. Engineering
a. AI-4241  Discussion and possible action to approve the following line item transfers:
  Acct. Number Acct. Name Amount Bal. End Bal.
From: 010-0115-5601 Administrative Travel $1,475 $6,475 $5,000
To: 010-0115-6007 Dues & Membership $475 $265 $740
  010-0115-6205 Materials & Supplies $1,000 $740 $1,740

Issue: New Assistant County Engineer's membership fees, purchase of other supplies.

Solution: Transfer funds to procure items needed.

Result:  Membership fees are paid and purchase of other supplies.
b. AI-4207  Discussion and possible action to approve the following line item transfers for the Utilities Department:
  Acct. Number Acct. Name Amount Bal. End Bal.
From: 801-3001-6006 Advertising $47 $47 $0
  801-3001-6022 Professional Services $1,000 $1,950 $950
  801-3001-6048 Licenses & Permits $3,000 $4,652 $1,652
  801-3002-6006 Advertising $430 $430 $0
  801-3002-6205 Materials & Supplies $3,000 $6,978 $3,978
  801-3002-6402 Repair & Maint. Equip. $4,000 $12,045 $8,045
  801-3004-6201 Utilities $4,000 $44,232 $40,232
To: 801-3001-6022-8 Professional Services - Lab $5,477 $0 $5,477
  801-3001-6224 Minor Tools & Apparatus $2,000 $654 $2,654
  801-3002-6022-8 Professional Services - Lab $1,500 $704 $2,204
  801-3004-6022-8 Professional Services - Lab $6,500 $0 $6,500

Issue: Transfer is requested to fund projects and other expenses.

Solution: Approve transfer to make funds available for issuing of Purchase Orders.

Result: Department will have enough funds to pay items and projects as needed.
c. AI-4223  Discussion and possible action to approve the following line item transfers for the Utilities Department:
  Acct. Number Acct. Name Amount Bal. End Bal.
From: 744-0115-6000-07 Infrastructure Environment $203,769 $482,791 $279,022
To: 745-3001-8801-07 Capital Outlay Water Utility $193,969 $ $
  745-3004-8801-08 Capital Outlay Wastewater Utility $9,800 $ $

Issue: Transfer is being requested to fund two (2) Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (T.C.E.Q.) violation complying projects consisting of the installation of auto dialers that will provide real time call outs for malfunctions at the six Wastewater Lift Stations currently held in enforcement under T.C.E.Q. orders. In addition, this will provide for communication elevated storage tank levels in the water system.  Transfer is also needed to provide funding for warehouse and fencing improvements at the plant.

Solution: Approve this Transfer to make funds available for issuing of Purchase Orders.

Result: Projects commence as needed.
d. AI-4216  Discussion and possible action to award a contract to Square E Engineering in the amount of $9,800 for the installation of the previously awarded auto dialers required for compliance with the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (T.C.E.Q.).  [Account #745-3004-8801-08 (Capital Outlay Wastewater Utility)]

Issue: Currently Six (6) Lift Stations do not have any means to notify on-duty Operators of trouble, equipment failure, out of normal range conditions, and/or power outages. This is a required addition needed in all lift stations by T.C.E.Q. 

Solution: Purchase and install equipment that can provide all elements of early notification for compliance with T.C.E.Q.

Result: Compliance and provide for enhanced service due to Operators being able to respond to problems occurring before they escalate and create overflows and possible equipment damage.
  Annual Contractor Proposal
e. AI-4218  Discussion and possible action to award Square E Engineering the amount of $4,900 for the installation of remote auto dialers at three locations within the water system including the elevated storage tanks to provide for real time level and pressure monitoring of our distribution system. [Account #745-3001-8801-07 (Capital Outlay Water Utility)]

Issue: Current system of remote viewing of distribution pressures and levels at critical points such as the Elevated Storage Tanks have been disabled and in disrepair for several years.  This practice has lead to Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (T.C.E.Q.) concerns and additional duties for Operators who have to drive to these locations to monitor and therefore at times leaving plant unoccupied.

Solution: The installation of these new remove auto dialers will enable the operator to monitor tank levels from their Supervisory Control And Data Acquisition (SCADA) control room without leaving their duties to visit the tank sites.

Result:  Enhanced real time information for the Operator will effectively provide for more consistent and safer operation of the pumps and water treatment equipment. 
  Installation Proposal from annual contractor for water
f. AI-4222  Discussion and possible action to award Lone Star Steel & Supply the amount of $42,069 for steel materials for the construction of new perimeter security fencing around the Rio Bravo Water Treatment Plant. [Account #745-3001-8801-07 (Capital Outlay Water Utility)]

Issue: Past Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (T.C.E.Q.) inspections have raised concern with the limited security in the perimeter fencing due to age and damage. Recent unauthorized access inside the Water Plant area have raised concerns with possible theft, damage, or contamination of our water treatment system. 

