FEBRUARY 27, 2023
9:00 a.m.

1. Roll Call by Honorable Margie Ramirez-Ibarra, Webb County Clerk
2. Pledge of Allegiance/Invocation
3. Discussion and possible action for Approval of Bills, Payroll, and Monthly Reports (Auditor, Treasurer, Business Office, Human Resources, Judicial Collections, Risk Management, Tax Assessor-Collector; and any other Department reports); and any other matters incident thereto.
4. Public Comment - This section provides the public the opportunity to address the Commissioners Court on any items on the Agenda. Members of the public wishing to participate must complete a Witness Card specifying which agenda item they wish to comment on. Each public member, individually or in a group, will be allowed a total of Three (3) minutes within which to make any/all public comments.
CONSENT AGENDA: At most meetings, the Commissioners Court establishes a Consent Agenda.  It consists of those Agenda Items which are routine or non-controversial, and which neither a member of the Commissioners court has asked to be pulled for discussion.  Once the Commissioners Court has established the Consent Agenda, Agenda Items included on it will be voted upon in one vote, and will not be discussed separately unless requested by the County Judge or Commissioners.

The consent agenda has been created in order to give constituents the opportunity to view any and all pertinent backup information with reference to any item in the agenda. The objective of the consent agenda is for all Webb County constituents to be familiar with everyday county business and to demonstrate the transparency and fairness of this Commissioners Court.

The following Agenda Items are of a routine nature, and the Commissioners Court has received supporting materials for consideration. All of these Agenda Items will be passed with one vote without being discussed separately, unless a member of the Commissioners Court or the public requests that a particular Agenda Item be discussed. If so, that Agenda Item will be pulled from the Consent Agenda and discussed as part of the regular Agenda at the appropriate time. One vote will approve the remaining items on the Consent Agenda.

5. Auditor
a.   Discussion and possible action to Ratify, by Order, the following budget amendment (line item transfer) within State Forfeiture funds. [Requested by Sheriff Martin Cuellar]
  Acct. Number Acct. Name Request
From: 2151-3010-001-457006  Law Enforcement Other $1,500
  2151-3010-001-455501 Drug Free Campaign $1,300
  2150-3010-001-465205 Training And Education $681
To:  2151-3010-001-461000 Materials and Supplies  $1,500
  2151-3010-001-454000-030 Advertising Awareness & Activities $681
  2150-3010-001-458000 Administrative Travel $1,300

Issue: Items are needed for Community Affairs.

Solution: Request ministerial and transfer funds.

Result: Funds will be in place and purchase needed items for Community Affairs.
b.   Discussion and possible action to approve, by Order, the following budget amendment (line item transfers) within Grant funds. [Requested by Veteran’s Service Office]
  Acct. Number Acct. Name Adopted Request Current End Bal.
From: 2866-5410-001-410000 Payroll $87,000 $3,000 $42,641.78 $39,641.78
  2866-5410-001-421000 Insurance $19,188 $14,531 $17,931.00 $3,400.00
To: 2866-5410-001-443000-075 Vehicle Maintenance $1,672 $3,527 $216.49 $3,743.49
  2866-5410-001-454000 Advertising $7,696 $13,204 $446.00 $13,650.00
  2866-5410-001-460000 Supplies $3,200 $800 $1,396.70 $2,196.70

Issue: Further funds are required in the above-mentioned accounts in order for our vehicle to continue to operate in a safely manner, advertise current services that are being provided, and the purchase of additional supplies due to the increase of demand of transportation services.

Solution: Approve line item transfers in the accounts requiring funds.

Result: Line item transfers will result in having sufficient funds for vehicle maintenance, advertisement, and additional supplies.  These funds will allow us to continue to operate at the high demand of transportation services already being provided. As well as, advising our local veterans and their families with information of free services being offered by the Webb County Veterans Service Office. There are no increases in salaries and line item transfer of grant funds will have no impact on the General Fund.
c.   Discussion and possible action to approve, by Order, the following budget amendment (line item transfer) within State Forfeiture Funds. [Requested by Martin Cuellar Webb County Sheriff]
  Acct. Number Acct. Name Request
From: 2150-259700 Fund Balance  $20,900
To: 2150-3010-001-454000-030 Advertising Awareness & Activities  $20,000
  2150-3010-001-444400 Rent Expense  $900

Issue: Funds needed to cover expenses for Advertising and Community Affairs.

Solution: Request funds from Fund Balance.

Result: Funding will be in place and proceed with needed items.
d.   Discussion and possible action to approve, by Order, the following budget amendment of CTIF funds (line item transfers) for the Engineering Department. [Requested by Engineering Department]
  Acct. Number Acct. Name Adopted Request Current End Bal.
From: 3716-7230-714-432001 Main Street-Professional Services $717.76 $717.76 $717.76 $0
  3716-7230-714-470000 Main Street-Capital Outlay $374,875.30 $60,282.24 $374,875.30 314,593.06
To: 3716-7230-703-432001 Wormser Road-Professional Services $34,790.00 $31,000.00 $29,347.10 $60,347.10
  3716-7230-709-432001 Mangana Hein-Professional Services $77,753.00 $30,000.00 $35,603.00 $65,603.00

Issue: These County Transportation Infrastructure Fund (CTIF) funds are needed for additional Professional Services (Sherfey Engineering) as requested by the City of Laredo and the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) needed at the Wormer Road Project. Other funds are needed for Material Testing at the upcoming Mangana Hein Road Project.

