Official Minutes for Webb County
Commissioners Court Meeting

Monday, April 12, 2021 at 9:00 AM
Let it be remembered that a special meeting of the Webb County Commissioners Court was held at 9:00 a.m. at the regular virtual meeting place with the following members present to wit:
Tano E. Tijerina, County Judge
Jesse Gonzalez,     Commissioner, Pct. 1
Rosaura "Wawi" Tijerina,   Commissioner, Pct. 2
John C. Galo, Commissioner, Pct. 3
Cindy Liendo, Commissioner, Pct. 4

Thus constituting a quorum, the Commissioners Court proceeded to act upon the Agenda as posted in the meeting notice of the 8th day of April 2021. Present also were Mrs. Rosa E. Herrera, Reporting Secretary representing Mrs. Margie Ramirez Ibarra, Ex-officio Clerk of the Commissioners Court, various officers and others interested in the business of the Court.
1.   Roll Call by Honorable Margie Ramirez-Ibarra, Webb County Clerk
2.   Pledge of Allegiance/Invocation
  Led by Commissioner Pct. 2 Rosaura "Wawi" Tijerina.
3.   Discussion and possible action for Approval of Bills, Payroll, and Monthly Reports (Auditor, Treasurer, Business Office, Human Resources, Risk Management, Tax Assessor-Collector); and any other matters incident thereto.
  Mr. Geronimo Martinez from the Treasurer's office presented the Bills and  Disbursement report for the period of 3/19/2021-04/08/2021, the Liability and Disbursement of the County Payroll for the period of 3/12/2021-03/25/2021 and the Casa Blanca Payroll for the period of 3/26/2021-4/9/2021.
  Motion by County Judge Tano E. Tijerina, seconded by Commissioner, Pct. 2 Rosaura “Wawi” Tijerina to accept the presentation by Mr. Martinez from the Treasurers Office and add the estimated payroll not to exceed $35,000.00 
  Vote: 5 - 0 Motion Carried
  Business Office, Alexandra Zamora gave the March 2021 Monthly report.
  Motion by County Judge Tano E. Tijerina, seconded by Commissioner, Pct. 1 Jesse Gonzalez to accept the presentation
  Vote: 5 - 0 Motion Carried
  Human Resources Director, Mr. Guajardo gave a presentation on the Wage and Pay Scale as of April 12, 2021
  Motion by County Judge Tano E. Tijerina, seconded by Commissioner, Pct 4 Cindy Liendo to accept Mr. Guajardo's presentation and accept by order the Wage and Pay Scale 
  Vote: 5 - 0 Motion Carried
  Risk Management, Dr. Alfaro gave a report on what his staff was doing and his future projects and the clinic progression and developmental for the clinic.
4.   Public Comment - This section provides the public the opportunity to address the Commissioners Court on any items on the Agenda. Members of the public wishing to participate must complete a Witness Card specifying which agenda item they wish to comment on. Each public member, individually or in a group, will be allowed a total of Three (3) minutes within which to make any/all public comments.
  No one signed up for Public Comments.
CONSENT AGENDA: At most meetings, the Commissioners Court establishes a Consent Agenda.  It consists of those Agenda Items which are routine or non-controversial, and which neither a member of the Commissioners court has asked to be pulled for discussion.  Once the Commissioners Court has established the Consent Agenda, Agenda Items included on it will be voted upon in one vote, and will not be discussed separately unless requested by the County Judge or Commissioners.

The consent agenda has been created in order to give constituents the opportunity to view any and all pertinent backup information with reference to any item in the agenda. The objective of the consent agenda is for all Webb County constituents to be familiar with everyday county business and to demonstrate the transparency and fairness of this Commissioners Court.

The following Agenda Items are of a routine nature, and the Commissioners Court has received supporting materials for consideration. All of these Agenda Items will be passed with one vote without being discussed separately, unless a member of the Commissioners Court or the public requests that a particular Agenda Item be discussed. If so, that Agenda Item will be pulled from the Consent Agenda and discussed as part of the regular Agenda at the appropriate time. One vote will approve the remaining items on the Consent Agenda.

