JUNE 28, 2021
9:00 a.m.

1. Roll Call by Honorable Margie Ramirez-Ibarra, Webb County Clerk
2. Pledge of Allegiance/Invocation
3. Discussion and possible action for Approval of Bills, Payroll, and Monthly Reports (Auditor, Treasurer, Human Resources, Judicial Collections, Risk Management, Tax Assessor-Collector); and any other matters incident thereto.
4. Public Comment - This section provides the public the opportunity to address the Commissioners Court on any items on the Agenda. Members of the public wishing to participate must complete a Witness Card specifying which agenda item they wish to comment on. Each public member, individually or in a group, will be allowed a total of Three (3) minutes within which to make any/all public comments.
CONSENT AGENDA: At most meetings, the Commissioners Court establishes a Consent Agenda.  It consists of those Agenda Items which are routine or non-controversial, and which neither a member of the Commissioners court has asked to be pulled for discussion.  Once the Commissioners Court has established the Consent Agenda, Agenda Items included on it will be voted upon in one vote, and will not be discussed separately unless requested by the County Judge or Commissioners.

The consent agenda has been created in order to give constituents the opportunity to view any and all pertinent backup information with reference to any item in the agenda. The objective of the consent agenda is for all Webb County constituents to be familiar with everyday county business and to demonstrate the transparency and fairness of this Commissioners Court.

The following Agenda Items are of a routine nature, and the Commissioners Court has received supporting materials for consideration. All of these Agenda Items will be passed with one vote without being discussed separately, unless a member of the Commissioners Court or the public requests that a particular Agenda Item be discussed. If so, that Agenda Item will be pulled from the Consent Agenda and discussed as part of the regular Agenda at the appropriate time. One vote will approve the remaining items on the Consent Agenda.

5. Auditor
a.   Discussion and possible action to ratify, by Order, the following budget amendment (line item transfer) within grant funds; and any other matters incident thereto. [Requested by Martin Cuellar, Webb County Sheriff; Grant Fund #2605]
  Acct. Number Acct. Name Adopted Request Current End Bal.
From: 2605-3010-001-455100 Printing $450 $195 $195 -0-
To: 2605-3010-001-460000 Office Supplies $793 $195 $0.03 $195.03

Issue: In order to use remaining grant funds, a no-cost budget adjustment was requested by the Webb County Sheriff's Office and approved by the state agency.  

Solution: Request the ratification of a line item transfer by the Webb County Commissioners' Court.  

Result: Remaining grant funds will be effectively, efficiently, and fully utilized.
b.   Discussion and possible action to ratify, by Order, the following budget amendment (line item transfer) within grant funds; and any other matters incident thereto. [Requested by Martin Cuellar; Grant Fund #2578]
  Acct. Number Acct. Name Adopted Request Current End Bal.
From: 2578-3010-001-413000 Overtime-Patrol $50,000 $710.24 $710.24 -0-
  2578-3010-001-422000 FICA-Patrol $3,825 $54.30 $54.30 -0-
  2578-3010-001-423000 Retirement-Patrol $6,150 $87.37 $87.37 -0-
  2578-3010-001-425000 Unemployment-Patrol $345 $15.48 $15.48 -0-
  2578-3010-001-426000 Worker's Comp.-Patrol $1,500 $21.20 $21.20 -0-
  2578-4070-001-413000 Overtime-Jail $120,00 $5,987.09 $5,987.09 -0-
  2578-4070-001-422000 FICA-Jail $9,180 $458.02 $458.02 -0-
  2578-4070-001-423000 Retirement-Jail $14,760 $736.47 $736.47 -0-
  2578-4070-001-425000 Unemployment-Jail $828 $71.32 $71.32 -0-
  2578-4070-001-426000 Worker's Comp.-Jail $3,600 $179.49 $179.49 -0-
To: 2578-3010-001-461000 Materials & Supplies  $22,783 $8,320.98 -0- $8,320.98

Issue: In order to use remaining grant funds, a no-cost budget adjustment was requested by the Webb County Sheriff's Office and approved by the state agency.

Solution: Request the ratification of a line item transfer by the Webb County Commissioners' Court.  

Result: Remaining grant funds will be effectively, efficiently, and fully utilized.
c.   Discussion and possible action to approve, by Order, the following budget amendment (line item transfer). [Requested by Aliza Oliveros, Head Start Director]
  Acct. Number Acct. Name Adopted Request Current End Bal.
From: 2367-5150-531-410000 Payroll $57,071 $20,500 $46,513 $26,013.88
To: 2367-5190-531-457008-005 Regina's Contractual $60,000 $20,500 $0.00 $20,500.00

Issue: Funds are needed in the Contractual line item. Funds are available for transfer from the Payroll line item. 