Solution: Approve Line Item Transfer.

Result: Funding will allow continuation of services for these projects.
6. Civil Legal Division
0.   Discussion and possible action to enter into a Professional Services Agreement for architectural services and plan designs between Webb County and SLAY Architecture, LLC., to create two (2) model home designs and preparation of two (2) model home floor plans for the Webb County Self-Help Center Program in the sum of Five Thousand Dollars ($5,000.00) and any other matters incident thereto; and authorizing the County Judge to sign all relevant documents. [Requested by James Flores, CAA Director; Account #2529-6360-521-443058-020 (Model Home Plans)]

Issue: A Professional Services Agreement is required in order to secure professional services from SLAY Architecture, LLC.

Solution: Authorize Professional Services Agreement between SLAY Architecture, LLC. & Webb County for their CAA Self-Help Center program to provide model residential home plans & design ideas for low income Webb County residents.
Result: Compliance with Self-Help Center grant requirements.
a.   Discussion and possible action to rescind the December 12, 2022, Commissioners Court approval of a lease agreement between Webb County for its Head Start Program and First Christian Church with discussion and possible action to enter into a Three (3) year Lease Term (September 1, 2022 through August 31, 2025) between First Christian Church, as Lessor, and Webb County, as Lessee, for its Early Head Start Program for the use of the real property located at 2409 Guerrero Street, Laredo, Webb County, Texas, at a monthly cost of Five Hundred Dollars ($500.00) during the term of the lease, subject to annual budget appropriations, and authorizing the County Judge to execute all relevant documents and any other matters incident thereto. [Requested by Aliza Oliveros, Webb County Head Start Director, Account #2357-5190-531-444100 (Space Rental)]
b.   Discussion and possible action to enter into a seven month (February 27, 2023 through September 27, 2023) scanning (imaging), digitizing, and indexing agreement with COMPU-DATA involving 558 docket books (725,000 images) belonging to the Webb County District Clerk’s Office in the amount of SEVENTY-THREE THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED SIXTY-FIVE DOLLARS ($73,565.00), which includes a one year Virtual File Room Software subscription service to access said images, authorizing the County Judge to execute all relevant documents, and any matters incident thereto. [Account #2011-2290-001-460105 (Minor Tools & Apparatus)]

Issue: Webb County Clerk is seeking to have approximately 558 docket books scanned, digitized, and uploaded onto a Virtual File Room to be accessed by the District Clerk’s Office through its Virtual File Room Software subscription agreement with COMPU-DATA, which will be at on cost for a one year period.

Solution: Obtain the Commissioners’ Court approval to allow Webb County Clerk to have its Docket Books scanned, digitized, indexed with the docket book images uploaded onto a virtual file room accessible by the District Clerk’s Office.
Result: Allows Docket Books to be scanned and uploaded onto a Virtual File Room to be accessible by the District Clerk’s Office.
c.   Discussion and possible action to enter into a twelve (12) month (January 1, 2023 through December 31, 2023) service agreement between Rochester Armored Car Co., Inc. and Webb County on behalf of Webb County Justice of the Peace Precinct 4 (The Honorable Jose R. Salinas) for armored car services with respect to bank deposits for a total amount not to exceed Two Thousand Three Hundred Sixteen Dollars Eighty-Four Cents ($2,316.84), subject to annual budget appropriations and authorizing the County Judge to sign and execute all relevant documents and any other matters incident thereto. [Requested by Honorable Jose R. Salinas, Justice of the Peace Pct. 4; Account #1001-2180-001-456005 (Postage & Courier Service)]

Issue: The Justice of the Peace Pct. 4 requires a secure method of depositing check and cash payments for fines, court costs, and fees that are assessed by the Court.

Solution: Retain the services of an armored car courier company that is licensed by the State of Texas to perform such services.

Result: A security service will be provided for depositing the collected fines, court cost and fees.
7. Honorable Rosaura “Wawi” Tijerina, Webb County Commissioner Pct. 2
a.   Discussion and possible action to authorize the Purchasing Agent to solicit Request for Qualifications (RFQs) for material testing under TCDP Contract CDV21-0485 Pueblo Nuevo Colonia-Street Improvements Project in accordance with the Texas Government Code; Chapter 2254 (professional and Consulting Services). This action will have no impact to the County General Fund Budget. [Requested by Economic Development Director, James Flores; Funding Source (Texas Department of Agriculture) Account #3521-7230-001-474502]

Issue: The streets in Colonia Pueblo Nuevo are old and dilapidated, which could pose a threat to public safety and frequently cause maintenance issues.

Solution: Streets in Pueblo Nuevo must be reconstructed to increase accessibility and eliminate potential threats to public safety. Webb County is required to reconstruct about 4,000 linear feet (l.f.) of street using a two-inch HMAC, a six-inch caliche base, and all necessary ancillaries. 

Result: The completion of the road renovations in Colonia Pueblo Nuevo will improve local residents' access to the roads while removing potential threats to public safety.
8. Commissioners Court
a.   Discussion and possible action to approve & ratify the expenses related to the WBCA parade float for Commissioners Court in the amount not to exceed $4,250.00; and any other matters incident thereto. [Account #2004-1010-001-463526 (Hotel Motel Fund- Community Promotions)]
9. Community Action Agency
a.   Discussion and possible action to authorize Webb County Community Action Agency to maintain its membership in the Texas Association of Community Action Agencies, Inc. (TACAA) 2023 Corporate Membership in the amount of $7,350.00. TACAA's membership is from January 01, 2023 through December 31, 2023. The membership supports the Organization in Texas representing the network of Community Services Block Grant (CSBG) entities. Grant funds will be used to pay for membership. [Fund #2368-5170-521-464010 & 2362-5360-521-457900]

Issue: Approve TACAA 2023 Corporate Membership in the amount of $7,350.00.