5.   Auditor
a.      Discussion and possible action to approve, by Order, the following budget amendment to the Sheriff’s State Forfeiture Fund by increasing the expenditure budget by $6,048; said amount is available from seized funds pursuant to Chapter 59 of the Texas Code of Criminal Procedure. [Requested by Martin Cuellar, Sheriff; Fund 2151]
  Acct. Number Acct. Name Request
From: 2151-259700 Fund Balance $6,048
To: 2151-3010-001-410030 Incentive Pay $5,012
  2151-3010-001-422000 FICA $383
  2151-3010-001-423000 Retirement $617
  2151-3010-001-426000 Workers Comp $3
  2151-3010-001-425000 Unemployment  $33

Issue: New proceeds under Chapter 59 of the Texas Code of Criminal Procedure have been awarded and may be spent by the Sheriff representing the State after a budget for the expenditure of the proceeds has been submitted to the Governing body.

Solution: Submit a budget to the Governing Body that clearly lists and defines the categories of expenditures.

Result: The Sheriff representing the State can utilize the new proceeds for the official use of his Office.
b.      Discussion and possible action to approve, by order, a budget amendment of $17,000 to Constable Pct. 1 Federal Forfeiture Fund from proceeds received from the U.S. Department of Justice Equitable Share Program. [Requested by Rudy Rodriguez, Constable Pct. 1]
  Acct. Number Acct. Name Request Current End Bal.
From: 2180-259700 Federal Forfeiture $17,000 $97,326.88 $80,326.88
To: 2180-3150-001-460105 Minor Tools and Apparatus $17,000 $0 $17,000.00

Issue: Federal Forfeiture line item transfer to cover any future expenditures.

Solution: Request a line item transfer within same fund.

Result: Funds will be available for any future expense.
c.      Discussion and possible action to approve, by Order, the following budget amendment (line item transfer) within Forfeiture funds. [Requested by Mike Villarreal, Constable Pct. 2]
  Acct. Number Acct. Name Request Current End Bal.
From: 2724-259700 Fund Balance $4,000 $4,305.83 $305.83
To: 2724-3180-001-456205 Training & Education $4,000 $0 $4,000

Issue: Funds needed for Registration and Training and Education for FY 2021.

Solution: With approval will br able to register for training. 

Result: Constable Pct. 2 Department will be able to register for training.
d.      Discussion and possible action to approve, by Order, the following budget amendment (line item transfer) within Forfeiture funds. [Requested by Mike Villarreal, Constable Pct. 2]
  Acct. Number Acct. Name Request Current End Bal.
From: 2183-259700 Fund Balance $1,000 $6,453.96 $5,453.96
To: 2183-3180-001-461006 Canine Expenditures $1,000 $782.01 $1,782.01

Issue: Funds needed for canine Marko expenses.

Solution: With approval of fund transfer the Canine Expenditure account will have enough funds for food, vet visits.

Result: Constable Pct. 2 canine will be able to have monies for food, vet visits, and/ or any other expenses associated with canine. 
e.      Discussion and possible action to approve the following budget amendment to carry over $10,564.94 in fund balance for El Aguila into FY 2021 for Fund 2661 as per Local Government Code 111.0706. [Requested by Community Action Agency]
  Acct. Number Acct. Name Request Current End Balance
From 2661-259700 Fund Balance  $10,564.94 $10,564.94 0.00
To 26617230-521-470000 Capital Outlay  $10,564.94 $33,214.76 $43,779.70

Issue: Proposal for year-end balances to be carried over and entered into the system in order to continue the availability of these grant funds.
Solution: Commissioners Court authorizes a Budget Amendment in order to carry over year-end balance for El Aguila grant.
Result: Continued availability of El Aguila grant funds.

Building Maintenance

a.      Discussion and possible action to approve the posting and filling of the following Slot, subject to the availability of payroll funds and any applicable Civil Service guidelines, effective April 12, 2021.
Slot # Title Hourly Rate
2957 Custodian $11.84-$12.44 (7/A-E)

Issue: Request to fill vacant Slot #2957 Custodian which was vacated on February 1, 2021.

Solution: Approval to post and fill Slot #2957.

