JUNE 24, 2019
9:00 a.m.

1. Roll Call by Honorable Margie Ramirez-Ibarra, Webb County Clerk
2. Pledge of Allegiance/Invocation
3. Discussion and possible action for Approval of Bills, Payroll, and Monthly Reports (Auditor, Treasurer, Human Resources, Risk Management); and any other matters incident thereto.
4. Public Comment - This section provides the public the opportunity to address the Commissioners Court on any items on the Agenda. Members of the public wishing to participate must complete a Witness Card specifying which agenda item they wish to comment on. Each public member, individually or in a group, will be allowed a total of Three (3) minutes within which to make any/all public comments.
CONSENT AGENDA: At most meetings, the Commissioners Court establishes a Consent Agenda.  It consists of those Agenda Items which are routine or non-controversial, and which neither a member of the Commissioners court has asked to be pulled for discussion.  Once the Commissioners Court has established the Consent Agenda, Agenda Items included on it will be voted upon in one vote, and will not be discussed separately unless requested by the County Judge or Commissioners.

The consent agenda has been created in order to give constituents the opportunity to view any and all pertinent backup information with reference to any item in the agenda. The objective of the consent agenda is for all Webb County constituents to be familiar with everyday county business and to demonstrate the transparency and fairness of this Commissioners Court.

The following Agenda Items are of a routine nature, and the Commissioners Court has received supporting materials for consideration. All of these Agenda Items will be passed with one vote without being discussed separately, unless a member of the Commissioners Court or the public requests that a particular Agenda Item be discussed. If so, that Agenda Item will be pulled from the Consent Agenda and discussed as part of the regular Agenda at the appropriate time. One vote will approve the remaining items on the Consent Agenda.

5. Honorable Rebecca Palomo, 341st District Court Judge
a.   Discussion and possible action to approve, by Order, the following budget amendment (line item transfers) within the General fund:
  Acct. Number Acct. Name Adopted Request Current End Bal.
From: 1001-2030-001-464005 Books & Subscriptions $850 $650 $850.00 $200.00
  1001-2030-001-432001 Professional Services $1,700 $1,000 $1,700.00 $700.00
  1001-2030-001-464010 Dues & Memberships $895 $655 $655.00 $0
To:  1001-2030-001-443000 Repairs & Maintenance $4,250 $560 $101.98 $661.98
  1001-2030-001-443000 Administrative Travel $10,000 $1,745 $591.75 $2,336.75

Issue: Funds to needed to cover current and future expenses.

Solution: Seek your authorization to transfer funds to cover expenses.

Result: No interruption of payments.
6. Auditor
a.   Discussion and possible action to approve, by Order, the following budget amendment (line item transfer) for CAA El Aguila Rural Transportation within Grant funds. [Requested by Javier Ramirez, Community Action Agency Director]
  Acct. Number Acct. Name Adopted Request Current End Bal.
From: 2661-7100-521-432001 Professional Services  $1,500 $70.00 $70.00 $ 0.0
  2661-7100-521-458000 Administrative Travel  $1,850 $326.14 $326.14 $ 0.0
  2661-7100-521-464010 Dues and Memberships  $100 $100.00 $100.00 $ 0.0
  2661-7100-521-441205 Utilities  $6,000 $400.00 $2,454.25  $2,054.25
  2661-7110-521-410000 Payroll $260,731 $15,000.00 $86,523.88 $71,523.88
  2661-7110-521-421000 Health Insurance  $100,035 $8,000.00 $56,327.50 $48,327.50
  2661-7110521-443000-035 Repairs and Maint.
- Equipment
$2,500 $1,000.00 $2,724.10 $1,724.10
  2661-7110-521-460105 Minor tools and apparatus  $6,276 $326.24 $1,698.03 $1,371.79
To: 2661-7100-521-413000 Overtime $5,000 $896.14 $1,016.49 $1,912.63
  2661-7110-521-441001 Telephone  $5,600 $200.00 $942.32 $1,143.32
  2661-7110-521-443000-075 Repairs and Maint.- Vehicles  $50,000 $17,800.00 $2,976.07 $20,776.07
  2661-7110-521-41300 Overtime  $12,000 $6,000.00 $6,813.67 $12,813.67
  2661-7110-521-460105-015 Minor tools and apparatus- Equip $53,753 $326.24 $460.75 $787.00

Issue: El Aguila Rural Transportation is requesting line item transfers to prevent negative balances.

Solution: Approve requested line item transfers. 

Result: There will be sufficient funds in all budget line items which will allow for the continuation of transportation services to the rural areas of Webb County. 
b.   Discussion and possible action to approve, by order, a budget amendment of $3,421.60 and accept state tobacco funds provided through the Seven Flags Regional Advisory Council (RAC) Trauma Service Area "T" in the amount of $3,421.60, to be utilized in the purchase of EMS supplies, training, travel, membership to professional/technical organizations, public education, vehicle maintenance and equipment for all three stations of the Webb County Volunteer Fire Department. Creation of additional SFRAC line item 2929-3140-001-456205 (Training/Education), and increase of revenue account 2929-3140-357420-010, and authorizing the County Judge to sign all relevant documents; and any other matter incident thereto. [Requested by Fire & EMS Services; Fund 2929]

Issue: State funding provided through Seven Flags RAC for EMS needs/operations.

Solution: Accept funds, and utilize monies for purchase of supplies, training, travel, equipment and its maintenance.