Solution:  We are recommending the purchase of supplies only, and our maintenance crews would slowly install a sturdier, more secured metal fence that would have a longer life than standard hurricane fencing.  Past fence estimates have determined possible replacement of fence costs with existing materials would be in the $70,000 range.

Result: Plant will be fully secured 24/7 protecting our equipment, employees, and the integrity of the waters quality; and this installation would also improve aesthetically the view of the Water Treatment Plant.
  Low Bid Proposal
g. AI-4221  Discussion and possible action to award RFP 2015-07 Water Utilities Warehouse to Azar Services the amount of $146,844.35 for the value engineered price reduced cost of a dual use Warehouse and Shop to be constructed at the Rio Bravo Water Treatment Plant. [Account #745-3001-8801-07 (Capital Outlay Water Utility)]

Issue: The Water and Wastewater Systems currently do not have any location to securely and safely store equipment and materials for emergency response; does not have a location where sensitive equipment can be securely kept for time where replacement pump, motor, electric controls can be stored, and; does not have a location where appropriate maintenance can be provided to equipment. 

Solution: Construction of a warehouse with separate inventory secured locations can be provided to store all equipment and materials in a dry and environmentally controlled area; but also have available space where equipment can be brought in to be worked on and readied for it's next period of service. 

Result: Formal bids were received April 2015 under RFP 2015-07 and the low bidder was Azar Construction, evaluation of the specifications were conducted and value engineered to this cost proposal.
15. Information Technology
a. AI-4227  Discussion and possible action to authorize payment for the Software Maintenance Agreement between Webb County and Journal Technologies (New Dawn) JustWare Prosecutor Software at a total cost of EIGHTY-SEVEN THOUSAND TWO HUNDRED FORTY-ONE DOLLARS ($87,241.00) over the term of the agreement, and authorizing the County Judge to sign and execute all relevant documents. [Account #001-0500-6411 (Software Maintenance)]

Issue: Support and upgrades are needed to continue the usage of the department’s prosecutor software.

Solution: Providing payment for Annual Support and Upgrades.

Result: Webb County will receive support and upgrades as needed.
  Journal Tech
  Annual Contract
  New Dawn
16. Honorable Alfredo Garcia Jr., Justice of the Peace Pct. 3
a. AI-4203  Discussion and possible action to approve the following line item transfer:
  Acct. Number Acct. Name Amount Bal. End Bal.
From: 001-1043-5601 Administrative Travel $200 $880.36 $680.36
To: 001-1043-6010 Books & Subscription $200 $15.50 $215.50

Issue: Not enough funds to cover invoices until the end of the fiscal year.

Solution: Pending invoices will get paid.

Result: All accounts will be in good standing.
17. Honorable Jose "Pepe" Salinas, Justice of the Peace Pct. 4
a. AI-4213  Discussion and possible action to approve the following line item transfer:
  Acct. Number Acct. Name Amount Bal. End Bal.
From: 001-1044-6403 Repairs & Maint. Vehicle $1,400 $1,500 $100
To: 001-1044-6402 Repairs & Maint. Equip. $1,400 $47.05 $1,447.05

Issue: Currently the account designated for the department's Repairs & Maintenance of equipment is almost depleted. Some of our office expense bills are pending payment due to lack of funds.

Solution: Request a line item transfer from the Court to help facilitate funds in order for invoices to be paid.

Result: With the approval of the request of the line item transfer, it will allow the payment of outstanding invoices and future payments.
18. Larga Vista Community Center
a. AI-4209  Discussion and possible action to accept a donation in the amount of One Thousand Four Hundred Dollars ($1,400.00) from Cigna HealthSpring to Webb County to be used to purchase 100 pcs. 16' stand up fans at TORTORA LLC 1119 Hidalgo St. Laredo, Texas for Elderly Fan Giveaways in precinct 2. Funds to be deposited into Account #001-6103-6219-2 (Goods For Public Events).  [Requested by Greg B. Araiza, Larga Vista Community Center Director]

Issue: The Hottest days of the year are quickly approaching us.

Solution: To approve the donation in the amount of $1,400 to purchase 100 fans to be given away in precinct 2.