Solution: Approve line item transfer request.
Result: Funds will be available in the Contractual line item. 
d.   Discussion and possible action to approve, by Order, the following budget amendment (line item transfer) within Grant Funds. [Requested by CAA Meals On Wheels]
  Acct. Number Acct. Name Adopted Request Current End Bal.
From: 2371-5260-521-410000 Payroll Cost $199,954 $17,000 $81,876.78 $64,876.78
To: 2371-5260-521-458060 In Town Mileage $7,400 $4,000 $162.30 $4,162.30
  2371-5260-521-463030 Bulk Food  $68,175 $9,000 $755.30 $9,755.30
  2371-5260-521-461000 Materials & Supplies $29,300 $4,000 $4,697.34 $8,697.34

Issue: Meals on Wheels program requires these line item transfer to cover the expenditures for the delivery of meals. 

Solution: Approval of the line items transfer will provide budget adjustment to cover program expenses. 

Result: With funds available, the Meals on Wheels Program will be able to continue with daily operations with home delivered meals to our elderly community.
e.   Discussion and possible action to ratify, by order, a budget amendment to the District Attorney State forfeiture fund by increasing the expenditure budget by $800; said amount is available from seized funds pursuant to Chapter 18 of the Texas Code of Criminal Procedure. [Requested by Isidro "Chilo" Alaniz, District Attorney; Fund #2161-2260]
  Account Number Account Name Amount
From: 2161-259700 Fund Balance $800
To: 2161-2260-001-413000 Overtime $800

Issue: New proceeds under Chapter 18 of the Texas Code of Criminal Procedure have been awarded and may be spent by the attorney representing the State after a budget for the expenditure of the proceeds has been submitted to the Governing Body.

Solution: Submit a budget to the Governing Body that clearly list and defines the categories of expenditures.

Result: The attorney representing the State can utilize the new proceeds for the official use of his Office.
f.   Discussion and possible action to approve, by order, a budget amendment to the District Attorney State forfeiture fund by increasing the expenditure budget by $28,000; said amount is available from seized funds pursuant to Chapter 18 of the Texas Code of Criminal Procedure. [Requested by Isidro "Chilo" Alaniz, District Attorney; Fund #2161-2260]
  Account Number Account Name Amount
From: 2161-259700 Fund Balance $28,000
To: 2161-2260-001-456305 Uniforms $8,000
  2161-2260-001-457006 Law Enforcement - Other $20,000

Issue: New proceeds under Chapter 18 of the Texas Code of Criminal Procedure have been awarded and may be spent by the attorney representing the State after a budget for the expenditure of the proceeds has been submitted to the Governing Body.

Solution: Submit a budget to the Governing Body that clearly list and defines the categories of expenditures.

Result: The attorney representing the State can utilize the new proceeds for the official use of his Office.
g.   Discussion and possible action to ratify, by Order, the following budget amendment (line item transfer) within the General Fund. [Requested by Rafael Pena, Information Technology Director]
  Acct. Number Acct. Name Adopted Request Current End Bal.
From: 1001-1280-001-444500 Equipment Rental $3,500 $3,000 $3,500 $500
To: 1001-1280-001-460105 Minor Tools & Apparatus $18,000 $3,000 $963.05 $3,963.05

Issue: Need to purchase items and additional funds are need in Minor Tools & Apparatus.

Solution: Approve line item transfer.

Result: Ratification item will follow policy.
h.   Discussion and possible action to ratify, by Order, the following budget amendment (line item transfers) from The Center for Tech and Civil Life (CTCL) grant accounts. [Requested by Elections Department]
  Acct. Number Acct. Name Adopted Request Current End Bal.
From: 2930-1110-001-412000 Part-time $241,728 $54,288.95 $54,288.95 $0.0
  2930-1110-001-422000 FICA county share $18,491 $18,362.86 $18,362.86 $0.0
  2930-1110-001-425000 Unemployment tax $1,620 $1,579.05 $1,579.05 $0.0
  2930-1110-001-426000 Worker compensation $121 $117.42 $117.42 $0.0
  2930-1110-001-451201-101 Early voting and pay supplies $25,000 $25,000.00 $25,000.00 $0.0
  2930-1110-001-451201-103 Secure drop boxes and supplies $35,000 $10,000.00 $34,899.97 $24,899.97
To: 2930-1110-001-451201-104 Other safe election and supplies $75,000 $109,348.28 $52,275.18 $161,623.46
From: 2930-1110-001-451201-103 Secure drop boxes and supplies $35,000 $10,000.00 $24,899.97 $14,899.97
To: 2930-1110-001-451201-102 Election Day pay and supplies $83,000 $10,000.00 $5,220.56 $15,220.56

Issue: The election safe election and supplies account ending in 451201-104 & 451201-102 currently have insufficient appropriation funds to cover expenditures from within the Center for Tech and Civic Life (CTCL) Grant account.

Solution: Budget amendment line item transfer to increase revenues and expenditure will address the issue.