Result: Properly stocked emergency units ready for response, and well-prepared personnel.
c.   Discussion and possible action to approve, by Order, the following budget amendment (line item transfers) within Grant funds. [Requested by Aliza Oliveros, Head Start Director]
  Acct. Number Acct. Name Request Current End Bal.
From: 2357-5151-531-410000 Payroll Cost $5,260.65 $209,457.63 $204,196.98
  2357-5200-531-410000 Payroll Cost $222,835.30 $1,244,695.18 $1,021,859.88
To: 2357-5150-531-421000 Health Insurance $5,260.65 $18,859.59 $24,120.24
  2357-5200-531-421000 Health Insurance $210,737.94 $53,147.24 $263,885.18
  2357-5200-531-426000 Worker Compensation $12,097.36 $(2,652.10) $9,445.26

Issue:  Funds are needed in the Health Insurance and Worker Compensation line items. 

Solution:  Approved line item transfer request.

Result:  Funds will be available in the Health Insurance and Worker Compensation Line items. 
d.   Discussion and possible action to approve, by Order, the following budget amendment (line item transfers) within Grant funds. [Requested by Aliza Oliveros, Head Start Director]
  Acct. Number Acct. Name Request Current End Bal.
From: 2361-5200-531-410000 Payroll Cost $17,131.17 $192,792.67 $175,661.50
To: 2361-5150-531-410000 Payroll Cost $1,917.83 $13,173.50 $15,091.33
  2361-5150-531-421000 Health Life Insurance $3,267.29 $  (244.27) $  3,023.02
  2361-5150-531-423000 Retirement County Share $350.92 $1,419.85 $  1,770.77
  2361-5200-531-421000 Health Life Insurance $10,868.55 $31,703.40 $  42,571.95
  2361-531-423000 Retirement County Share $726.58 $21,091.33 $  21,817.91

Issue: Funds are needed in the Payroll, Health Life Insurance, and Retirement County Share line items. 

Solution: Approve line item transfer request.

Result: Funds will be available in the Payroll, Health Life Insurance, and Retirement County Share line items. 
e.   Discussion and possible action to approve the reimbursement to Ausland Architects in the amount of $23,891.94 for expenses incurred for the Webb County Youth Village Rehabilitation Center project and approve the following budget amendment, by Order to transfer Interest Income to Capital Outlay within 2013 bond series; and any other matters incident thereto.
  Acct. Number Acct. Name Adopted Request Current End Bal.
From: 3200-259700 Interest Income Series 2013 $0 $12,000 $67,895.50 $55,895.50
To: 3140-2450-001-470000-030 Juvenile Drug Rehab & Detox 2013 $127,509 $12,000 $17,799.75 $29,799.75

Issue: Funding needed to reimburse the Architect for the Webb County Youth Village Rehabilitation Center. Increase Juvenile Drug Rehab & Detox series 2013 fund budget.

Solution: Transfer out from fund 3200 to transfer in fund 3140 to reimburse Ausland Architects.

Result: There will be sufficient funds in the account to reimburse the architect.

Building Maintenance

a.   Discussion and possible action to approve, by Order, the following budget amendment (line item transfers) within the General fund:
  Acct. Number Acct. Name Adopted Request Current End Bal.
From: 1001-1100-001-443000-005 Casa Ortiz $2,500 $2,000 $2,388.45 $388.45
  1001-1100-001-443000-075 Vehicles $11,400 $5,000 $7,319.98 $2,319.98
  1001-1100-001-460028 Janitorial Supplies $45,300 $7,000 $19,205.91 $12,205.91
  1001-6050-001-443000-355 Las Blancas Park $4,000 $2,500 $3,000.00 $500.00
  1001-6050-001-443000-360 Larga Vista Park $2,000 $1,500 $2,000.00 $500.00
  1001-6050-001-462605 Fuel & Lubricants $3,000 $1,500 $2,321.12 $821.12
To: 1001-1100-001-443000-185 EJ Salinas Center $2,425 $1,500 $335.42 $1,835.42
  1001-1100-001-443000-200 Fred & Anita Bruni Center $2,300 $300 $26.68 $326.68
  1001-1100-001-443000-210 Bruni Community Center $2,056 $2,116 $43.56 $2,159.56
  1001-1100-001-443000-220 Santa Teresita Center $2,325 $300 $28.68 $268.68
  1001-1100-001-443000-225 La Presa Center $2,325.00 $300 $44.28 $248.28
  1001-1100-001-443000-245 Ladrillito Activity Center $1,475.00 $800 $537.78 $1,337.78
  1001-1100-001-443000-265 JP 4 $9,954.00 $300 $275.22 $575.22
  1001-1100-001-443000-270 JP 2, P1 $2,997.00 $300 $99.23 $399.23
  1001-1100-001-443000-275 JP 2, P2 $3,970.00 $300 $32.18 $332.18
  1001-1100-001-443000-280 Building Maintenance $3,158.00 $300 $771.21 $1,071.21
  1001-1100-001-443000-300 Agriculture Building $3,500.00 $300 $1.80 $301.80
  1001-1100-001-443000-305 Records Management $2,133.00 $500 $107.07 $607.07
  1001-1100-001-443000-250 Courthouse $14,900.00 $4,000 $87.09 $4,087.09
  1001-1100-001-443000-255 Justice Center $56,108.00 $4,000 $1,959.06 $5,959.06
  1001-1100-001-443000-260 Administration $38,500.00 $4,184 $304.46 $4,488.46

Issue: Repairs and maintenance of building accounts require transfer of funds to cover expenditures. 

Solution: Approve line item transfer.

Result: There will be sufficient funds in all budget line items.
8. Business Office
a.   Discussion and possible action to approve the posting and filling of the following Slot, subject to the availability of payroll funds and any applicable Civil Service guidelines, effective June 24, 2019:
Slot # Title Hourly Rate
1383 Accounts Payable Assistant Manager $22.50 - 20/A

Issue:  Slot has become vacant.