Result: To continue to set the standard for high quality assistance.
19. Planning & Physical Development
a. AI-4231  Discussion and possible action to authorize the Planning Department to waive land use, development and utility application fees associated with on-site sewage facilities (OSSF), floodplain development, platting/subdivision review, and certificates of compliance (utility connections) for Webb County facilities and projects that are funded solely by county funds unless funding for such fees are the responsibility of a third-party or have been allocated by a grant or other funding source.
Issue:  Several fee schedules have been established by the Commissioners Court for permitting, inspection and licensing of various land use and development activities under the purview of the Planning Department which contain no specific exclusion for county facilities or projects.  Unless specifically granted a variance by the Commissioners Court, the Planning Department staff does not possess authority to waive court-ordered fees and thus, must place each request for a waiver on the court’s agenda or obtain payment of fees from the requesting department.
Solution:  Obtain authorization from the Commissioners Court to specifically exclude county facilities and projects that are funded solely by county funds from the applicability of a fees collected by the Planning Department for land use and development activities unless funding for such fees are the responsibility of a third-party or have been allocated by a grant or other funding source. 
Result:  A more efficient procedure for the permitting of county projects and facilities which reduces delays and financial burdens between departments that are funded by the county.
20. Public Defender
a. AI-4215  Discussion and possible action to approve the following line item transfers:
  Acct. Number Acct. Name Amount Bal. End Bal.
From: 001-1102-5601 Administrative Travel $500 $2,700 $2,200
  001-1102-6022 Professional Services $500 $2,991 $2,491
To: 001-1102-6010 Books & Subscriptions $1,000 $1,992.85 $2,992.85

Issue: The books and subscriptions account has a balance of $1,992.85; however, extra monies are needed to cover future books and subscription expenses.

Solution: These funds will allow us to cover necessary expenses.

Result: Transfer of these funds will allow for our department to cover future expenses.
b. AI-4206  Discussion and possible action to approve the filling of the following Slot and the remaining vacant slots subject to the availability of payroll funds and any applicable Civil Service guidelines, as well as any and all Wage Plan Policies:
Slot # Title Salary
0267 2nd Assistant Public Defender $99,462.00  (26 N-W)

Issue: Slot #0267 is now vacant. The filling of this slot may create other vacant Assistant Public Defender slots if the position is filled from within.

Solution: Request is being made to fill the vacant attorney slot and any remaining vacant slots that may be created by the vacancy.

Result: The filling of Slot #0267 and any remaining vacant slots will allow our department to continue to function efficiently and effectively.
  2nd Assistant Public Defender Job Description
21. Purchasing
a. AI-4200  Discussion and possible action to approve the following line item transfer:
  Acct. Number Acct. Name Amount Bal. End Bal.
From: 001-0600-6011 Training & Education $968 $6,190.07 $5,222.14
To: 001-0600-6402 Repairs & Maint. Equip. $968 $975.00 $1,942.93

Issue: Funds are needed in account 001-0600-6402 to prevent delays in payment for future monthly bills.

Solution: Transfer funds to prevent a deficit.

Result: Transfer will aid to cover the cost of future monthly bills that are charged to this account.
b. AI-4217  Discussion and possible action to award Request for Qualifications (RFQ) 2016-65 Tex-Mex Feasibility Study; and to authorize the County Judge to sign and execute all relevant documents.
  Item #21.b. backup.pdf
  summary of qualifications
c. AI-4232  Discussion and possible action to cancel contract with Protection One (Bid 2016-83 Annual Contract for the Monitoring and Inspection of Alarms), and authorize the Interim Purchasing Department to contract another vendor for the remainder of the fiscal year.

Issue: We are experiencing severe customer service issues with our current provider, and we are concerned that the security of the building and staff is being compromised.

Solution: Cancel current contract, and seek another vendor.

Result: Safety assurance
d. AI-4256  Discussion and possible action to purchase an Inspiron 15, Series 3000 laptop, and an urban 2.0 backpack from Dell (DIR-SDD-1951), and to purchase Microsoft Office Professional Plus, a Microsoft Windows Server 2012 License, and a Microsoft Exchange Standard CAL 2016 License from Shi Government Solutions (DIR-SDD-2503) in an amount not to exceed $950.00; pursuant to Sections 271.101 and 271.102, subchapter F; Cooperative Purchasing Program; Texas Local Government Code; and to authorize a transfer of funds from Fund 605-3001-8801-07 (Comprehensive Contingency Fund); and requesting the Auditors office to create suggested sub-account under Fund 605; and any other matters incident thereto. [Requested by Building Maintenance Manager; Account #605-0106-8801]

Issue: Building Maintenance needs a laptop to be more effective on the job.

Solution: purchase a laptop to assist master electrician with daily work orders, projects, blueprints etc.