Result: This action will allow Building Maintenance Department to continue to function efficiently and effectively.
7.   Casa Blanca Golf Course
a.      Discussion and possible action to ratify, by Order, the following budget amendments (line item transfers) within the Golf Course funds:
  Acct. Number Acct. Name Adopted Request Current End Bal.
From: 7100-6130-001-454000 Advertising $10,000 $3.000 $4,761 $1,761
  7100-6080-001-444500 Equipment Rental $5,000 $3,000 $5,000 $2,000
  7100-6080-001-456205 Training & Education $3,500 $1,000 $1,000 $0
To: 7100-6080-001-461000-030 Materials & Supplies- Golf $2,000 $3,000 $174.60 $3,174.60
  7100-6080-001-460105 Minor Tools & Apparatus $3,000 3,000 $3,000 $6,000
  7100-6080-001-460028 Janitorial Supplies $1,000 1,000 $25.43 $1,025.43
From: 7100-6080-001-441205-010 Utilities Electricity $27,500 $2,000 $16,027.87 $14,027.87
To: 7100-6140-001-441305-010 Utilities Water $2,500 $2,000 $4.64 $2,004.64

Issue: Reallocation of expenses are needed to continue operation of the Casa Blanca Golf Course.

Solution: Transfer as requested above.

Result: There will be sufficient monies to cover accounts.
8.   Civil Legal Division
a.      Discussion and possible action for Webb County to approve and execute a Release of Letter of Credit for Simeon Development, Ltd., for the completion of subdivision improvements for Phase IV., as per Planning & Zoning, Engineering & Road & Bridge Dept. approvals and authorizing the Webb County Judge to sign any and all relevant documents; and any other matters incident thereto. [Requested by Luis Perez-Garcia, P.E., Webb County Engineering Dept. & Rhonda Tiffin, Director Webb Co. Planning Dept.]   
b.      Discussion and possible action to re-approve and a Five (5) year lease renewal agreement between Webb County, as Lessor, and the United States of America Department of Agriculture (U.S.D.A.), as Lessee, from August 1, 2020 through July 31, 2025 at a monthly rental rate of $1,000.00 per month for a 2.00 acre tract of land situated in Webb County, Texas, Western portion of Webb County, Texas, being out of Porcion 23, Leonard Sanchez, Original Grantee, Abstract 1-1544, Webb County, Texas, located approximately 0.9 miles east of the Rio Grande River, as described by metes and bounds description, Exhibit “A”, and authorizing the County Judge to execute and all relevant documents, and any other matters incident thereto.

Issue: This lease agreement b/w Webb & U.S.D.A., as Lessee, was approved by the Court on June 8, 2020, to commence 8/1/20 and certified copy of the lease that was executed by the Judge and U.S.D.A., & filed with the Webb County’s Clerks records.  Upon receipt of the lease by the agent at U.S.D.A., he stated U.S.D.A., needs duplicate signed originals of the lease, not a certified copy of the lease as previously signed by the Judge and USDA.   

Solution: Resubmit this item for re-approval of same lease retroactive to original date of approval by the Court w/duplicate original signatures by Webb/U.S.D.A.

Result: Webb County/U.S.D.A. lease will comply w/U.S.D.A.’s duplicate original signature policy.
9.   Community Action Agency
a.      Discussion and possible action to approve Azteca Development Preservation Corporation as Representative Organization for Category "C" for Webb County Community Action Advisory Board; and any matters incident thereto.

Issue: State mandates the filling of vacancies when applicable term ends as per Administrative Code Chapter 5 Rule 5.215.

Solution: Vacancies will be filled. The Advisory Board recommended approval to accept Azteca Development Preservation as Representative Organization for Category "C" for the Community Action Agency Advisory Board on the meeting on Wednesday, March 24, 2021.

Result: The Agency will comply with TDHCA- Texas Administrative Code, Chapter 5 Rule 5.215.
10.   Honorable Margie Ibarra, County Clerk
a.      Discussion and possible action to approve, by Order, the following budget amendment (line item transfer) within the General fund:
  Acct. Number Acct. Name Adopted Request Current End Bal.
From: 1001-2310-001-444500 Equipment Rental $18,500 $10,000 $16,873.13 $6,873.13
To: 1001-2310-001-460105 Minor Tools & Apparatus $5,000 $10,000 $145.02 $10,145.02

Issue: The department is in need of upgrading and replacing computers/laptop that are critical to the daily functions of the County Clerk’s Office. This request also includes the purchase of the necessary software and hardware for said computers.