Result: Election department will be able to cover the pending expenditures.
i.   Discussion and possible action to ratify, by Order, the following ministerial budget amendment (line item transfers) within Forfeiture funds. [Requested by Constable Pct. 1]
  Acct. Number Acct. Name Adopted Request Current End Bal.
From: 2180-259700 Fund Balance (Federal Forfeiture)   $5,000 $92,805 $87,805
To: 2180-3150-001-456205 Training an Education $2,000 $5,000 $158 $5,158
From: 2724-259700 Fund Balance (LEOSE)   $1,627.33 $1,627.33 $0
To: 2724-3150-001-456205 Training and Education $0 $1,627.33 $0 $1,627.33

Issue: Funds needed for Registration and Training and Education FY-2021.

Solution: With approval we will be able to register for training.

Result: Constable and Deputies of Pct. 1 will be able to attend training.
j.   Discussion and possible action to approve, by Order, the following budget amendment (line item transfer) within Grant funds. [Requested by Economic Development]
  Acct. Number Acct. Name Adopted Request Current End Bal.
From: 2528-6360-521-461000 Emergency Services ESHC Materials & Supplies $15,000 $1,324.49 $4,788.94 $3,464.45
To: 2528-6360-521-463804 Emergency Services ESHC Utility
$0 $1,324.49 $0 $1,324.49

Issue: Line item transfer is requested to cover the expenses for the modified program.

Solution: Approve line item transfer will provide budget adjustment to continue with our modified program.

Result: The line item transfer will ensure sufficient funding for the completion of our program.
k.   Discussion and possible action to approve, by Order, a budget amendment (line item transfer) by increasing carry over funds of $43,903 for the Court initiated Guardianship program in accordance with Texas Local Government Code, Section 118.052(2)(E); 118.067 (Supplemental Court-initiated Guardianship Fee) and Section 111.0706 (Special Budget for Grant or Aid Money). [Requested by County Court at Laws, Fund #2013 (Court Initiated Guardianship)]
Account Name Account Number Amount
From: Fund Balance 2013-259700 $43,903
To: Court Appointed Attorney-CCL 1 2013-2060-001-433001-025 $21,613
      Court Appointed Attorney-CCL 2 2013-2070-001-433001-030 $22,290

Issue: Increase budget for expenditures to cover future program expenditures.

Solution: Appropriate new expenditures to be used for the purpose of program expenditures.

Result: Finalize special budget using proceeds for the purpose stated on this agenda item.
l.   Discussion and possible action to ratify approval, by Order, the following budget amendment (line item transfer): This action will not have an impact to the General Fund. [Requested by James Flores, Director of CAA and Economic Development]

  Acct. Number Acct. Name Adopted Request Current End Bal.
From: 2368-5170-521-470000 Capital Outlay $14,599.55 $4,000 $14,599.55 $10,599.55
To: 2368-5170-443000-020 Repairs & Maint. Bldg. $590.07 $4,000 $590.07 $4,590.07

Issue: Funds available in accounts will cover cost needed to continue operation service.

Solution: By Commissioners Court approval, accounts in the line item transfers will have enough funds.

Result: To ensure funding for the remainder of the current program year.
6. Bruni Community Center
a.   Discussion and possible action to approve, by Order, the following budget amendment (line item transfer) within the General fund:
  Acct. Number Acct. Name Adopted Request Current End Bal.
From: 1001-6240-001-443000-035 Repairs & Maint. - Equip. $400 $400 $400.00 $0
To: 1001-6240-001-462605 Fuel & Lubricants $950 $400 $165.90 $565.90

Issue: Current fuel line item is running low and will not be enough to end fiscal year.

Solution: Request court to consider the line item transfer.

Result: Sufficient funding to continue daily operations that require the use of the county vehicle.
7. Casa Blanca Golf Course
a.   Discussion and possible action to ratify, by Order, the following budget amendment (line item transfer) within Golf Course funds:
  Acct. Number Acct. Name Adopted Request Current End Bal.
From: 7100-6130-001-458000 Administrative Travel $19,600 $2,300 $2,753.41 $453.41
To: 7100-6100-001-460035 Range Balls $3,500 $2,300 $276 $2,576

Issue: Funding needed to purchase balls for the golf range.

Solution: Transfer as stated above.

Result: Purchase orders can be submitted. 
b.   Discussion and possible action to ratify, by Order, the following budget amendment (line item transfers) within Golf Course funds:
  Acct. Number Acct. Name Adopted Request Current End Bal.
From: 7100-6080-001-443000-155 Repairs & Main't- Irrigation $5,000 $1,500 $4,973 $3,473
  7100-6080-001-444001-010 Trees & Landscaping- Fertilizer $20,000 $1,000 $8,517 $7,517
  7100-6100-001-461000 Materials & Supplies $0 $1.000 $1,305 $305
  7100-6120-001-457005 Reimbursable $129,968 $15,000 $71,579 $56,579
To: 7100-6090-001-443000-130 Repairs & Main't- Carts $3,000 $3,500 $740 $4,240
  7100-6080-001-457005-005 Reimbursable Labor $356,734 $15,000 $64,199 $46,118

Issue: Shortfall in various funds.