Solution: TACAA advocates for the best interest of Community Action Agencies (CAA's) at the State, Regional and National levels.

Result: TACAA works diligently on a number of issues and tasks benefiting all CAA's- Community Services Block Grant (CSBG) entities and as well the Comprehensive Energy Assistance Program (CEAP) grants and Weatherization Programs (WAP) grants.
b.   Discussion and possible action to approve and enter into an Agreement contract #61220003964 (“Contract”) for the Community Services Block Grant (CSBG) State Discretionary Funds-Organizational Capacity Improvements (OCI) from the Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs (TDHCA) for PY-2022, in the amount of Five Thousand Seven Hundred Fourteen Dollars ($5,714.00) and authorizing the County Judge to sign all relevant documents. Contract shall commence on January 01, 2023 and shall end on September 30, 2023. This action will not have an impact to the General Fund. Documentation has been reviewed by Webb County Economic Development Department and is compliant with SPOC policies and procedures.
Issue: Community Services Block Grant requires entities to complete a Strategic Plan every five years.
Solution: Accept a Grant State Discretionary Funds to procure a consultant to develop a Community Action Agency Strategic Plan.

Result: To aid Webb County CAA to develop the Strategic Plan.
10. Honorable Victor Villarreal, County Court at Law 2 Judge
a.   Discussion and possible action to enter into a 12 month (March 1, 2023 through February 29, 2024) zero cost subscription agreement (Document Q-05436858) with West Publishing Corporation for the use of CaseLines Limited Jurisdiction Cases for the digital exchange of proposed exhibits and online evidence; authorizing the County Judge to sign all relevant documents.

Issue: Webb County Court-at-Law II was selected by the Office of Court Administration as a pilot court for the Thomson Reuters CaseLines digital exchange of proposed exhibits and online evidence platform in Texas on May 2020. Once the pilot term ended the court entered into 12 month subscription agreements to continue the Court’s paperless procedures at a total cost of 3,750. The state through the Office of Court Administration is now selecting courts and offering a license at no cost to the county general fund.

Solution: Webb County Court-at-Law II is included in the state agreement with Thomson Reuters and seeks to enter into the zero cost 12 month agreement with the authorization of Commissioners Court and the signature of the County Judge on all relevant documents. 

Result: Webb County Court-at-Law II will continue its paperless procedures at no cost to the Webb County General fund and to the Webb County taxpayer.
11. Economic Development
a.   Discussion and possible action to accept a grant award for the Texas Colonia Fund - Construction Program contract No. CFC22-0089 from Texas Department of Agriculture (TDA) in the amount of $895,000.00 grant funds for housing rehabilitation in colonias located on Highway 359 and authorize Webb County Judge to sign all relevant documentation. This contract and agreement commences on February 1, 2023 and terminates January 31, 2025. This grant does not require cash match. No financial impact to general fund. All required documents were reviewed by the Economic Development Department and the solicitation is compliant with the Webb County Single Point of Contact (SPOC) procedures.

Issue: There is a need for more and better affordable housing in Webb County.

Solution: TDA funds will improve suitable living conditions
Result: Improvement in the quality of affordable housing in Webb County that is safe, decent, and sanitary.
b.   Discussion and possible action to approve the appointment of James Flores, Economic Development Director, as the Labor Standards Officer to the Texas Community Block Grant Program Contract CFC22-0089 grant and authorize the Webb County Judge to sign all relevant documentation. This action will not have impact on the County's General Fund.

Issue: The appointment of a labor standards officer is necessary to meet funding agency criteria.

Solution: The appointment will enable the department to manage the project's labor component and allow compliance with the contract for fair housing and equal opportunity operations.

Result: Economic Development Department will assure compliance with requirements from funding agency.
c.   Discussion and possible action to approve a Resolution regarding various compliance matters required by the Texas Department of Agriculture-Texas Community Development Block Grant (TxCDBG) No.CFC22-0089 and authorize County Judge to sign all relevant documentation This action will have no impact on the County's General Fund.

Issue: Civil Rights and other compliance requirements must be implemented by Webb County to be in compliance with grant funding agency program requirements. 

Solution: The implementation of Civil Rights is necessary to enable compliance with Citizen Participation Planned Grievance Procedures; Section 3 Policy; Code of Conduct; Limited English Proficiency; Excessive Force Policy; Section 504 Policy; and Fair Housing Policy.

Result: Department of Economic Development will ensure that all funding agency requirements are met.
d.   Discussion and possible action to authorize the submission of the "FY 2023 Grants to Expand Substance Use Disorder Treatment Capacity in Adult and Family Treatment Courts, No. TI-23-007" application as developed, written, and submitted by and for the Webb County Adult Drug Court Program to the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Administration (SAMHSA) in the amount of Four Hundred Thousand Dollars ($400,000) and authorizing the Webb County Judge to execute all relevant documents; and any other matters incident thereto. This grant does not require any kind of match; therefore, there is no impact to general fund. All required documents were sent for review through the Economic Development Department and the solicitation is compliant with the Webb County Single Point of Contact (SPOC) procedures. [Requested by Margarita H. Garza, Drug Court Program Director]

Issue: SAMHSA has released solicitations for FY 2023 for treatment courts. The program's purpose is to expand substance use disorder treatment and recovery support services in existing treatment courts.
Solution: Authorize the submission of the multi-year grant application for the purpose of expanding the services for the next 5 years, if awarded.