Solution: Approval of this line item transfer will ensure that we have sufficient funds to purchase one (1) laptop and two (2) desktop computers.

Result: The approval of this line item transfer will allow our department to purchase new computers and continue to handle the required operating tasks efficiently and effectively. The inclusion of a laptop will also increase our mobile capacity to continue these responsibilities if the need should arise.
11.   Honorable Hugo Martinez, County Court at Law 1 Judge
a.      Discussion and possible action to approve, by Order, the following budget amendment (line item transfer) within the General fund:
  Acct. Number Acct. Name Adopted Request Current End Bal.
From: 1001-2060-001-433011 Visiting Judge  $3,000 $2,000 $3,000 $1,000
To: 1001-2060-001-451002 Transcripts  $1,725 $2,000 $119 $2,119

Issue: There are pending invoices that need to be paid out, and there is currently not enough funds to cover expenses.

Solution: Transfer money to be able to cover expenses. 

Result: All invoices will be paid out in a timely manner.
12.   Honorable Victor Villarreal, County Court at Law 2 Judge
a.      Discussion and possible action to approve, by Order, the following budget amendment (line item transfers) within the General fund:
  Acct. Number Acct. Name Adopted Request Current End Bal.
From: 1001-2070-001-433001 Court Appointed Attorney $10,000 $5,000 $10,000.00 $5,000.00
To: 1001-2070-001-451003 Court Interpreter/Reporter $1,000 $326 $174.66 $500.66
  1001-2070-001-456005 Postage & Courier Service $250 $26 $0.00 $26.00
  1001-2070-001-461000 Materials & Supplies $5,000 $4,648 $1,801.00 $6,449.00

Issue: The court is in need of the line item transfers to pay an expenditure for postage, a future request for a court reporter and the purchase of electronic equipment for hybrid court hearings. 

Solution: Approve line item transfers.

Result: The court will have the monies allocated in the line items to comply with payment deadlines. 
b.      Discussion and possible action to adjust and approve the Webb County Court-at-Law II Judges salary in compliance with Texas Government Code Section 25.0023.

Issue: Section (a-1) cites: The minimum salary prescribed by Subsection (a) that is to be based on the annual salary of a district judge under Section 659.012(b) becomes effective on the first day of the county's fiscal year following the date the statutory county court judge accrues the years of service required for an increase in salary under Subsection (a). The following sections sets the maximum: (a-2) Notwithstanding Subsection (a), the maximum annual salary of a statutory county court judge is $1,000 less than the sum of the maximum combined annual salary from all state and county sources paid to a district judge entitled to a salary under Section 659.012(b)(2) and any longevity pay received by a district judge in accordance with Section 659.0445(d).

Solution: Applying both, the minimum salary on October 2021 is $171,00 (plus any supplement) and the maximum on the pay period after April 13, 2021 is $171,000 (plus longevity). Commissioner's Court, therefore, has the authority to set the salary and approve it effective the pay period after April 13, 2021. 

Result: Compliance with statute and code
13.   Honorable Esther Degollado, District Clerk
a.      Discussion and possible action to ratify, by Order, the following budget increase for the Technology Fund 2009:
  Acct. Number Acct. Name Adopted Request Current End Bal.
To: 2009-2290-001-460105 Minor Tools & Apparatus $200,000 $8,460.62 $20,000 $208,460.62

Issue: Line Item transfer is requested to cover our Kofile Agreement.

Solution: Commissioners court approval to carry over funds.

Result: The line item transfer will ensure sufficient funding to cover the amount for the Kofile Agreement.
14.   Economic Development
a.      Discussion and possible action to develop and submit a Medina Electric Community Empowerment Program (CEP) grant for 2021 for up to $2,000.00, and authorizing the County Judge to act as the Authorized Representative in all matters pertaining to the County's request for funding. The purpose of the application is to purchase newly revised editions of fire training text books and instructor resource kits to maintain an updated in-house library for use by all department personnel. This application does not require a cash match.  All required documents were sent for review through the Economic Development Department and the solicitation is compliant with the Webb County Single Point of Contact (SPOC) procedures. [Requested by Chief Ricardo Rangel, Fire Suppression & EMS Services]

Issue: As the Webb County Volunteer Fire Department expands to insure the safety of Webb County residents, so does the demand for well-trained firefighting personnel.