Solution: Transfers as requested above.

Result: Close out fiscal year.
8. Civil Legal Division
a.   Discussion and possible action to enter into a Software Subscription Agreement for thirty-six (36) months (June 28, 2021 - June 27, 2024) between Thomson Reuters and Webb County on behalf of the Webb County Sheriff’s Office for the product known as (Clear Proflex) at a total cost of Two Thousand Eight Hundred Thirty-Two Dollars ($2,832.00) with a 5% increase year over year; and authorizing the County Judge to sign and execute all relevant documents and any other matters incident thereto. [Requested by Jorge L. Trevino, on behalf of the Webb County Sheriff’s Office; Account #1001-3010-001-464005 (Books and Subscriptions)]
b.   Discussion and possible action to approve the execution of a One year building lease renewal contract effective October 1, 2021 thru September 30, 2022 between Webb County and McPherson Plaza, LTD, pursuant to the prior approval and award of sole source lease contract for approximately 3,000 square feet of building space located at 5711 McPherson Road for the purpose of housing the Webb County Sheriff's Safe Haven program and authorizing the Webb County Judge to execute any and all relevant documents; and any other matters incident thereto. [DOJ Grant #2018-FJ-AX-0007; Account #2607-1150-001-444100 (Space Rental OVW Justice for Families Program)]
c.   Discussion and possible action to approve a Professional Services Agreement between Webb County and Homero R. Sanchez, M.D. The Agreement will be that Dr. Sanchez provide Mental Health Services to jail detainees. The Agreement will be for a term of Three (3) years, effective January 1st, 2021, and ending on September 30th, 2024. Webb County has agreed to compensate Dr. Sanchez Three Thousand Five Hundred and No/100ths Dollars ($3,500.00) per month. The amount should not exceed Forty-Two Thousand and No/100ths Dollars ($42,000.00) per year; subject to annual budgetary appropriations and authorizing the County Judge to sign and execute all relevant documents; and any other matters incident thereto. [Requested by Webb County Sheriff Martin Cuellar, Account #1001-4070-001-432001 (Professional Services)]
9. Honorable Montica Z. Notzon, 111th District Court Judge
a.   Discussion and possible action to ratify, by Order, the following budget amendment (line item transfer) within the General fund:
  Acct. Number Acct. Name Adopted Request Current End Bal.
From: 1001-1130-001-431007-010 Operational Reserve   $10,000    
To: 1001-2230-001-451003 Court Interpreter/Reporter $65,000 $10,000 $762.5 $10,762.5

Issue: This account has insufficient funds to cover pending invoices from the 49th District Court for Court Reporter/Interpreter services.

Solution: Fund the account to pay outstanding invoices.

Result: Pending invoices will be paid.
10. Community Action Agency
a.   Discussion and possible action to approve contract extension request to Amendment Number 5 to Contract #61200003237 for the Fiscal Year 2020 Community Services Block Grant (CSBG) from Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs (TDHCA) extending the contract from March 31, 2021  to June 30, 2021 and authorizing the County Judge to sign all relevant documents. The Contract shall commence on January 01, 2020 and shall end on June 30, 2021; and any other matters incident thereto.

Issue: Approve Community Services Block Grant from Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs for the Fiscal Year  2020.

Solution: The Community Services Block Grant (CSBG) provides support services to eligible, elderly, disabled and low income residents of Webb County.

Result: The support services are intended to assist eligible Webb County residents to transition out of poverty.
b.   Discussion and possible action to approve funding increase Amendment No. 1 in the amount of ONE HUNDRED EIGHTY SEVEN THOUSAND SIX HUNDRED FORTY EIGHT DOLLARS ($187,648.00) to the Fiscal Year 2021 Comprehensive Energy Assistance Program (CEAP) grant Contract Number 58210003406 for a total budget amount of $1,907,053.00 from Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs (TDHCA), and authorizing the County Judge to sign all relevant documents.

Issue: Approve funding increase to Amendment No. 1 for the Comprehensive Energy Assistance Program from Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs (TDHCA) for the Fiscal Year 2021 in the amount of $187,648.00 for a total budget amount of $1,907,053.00.

Solution: The Program Contract provides direct client services to eligible, disabled and low income residents of Webb County.

Result: The services are intended to assist eligible Webb County residents with up to 8 highest remaining calendar months of energy consumption.
11. Honorable Margie Ibarra, County Clerk
a.   Discussion and possible action to approve, by Order, the following budget amendment (line item transfer) within Archive funds:
  Acct. Number Acct. Name Adopted Request Current End Bal.
From: 2003-2310-001-412000 Part Time $35,136.00 $5,000 $25,173.03 $20,173.03
To: 2003-2310-001-410000 Payroll Cost $37,166.00 $5,000 $10,742.22 $15,742.22

Issue: Shortage of funds for payroll for the remainder of the fiscal year based on current forecasts.