Result: Efficiency and effectiveness
e. AI-4258  Discussion and possible action to purchase electrical fixtures and supplies from CED ($1,713.72), and to purchase One Thousand Five Hundred Thirty (1530) 12x12 Excelon Cool White Vinyl Tiles, and Two (2) Henry 4 gallon adhesive from Lowe's ($996.48) in an amount not to exceed $2,715.00 for Constable Precinct 2 building repairs; and to authorize a transfer of funds from Fund 605-3001-8801-07 (Comprehensive Contingency Fund); and requesting the Auditors office to create suggested sub-account under Fund 605; and any other matters incident thereto. [Requested by Building Maintenance Manager; Account #605-0106-8801]

Issue: Constable Precinct 2 office needs several building repairs, and improvements

Solution: Purchase new floor and electrical fixtures

Result: These improvements will help maintain building.
22. Road & Bridge
a. AI-4243  Discussion and possible action to approve a Resolution for the purpose of authorizing a contract with Government Capital Corporation (GCC) and Webb County for the purpose of financing Two (2) dump trucks, One (1) fork lift, Two (2) belly dump trucks and related equipment for the Road & Bridge department, in an amount not to exceed $357,000.00, with a proposed financing term of Five (5) years with annual payments of $78,073.58. With further action authorizing the County Attorney’s office to prepare and finalize all related documents with final authorization from the County Judge; and any other matters incident thereto. [Sponsored by John Galo, Commissioner Pct. 3]
  Capital Corp.
  loan quote
23. Honorable Martin Cuellar, Sheriff
a. AI-4220  Discussion and possible action to approve the submission of a grant application to the K9s4COPS foundation for a K9 to provide enhanced interdiction efforts against illegal trafficking; and authorizing the Webb County Judge to execute all relevant documents related to this grant; and any other matters incident thereto. This grant does not require any type of match.
Issue: The Laredo/Webb County area is designated as part of the South Texas High Intensity Drug Trafficking Area (HIDTA), which is considered, "one of the most strategically significant cross-border drug smuggling corridors" (U.S. Department of Justice National Drug Intelligence Center South Texas High Intensity Drug Trafficking Area Drug Market Analysis 2011).  The 2011 report by the U.S. Department of Justice National Drug Intelligence Center further states that, South Texas HIDTA region has a greater influence on national-level drug trafficking and drug availability than does any area along the U.S.-Mexico border" (Drug Market Analysis 2011). 
Solution: Grant application to acquire the services of a K9 to assist Webb County Sheriff’s Office deputies with interdiction and other crime-fighting services in the Laredo/Webb County area. 
Result: Requested K9 will assist the Webb County Sheriff’s Office to fight crime and in securing evidence to build narcotics and money-laundering cases. 
b. AI-4205  Discussion and possible action to authorize the acceptance of a Fiscal Year 2015 Operation Stonegarden (OPSG) grant in the amount of $1,981,000 from the Office of the Governor Homeland Security Grants Division (HSGD) for overtime, applicable fringe benefits, equipment, mileage, and operational costs related to homeland security border operations for the Webb County Sheriff’s Office, Constable Pct. 1, Constable Pct. 2, Constable Pct. 3, Constable Pct. 4; and authorizing the County Judge to execute all relevant documents; and any other matters incident thereto. This grant does not require any type of match. 

Issue: Complex and dynamic law enforcement challenges exist in the Southwest border area of the United States, including Laredo/Webb County. For example, transnational criminals seek to exploit existing law enforcement jurisdictional boundaries by conducting their illegal enterprises across traditional jurisdictional divisions. The 2014 Texas Gang Threat Assessment expounds, “Gang activity remains widespread throughout all regions of Texas…Gang activity is also prevalent in the Texas counties adjacent to Mexico and along the key smuggling corridors, since Texas-based gangs are used for cross-border smuggling and trafficking in the state. Many transnational gangs operating in Texas….engage in criminal activity in Mexico as well as in Texas and elsewhere” (Texas Department of Public Safety April 2014).

Solution: Grant award: (1) to ensure first responders are equipped with enhanced tools/equipment/resources needed to confront well-funded criminal organizations and (2) for the coordination of law enforcement efforts between various local and federal law enforcement agencies.