Solution: The acquisition of grant funds will aid with the training and education of firefighters, volunteer and certified.

Result: A well-trained corps of personnel available for any incident.
b.      Discussion and possible action to authorize the development and submission of a Texas Community Development Block Grant application to the Texas Department of Agriculture in an amount not to exceed $350,000.00 for drainage and street improvements in Webb County; and authorizing the County Judge to act as the County's Executive Officer and Authorize Representative in all matters pertaining to the County's participation in the Texas Community Development Block Grant. This grant application will not require match and will not impact the Webb County General Fund. A local Resolution will be needed to authorize submission of application.  [Requested by Economic Development]   
c.      Discussion and possible action to approve amendment number 1 to Contract #51018022221- FY 2021 5311 CARES Act Grant Project Grant Agreement CAF 2101 (22) 072_20, wherein Webb County Community Action Agency - El Aguila Rural Transportation will be submitting a budget revision to add residual funds from 2020 grant to 2021 contract for operational expenses in the amount of EIGHT THOUSAND TWO HUNDRED TWENTY EIGHT DOLLARS ($8,228.00) to the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT). The contract term will be extended from December 31, 2020 to December 31, 2022. This amendment would not require County Match and will have no impact to the General Fund. All required documentation has been submitted to the Economic Development Department and the solicitation is compliant with Webb County (SPOC) Single Point of Contact procedures. [Requested by Community Action Agency; Account #2661-5150-3303000]
Issue: Community Action Agency- El Aguila Rural Transportation CARES ACT contract FY 2020 had a balance that is to be rolled over and added to FY 2021 contract.
Solution: Proposed amendment will allow our program to fully expend CARES Act funds.
Result: Continuation of services throughout the rural areas of Webb County.
d.      Discussion and possible action to approve amendment number 1 to PGA 51218020621- FY 2021 5311 STATE Project Grant Agreement RUR 2102 (06), wherein Webb County Community Action Agency - El Aguila Rural Transportation will be submitting a budget revision to add residual funds from 2020 grant to 2021 contract for capital purchases in the amount of TWO HUNDRED FOURTEEN THOUSAND EIGHT HUNDRED NINETY-ONE DOLLARS ($214,891.00) to the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT). The contract term will be extended from December 31, 2021 to August 31, 2022. This amendment would not require County Match and will have no impact to the General Fund. All required documentation has been submitted to the Economic Development Department and the solicitation is compliant with Webb County (SPOC) Single Point of Contact procedures. [Requested by Community Action Agency; Account #2661-5150-3303000]
Issue: Community Action Agency- El Aguila Rural Transportation State contract for FY 2020 had a balance that is to be rolled over and added to FY 2021 contract.
Solution: Proposed amendment will allow our program to fully expend STATE funds while upgrading fleet as designated by TxDOT.
Result: Decrease in agency’s maintenance cost and continuation of services throughout the rural areas of Webb County.
e.      Discussion and possible action to authorize the submission of a grant application as developed, coordinated, and submitted by the Webb County Sheriff’s Office for a Victim Coordinator and Liaison Grant (VCLG) to the Texas Office of the Attorney General (OAG) in the amount estimated at $90,000 for the salary and fringe benefits of a Crime Victim Advocate for a period of two (2) years; and designating the Webb County Judge as the authorized official in all matters related to this grant; and any other matters incident thereto. This grant does not require any type of match. Thus, this proposed grant will have no impact on the general fund. All required documents were sent to the Economic Development Department and were found in compliance with the Single Point of Contact (SPOC) policy. [Requested by Martin Cuellar, Webb County Sheriff; Grant Fund #2713]

Issue: Victims of violent crime suffer significant financial duress, emotional trauma, and physical injuries. While the State of Texas has set up a system to compensate these victims for their expenses and financial losses due to death, disabling injuries, and emotional trauma utilizing collected court costs from convicted offenders, the victims often must navigate the complex state compensation system and extensively document their benefit eligibility while still under emotional and physical distress.