Solution: To seek authorization to transfer funds into Payroll Cost for the remainder of the fiscal year.

Result: To ensure adequate funding for the remainder of the current fiscal year's payroll.
12. Honorable Esther Degollado, District Clerk
a.   Discussion and possible action to approve a three (3) year cloud service agreement between Webb County and Compu-Data International, LLC at an annual cost of $4,270.00 and in accordance with the Texas Local Government Code, Section 262.024 Discretionary Exemption (7)(a) and to further authorize the County Judge to sign all relevant documents and any other matters incident thereto. [District Clerk Preservation Fund #2011-2290-001-460105]
13. Economic Development
a.   Discussion and possible action to accept the grant awarded and enter into an agreement with Meals on Wheels of America “Make Good Go Further” in the amount of TWENTY-FIVE THOUSAND DOLLARS ($25,000).  All required documentation has been submitted for review to the Economic Development Department and the solicitation is compliant with Webb County Single Point of Contact (SPOC). No impact to the General Fund. [Requested by Community Action Agency-Meals on Wheels Program]
Issue: The Community Action Agency- Meals on Wheels program kitchen equipment is not functioning correctly as it is outdate and in need of replacement. 

Solution: By accepting the grant, The Meals on Wheels program will be able to update its kitchen equipment.

Result: The grant will allow the Meals on Wheels program to function more efficiently with the proper working equipment allowing us to better service the eligible seniors citizens of Webb County
b.   Discussion and possible action to authorize the development and submission of the 2021-2022 Apache Tree Grant Program for the donation of trees in the Santa Teresita Community Center in Precinct 3 and in the Fred M. & Anita Bruni Community Center in Precinct 4; and authorizing the County Judge to act as the County's Executive Officer and Authorized Representatives in all matters pertaining to the County's participation in the Apache Tree Program. This grant application does not require cash match. [Requested by Economic Development]
c.   Discussion and possible action to authorize the acceptance of the renewal grant award and budget by the Texas Veterans Commission (TVC), to the 406th Judicial District Court, South Texas Veterans Treatment Court Program (VTP) in the amount of $300,000.00. The grant is effective July 1, 2021, and runs through June 30, 2022.  This action authorizes the County Judge to sign and execute all relevant documents, and any other matters incident thereto. All required documents were sent to the Economic Development Department for review and were found to be in compliance with the Single Point of Contact (SPOC) policy. There is no matching funds required. [Requested by the 406th Judicial District Court; Grant Fund #2872]

Issue: During the 2020-21 grant year, the VTP exceeded grant performance measures, as a result, the grant was subsequently automatically renewed by the TVC with no need for action on Webb County's behalf.  By accepting the award, the Commissioners Court would allow the 406th Judicial District Court Veterans Treatment Program to receive $300,000.00 to continue to support veterans and their families.

Solution: The Commissioners Court authorizing the acceptance of the grant funds and approving the budget to support and enhance services offered by the 406th Judicial District Court Veterans Treatment Program to veterans involved in the judicial system, and which will allow for services to continue uninterrupted.

Result: Veterans in Webb and surrounding counties will benefit from services that may not be available without these funds, pursuant to §123.003.
d.   Discussion and possible action to submit FY 2021 – 2022 Federal application 5311- 2021- WEBB CO- 00015 Rural Transit Grant for Webb County Community Action Agency - El Aguila to The Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) in the amount of FOUR HUNDRED THIRTY EIGHT THOUSAND FOUR HUNDRED NINETEEN DOLLARS ($438,419.00). This grant includes a proposed County Match in the amount of TWENTY FIVE THOUSAND DOLLARS ($25,000.00). All required documentation has been submitted for review to the Economic Development Department and the solicitation is compliant with Webb County Single Point of Contact (SPOC) procedures. [Requested by James Flores, CAA Executive Director; Account #2661-5150- 337800 (Revenue Matching Funds)]
Issue: Webb Co CAA- El Aguila is a grant funded agency.
Solution: Application for Federal funds will benefit administrative, operations and capital expenses and will allow continued transportation service to the rural areas of Webb County.
Result: Continuation of services throughout the rural areas of Webb County.
e.   Discussion and possible action to submit an application for Project Grant STATE-R- 2020- WEBB CO- 00039 for Webb County Community Action Agency- El Aguila Rural Transportation from the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) in the amount of THREE HUNDRED SIXTEEN THOUSAND FOUR HUNDRED EIGHTY SEVEN DOLLARS ($316,487.00). This grant does not require a County Match. All required documentation has been submitted to the Economic Development Department for review and the solicitation is compliant with Webb County (SPOC) Single Point of Contact procedures. No Impact to the General Fund. [Requested by James Flores, CAA Executive Director]
Issue: El Aguila Rural Transportation is a grant funded agency.
Solution: Application for State funds will benefit both operations and administrative expenses and allow for continued transportation services to the rural areas of Webb County.
Result: Continuation of services throughout the rural areas of Webb County.
f.   Discussion and possible action to authorize the submission of a FY 2021 Justice Assistance Grant application to the Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA) as prepared, coordinated, written, and submitted by the Webb County Sheriff’s Office in conjunction with the City of Laredo for equipment/minor tools, contractual services, and supplies for a total amount estimated at $33,450.00; and authorizing the Webb County Judge to execute all relevant documents related to this grant; and any other matters incident thereto. This grant has no match requirements; and, thus, is at no cost to the general fund. All required documents were sent for review through the Economic Development Department and the solicitation is compliant with the Webb County Single Point of Contact (SPOC) procedures. [Requested by Martin Cuellar, Webb County Sheriff]
Issue: Supplemental grant funds will allow the Webb County Sheriff’s Office to provide better and more enhanced law enforcement services.
Solution: Grant application to allow for the leveraging of federal grant JAG funds in order to provide expanded capacity for the Webb County Sheriff’s Office.
Result: The Webb County Sheriff’s Office and its staff will be equipped with needed additional capacity.
g.   Discussion and possible action to approve the posting and filling of the following Slot, subject to the availability of payroll funds and any applicable Civil Service guidelines, effective June 28, 2021:
Slot # Title Hourly Rate
0016 Project Coordinator $18.46-$20.14 16/A-H