Result: Enhanced capabilities of local law enforcement responders; further coordination of response across local and federal jurisdictions.
  FY 2015 OPSG Award Let
  Back-Up Doc
c. AI-4251  Discussion and possible action to approve a Maintenance and Inspection agreement between Ramsa Electromechanical, Inc. and the Webb County Sheriff’s Office for an amount not to exceed $9,500.00 for preventive maintenance and inspection services for the Sheriff’s Skybox Unit, and authorizing the County Judge to execute any and all relevant documents; and any other matters incident thereto. [Account #344-2001-6032 (OPSG Grant funds)]/strong>
Issue: The Sheriffs’ Skybox is frequently used to deter crime in different localities within County jurisdiction. This specialty equipment uses a diesel generator and was due a preventive maintenance service.

Solution: 2014 Operation Stone Garden funds approved the expenditure to cover the preventive maintenance work for Skybox.   A purchase order was secured and services were completed.  In order to process final payment a formal maintenance agreement was required to finalize payment to vendor.

Result: Comply with OPSG guidelines and finalize payment to vendor.
  Judge Tijerina stated that item #12.c. would be pulled out from the Consent Agenda for further discussion.
  Motion by Commissioner, Pct. 2 Rosaura “Wawi” Tijerina, seconded by Commissioner, Pct. 1 Frank Sciaraffa to approve all consent items
  Vote: 5 - 0 Motion Carried
  RAMSA agreement 2016
24. AI-4224  Discussion and possible action to approve Dannenbaum Engineering Corporation's Supplemental Agreement No. 8 to the Main Contract for additional services to be performed under Supplemental Work Authorization No. 10 to Work Authorization No 1; Provide additional Field Survey of IH 35 & LP 20 intersection and survey for drainage modifications between East Bound Frontage Road (EBFR) and the Right of Way (ROW) (FC 150), Modify IH 35 Package 1 (CSJ: 0086-14-065) PS&E drawings (Function Codes 130, 160, 161, 162,163, 164 and 170) as required due to: Re-Survey of IH 35 & LP 20 Intersection, additional Intelligent Traffic System (ITS) items (Bridge) added by Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) (Camera and Foundation), drainage modifications between EBFR and the ROW. Modify Earthwork and Cross Sections due to existing embankment being relocated to outside the Project (FC 160); The Maximum amount payable under this contract will be amended from $3,472,084.40 to $3,587,750.02 an increase of $115,665.62to include funds for the additional scope of services described above, of which 100% will be reimbursed by the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT); and authorize the County Judge to sign all relevant documents. [Account #737-8001-6022]

Issue: Supplemental Work Authorization No. 10 to Work Authorization No. 1 for the Loop 20 Stimulus Project-Loop 20/International Blvd., was approved by Commissioners Court on March 14, 2016 which increased the maximum amount payable under this contract.

Solution: Approve required amendment to add additional services which reflect services approved under Supplemental Work Authorization No. 10 to Work Authorization No. 1.

Result: Amendment to include additional services required and approved by the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT).
  Motion by Commissioner, Pct. 3 John C. Galo, seconded by County Judge Tano E. Tijerina
  Vote: 5 - 0 Motion Carried
Honorable Martin Cuellar, Sheriff
25. AI-4214  Discussion and possible action to authorize the Interim Purchasing Agent to solicit Request for Proposals (RFP) to lease a building with adequate office space exclusively for law enforcement use. [Account #170-2001-6227 (Rents)]

Issue: The Webb County Sheriff's Office is seeking office space exclusively for the Criminal Investigative Division and Narcotics Unit.   Currently they are utilizing a leased building located at 919 Washington Street. Nonetheless, the holding over lease term is terminating May 31, 2016 and the discretionary exemption option to extend and/or renew lease under the Texas Local Government Code can't be exercised since we don't meet all the required criteria.

Solution: Solicit from interested parties a fixed six (6) month building lease through a Request for Proposal process.

Result: Continue housing CID and Narcotics personnel in the downtown area until an alternative solution is available such as a County owned facility with adequate office space and strategically located for its purpose.
  Motion by Commissioner, Pct. 2 Rosaura “Wawi” Tijerina, seconded by Commissioner, Pct. 4 Jaime Alberto Canales
  Vote: 5 - 0 Motion Carried
  Building lease specs 2016
26. AI-4219  Status report on all law enforcement units exceeding 100,000 miles with discussion and possible action to replace Five (5) law enforcement units using a public financing option through Government Capital Corporation for an amount not to exceed $322,200.00. [Debt service account]

Issue: The Webb County Sheriff's Office currently has in service over forty (40) units exceeding 100,000 miles. These units are used 24/7 by our Patrol Officers, Investigators, Civil/Warrants and mental health division.    

Solution: Replace high mileage units in increments of five (5) units through a lease purchase public financing agreement to eliminate the upfront costs through a traditional purchase when paying in full.  