Result: If awarded, the Webb County Adult Drug Court Program will continue to provide substance use disorder treatment and recovery support services to all eligible participants in Webb County.
e.   Discussion and possible action to approve the posting and filling of the following Slot, subject to the availability of payroll funds and any applicable Civil Service guidelines, effective February 27, 2023:
Slot # Title Hourly Rate
2804 Grant Writer/Project Manager $22.50 - $24.54  20/A-H

Issue: The employee that was in slot #2804 resigned effective 02/06/2023.

Solution: Request to fill this vacant slot will allow the department to continue to operate effectively.

Result: The filling of slot #2804 will allow the department to run on a full staff if the court grants approval.
f.   Discussion and possible action to accept Contract Amendment #1, identifying acquisition as a project activity in Contract #70800001013 pertaining to the Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs Resiliency Program Grant and authorizing the County Judge to sign all relevant documents and any other matters incident thereto. 

Issue: Although Acquisition was identified as a project activity in the County's application to the Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs Resiliency Grant Program, the funding agency left the activity out of the original contract and have now provided an amendment identifying Acquisition as a project activity. 

Solution: The County accepts and signs this amendment.

Result: Webb County is able to continue administering this grant that will result in the construction of the Southern Health Facility.
g.   Discussion and possible action to authorize the Economic Development Department to develop and submit a Fiscal Year 2022 Staffing for Adequate Fire and Emergency Response (SAFER) Grant application to the U.S. Department of Homeland Security for up to $3,300,000.00, and authorizing the County Judge to act as the Authorized Representative in all matters pertaining to the County's request for funding. The purpose of the application is to supplement the Webb County Volunteer Fire Department with a minimum of twelve (12) frontline firefighters. This application does not require a cash match.  All required documents were sent for review through the Economic Development Department and the solicitation is compliant with the Webb County Single Point of Contact (SPOC) procedures. [Requested by Fire Suppression & EMS Services]

Issue: As the Webb County Volunteer Fire Department expands to insure the safety of Webb County residents, so does the demand for paid, certified, frontline firefighting personnel.

Solution: The acquisition of grant funds will offset Webb County personnel expenses for a three-year period.

Result: A healthy budgetary outlook for Webb County and the volunteer fire department.
h.   Discussion and possible action to authorize the submission of a Fiscal Year 2024 Local Border Security Program (FY 24 LBSP) grant application as developed, written, and submitted by the Webb County Sheriff’s Office Grant Writer to the Office of the Homeland Security Grants Division (HSGD) in the amount estimated at $200,000 for peace officers' overtime and applicable fringe benefits to provide enhanced border security in the Laredo/Webb County area, and authorizing the Webb County Judge to execute all relevant documents, including the resolution; and any other matters incident thereto. This grant does not require a match; and, thus, will have no impact to the general fund. All required documents were sent for review through the Economic Development Department and the solicitation is compliant with the Webb County Single Point of Contact (SPOC) procedures. [Requested by Martin Cuellar, Webb County Sheriff; Grant Fund #2741]
Issue: The State of Texas recognizes that border communities face urgent security challenges caused by increased activity from transnational organized criminal syndicates and their allies that are intensified by the fluidity of border crossings, heavy commercial activity, and interdependence of the international border communities’ economies. These socio-economic pressures place increased demands on law enforcement services and intensify the need for augmented public safety resources.
Solution: Grant application to provide enhanced border security in Laredo/Webb County in order to fulfill State of Texas local border security program objectives, including overtime (OT) resources to suppress, deter, and reduce border-related criminal activity in Texas.
Result: Enhanced/increased patrol and investigative capacity for certified peace officers working at the Webb County Sheriff’s Office.
i.   Discussion and possible action to authorize the Economic Development Department to develop and submit a grant application for the 2023-2024 Texas Department of Agriculture (TDA) Texas Community Development Block Grant (TxCDBG) for the Community Development Fund (CD) Program in the amount of FIVE HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS ($500,000) for street improvements within Colonia Ranchos Penitas West; and to approve a resolution authorizing the County Judge to act as the County’s Executive Officer and Authorized Representative in all matters pertaining to the County’s participation in the Community Development Program. This grant requires a Fifteen (15%) percent or a $75,000.00 cash match. [Account #1001-1160-001-463902 (Grant Matching - CAA)]

Issue: Several street blocks in this Ranchos Penitas West are essentially dirt roads that have never been paved. The lack of decent and navigable roads have caused significant problems to colonia residents especially during inclement weather. 

Solution: Pursue grants funds to provide first-time paving activities at the eligible Ranchos Penitas West dirt roads. 

Result: The first-time paving activities shall significantly increase accessibility for the residents that live adjacent to the dirt road in Ranchos Penitas West.
12. Head Start
Disclaimer: All Head Start monies are 100% Federal funds
a.   Discussion and possible action to approve the posting and filling of the following Slot, subject to the availability of payroll funds and any applicable Civil Service guidelines, effective February 27, 2023:
Slot # Title Hourly Rate
2061 Early Head Start PT Classroom Aide $9.99
1037 CDA Teacher Assistant ISD $12.14
b.   Discussion and possible action to approve, by Order, the following budget amendment (line item transfers):
  Acct. Number Acct. Name Adopted Request Current End Bal.
From: 2358-5205-531-456201 College Tuition $20,000 $5,800 $5,800.00 $0.00
  2358-5205-531-460024 Medical/Dental Supplies $19,580 $5,765 $7893.88 $2,128.88
To: 2358-5205-531-432068 Consultant Training $14,137 $11,565 $20.37 $11,585.37

Issue: Funds are available in College Tuition/Medical and Dental Supplies.