Solution:  Post and fill vacant slot.

Result:  Filling of the slot will allow the department to continue the operation of accounts payable. 
b.   Discussion and possible action to approve, by Order, the following budget amendment (line item transfer) within the General Fund:
  Acct. Number Acct. Name Adopted Request Current End Bal.
From: 1001-1380-001-464005 Books & Subscriptions $500 $500 $500.00 $-0-
  1001-1380-001-464010 Dues & Memberships $1,000 $700 $1,000.00 $300.00
To: 1001-1380-001-456205 Training & Education $3,000 $500 $539.11 $1,039.11
  1001-1380-001-461000 Materials & Supplies $5,000 $700 $1,331.79 $2,031.79

Issue: Line item transfer needed to cover future expenditures and to avoid deficit on account.

Solution: Transfer will allow expenditures to be completed.

Result: Available budget will allow department to procure expenditures.
9. Civil Legal Division
a.   Discussion and possible action by Webb County to approve a minor boundary modification and subzone designation application for expansion of City of Laredo’s Foreign Trade Zone (F.T.Z.) No. 94, with the Foreign Trade Zone Board/U.S. Dept. of Commerce as requested by U.P.S. Supply Chain Solutions, Inc., (U.P.S.) Applicant & City of Laredo, Lots 9, 10 & 11, Block 2, Milo Distribution Center I (Milo Industrial Park), Western Division, City of Laredo, Texas, also known as 417 Union Pacific Blvd., on F.T.Z. No. 94, and authorizing the Webb County Judge to execute any and all relevant documents and any other matters incident thereto. [Requested by City of Laredo & Applicant]
b.   Discussion and possible action by Webb County to approval and issuance of letter of support for a name change request for City of Laredo’s Foreign Trade Zone (F.T.Z.) No. 94, Site No. 11, with the Foreign Trade Zone Board/U.S. Dept. of Commerce as requested by TKR USA, Inc., (TKR-Inc.) Applicant & City of Laredo, as a result of their recent purchase of the operations on FTZ No. 94, Site No. 11 from Sony Electronics, Inc., located upon Lot Number 1, Block 2, San Isidro Ranch-East Point Center Subdivision, Unit 2, Laredo, Webb County, Texas, also known as 11302 East Point Dr., to F.T.Z. No. 94, and authorizing the Webb County Judge to execute any and all relevant documents and any other matters incident thereto. [Requested by City of Laredo & Applicant]
c.   Discussion and possible action to enter into a three (3) year (June 24, 2019 through June 23, 2022) Subscription Agreement between Thomson Reuters and Webb County for the Webb County Public Defender for legal reference material at a monthly cost of Two Hundred Fifteen Dollars ($215.00) for year one, Two Hundred Twenty Five Dollars and Seventy Five Cents ($225.75) for year two, and Two Hundred Thirty Seven Dollars and Four Cents ($237.04) for year three, for a total cost of Eight Thousand One Hundred Thirty Three Dollars and Forty Five Cents ($8,133.45) over the term of the agreement, subject to annual budget appropriating and authorizing the County Judge to sign and execute all relevant documents.
[Requested by Virginia Aranda, Public Defender; Acct #1001-2280-001-464005 (Books and Subscriptions)]
d.   Discussion and possible action to enter into a twelve (12) month (July 1, 2019 through June 30, 2020) Master Subscription Agreement between AutoMon, LLC and Webb County for the 406th District Court Adult Drug Court Program for subscription licenses for court participants at a cost of Six Thousand Dollars ($6,000.00), and authorizing the County Judge to sign and execute all relevant documents. [Requested by Judge Oscar J. Hale, 406th District Court; Account No. 2872-2040-001-432001]
e.   Discussion and possible action to enter into a Non-Financial Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between Women, Infant, and Children (WIC) Program and Webb County for the Webb County Head Start/Early Head Start Program. This MOU provides a common understanding of the collaboration and relationship between the local Head Start/Early Head Start Program and the WIC Program. It establishes clear expectations and a reliable way of relating to one another for mutual cooperation. The term of the MOU shall be for two (2) years, commencing on September 1, 2019 and ending on August 30, 2021 and authorizing the County Judge to sign and execute all relevant documents. [Requested by Aliza Oliveros, Director, Webb County Head Start]
f.   Discussion and possible action to approve an annual (July 14, 2019 through July 13, 2020) GPS hardware and monitoring system agreement between Novastar Communications and Webb County for Constable Precinct 4 at a cost of Four Thousand Four Hundred Forty Nine Dollars and Sixty Cents ($4,449.60) and authorizing the County Judge to sign all relevant documents; and any other matters incident thereto. [Requested by Harold Devally, Constable Pct. 4; Account #2202-3170-001-457006 (Law Enforcement-Other]
g.   Discussion and possible action to approve a Client Solutions Consultant Services Agreement between Webb County and Tyler Technologies, Inc. to provide consulting services for the Information Technology Department in the amount of Fifty Thousand Dollars ($50,000.00) for new feature implementation, configuration assistance, training, release testing assistance and issue management and resolution and authorizing the County Judge to execute all relevant documents; and any other matters incident thereto. [Requested by Rafael Pena, Information Technology Director; Account No. 1001-1280-001-470000-200 (Capital Outlay I.T. Professional Services)]
h.   Discussion and possible action to cancel and rescind the prior award of (Request for Qualifications- R.F.Q. 2019-002), and Architectural/Professional Services Contract between Webb County and Cavazos & Associates Architects, PLLC., d/b/a Cavazos Architects for Architectural Services to prepare site plans, building plans and specifications and project management for the expansion and modernization of the Webb County Medical Examiner’s Office, Morgue and Autopsy Area, and authorizing the Webb County Judge to execute any relevant documents; and any other matters incident thereto. [Requested by Webb County Civil Legal Division]
i.   Discussion and possible action to enter into Amendment 1 to the Standard Form of Agreement Between Owner and Architect (AIA Document B101-2017) between Webb County and Frank Architects Inc. reducing the owner's budget for the Cost of Work from Five Million Dollars ($5,000,000) to Four Million Six Hundred Four Thousand Four Hundred Dollars ($4,604,400); authorizing the County Judge to sign all relevant documents and any matters incident thereto.
10. Honorable Jesse Gonzalez, Webb County Commissioner Pct. 1
a.   Discussion and possible action to approve the appointment and temporary filling of the following Slot (without benefits), subject to the availability of payroll funds and any applicable Civil Service guidelines, effective June 24, 2019 and terminates upon the return of the regular full time employee:
Slot # Title Hourly Rate
0628 Community Center Director $18.46 - 16/A