Solution: The Webb County Sheriff’s Office grant funded Crime Victim Advocate will offer critical support, facilitate/expedite  filling out detailed paperwork, will provide needed guidance through the bureaucratic process, and will deliver outreach/education to the local community. 

Result: Victims of violent crime in Webb County, including victims from special populations, such as children, youth, rural, colonia, monolingual, and elderly populations, will be provided with direct victim services, training, and outreach/education.
f.      Discussion and possible action to authorize the Webb County District Attorney's Office to submit an application to the Office of the Attorney General for a Victim Coordinator & Liaison Grant (VCLG); to designate the County Judge as the County’s Executive Officer and Authorized Representative in all matters pertaining to the County's participation in this grant. The District Attorney's Office will utilize the grant to fund the position of Victims Coordinator for the Domestic Violence Unit. The amount of the funding request shall not exceed $42,000. There is no cash match requirement for this grant. All grant documents were sent for review through the Economic Development Department and the solicitation is compliant with the Webb County Single Point of Contact (SPOC) procedures. Contract Term: September 1, 2021, to August 31, 2023. [Requested by Isidro "Chilo" Alaniz, District Attorney; Fund #2714-2260]

Issue: This grant funds the position of the Webb County District Attorney's Victim Coordinator. The Coordinator works closely with prosecutors, investigators and counselors to meet the needs of crime victims including the following:

a) Assisting victims in completing applications with the Office of the Attorney General’s Crime Victims Compensation Fund.
b) Assisting families and victims of crime with information regarding the status and the legal process of their case.
c) Assessing and making immediate referrals to community agencies that provide needed services to victims of crime.
d) Providing crisis intervention to victims of crime and the non-offending parent. 
e) Serving as an advocate when cases are set for trial, providing a victim impact statement, and assisting in the completion of related documents.
f) Providing follow-up services, including reassurance and supportive listening to victims assisted in the Domestic Violence Unit.

Solution: Authorize the submission of the grant application as set forth above to ensure that the victims' coordinator can continue to provide necessary services to victims of crime.

Result: The victims' coordinator will continue to provide the services outlined above to victims of crime in Webb County.
g.      Discussion and possible action to authorize the Economic Development Department to develop and submit an application for the Texas Emergency Mortgage Assistance Program (TEMAP) in the amount of FIVE HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS ($500,000) and to authorize the County Judge to sign all relevant documents. This grant does NOT require a County Match. All required documentation has been submitted for review to the Economic Development Department and the solicitation is compliance with Webb County Single Point of Contact (SPOC) procedures. No impact to the General Fund. [Requested by Economic Development]

Issue: There is a great need for mortgage assistance in Webb County due to the financial hardships created by the Covid-19 Pandemic.

Solution: This grant will allow Webb County to assist eligible non-entitlement residents throughout Webb County, Texas affected by COVID-19 with mortgage assistance.
Result: If approved, funding would provide mortgage assistance for eligible non-entitlement residents affected by COVID-19.
15.   Medical Examiner
a.      Discussion and possible action to ratify, by Order, the following budget amendment (line item transfer) within the General fund:
  Acct. Number Acct. Name Adopted Request Current End Bal.
From: 1001-1130-001-432001 Professional Services $400,000 $2,100 $268,742.46 $255,011.10
To: 1001-3100-001-444500 Equipment Rental $2,200 $2,100 $0 $2,100

Issue: Medical Examiners' office needed to repair and X-ray machine. The auditors' office required the expense come from Equipment Rentals, but a transfer was needed.

Solution: Transfer allowed purchase to be completed.

Result: Ratification item will follow policy.
16.   Planning & Physical Development
a.      Discussion and possible action to issue a “Certificate of Compliance with Plat Requirements” to authorize an electrical service connection pursuant to Section 232.029(c)(2), Local Government Code., to an unplatted 10 acres, more or less, also known as Sonny Rose Tracts Subdivision, Lot 4, as further described 4808, Pgs. 780-782 of the Webb County Deed Records (ID 10993).
Issue: Item is a regulatory compliance issue regarding real property development provisions of state law and local regulations with particular emphasis on the Model Subdivision Rules enacted for residential subdivisions.  Commissioners Court must certify to certain property conditions before utility service connections may be authorized.