Issue: The employee that was in slot #16 was promoted effective 06/21/2021.
Solution: Request to fill this vacant slot will allow the department to continue to operate effectively.
Result: The filling of slot #16 will allow the department to run on a full staff if the court grants approval.
14. El Cenizo Community Center
a.   Discussion and possible action to approve, by Order, the following budget amendment (line item transfer) within the General Fund:
  Acct. Number Acct. Name Adopted Request Current End Bal.
From: 1001-6170-001-4430000-075 Repairs & Maint. Vehicles $1,500 $1,300 $1,529.62 $229.62
To: 1001-6170-001-461000 Materials & Supplies $2,500 $1,300 $202.09 $1,502.09

Issue: Funding available in materials and supplies budget will not cover costs for the remainder of the fiscal year.

Solution: Request approval from Commissioners Court for line item transfer to provide funding for the remainder of the fiscal year.

Result: Materials & Supplies account will be sufficient to carry through the end of fiscal year.
15. Elections Administration
a.   Discussion and possible action to approve the payment for an upgraded Field System Software Maintenance, Warranty and Oracle sublicense Support agreement between Webb County and VOTEC Corporation (VOTEC Election Management and Compliance Systems) in the amount of Forty-Five Thousand Seven Hundred Nineteen Dollars and Ten cents ($45,719.10) with the Oracle sub-license, plus the sum of Twelve Thousand Two Hundred Forty Dollars ($12,240.00) for the Field System Software Support for a combined total of Fifty Seven Thousand Nine Hundred Fifty-Nine Dollars and ten cents ($57,959.10). The payment is for the October 1, 2020 thru September 30, 2021 fiscal year support coverage period, and authorizing the County Judge to execute all relevant documents: and any other matters incident thereto. [Account #1001-1110-001-451201 (General Fund-Elections Expense)]
16. Head Start
Disclaimer: All Head Start monies are 100% Federal funds
a.   Discussion and possible action to approve the posting and filling of the following Slot:
Slot # Title Hourly Rate Pay Periods
2523 Family Service Worker $17.39 26
17. Information Technology
a.   Discussion and possible action to approve the posting and filling of the following Slots, subject to the availability of payroll funds and any applicable Civil Service guidelines, as well as any and all Wage Plan Policies, effective June 28, 2021:
Slot # Title Hourly Rate
2128 Systems Administrator $22.50-24.54 - 20/A-H
2787 Systems Support Technician $17.57-$18.47 - 15/A-E
Issue: Slot #2128 became vacant and will be filled from within, thus leaving slot #2787 vacant.

Solution: Request is being made to promote an employee to the vacant Systems Administrator slot (#2128) and fill the remaining vacant slot (#2787).

Result: This action will allow our department to promote from within, and fill the remaining vacant slot, and will allow us to continue to function efficiently and effectively.
18. Planning & Physical Development
a.   Discussion and possible action to issue a “Certificate of Compliance with Plat Requirements” to authorize an electrical service connection pursuant to Section 232.029(c)(2), Local Government Code., to an unplatted 10 acres, more or less, being the South half of Tract C-15, Botines Subdivision, as further described 4915, Pgs. 625-630 of the Webb County Deed Records (ID 11204).
Issue: Item is a regulatory compliance issue regarding real property development provisions of state law and local regulations with particular emphasis on the Model Subdivision Rules enacted for residential subdivisions.  Commissioners Court must certify to certain property conditions before utility service connections may be authorized.
Solution: As reflected in agenda backup, staff has verified compliance matters and recommends the Court’s approval of this certificate.
Result: If approved, applicant may connect property to electrical utility services.  If not approved, utility connection to property is prohibited.
19. Purchasing
a.   Discussion and possible action to authorize the Purchasing Agent to process surplus and/or salvage in accordance with the Texas Local Government Code, Section 263.152 (Disposition) and to publish notice to public as per Local Government Code Section 263.153 (Notice) for surplus and/or salvage property being auctioned.