Solution: Approve Line Item transfer.

Result: Funds will be available in Consultant Trainings.
13. Public Health Services
a.   Discussion and possible action to approve the posting and filling of the following Slot, subject to the availability of payroll funds and any applicable Civil Service guidelines, effective February 27, 2023.
Slot # Title Hourly Rate
2975 Data Entry Clerk $11.84 - $12.44 7/A-E

Issue: Slot recently became vacant and requesting to fill.

Solution: Approval from Commissioners Court will allow department to post and fill vacant slot.

Result: The filling of this slot will allow the department to continue to function efficiently and effectively.
14. Judicial Collections
a.   Discussion and possible action to approve the posting and filling of the following Slot, subject to the availability of payroll funds and any applicable Civil Service guidelines, effective February 27, 2023:
Slot # Title Hourly Rate
0336 Assistant Judicial Collection Director $30.25 - $33.83 23/A-J

Issue: Slot #0336 became vacant on February 10, 2023.

Solution: Request is being made to fill the vacant slot. 

Result:The filling of Slot #0336 will allow our department to continue to function effective & efficiently. 
15. Honorable Roberto "Bobby" Quintana, Justice of the Peace Pct. 2 Pl. 1
a.   Discussion and possible action to approve, by Order, payment for the Annual Membership to the Justice of the Peace and Constables Association (JPCA) of Texasin the amount of Seventy Dollars ($70.00), effective January 1, 2023 through December 31, 2023 and any other matters incident thereto. [Account #1001-2160-001-456205 (Training and Education)]

Court authorization is needed for the use of funds from the Training and Education account to pay for these annual membership dues to the Texas Association of Counties (TAC) for Justice of the Peace and Constables Association (JPCA) dues.

Result: This pending invoice will be paid in a timely manner.
b.   Discussion and possible action to approve a Sixty-Seven (67) month agreement between Webb County and FP Mailing Solutions (Buy-Board Contract #656-21) for postal mailing services for a total service fee of $42.30 per month (with a shipping cost of $30) plus usage in a quarterly billing period, pursuant to the Texas Local Government Code; Sections 271.101, 271.102, Sub-Chapter F. Cooperative Purchasing Programs and to further authorize the execution of customer agreement and any other matters incident thereto. [Account #1001-2160-001-456005 (Postage Account)]

Issue: We are a high-traffic business office for civil and traffic matters.  We need a postage meter in our office to be more efficient with our time.  The old route requires requesting a paper check, staff time to drive downtown to pick up the paper check, and then drive to the post office, standing in line to buy postage (up to an hour wait), and going back downtown to drop off the original receipt of purchase. This agreement may be canceled in writing by Webb County if no appropriation of funds is approved prior to each new fiscal year within the term of the agreement (non-appropriation agreement included). 
Solution: Authorization from the Commissioners Court to Execute the FP Customer Agreement (attachments) for a postage meter service with electronic quarterly billing.
Result: Mail meter equipment in the office will add value to our customer service and timely mail service to constituents.
16. Purchasing
a.   Discussion and possible action to authorize the Purchasing Agent to process surplus and/or salvage property in accordance with the Texas Local Government Code, Section 263.152 (Disposition) and to publish notice to public as per Local Government Code Section 263.153 (Notice) for surplus and/or salvage property being auctioned.

Issue: Excess county property that is either by definition salvage or surplus property because of time, accident, or any other cause such as, wear and deterioration, damaged, or obsolete that has no value and/or usefulness for the intended purpose and is no longer needed by the department. 

Solution: Authorize the Purchasing Agent to attempt to sell the County surplus or salvage property through public auction, dispose or destroy property that cannot be sold through public auction because it has deemed worthless or dispose through a recycling program under which property is collected, separated, or processed and returned to use in the form of raw materials of new products and/or donate as permitted by state law. 