Issue: El Cenizo’s Community Center Director is currently out on FMLA causing a critical disruption on the center's productivity and every day function.

Solution: A temporary employee is needed to fulfill the duties of the community center director until the permanent community center director returns to work.

Result: If approved, a temporary employee will allow for the continuation of workflow of the community center assistant duties; thereby, reducing the interruption in center operations.
11. Community Action Agency
a.   Discussion and possible action to authorize the Webb County Community Action Agency to enter into an annual vendor agreement with Retail Energy Providers (Listed below) for the implementation of Community Services Block Grant (CSBG) and the Comprehensive Energy Assistance Program (CEAP), and authorizing the County Judge to sign any relevant documents. The vendor agreement are a Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs (TDHCA) requirement for the implementation of programs.

Retail Energy Provider

Discount Power

Issue: The Webb County CAA will enter into an annual vendor agreement with Retail Energy Provider for the implementation of Community Services Block Grant (CSBG) and the Comprehensive Energy Assistance Program (CEAP).

Solution: This vendor agreement are a Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs (TDHCA) requirement for the implementation of the programs.

Result: The Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs (TDHCA) will provide funding to be used for payment of qualifying low income clients home energy expenses.
12. Honorable Marco Montemayor, County Attorney
a.   Discussion and possible action to approve, by Order, the following budget amendment (line item transfer) within the General fund:
  Acct. Number Acct. Name Adopted Request Current End Bal.
From: 1001-2270-001-46100 Materials & Supplies $15,000 $1,000 $11,526.65 $10,526.65
To: 1001-2270-001-444500 Equipment Rental $4,000 $1,000 $34.35 $1,034.35

Issue: Line item transfer is needed to cover future expenditures and to avoid deficit on account.

Solution: Transfer of funds are needed from another account.

Result: Funds will be available for official use to meet needs of the office.
13. Honorable Tano E. Tijerina, Webb County Judge
a.   Discussion and possible action to ratify, by Order, the following budget amendment (line item transfer) within the Fairgrounds Funds 2031. [Requested by Auditor]
  Acct. Number Acct. Name Adopted Request Current End Bal.
From: 2031-1010-001-441205 Utilities $0 $3,000 $30,424.20 $27,424.20
To: 2031-1010-001-432065-005 Director Fees/Management LIFE $0 $3,000 $5,026 $8,026

Issue: Commissioners Court entered an agreement with LIFE Management where 50% of revenues are to be distributed to this entity

Solution: Budget adjustment will give the LIFE Management their portion of the agreement.

Result: The arrangements of the agreement will be completed.
b.   Discussion and possible action to approve a budget amendment by increasing revenues and expenditures in the amount of $10,037 for new revenues received for the Fairgrounds in accordance with Texas Local Government Code, Section 111.07075 (Special Budget for Revenue Received after Start of Fiscal Year). [Requested by Budget Officer; Fund #2031 (Webb County Fairgrounds)] 
Acct. Number Acct. Name Request
2031-1010-357300-001 Fairgrounds Rentals $4,150
2031-1010-357300-002 Fairgrounds Pavilion Rental $2,900
2031-1010-357300-003 Fairgrounds Restaurant Rental $1,720
2031-1010-357300-007 Fairgrounds Main Events Arena Fees $1,192
2031-1010-357300-020 Fairgrounds Miscellaneous $75
2031-1010-001-441205 Utilities $10,037

Issue: Increase budget for revenue receipts received and budgeted expenditures to cover future expenditures.

Solution: Appropriate new revenues and expenditures to be used for the purpose of program expenditures.

Result: Finalize special budget using proceeds for the purpose stated on this agenda item.
c.   Discussion and possible action to ratify, by Order, the following budget amendment (line item transfer) within the General fund:
  Acct. Number Acct. Name Adopted Request Current End Bal.
From: 1001-1020-001-458000 Administrative Travel $15,000 $2,000 $10,097.62 $8,098.62
To: 1001-1020-001-461000 Materials & Supplies $12,000 $2,000 $1,845.06 $3,845.06

Issue: An ice machine in needed for courtroom.

Solution: Budget amendment will allow county staff to process purchase.

Result: The purchase will be completed.
14. Economic Development
a.   Discussion and possible action to authorize the submission of a Southwest Border Rural Law Enforcement Information Sharing and Interdiction Assistance Grant as developed, coordinated, written, and submitted by the Webb County Sheriff’s Office to the Bureau of Justice Assistance in the amount estimated at $200,000 for 24 months for the salary of one officer, applicable fringe benefits, travel/training, interdiction equipment, supplies, minor tools/apparatus, supplies, contractual services, and printing services; and authorizing the Webb County Judge to sign all relevant documents and any other matters incident thereto.  This grant does not require any cash match; and, thus, there is no impact to the general fund.  All required documents were sent for review through the Economic Development Department and the solicitation is compliant with the Webb County Single Point of Contact (SPOC) procedures.  [Requested by Martin Cuellar, Webb County Sheriff]

The Southwestern border of the United States represents a significant and unique law enforcement jurisdictional area that has specific needs related to its international location.