Issue: Excess county property that either is salvage or surplus property because of time, accident, or any other cause is so worn, damaged, or obsolete that it has no value or some usefulness for the intended purpose is no longer needed by the department. 

Solution: Authorize the Purchasing Agent to attempt to sell the County surplus or salvage property through public auction, dispose or destroy property that cannot be sold through public auction because it has deemed worthless or dispose through a recycling program under which property is collected, separated, or processed and returned to use in the form of raw materials of new products and/or donate as permitted by state law. 

Result: Generate revenue from public sale of property, reduce county expenditures by transferring surplus to other departments and make room for future assets replacing salvage or surplus items no longer needed.
20. Honorable Martin Cuellar, Sheriff
a.   Discussion and possible action to approve, by Order, the following budget amendment (line item transfers) within the General fund:
  Acct. Number Acct. Name Adopted Request Current End Bal.
From: 1001-4070-001-450001-020 Contract Service Zapata $50,000 $23,000 $48,000 $25,000
To: 1001-3010-001-461006 Canine Expenditures  $15,000 $8,000 $5,882.20 $13,882.20
  1001-4070-001-443000-020 Repair Maint. Bldg. $80,000 $15,000 $1,111.75 $16,111.75

Issue: Not Enough funds to cover K-9 Sgt. Denzo unexpected medical bills. Jail Repair Maintenance Building account is running low for current and future expenses. 

Solution: Seeking authorization from courts to approve transfer.

Result: Pay pending invoice(s) for Sgt. Denzo. Fix repairs at the Webb County Jail.
Honorable Adrian Cortez, Constable Pct. 3
21.   Discussion and possible action to approve the repairs to Unit #1611 and to further allocate funds in an amount not to exceed $3,500.00; and any other matters incident thereto. [Account #1001-1130-001-431007-010 (Operational Reserve)]
Issue: Unit #1611 broke down a week ago due to transmission failure. It is urgent unit be repaired as soon as possible in order to continue patrolling and serving our precinct.
Solution: Repair unit immediately so that deputy will be able to continue patrolling assigned area.
Result: Constable Pct. 3 will be able to continue operating and serving community within precinct area.
Human Resources
22.   Discussion and possible action to approve revisions to the Webb County Personnel Policies manual; and any other matters incident thereto.

Issue: Webb County Personnel Policies manual needs to be revised in an effort to provide Departments direction reflecting the latest County, State and Federal regulations and mandates.

Solution: Approval of these revisions will clarify County policies and procedures, giving direction to Departments in their operation of daily functions.

Result: County Departments will better address the operations of their daily functions using current mandates and procedures.
Carlos Aguilar Activity Center
23.   Discussion and possible action to approve, by Order, the following budget amendment (line item transfer) and request an exception to transfer from the Goods for Public Events line item within the General fund:
  Acct. Number Acct. Name Adopted Request Current End Bal.
From: 1001-6330-001-461003 Goods for Public Events $2,500 $250 $1,277 $1,027
To: 1001-6330-001-443000 Repairs & Maintenance $2,000 $250 $1,250 $1,500

Issue: The Carlos Aguilar Activity Center is in need of repairs that exceed current budget.

Solution: Requesting Commissioners Court approval for line item transfer to obtain necessary money to complete project for center.

Result: Budget will be sufficient to complete work needed at the Carlos Agular Activity Center.
Civil Legal Division
24.   Discussion and possible action authorize Webb County to accept the offer of sale by Manuel Garcia for the purchase and sale of a tract of land legally described as The “Surface Only” of Tract Nos. 18, 19, 20, 21, and Tract No. 22, Tanquecitos South Acres Subdivision, being out of Abstract 296, Porcion 32, Webb County, Texas, and commonly known as and located at 7226 TX-Hwy-359 East, Laredo, Texas, 78043, 78043; and authorizing the Webb County Judge to execute and earnest money contract in the sum of $5,000.00 payable to Laredo Title Company and any and all relevant documents; and any other matters incident thereto. [Executive Session/Closed Meeting may be requested if needed pursuant to Texas Government Code, Title 5, Subchapter D, Section 551.072 (Deliberations regarding valuation, terms for purchase and offer of sale of Real Property) [Requested by Commissioners Court Administrator]
25.   Discussion and possible action to modify AIA133 Standard Form of Agreement between Owner and Construction Manager as Constructor (Cost of Work Plus a Fee with a Guaranteed Maximum Price) with Leyendecker Construction of Texas, Inc., as approved by the Court on April 26, 2021 by including a provision that the parties waive jury trial and any matters incident thereto and any matters incident thereto; authorizing the County Judge to sign all relevant documents.
26.   Discussion and possible action to authorize the purchase of eighty (80) Curb Express Carts with sun cover from Election Systems and Software for an amount not to exceed $70,200.00 to include shipping and handling and to further approve a discretionary exemption under the Texas Local Government Code, Section 262.024 (a)(7) sole source and any other matters incident thereto. [Account #2930-1110-001-451201-104 (Election Expense Other Safe Election & Supplies)]