Result: Generate auction revenue from sale of county property, reduce county expenditures by transferring surplus property to other departments and make room for future assets replacing salvage or surplus items no longer needed.
b.   Discussion and possible action to authorize the Purchasing Agent to advertise formal Invitation to Bid solicitations for the purchase of twenty-one (21) Night Vision Monocular and for Border Surveillance Cameras for the Webb County Sheriff’s Office  and any other matters incident thereto. [2475-3010-001-470000 (Sheriff - Operation Lone Star -Sheriff Patrol-Administration-Capital Outlay)]
Issue: Two separate bid solicitations are required for these items, they are grant supported by Operation Lone Star Grant.  Both purchases will exceed the $50,000.00 ceiling. The Purchasing Agent is recommending formal bids on both items.
Solution: Consideration to authorize the advertisement for formal bid solicitations for these grant funded items.
Result: Bid solicitation process will start, and the Purchasing Agent will return with bid award recommendations within 30 calendar days.
c.   Discussion and possible action to award Invitation to Bid (ITB) 2023-001 “Self Help Center Home Reconstruction Program – Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs (TDHCA) Contract No. 7220013” to the sole bidder Clayton Homes for an amount not to exceed $95,875.74 in accordance with the Texas Local Government Code, Sub-Chapter C. (Competitive Bidding in General), Section 262.021 (County Purchasing Act) and to further authorize the County Judge to execute the construction contract and any other matters incident thereto. [Account #2529-6360-521-457015 - Self Help Center 7220013 FY21/24-Colonia Self Help Center-C.A.A.-Self Help Reconstruction]
Issue: The Webb County Community Action Agency Self-Help Center will carry out housing rehabilitation and housing reconstruction activities for the service area Colonia of Ranchitos 359 East located on State Highway 359 approximately five (5) miles outside the City of Laredo to improve the quality of life for Colonia residents living within this targeted area.  In part, the purpose of the assistance is to provide a decent, safe, and sanitary housing environment for residents by rehabilitation/reconstruction of standard, single family, owner-occupied dwelling units.  Project location is 408 Pinzon Rd., Laredo, Texas 78043.
Solution: Consideration to award to the sole bidder, Clayton Homes.   
Result: Proceed with execution of contract and notice to proceed once all the insurance and bonding requirements are submitted to General Counsel. Notice to Proceed will be contingent upon final completion of Boundary Survey.
d.   Discussion and possible action to award Invitation to Bid (ITB) 202-002 “Self Help Center Housing Rehabilitation Program – Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs (TDHCA) Contract No. 7220013” to Midas Contractors LLC, for an amount not to exceed $69,200.00 in accordance with the Texas Local Government Code; Sub-Chapter C. (Competitive Bidding in General), Section 262.021 (County Purchasing Act) and to further authorize the County Judge to execute the construction contract and any other matters incident thereto. [Account #2529-6360-521-457008-035 (Self Help Center 7220013 FY21/24-Colonia Self Help Center-C.A.A.-Contractual-Self Help Residential Rehab)]
Issue: Three (3) bids were submitted, however two (2) bidders failed to submit various required forms as advertised and the 5% bid bond, resulting in the recommendation of Midas Contractors, LLC.
Solution: Consideration to award to the responsible bidder meeting all the requirements of bid package.
Result: Proceed with the execution of contract and notice to proceed once all the insurance and bonding requirements are submitted.
17. Honorable Martin Cuellar, Sheriff
a.   Discussion with possible action to transfer $9,298.14 from the Operational Reserve account to the Sheriff Dept Administrative Travel line item for reimbursement costs related to the Juan David Ortiz capital murder trial that took place in Bexar County, San Antonio, TX; and any other matters incident thereto.  [Transfer from Operational Reserve Account #1001-1130-001-431007-010 to Sheriff Administrative Travel Account #1001-3010-001-458000]
Issue: The Administrative Travel line item was used for the unanticipated travel for Sheriff deputies and investigators during the trial.  Funds were depleted significantly and anticipated travel is scheduled for the remainder of the fiscal year.
Solution: Transfer $10,000 from the Operational Reserve account to cover this cost.
Result: Administrative Travel line item will be restored and anticipated travel can resume.
18. Honorable Patricia Barrera, Tax-Assessor- Collector
a.   Discussion and possible action to ratify a One Year (1) ACH Origination Agreement between Webb County for the benefit of the Webb County Tax Office and VCI (Formally VeriCheck) beginning February 13, 2023, thru February 12, 2024, in the amount of a one time One Hundred Fifty Dollar ($150.00) application fee and a Fifteen Dollar ($15.00) minimum monthly fee for verification services when processing of motor vehicle registrations; and authorizing the Webb County Judge to execute any and all relevant documents and any other matters incident thereto. [Requested by the Webb County Tax Office, Patricia Barrera, Clearing Account #3210771110]
19. Veteran's Service Office
a.   Discussion and possible action to approve the posting and filling of the following Slots, subject to the availability of payroll funds and any applicable Civil Service guidelines, effective March 1, 2023.
Slot # Title Hourly Rate
2949 Veterans Transportation Program Grant Director - (Grant) $21.63
2836 Veterans Transportation Safety and Driver - (Grant) $20.19

Issue: A previous employee was hired on or about July 7, 2020. He has accepted a position with the Texas Military Division. His last day of employment with Webb County will be February 28, 2023.

Solution: Request to fil these grant funded slots internally. If no qualified candidates are hired for these slots, then requesting to be open to the public for further individuals to apply. 

Result: The filling of slot #2949 and slot #2836 will allow the department to run on a full staff if the court grants approval.
Road & Bridge
20.   Preliminary status report regarding the designation of potential properties to be utilized as Road & Bridge substations throughout Webb County.
Civil Legal Division
21.   Discussion and possible action to enter into an architectural services contract (AIA Document B101-2017 Standard Form of Agreement Between Owner and Architect) with Cavazos & Associates, PLLC d/b/a Cavazos Architects for the design (construction plans and specifications) of a solar panel ready single story Webb County Southern Fire Station with an approximate square footage of 6,200 - 6,400 square feet to include, but not be limited to, two bay areas with four overhead doors with windows, training room, fitness room, both male/female dorms with bathrooms and showers, full kitchen common area, plus offices for the Webb County Fire Marshall at cost not to exceed ONE HUNDRED TWENTY-TWO THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED DOLLARS ($122,500.00) for design and an additional cost of FIFTY-FIVE THOUSAND SEVEN HUNDRED SIXTY-FIVE DOLLARS ($55,765.00) for Supplemental Services, to include: Civil Engineering (including Surveying), IT Consultant, Code Consultant and 3rd Party Review, and Site Evaluation (Septic Tank), for a total cost not to exceed ONE HUNDRED SEVENTY-EIGHT THOUSAND TWO HUNDRED SIXTY FIVE DOLLARS ($178,265.00) and any matters incident thereto; authorizing the County Judge to sign all relevant documents. [Account #2703-5205-001-432001 Professional Services - ARPA Fund]
22.   Discussion and possible action to approve Material Testing Work Authorization #2 with Howland Engineering and Surveying Co., for the Mangana Hein Road Extension Project. in an amount not to exceed $29,174.00. These construction material testing services are based on construction plans by Crane Engineering Corp., Project Engineer and any matters incident thereto; authorizing the County Judge to execute any relevant documents. [Account #3716-7230-709-432001 (Professional Services-CTIF 2020)]