Results: Replace units with high mileage. Minimize maintenance costs and enhance safety to Deputy and the Citizens of Webb County with more reliable and better conditioned law enforcement units.
  Motion by County Judge Tano E. Tijerina, seconded by Commissioner, Pct. 3 John C. Galo to accept the five (5) vehicles
  Vote: 5 - 0 Motion Carried
  Motion by Commissioner, Pct. 1 Frank Sciaraffa, seconded by Commissioner, Pct. 2 Rosaura “Wawi” Tijerina to break for recess
  Vote: 5 - 0 Motion Carried

(Recess 10:01 - 10:15 a.m.)
  Motion by County Judge Tano E. Tijerina, seconded by Commissioner, Pct. 2 Rosaura “Wawi” Tijerina to bring up item #37
  Vote: 4 - 0 Motion Carried
Other: Commissioner, Pct. 3 John C. Galo (OUT OF THE COURTROOM)
37. AI-4247  Discussion and action with presentation to approve a Resolution opposing the proposal by Pescadito Environmental Resource Center to construct a landfill in Webb County, Texas; and any other matters incident thereto. [Requested by Rosaura “Wawi” Tijerina, Commissioner Pct. 2] [Co-Sponsored by Tano E. Tijerina, County Judge]

Issue: Webb County has a duty to its residents to protect the health, safety, and welfare of its residents and the public at large. The landfill project proposed by Pescadito Environmental Resource Center to be located within the county can create significant risks to public health and the environment and creates an unacceptable risk of pollution of waters in the Rio Grande River Basin and to the health of residents of Webb County.  The proposed landfill is inconsistent with the type of growth that would be in the best interests, including economic interests, for the County and would likely have a negative impact on future growth in the County.

Solution: Oppose the landfill proposed by the Pescadito Environmental Resource Center.

Result: Protect the health, safety, and welfare of its residents and the public at large.
  Present to address the Commissioners Court on item #37 were:
C.Y. Benavides, Geoff Connor, Rhonda Tiffin, Leroy Medford, Brad Rockwell, Dr. Loren Ross, Allen Messenger, Leon komkov, Alejandro Obregon, and Sharon Jordan.
  Motion by Commissioner, Pct. 2 Rosaura “Wawi” Tijerina, seconded by County Judge Tano E. Tijerina
  Vote: 4 - 0 Motion Carried
Other: Commissioner, Pct. 3 John C. Galo (OUT OF THE COURTROOM)
  Item #37 backup.pdf
  Item #37 backup2.pdf
  Resolution-Opposing Pescadito - Executed
(Recess 11:42 - 11:50 a.m.)
36. AI-4229  Presentation by Martin Villarreal, Chief Appraiser for the Webb County Appraisal District (WEBBCAD) regarding 2016 appraisal trends for Webb County. [Requested by Tano E. Tijerina, Webb County Judge]
  Motion by County Judge Tano E. Tijerina, seconded by Commissioner, Pct. 3 John C. Galo to bring up item #27
  Vote: 5 - 0 Motion Carried
Budget Officers
27. AI-4254  Discussion to address county budget shortfall for Fiscal Year 2016-2017 with requested action to approve budget savings proposals to be initiated this current fiscal year; and any other matters incident thereto.  
  Motion by Commissioner, Pct. 1 Frank Sciaraffa, seconded by County Judge Tano E. Tijerina to bring up item #28 with item #27
  Vote: 5 - 0 Motion Carried
  Item #27 backup.pdf
28. AI-4257  Discussion and possible action to amend the professional service agreement with Valley Risk Consulting to include Medical/Pharmacy and Workers Compensation claims auditing in an effort to realize a potential budgetary savings and avoid over-utilization and cost. Compensation shall be determined by a percentage of savings; with further action authorizing the county attorney’s office to execute and finalize all relevant documents with final approval from the County Judge; and any other matters incident thereto.
  Motion by Commissioner, Pct. 3 John C. Galo, seconded by County Judge Tano E. Tijerina to suspend the process of the early discount (321 incentive) for the taxes effective next year on item #27
  Vote: 4 - 1 Motion Carried
NAY: Commissioner, Pct. 1 Frank Sciaraffa
  Motion by Commissioner, Pct. 3 John C. Galo, seconded by Commissioner, Pct. 2 Rosaura “Wawi” Tijerina to approve a hiring freeze on all vacant positions from here forward with the exception of those that are in the hiring process on item #27
  Vote: 5 - 0 Motion Carried
  Motion by Commissioner, Pct. 1 Frank Sciaraffa, seconded by Commissioner, Pct. 3 John C. Galo to approve a 10 - 15% cut on operational accounts depending on our Budget Officers on item #27
  Vote: 5 - 0 Motion Carried
  Motion by Commissioner, Pct. 4 Jaime Alberto Canales, seconded by Commissioner, Pct. 3 John C. Galo to not allow any capital outlay expenses and line item transfers unless they come to the court on item #27
  Vote: 5 - 0 Motion Carried
  Motion by Commissioner, Pct. 3 John C. Galo, seconded by Commissioner, Pct. 1 Frank Sciaraffa to go out for RFPs for Third Party Administrators, negotiate referred based pricing, have this external audit on a contingency fee basis, and for it to come before Commissioners Court for final decision and not the insurance committee on item #28
  Vote: 5 - 0 Motion Carried
Commissioners Court Administrator
29. AI-4225  Discussion and possible action to approve that funds available in Capital Outlay Fund #605-0202-8801 that have been encumbered but have not been spent, be reallocated for another county purpose. Additional action to transfer funds into new 605 sub-account and authorizing Auditors office to create said account; and any other matters incident thereto. 