Issue: The Elections Office’s new express vote machines do not include curve side carts and or other wheel carts in order to provide curve side voting during early voting and Election Day outside the precinct location.
Solution: This purchase will enable us to provide curve side voting assistance to our voters outside each polling location
Result: Carts will be able to carry our Express vote machines outside the polling site location with minimal effort from election workers to provide curve side voting.
27.   Discussion and possible action to ratify the total awarded amount to LumenServe from $42,950.00 to $48,045.00 to replace and install new beacon safety lights on both the North & South Communication Towers of Webb County. An additional $5,095.00 was required to complete the North Tower in order to comply with the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) 7/8” rule and to further ratify the transfer of these funds from the general operating reserve account to the repairs and maintenance account – North Tower and any other matters incident thereto. [Account #1001-1100-001-443000-380 (Repairs & Maintenance – North Tower)]
Issue: During the installation of the new LED lighting system, technicians found two antennas on top of the tower that would not meet the FAA 7/8” rule requiring for the lighting system to be upgraded from a FAA E2 tower to a FAA E2 plus 1 LED lighting system. These options were indicated on initial price, but it was unknown if it would be required until LumenServe was authorized to do the work and physically climb and inspect the tower.  
Solution: Seek approval to ratify the required transfer and additional authorized work approved in order to bring the towers back into compliance with the FAA.
Results: All Webb County communication towers are not in compliance with FAA requirements and are being monitored by LumenServe to assist Webb County to keep towers up to date and in compliance with FAA safety guidelines.
Commissioners Court Administrator
28.   Discussion and possible action to enter into a Construction Contract with AOC Calton, Ltd. d/b/a Summit Building & Design for the renovation of the Webb County Sheriff Office Building located at 1002 Farragut Street, Laredo, Texas, in an amount not to exceed Six Million Seventy-Eight Thousand Eight Hundred Dollars 75/100 cents ($6,078, 800.75) and any other matters incident thereto.[Account #3867-7230-001-474501-002 (Former HEB Building Series 2019A)]
29.   Status report regarding final outcome of Webb County’s 2021 Legislative Agenda; with special thanks and gratitude to our dedicated legislators and their staff; especially our Honorable Texas State Senator Judith Zaffirini- District 21 and Honorable Texas House Representative Tracy O. King- District 80.
Honorable Jesse Gonzalez, Webb County Commissioner Pct. 1
30.   Discussion and possible action to transfer employee in slot #1915 from dept. 1030 to Slot #2675 from dept. 1040 effective July 9, 2021; with additional action to approve the filling of slot #1915 upon being vacant and any other matters incident thereto. [Account #1001-1130-001-431007-015 (Wage Classification Study)]
Issue: Current employee in said slot will be transferring to another department.
Solution: Request court to consider the transfer, filling of slot, and any budget amendment necessary.
Result: Both departments will have fully functional staff operating offices.
Honorable John C. Galo, Webb County Commissioner Pct. 3
31.   Discussion and possible action regarding proposal from SOURCE Global, a Public Benefit Corporation, for the supply of drinking water to up to Forty-Eight (48) homes in rural Webb County to help meet the water drinking needs of the community; and any other matters incident thereto.
Closed Session/Executive Session
32.   Status report by Outside counsel with discussion and possible action regarding Hanson Professional Services Inc. [Closed Session/Executive Session may be requested pursuant to Texas Government Code §551.071, Consultation with Attorney, pending or contemplated litigation]
33. Communications
34. Adjourn
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The Webb County Commissioners Court hereby reserves the right to go into closed session at any time during this public meeting, if such is requested by the County Attorney or other legal counsel for the County, pursuant to his or her duty under Section 551.071(2) of the Government Code, to consult privately with his or her client on an item on the agenda, or on a matter arising out of such item.

Persons with disabilities who plan to attend this meeting and who may need auxiliary aid of service such as interpreters for persons who are deaf or hearing impaired, readers, or need large print are requested to contact the court administrator at (956) 523-4622.


By: ______________________________
Melinda Mata
Court Administrator


I, the undersigned, County Clerk, do hereby certify that the above notice of meeting of the Webb County Commissioners Court, is a true and correct copy of said notice, and that I posted a true and correct copy of said notice on the bulletin board at the Courthouse door of Webb County, Texas, at a place readily accessible to the general public at all times on the _ ___ day of June, 2021 and said notice remained so posted continuously for at least 72 hours preceding the scheduled time of said meeting.



BY: ______________________________________________
      Margie Ramirez-Ibarra, County Clerk