Solution:  Obtain court authorization to apply for grant to augment existing local law enforcement resources.

Result:  The Webb County Sheriff's Office will be better able to serve the particular needs of its constituents.
b.   Discussion and possible action to approve Ratification of Grant Amendment No. 4 to contract #58180002804 for the Comprehensive Energy Assistance Program (CEAP) from Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs (TDHCA) for the Fiscal Year 2018; and designating the Webb County Judge as the authorized official to sign all relevant documents; and any other matter incident thereto. All required documents were sent for review through the Economic Development Department and the amendment is in compliant with the Webb County Single Point of Contact (SPOC) procedures. This action will not have an impact to the General Fund. [Requested by Javier Ramirez, CAA Executive Director]

Issue: Approve Amendment No. 4 for the CEAP Program Contract from TDHCA for the Fiscal Year 2018. This contract shall commence in January 1, 2018 and end in June 30, 2019.

Solution: The CEAP program provides direct client services to eligible elderly, disabled and low income residents of Webb County.

Result: The services are intended to assist eligible Webb County residents up to 8 highest remaining calendar months of energy consumption. The CEAP allocation for this contract is for 12 months.
c.   Discussion and possible action to authorize the continued payment of salary and fringe benefits for the Texas Veterans Commission (TVC) grant funded Regional Coordinator, Regional LPC/LCDC Counselor, Regional Case Manager and UA Technician until the formal Notice of Grant Award between Webb County and TVC is executed, for a period not to exceed Ninety (90) days. On May 16, 2019, Webb County and the 406th District Court Veterans Treatment Program received notification of grant award in the amount of $300,000 effective July 1, 2019 - June 30, 2020. [Requested by 406th District Court]
Issue: Authorization from Commissioners Court is required in order to continue paying salary and fringe benefits for grant funded personnel until the Notice of Grant Award between Webb County and the Texas Veterans Commission is executed.
Solution: The Webb County Commissioners Court approving the continued payment of salary and fringe benefits until the execution of the Notice of Grant Award.
Result: The staff may continue to be paid and work to meet program goals.
d.   Discussion and possible action to authorize the acceptance of the Department of Health and Human Services - Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) Grant Award #1H79TI081929-01, for use by the 406th Judicial District Veterans Treatment Program in the amount of $2,000,000.00 to be distributed over five (5) years at $400,000.00 per year, for a budget period from May 31, 2019 through May 30, 2024, and authorizing the County Judge to execute all relevant documents, and any other matters incident thereto. No match is required. All required documents were sent to the Economic Development Department for review and were found to be in compliance with the Single Point of Contact (SPOC) policy.  [Requested by 406th District Court, Fund #2352]

On December 12, 2018, the Commissioners' Court authorized the submission by the 406th Judicial District Veterans Treatment Program of a grant application for SAMHSA Funding Opportunity #TI081929-002, in an effort to enhance the services and support currently being provided to veterans involved in the justice system, and which may not be available without federal funding.  Authorization from the Commissioners' Court is required in order to accept the award. 

Solution: The Commissioners' Court authorizing the acceptance of the federal funds in order to continue to provide services and address the needs of the veteran participants. 

Result: Veterans in Webb and surrounding counties will benefit from services that may not be available without these funds, pursuant to Texas Government Code §124.004.
15. Extension Agent
a.   Discussion and possible action to approve, by Order, the following budget amendment (line item transfers) within the General fund:
  Acct. Number Acct. Name Adopted Request Current End Bal.
From: 1001-7130-443000-035 Repairs & Maintenance $150 $150 $150.00 $00.00
  1001-7130-456005 Postage & Courier Service $200 $200 $200.00 $00.00
  1001-7130-460105 Minor Tools & Apparatus $2,000 $700 $978.65 $278.65
To: 1001-7130-461000 Materials & Supplies $3,000 $1,050 $285.92 $1,335.92

Issue: Insufficient funds are available to purchase needed office supplies.

Solution: Approving the line item transfers the account will have sufficient funds to purchase needed office supplies.

Result: The line item transfer will cover expenses for the remainder of the fiscal year.
16. Fire Suppression & EMS Services
a.   Discussion and possible action to approve, by Order, the following budget amendment (line item transfer) within the General fund:
  Acct. Number Acct. Name Adopted Request Current End Bal.
From: 1001-3140-001-470000 Capital Outlay $22,000 $22,000 $22,000.00 $0.00
To: 1001-3140-001-443000-075 Vehicle Maintenance $25,000 $22,000 $11,542.00 $33,542.00

Issue: Purchase Order was issued and expense was incorrectly classified. A budget amendment was requested by the Auditor's Office to correct the discrepancy.

Solution: Transfer of funds, $22,000.00, from Capital Outlay to Repairs & Maintenance- Vehicle account.