Issue: Capital Outlay Fund 605 has over $28,450 that has been encumbered and unused since fiscal year 2014-2015.

Solution: These funds should be utilized for another county project that is in need of funds and not just rolled over from one fiscal year to the next.

Result: Unencumbering these funds will allow the monies to be utilized for another county purpose.
  Motion by County Judge Tano E. Tijerina, seconded by Commissioner, Pct. 3 John C. Galo
  Vote: 5 - 0 Motion Carried
  Motion by Commissioner, Pct. 3 John C. Galo, seconded by County Judge Tano E. Tijerina to bring back item #28
  Vote: 5 - 0 Motion Carried
Budget Officers
28. Discussion and possible action to amend the professional service agreement with Valley Risk Consulting to include Medical/Pharmacy and Workers Compensation claims auditing in an effort to realize a potential budgetary savings and avoid over-utilization and cost. Compensation shall be determined by a percentage of savings; with further action authorizing the county attorney’s office to execute and finalize all relevant documents with final approval from the County Judge; and any other matters incident thereto.
  Motion by Commissioner, Pct. 3 John C. Galo, seconded by County Judge Tano E. Tijerina for Mr. Roger Garza to report directly to Mr. Medford and Mr. Uribe
  Vote: 5 - 0 Motion Carried
Commissioners Court Administrator
30. AI-4226  Discussion and possible action to revise the current Webb County Policy for Non-Travel Meals, Refreshments & Related Expenses approved and adopted on April 27, 2015, with possible action to amend said policy; and any other matters incident thereto. [Co-Sponsored by Rosaura "Wawi" Tijerina, Commissioner Pct. 2 and Tano E. Tijerina, County Judge]

Issue: The current policy requires additional review and updating as department issues have surfaced with particular terms of said policy. Policy lists prohibited expenditures within the goods for public events account line item.

Solution: Review and revise policy so that departments are not denied certain expenses for eligible events.

Result: Updating the policy will both addresses past concerns but do not prohibit departments to provide services to the community.
  Motion by County Judge Tano E. Tijerina, seconded by Commissioner, Pct. 3 John C. Galo to come back in two(2) weeks for the revised policy
  Vote: 5 - 0 Motion Carried
31. AI-4253  Discussion and possible action to ratify the original request for payment approved on April 25, 2016 Commissioners Court to include a line item transfer from Contingency Fund #605-3001-8801-7 into sub-account #605-0101-8801 (49th District Court); and any other matters incident thereto.

Issue: Original approved items authorized the use of sub account #605-1001-8801, however, a line item transfer is required in order to complete the transactions for the court approved items #20C through E from April 25, 2016.

Solution: The line item transfers will make the funds available to cover previously approved commissioners’ court items.

Result: Assure payment to all outstanding invoices.
  Motion by Commissioner, Pct. 3 John C. Galo, seconded by County Judge Tano E. Tijerina
  Vote: 5 - 0 Motion Carried
  Commissioners Court Administrator, Mr. Leroy Medford stated that the correct account is #605-1001-8801 for the 49th District Court.
  Item #31.pdf
Honorable Rosaura “Wawi” Tijerina, Webb County Commissioner Pct. 2
32. AI-4230  Discussion and possible action to authorize the purchase of supplies & equipment rental for the much needed maintenance at Las Blancas Park in the amount not to exceed $22,000.00; and any other matters incident thereto. [Funding Source: Account #605]

Issue: A maintenance project for Las Blancas Park is needed to update the use of the park.

Solution: Purchase supplies & rent equipment so that building maintenance staff can make necessary repairs and updates.