Issue: Material Testing is being requested from Project Engineer for this project. As per approved RFQ 2022-011 On-Call Material Testing Services for County Projects" as approved by Commissioner Court on October 11, 2022.

Solution: Company will provide density/moisture testing and laboratory evaluation of soils. Field testing and laboratory evaluation of concrete, observation of reinforced concrete. Concrete testing services.

Result: Approval of agenda item so that Mangana Hein Road Project may commence.
Fire Marshal
23.   Discussion and possible action for Commissioners Court to approve a burn ban Order for a maximum of Ninety (90) days of all outdoor burning in all the unincorporated areas of Webb County commencing February 27, 2023 pursuant to Local Government Code §352.081 and other applicable statutes, a violation of this Order is a Class C misdemeanor, punishable by a fine not to exceed $500.00; and any other matters incident thereto.
Issue: The current Keetch-Byram Drought Index (KBDI) average for Webb County is high and may reach a maximum of 765 within the next fourteen days. (KBDI scale ranges from 0-800 with 800 representing extremely dry conditions) These conditions create a high risk of wildfires with danger to damage life and property.
Solution: Order an immediate burn ban for a maximum of 60 days (or until conditions are considered safe) to be enforced by the Sheriff’s Office to discourage outdoor burning in order to prevent spread of wildfires and loss of life and property.
Result: Discourage citizens from outdoor burning in the unincorporated areas of Webb County in order to prevent wildfires and enforce a fine of up to $500 by the Sheriff’s Office for those citizens that do not abide by burn ban.
24.   Discussion and possible action to authorize the purchase of Fifty (50) APX6000 Series Portable Radios from Motorola Solutions, Inc. in an amount not to exceed $284,568.00 (Contract: 17724-HGAC (TX) RA05-21) for the Webb County Sheriff's Office in accordance with the Texas Local Government Code, Sub-Chapter F. Cooperative Purchasing Program; Section 271.101, 102 (Cooperative Purchasing Program Participation) and any other matters incident thereto. [Account #2475-3010-001-470000 (Sheriff-Operation Lone Star-Sheriff Patrol-Administration-Capital Outlay)]

Issue: The Webb County Sheriff’s Office has secured Operation Lone Star funding for the replacement of existing portable radios and to assist with Border security initiatives with improved communication equipment.
Solution: Authorize the cooperative contract purchase exceeding $50,000.00.  This Vendor has met the competitive bidding requirements of the State.  
Result: Order will be placed after Commissioners Court approval.
25.   Discussion and possible action to award Invitation to Bid No. 2023-003 “Quad City Fire Station and Justice of the Peace Expansion Project” to the lowest and responsible bidder Muralla Construction, LLC, in an amount not to exceed $801,286.85 (Includes Alternates and Allowances) in accordance with the Texas Government Code; Subchapter C. Competitive Bidding Method, Sec. 2269.101. Contracts for Facilities: Competitive Bidding, and to identify the funding source for this project and to further authorize General Counsel to execute a construction contract for the awarded sum and any other matters incident thereto.
Issue: Two (2) formal bid proposals were submitted by Muralla Construction, LLC and Romo Contractors, LLC.  Project includes the expansion of existing Quad City Fire Station and JP/Constable Facility.
Solution: Consideration to accept the lowest and responsible bidder - Muralla Construction, LLC or reject all bids and either rebid or take no further action.  
Result: If approved by Commissioners Court, proceed with execution of construction contract and notice to proceed contingent upon all insurance and bonding requirements are provided by the awarded bidder.
26.   Discussion and possible action to authorize a twenty-four (24) month service agreement proposal between Fusus and Webb County to include software and associated hardware, initial setup, access and training of users to include 2,000 data points and 2,000 public/private video feeds for the Webb County Sheriff’s Office in an amount not to exceed $350,000.00 and to further authorize a discretionary exemption under the Texas Local Government Code; Section 262.024 (7) (A) items for which competition is precluded because of the existence of patents, copyrights, secrete processes or monopolies and any other matters incident thereto. [Account #2475-3010-001-470000 (Sheriff - Operation Lone Star -Sheriff Patrol-Administration-Capital Outlay)]
Issue: The Webb County Sheriff’s Office was awarded OLS grant funds for a Real time Crime package, a video and data collaboration platform/integration software to expedite border intelligence gathering and effectiveness of response for border security operations.
Solution: Consider approving the sole source recommended vendor for this specialize software and hardware for the initial term of twenty-four (24) months covered by OLS grant funds.  With an option to renew at $150,000.00 annually for three (3) additional years (Renewal options are not covered by OLS Grant).
Result: Proceed with the execution of service agreement proposal between Fusus and the Webb County Sheriff’s Office.
27.   Discussion and possible action to award Request for Qualifications (RFQ) 2023-010 “ARPA Project No. 20 - Engineering Services for the Rio Bravo Drainage Restoration Project” to the sole respondent, Top Site Civil Group, LLC., in accordance with Texas Procurement Laws and with the Code of Federal Regulations §200.318 - §200.327 (General Procurement Standards) and to further authorize the General Counsel to negotiate the terms and conditions of the professional service agreement and any other matters incident thereto.
Issue: Professional Engineering Services are required for the restoration of the North Rio Bravo drainage channel outfall and to stabilize and restore the effluent line and manhole at the end of Centeno Lane, in Rio Bravo, Texas.  The engineering services must include all necessary designs/drawings and specifications; construction cost estimates; preparation of construction documents for bid solicitation, all necessary permitting; and construction administration through the duration of project up to closeout.
Solution: Consideration to award RFQ to sole respondent, Top Site Civil Group, LLC.  This is an ARPA funded project. 
Result: If approved, authorize General Counsel to negotiate the terms and conditions of the professional services agreement to include any federal contract provisions required.
Honorable Margie Ibarra, County Clerk
28.   Discussion and possible action for clarification on the Internal Auditor's Report of January 20, 2023 and the Judicial Collection Balance from 2008-2022.