Solution: As reflected in agenda backup, staff has verified compliance matters and recommends the Court’s approval of this certificate.

Result: If approved, applicant may connect property to electrical utility services.  If not approved, utility connection to property is prohibited.
17.   Purchasing
a.      Discussion and possible action to authorize the Purchasing Agent to process surplus and/or salvage property in accordance with the Texas Local Government Code, Section 263.152 (Disposition) and to publish notice to public as per Local Government Code Section 263.153 (Notice) for surplus and/or salvage property being auctioned.
Issue: Excess County property that either is salvage or surplus property because of time, accident, or any other cause is so worn, damaged, or obsolete that it has no value or some usefulness for the intended purpose is no longer needed by the department.
Solution: Authorize the Purchasing Agent to attempt to sell the County surplus or salvage property through public auction, dispose or destroy property that cannot be sold through public auction because it has deemed worthless or dispose through a recycling program under which property is collected, separated, or processed and returned to use in the form of raw materials of new products and/or donate as permitted by State law.
Result: Generate revenue from public sale of property, reduce County expenditures by transferring surplus property to other departments and make room for future assets replacing salvage or surplus items no longer needed.
18.   Honorable Martin Cuellar, Sheriff
a.      Discussion and possible action to ratify, by Order, the following budget amendment (line item transfers) within Grant Funds; and any other matters incident thereto. [Requested by Martin Cuellar, Webb County Sheriff; Grant Fund #2605]
  Acct. Number Acct. Name Adopted Request Current End Bal.
From: 2605-3010-001-458090 Training/Travel $6,870 $1,113 $5,513 $4,400
To: 2605-3010-001-460000 Office Supplies $130 $663 $0.82  $663.82
  2605-3010-001-455100 Printing/Publishing -0- $450 -0- $450

Issue: Due to the on-going pandemic, a previously scheduled training was canceled and another training was converted into an all-virtual training.  

Solution: Request and obtain an approval from the grant-funding agency for a no-cost budget adjustment in order to use funds within the remaining grant performance period.  

Result: Remaining grant funds will be used in an efficient, effective, and timely manner.
b.      Discussion and possible action to approve a supplemental increase adjustment, in accordance with Chaper 59 of the Texas Code of Criminal procedure, for slot 534, Deputy Chief, within the Sheriff's Office until the end of FY 21, and any other matters incident thereto, effective April 1, 2021, in the amount of $6,048. [Sheriff's State Forfeiture Fund 2151]
Slot # Position Increase
534 Deputy Chief  
  Salary  $5,012
  FICA  $383
  Retirement $617
  Workers Comp $3
  Unemployment  $33
  Total $6,048

Issue: As a matter of necessity and public safety, in an effort to best utilize and perform supervisory and law enforcement duties, Slot 534 currently classified as Deputy Chief, has the duties and responsibilities assigned to the higher classification of Chief Deputy.

Solution: Authorization to use funds within incentive pay to compensate slot 534 as listed and defined.

Result: Supplemental compensation for Slot 534 through the end of FY21.
  Motion by County Judge Tano E. Tijerina, seconded by Commissioner, Pct 4 Cindy Liendo to approve and to reflect that in item 14.f. the amount should be $45,000.00
  Vote: 5 - 0 Motion Carried
19.      Discussion and possible action to enter into an agreement and award construction contract for Request for Proposals (RFP) #2020-014 "Webb County Sheriff's Office Building Renovation Project" to Summit Building and Design in the amount of $6,459,770.11; and to further authorize the Commissioner Court Administrator, Chief Executive Administrator, County Engineer, Civil Legal Department and Project Architect to negotiate the pricing and terms of construction contract in accordance with Texas Government Code; Competitive Sealed Proposals, Section 2269.155 (Selection of Offeror); and any other matters incident thereto; and have the County Judge sign all relevant documents. [Account #3867-7230-001-474501-002 (Former HEB Property-Series 2019A Construction in Progress)]

Issue: Approval is needed from Commissioner Court for the Value Engineering Proposal in order to finalize contract terms and pricing.