Result: Correctly classified expense.
17. Head Start
Disclaimer: All Head Start monies are 100% Federal funds
a.   Discussion and possible action to approve the posting and filling of the following Slots:
Slot # Title Hourly Rate Pay Periods
1703, 1945, 2032 Part Time Substitute Teacher $8.99 20
18. Purchasing
a.   Discussion and possible action to authorize the Purchasing Agent to process surplus and/or salvage property in accordance with the Texas Local Government Code, Section 263.152 (Disposition) and to publish notice to public as per Local Government Code Section 263.153 (Notice) for surplus and/or salvage property being auctioned.
Issue: Excess County property that either is salvage property because of time, accident, or any other cause is so worn, damaged, or obsolete that it has no value for the purpose it was originally intended for and/or surplus property that that is no longer needed by the department and may have some usefulness for the purpose it was intended and would be transferred for use by another County department or auctioned online to the general public.
Solution: Attempt to sell the County surplus or salvage property by competitive bids or auction, dispose or destroy property that cannot be sold through auction and/or competitive bids because it has deemed worthless or dispose through and/or competitive bids because it has deemed worthless or dispose through a recycling program under which property is collected, separated, or processed and returned to use in the form of raw materials of new products.

Result: Generate revenue from sale of property, reduce County expenditures by transferring surplus property to other departments and make room for future assets turned in by County departments. Excess County property that either is salvage property because of time, accident, or any other cause is so worn, damaged, or obsolete that it has no value for the purpose it was originally intended for and/or surplus property that may have some usefulness for the purpose it was intended. The Purchasing agent will attempt to sell the County surplus or salvage property by competitive bids or auction, dispose or destroy property that can't be sold through auction and/or competitive bids because its deemed worthless or dispose through a recycling program under which property is collected, separated, or processed and returned to use in the form of raw materials of new products.
19. Water Utilities
a.   Discussion and possible action to approve the posting and filling of the following Slot, subject to the availability of payroll funds and any applicable Civil Service guidelines, effective June 24, 2019:
Slot # Title Hourly Rate
2872 Maintenance Supervisor $17.57 - 15/A

Issue: Slot 2872 became vacant on May 24, 2019.

Solution: Obtain authorization to advertise and fill the position with a qualified candidate.

Result: Provide continuous operation for Water Utilities.
20. Honorable Martin Cuellar, Sheriff
a.   Discussion and possible action to approve, by Order, the following budget amendment (line item transfers) within general fund:
  Acct. Number Acct. Name Adopted Request Current End Bal.
From: 1001.3010.001.443000.035 Repair Maint Equipment $30,000 $10,000 $19,052.31 $9,052.31
  1001.4070.001.443000.035 Repair Maint Equipment $45,000 $10,000 $21,862.49 $11,862.49
  1001.4070.001.450001.020 Contract Services Zapata $200,000 $77,017.60 $138,080 $61,062.40
  1001.4070.001.450001.035 Contract Services Maverick $200,000 $77,017.60 $127.808 $50,790.40
  1001.3010.001.461000 Material $ Supplies $35,000 $914.80 $10,375.90 $11,290.70
To: 1001.3010.001.443000.075 Repair Maint Vehicle $210,000 $7,000 $8,159.68 $15,159.68
  1001.3010.001.443000.020 Repair Main Building $41,000 $15,000 $2,417.26 $17,417.26
  1001.3010.001.460105 Minor Tools $30,000 $39,000 $318.27 $39,318.27
  1001.3010.001.443000.110 Repair Maint Software $10,000 $18,950 $3,429.71 $22,379.71
  1001.3010.001.456305 Uniforms $70,000 $36,500 $10,063.09 $46,563.09
  1001.4070.001.443000.075 Repair Maint Building $50,000 $20,000 $57,687.56 $21,689.69
  1001.4070.001.456305 Uniforms $115,000 $36,500 $57,687.56 $94,187.56
  1001.4090.001.461000 Material Supplies $115,000 $2,000 $5,759.94 $7,759.94

Issue:  The above mentioned account for repairs - maintenance of building is in need of funds to pay pending invoices for emergency services conducted at the jail and for future services. Insufficient funds in uniform account to complete purchase of uniforms for officers under CBA contract.  Minor tools and Maintenance of software accounts are for the purchase of 34 computers and software which need to be upgrade urgently at the jail division for proper function with new software to use on daily basis. Repair Maintenance of vehicle account has pending invoices to process and for account to be healthy for 24/7 use of rotating units that patrol county and secure border.

Solution: With court approval funds will be available.

Result: Purchase orders can be issued to be in compliance, payments can be processes and vehicle maintenance can be performed without waiting on funds to become available.
21. Honorable Rosie Cuellar, Tax-Assessor- Collector
a.   Discussion and possible action to approve, by Order, the following budget amendment (line item transfer) within the General fund:
  Acct. Number Acct. Name Adopted Request Current End Bal.
From: 1001-1320-001-456005 Postage $120,000 $50,000 $60,108.66 $10,108.66
To: 1001-1320-001-460105 Minor Tools & Apparatus $12,600 $50,000 $369.35 $50,369.35

Issue: Authorize line item transfer to be able to upgrade Tax Office IBM server.

Solution: Transfer funds from Account 1001-1320-001-456005 (Postage) to Account 1001-1320-001-460105 (Minor Tools & Apparatus).

Result: Purchase Tax Office IBM server.
22. Honorable Raul Reyes, Treasurer
a.   Discussion and possible action to approve, by Order, the following budget amendment (line item transfers) within the General fund:
  Acct. Number Acct. Name Adopted Request Current End Bal.
From: 1001-1250-001-456205 Training & Education $1,300 $400 $400.00 $0
  1001-1250-001-461000 Material & Supplies $15,000 $290 $7,600.53 $7,310.63
To: 1001-1250-001-458000 Administrative Travel $3,500 $690 $490.75 $1180.75

Issue: Treasurer needs to attend a conference in September, 2019 and there are not enough funds to cover the travel expense.

Solution: Transfer the funds.