Issue: Clarification on Audit Report (Historical Payments for County Court Cases) done by County Auditor Mr. Rafael Perez on January 20, 2023.

Solution: To be able to resolve the issue at hand by having each respective department involved in creating a plan.
Result: Will entail research to come up with a solution and to have what was approved in 2006 and 2007 be honored by the present commissioners court.
Commissioners Court Administrator
29.   Discussion and possible action to consider accepting, pursuant to Texas Local Government Code section 81.032, the gift/donation of the following real property, including improvements thereon, from the Fernando A. Salinas Trust, that being Lots Number One (1) and Two (2) in Block Number One Hundred Twenty-One (121) situated in the Western Division of the City of Laredo, Webb County, Texas and more commonly known as 920 Houston Street, Laredo, Texas 78040, and that said property would be held and/or utilized by the County for governmental purposes and that any County facility situated on the property be officially and perpetually designated with a name or title incorporating "Fernando A. Salinas" and any matters incident thereto; authorizing the County Judge to sign the donation or gift deed and any other relevant documents. [Co-Sponsored by County Judge, Tano E. Tijerina]
30.   Status report by JHS Architects and county team regarding the Webb County Fairgrounds Project, with discussion and possible action; and any other matters incident thereto.
31.   Discussion with possible action to issue a Letter of Approval to Clear Choice E.R. in accordance with section 773.0573 (b) (1-3) of the Texas Department of State Health Services Emergency Medical Services Initial Provider license; and any other matters incident thereto.
Honorable Rosaura “Wawi” Tijerina, Webb County Commissioner Pct. 2
32.   Discussion and possible action to approve the Clean-up Campaign for the communities in the Precinct 2 areas and to authorize the utilization of Road & Bridge Department funds, manpower and equipment and any other matters incident thereto.
Date Location
Tuesday, March 7, 2023 Pueblo Nuevo
Wednesday, March 8, 2023 San Carlos I & II, Ranchitos 359 East, Laredo Ranchetts
Thursday, March 9, 2023 Tanquecitos I & II, Los Altos, D-5 Acres, Old Milwaukee
Tuesday, March 14, 2023 Bruni, TX
Wednesday, March 15, 2023 Oliton, TX
Honorable John C. Galo, Webb County Commissioner Pct. 3
33.   Discussion and possible action to authorize county staff or in the alternative solicit an outside consultant, if necessary, for the development of guidelines and criteria for granting a county Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone (TIRZ); and any other matters incident thereto.
Honorable Tano E. Tijerina, Webb County Judge
34.   Discussion and possible action to proclaim March 20th - March 24th, 2023 as National Harm Reduction Week and March 22, 2023 as World Harm Reduction Day.
35.   Discussion and possible action to proclaim the month of march as National Social Work Month in Webb County.
36.   Presentation by Susan Foster with Texas A&M International University’s Office of Continuing Education to discuss the Certified Public Manager (CPM) program, with further discussion and possible action on potential enrollment of Webb County staff; and any other matters incident thereto. [Requested by Tano E. Tijerina, County Judge]
37. Communications
38. Adjourn
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The Webb County Commissioners Court hereby reserves the right to go into closed session at any time during this public meeting, if such is requested by the County Attorney or other legal counsel for the County, pursuant to his or her duty under Section 551.071(2) of the Government Code, to consult privately with his or her client on an item on the agenda, or on a matter arising out of such item.

Persons with disabilities who plan to attend this meeting and who may need auxiliary aid of service such as interpreters for persons who are deaf or hearing impaired, readers, or need large print are requested to contact the court administrator at (956) 523-4622.


By: ______________________________
Melinda Mata
Court Administrator


I, the undersigned, County Clerk, do hereby certify that the above notice of meeting of the Webb County Commissioners Court, is a true and correct copy of said notice, and that I posted a true and correct copy of said notice on the bulletin board at the Courthouse door of Webb County, Texas, at a place readily accessible to the general public at all times on the _____ day of February, 2023 and said notice remained so posted continuously for at least 72 hours preceding the scheduled time of said meeting.



BY: ______________________________________________
      Margie Ramirez-Ibarra, County Clerk