Result: Updated and well-lit park for the children of the community.
  Motion by Commissioner, Pct. 3 John C. Galo, seconded by Commissioner, Pct. 1 Frank Sciaraffa
  Vote: 5 - 0 Motion Carried
  Motion by County Judge Tano E. Tijerina, seconded by Commissioner, Pct. 3 John C. Galo to bring up Consent Agenda item #21.b.
  Vote: 5 - 0 Motion Carried
  las blancas ppt
  las blancas park
21. Purchasing
b. Discussion and possible action to award Request for Qualifications (RFQ) 2016-65 Tex-Mex Feasibility Study; and to authorize the County Judge to sign and execute all relevant documents.
  Motion by County Judge Tano E. Tijerina, seconded by Commissioner, Pct. 3 John C. Galo to award Frank Architects
  Vote: 5 - 0 Motion Carried
Honorable Tano E. Tijerina, Webb County Judge
33. AI-4246  Discussion and possible action to proclaim the month of May, 2016 as Elder Abuse Prevention Month.
  Judge Tijerina read the proclamation naming the month of May 2016 as Elder Abuse Prevention Month.
12. Honorable Marco Montemayor, County Attorney
c. Discussion and possible action to enter into an Onsite Services Agreement between Catapult Health, LLC and Webb County for the Webb County Administrative Services Department. Catapult will provide initial and periodic on-site preventive health and related services for all Webb County employees for a term of One (1) year that shall commence on May 9, 2016 and expire on May 8, 2017. The total cost will be dependent on the amount of employees that participate and will follow a fee schedule, and authorizing the County Judge to execute all relevant documents; and any other matters incident thereto. [Requested by Cynthia Mares, Administrative Services Department; Account #001-0114-6701 (Professional Services)]
  to approve item #12.c. unless Mr. Garza has something contrary
  Motion by Commissioner, Pct. 3 John C. Galo, seconded by Commissioner, Pct. 4 Jaime Alberto Canales
  Vote: 5 - 0 Motion Carried
  Motion by County Judge Tano E. Tijerina, seconded by Commissioner, Pct. 3 John C. Galo to go to Executive Session
  Vote: 5 - 0 Motion Carried
(Executive Session 2:28 - 2:53 p.m.)
  No action taken.
Closed Session/Executive Session
34. AI-4235  Discussion and possible action to authorize the Webb County Attorney’s office to enter into settlement negotiations regarding the Annual Software License and Maintenance Agreement and Amendment thereto by and between Webb County, as Licensee and Harris Recording Solutions, Licensor, and/or assigns as assignee of Aptitude Solutions, Inc., Original Licensor for the Webb County Clerk’s Office document management software services and any and all other matters incident thereto. [Closed Meeting Meeting/Executive Session is requested pursuant to Texas Government Code, Title 5, Subchapter D, Sections 551.071 (1) (A) (B) Consultation with Attorney regarding Contemplated Litigation and/or Settlement Offer) Requested by the Hon. Margie Ramirez-Ibarra, Webb County Clerk]

  Motion by Commissioner, Pct. 3 John C. Galo, seconded by Commissioner, Pct. 4 Jaime Alberto Canales to approve item #34 not to exceed amount discussed 
  Vote: 5 - 0 Motion Carried
  Motion by Commissioner, Pct. 3 John C. Galo, seconded by Commissioner, Pct. 4 Jaime Alberto Canales to authorize the County Attorney's Office to continue settlement negotiations with Harris Recording Solutions and/or their assignees and not to exceed the amount discussed
  Vote: 5 - 0 Motion Carried
35. AI-4252  Discussion and possible action requesting that the Administrative Services department provide a report regarding current county policy in place that addresses Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) and Leave Without Pay issues/scenarios for county employees that may require court discussion and action to develop and approve policy; and any other matters incident thereto. [Executive Session is requested pursuant to Texas Government Code, Title 5, Subchapter D, Sections 551.071 (Consultation With Attorney) and 551.074 (Personnel Matters)] [Requested by Leroy Medford, Commissioners Court Administrator]
  Motion by Commissioner, Pct. 1 Frank Sciaraffa, seconded by County Judge Tano E. Tijerina
  Vote: 5 - 0 Motion Carried
38. Communications

The Commissioners Court wished all mothers a Happy Mothers Day and sent their heartfelt condolences to the family of Aliza Oliveros.
39. Adjourn
  Motion by County Judge Tano E. Tijerina, seconded by Commissioner, Pct. 1 Frank Sciaraffa to adjourn
  Vote: 5 - 0 Motion Carried


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