Result: Once funds are transferred, Treasurer will be able to attend the conference.
b.   Discussion and possible action to authorize the Webb County Treasurer to work with Multi-Bank Securities, Inc. for the purchase of CD’s and other authorized investments; authorizing the approval of Non-Corporate Resolution for said purpose; authorizing the County Judge to execute all relevant documents thereof; and any other matters incident thereto.

Issue: The County Treasurer is looking to diversify our investment portfolio.

Solution: The County Treasurer will work with Mr. Pulido in order to secure CD’s and other authorized investments.

Result: Webb County’s Investment Portfolio will be diversified.
Honorable Martin Cuellar, Sheriff
23.   Discussion and possible action to authorize the purchase of Microsoft Office Suite Licenses in the amount of $11,499.52 from SHI for the Webb County Sheriff's Department, in accordance with the Texas Local Government Code; Sub-Chapter F. Sections 271.101, 271.102 Cooperative Purchasing Program DIR-TSO-4092; with additional action to ratify line item transfer from Account #3864-7360-001-470000-175 (CPU Equipment Public Safety) to Account #3864-7360-001-470000-185 (Computerization Public Safety), by order; and any other matters incident thereto. [Bond Series 2016 - Account #3864-7360-001-470000-185]

Issue: 32 PC's running old versions of Microsoft Office will no longer be compatible with the new version of Odyssey

Solution: Purchase new licenses for Microsoft Office

Result: All computers at Sheriff's Office will be compatible with the new version of Odyssey.
Honorable Oscar Hale, 406th District Court Judge
24.   Discussion and possible action to authorize the Purchasing Agent to secure price quotations to replace the flooring of the 406th Judicial District Courtroom and office area with tile and carpeting in an amount not to exceed $8,000.00 to include the office space, jury room, courtroom and Judge's chambers, in accordance with the Webb County Purchasing policy manual rules and regulations. [Sponsored by Commissioner Rosaura "Wawi" Tijerina; Account #1001-1130-001-431007-010 (Operational Reserve Account)]

The flooring in the 406th Judicial District Courtroom, jury room and office area is in bad condition and needs to be replaced with commercial/heavy traffic flooring.

Solution: Secure Commissioners Court approval to seek competitive pricing and issue the necessary purchase orders for the new flooring.

Result: The flooring in the 406th Judicial District Courtroom, jury room and office area will be replaced with commercial/heavy traffic flooring.
Honorable Roberto "Bobby" Quintana, Justice of the Peace Pct. 2 Pl. 1
25.   Discussion and possible action to authorize the purchase of one (1) Microsoft Pro 6 Tablet from Staples in an amount not to exceed $1,399.00 for Judge Bobby Quintana’s continuing education and to further authorize the funding source from the Technology fund pursuant to Article 102.0173 of the Texas Code of Criminal Procedure. [Account #2009-2160-341168 (Technology fund)]

Issue: The department is in need of a Microsoft Surface Pro 6 Tablet for office use.

Solution: By approval of the Commissioners Court we would be able to proceed with purchase.

Result:  Improved customer service for the constituents of Precinct 2, Place 1.
Human Resources
26.   Status report regarding the final proposed list of approvals for the District Attorney’s Investigator salaries as suggested by the Segal Water Employee Classification and Wage Study report, with discussion and possible action to add additional pay grade levels to the current wage and pay scale. Additional authorization is requested to approve a budget amendment by order into all payroll line items affected by the implementation of these revisions; and any other matters incident thereto. [Account #1001-1130-001-431007-015 (Wage Classification Study)]
Community Action Agency
27.   Discussion and possible action to approve the intradepartmental transfer of employee within the following Slots with salary changes, subject upon the availability of payroll funds and any applicable Civil Service guidelines add and any other matters incident thereto. Community Action Agency is a grant funded Agency. No Impact to the General Fund. [Grant Funds]
  Slot # Title Hourly Rate
From:    1155 Part-Time Case Worker   $10.50
To:    1853 Full-Time Case Worker   $13.00

Issue: Vacant Slot # 1853 Case Worker  is currently vacant.

Solution: Promote employees from within the department.

Result: Filling of slot and intradepartmental promotions will alleviate work overload.
Juvenile Probation Department
28.   Discussion and possible action to authorize the modification of the following job titles, with no pay change, within the Juvenile Probation Department; subject to approval by Civil Service Commission and any applicable Civil Service guidelines, and any other matter incident thereto, effective June 24, 2019.
Slot # Title Hourly Rate/Salary
322 Director of Programs
To: Director
No Change
323 Director of Fields
To: Director
No Change
2391 Assistant Facility Administrator
To: Director
No Change
2265 Placement Officer
To: Placement Coordinator
No Change

Issue: The Juvenile Probation Department needs to modify said positions to reflect all the same duties.

Solution: Request approval to modify job titles to the existing employees.

Result: To properly classify the employees.


29.   Discussion and possible action to authorize revisions to the 2008 Webb County Flood Damage Prevention Order with applicable publication of a Takings Impact Statement that the contemplated action is exempt from Chapter 2007, Government Code, as necessary to clarify and streamline floodplain management procedures, establish policies relating to appeals or variances, integrate regulations relating to floodways and critical facilities, and simplify local regulations relating to Approximate A Zones and other development to ensure local regulations meet or exceed the minimum requirements of the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP), Subchapter I, Texas Water Code and best practices; and any other matters incident thereto.
30.   Discussion and possible action to approve a modernization and a preventive maintenance agreement between Webb County and Schindler Elevator Corporation (Sourewell / NJPA Contract #100516-SCH) which would include coverage and scheduled modernization of all eighteen (18) elevators currently in operation and/or owned by Webb County.  This contract is in accordance with the Texas Local Government Code; Sub-Chapter F. Cooperative Purchasing Program; Section 271.101 and Section 271.102 and to further authorize the Purchasing Agent and Civil/Legal Department to negotiate the terms and conditions of the scheduled modernization and the preventive maintenance agreement(s) to provide County wide coverage to all elevators owned by Webb County and to authorize the County Judge to sign all relevant documents and any other matters incident thereto [2019A Bond Series; Accounts 3868-7230-001-443000-255 Repairs and Maintenance Justice Center, 3868-7230-001-443000-250 Repairs and Maintenance Court House].

Commissioners Court has authorized the issuance of Bond money to support the modernization of aging elevators in order to improve the performance and reliability of equipment used by the general public and county staff.

Solution: Approve the recommended vendor with a cooperative contract with the most competitive pricing on projected modernization and maintenance programs to cover all eighteen (18) elevators.

Result: Start the modernization plan to upgrade all elevators at the recommended timeframes and secure County wide preventive maintenance agreements for all elevators owned by Webb County.
31.   Discussion and possible action to approve the recording of new inventory identified as a Glock semi-automatic pistol, 9mm Model G19, Serial number SFD 652 and to further authorize the Purchasing Agent to assign new inventory to Constable Pct. 2 Office.

Issue: This weapon was found in the vault located at the Tax Assessors Office. The Tax Assessor has no use for weapon.  This property is not part of current inventory records. 

Solution: Approve property as part of Webb County inventory and further authorize the transfer of property to Constable Mike Villarreal's Office, Pct. 2.

Results: Record inventory and transfer property to Constable Pct. 2 operation.
32.   Discussion and possible action authorizing the purchasing agent to seek competitive pricing to procure Two (2) portable refrigeration units and security fencing for the Webb County Medical examiner’s office; and any other matters incident thereto.
[Account - CO Bond Series 2019]
Honorable Raul Reyes, Treasurer
33.   Discussion and possible action to authorize the purchase of 5 computers with the software for the Treasurer's office in the amount not to exceed $10,000; with additional action to process line item transfer by order; and any other matters incident thereto. [Account # 3864-7360-001-470000-180 (Judicial and Public Safety 2016-Capital Outlay Computerization)]
Issue: The Treasurer's office is in need of upgrading and replacing five (5) computers and IT has identified the five (5) computers that are no longer under warranty and recommend replacement.
 Approve line item transfer in order to purchase outdated equipment.
Result: Treasurer's office will continue to perform daily duties more efficiently and effectively.
Commissioners Court Administrator
34.   Discussion and possible action regarding the current moratorium in effect for Tax Abatements authorized under Chapter 312, Texas Tax Code, due to the unknown financial impact of Senate Bill 2 and its 3.5 percent cap on tax revenue for Webb County; authorizing the County Judge to execute any relevant documents; and any other matters incident thereto.
35.   Discussion and possible action to enter into a retainer agreement in an amount not to exceed $20,000.00 with Segal Waters Consulting for additional employee classification and wage consulting services; and authorizing civil legal division to finalize said agreement; and authorizing County Judge to execute all relevant documents; and any other matters incident thereto.
[Account #1001-1130-001-432001 General Operating Acct. - Professional Services]
Honorable John C. Galo, Webb County Commissioner Pct. 3
36.   Discussion and possible action authorizing the purchasing agent to initiate a request for proposals for a backup generator system for the Santa Teresita Community Center and Colorado Acres Water dispenser facility; and any other matters incident thereto.
Issue: There have been several instances or power failures in the Hwy 59 area that affect the operation of the Santa Teresita Community Center and Colorado Acres water dispenser facility.
Solution: Request is being made to seek quotes for generator systems to provide backup power for these facilities in situations where power failures occur.
Result: Avoid interruption of services for these facilities during power failures.
Closed Session/Executive Session
37.   Discussion and possible action to approve full and final settlement of all claims in case entitled Alma Duarte and Jennifer Duarte v. Webb County, LMS Material Supply Inc. and Fletcher Baldwin Construction, Inc., cause number 2017CVA001651D2, pending in the 111th Judicial District Court of Webb County.
[Executive Session is requested pursuant to Texas Government Code, Title 5, Subchapter D, Section 551.071(1)(B)(Consultation with Attorney regarding settlement offer)]
38.   Recognition of the 486th Civil Affairs Battalion in profound appreciation for their outstanding support to Webb County through assessments conducted by their military personnel to be utilized for the request of economic and community development assistance for families living within the county. [Requested by Cindy Liendo, Commissioner Pct. 4]
39. Communications
40. Adjourn
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The Webb County Commissioners Court hereby reserves the right to go into closed session at any time during this public meeting, if such is requested by the County Attorney or other legal counsel for the County, pursuant to his or her duty under Section 551.071(2) of the Government Code, to consult privately with his or her client on an item on the agenda, or on a matter arising out of such item.

Persons with disabilities who plan to attend this meeting and who may need auxiliary aid of service such as interpreters for persons who are deaf or hearing impaired, readers, or need large print are requested to contact the court administrator at (956) 523-4622.


By: ______________________________
Melinda Mata
Court Administrator


I, the undersigned, County Clerk, do hereby certify that the above notice of meeting of the Webb County Commissioners Court, is a true and correct copy of said notice, and that I posted a true and correct copy of said notice on the bulletin board at the Courthouse door of Webb County, Texas, at a place readily accessible to the general public at all times on the ____ day of June, 2019 and said notice remained so posted continuously for at least 72 hours preceding the scheduled time of said meeting.



BY: ______________________________________________
      Margie Ramirez-Ibarra, County Clerk