Solution: Discuss Value Engineering alternatives.

Result: Progress to construction contract finalization and begin construction task.
  Mr. Rick Soliz with Frank Architects gave a presentation of the Webb County Sheriff's Office Building Renovation Project.
  Motion by County Judge Tano E. Tijerina, seconded by Commissioner, Pct. 3 John C. Galo to approve negotiations
  Vote: 5 - 0 Motion Carried
20.      Discussion and possible action to authorize the Purchasing Agent to exercise the Purchase Option Price for a 2017 John Deere 622GXT Motorgrader (VIN#1DW622GXHHF682907) in an amount not to exceed $180,818.00 in accordance with Master Lease Agreement No. 0064225 and Lease Schedule No. 030-0064225-001 between Webb County and John Deere Financial (DBA Deere Credit, Inc.) and any other matters incident thereto. [Account #2007-7150-001-470000 (Road & Bridge Fund Road Maintenance General Administration – Capital Outlay)]
Issue: The end lease term date for the JD motorgrader will expire on April 20, 2021. Lease agreement provides an option to purchase equipment at end of lease term.  The road and bridge director recommends purchasing the unit for continued use for his operation.

Solution: Use available funding under capital outlay account within the road and bridge fund. 
Result: Lease unit will be purchased if item is approved by Commissioners Court.  All rights and title will be transferred to Webb County.
  Motion by Commissioner, Pct. 3 John C. Galo, seconded by County Judge Tano E. Tijerina to approve and to look into the extended warranty
  Vote: 5 - 0 Motion Carried
21.      Discussion and possible action to authorize the Purchasing Agent to order forty (40) lease vehicles in order to flip existing lease units at a lower monthly payment with Enterprise Fleet Management, Inc. for a renewed term of forty-eight (48) months for a projected annual savings of $40,770.00 and any other matters incident thereto.
Issue: The current market for used vehicles is up allowing Enterprise to sell their vehicles at a higher price than the purchase price at time Webb County leased them, in turn the equity from the sale will help lower our monthly rates on a newer version of the flips for the same make / model.
Solution: Consider authorizing the Purchasing Agent to order the new units (flips) at a lower cost for same make / model.  Monthly savings is estimated at $3,397.56 with an annual projected savings of $40,770.72. 
Result: If approved, orders will be done immediately and estimated delivery date for flips is late September to early October.

  Motion by Commissioner, Pct. 3 John C. Galo, seconded by Commissioner, Pct. 1 Jesse Gonzalez
  Vote: 5 - 0 Motion Carried
Risk Management
22.      Discussion and possible action to accept revenue aid money from Aetna pursuant to Texas Local Government Code Sec. 111.0706 in the amount of $164,947.20 and authorizing the County Auditor to set up revenue and expense accounts for the limited purpose of implementing a Wellness/Clinical Operations program and authorizing the Webb County Judge to sign all relevant documents and any matters incident thereto. [Fund #6100 - Employee's Health Benefit Fund]

Issue: Aetna, Webb County’s Health Insurance Administrator, was contractually required to provide a Wellness Manager for the development and execution of a Webb County Wellness/Clinical Operations Program. Aetna has been unable to fill the position for approximately 3 months and counting.  The Risk Management Department has been performing the duties to solidify a Wellness/Clinic Operations Program. Without said funds the County cannot afford to proceed with the program or pay a supplement to a Risk Management Employee to manage the Wellness/Clinical Operations Program. Currently, no job description requires a Risk Management Employee to run the Program.   

Solution: Webb County Commissioners Court accept the aid money in accordance with Texas Local Government Code Sec. 111.0706 of the funds and allocate them to a wellness and clinical program. Said clinical program will be managed by the Risk Department at no cost to the County.

Result: The acceptance of the aid money will allow Risk Management to manage, direct, sustain and support an integrated Wellness/Clinical Operations Program which will directly benefit the County Employees by providing employees access to a clinic and prescription medication at no cost to them.

GL Account Account Name Amount
6100-1090-357420 Other Revenue $164,947.20
6100-1090-0071-410030 Incentive Pay $20,275.00
6100-1090-001-422000 FICA County Share $1,5552.00
6100-1090-001-423000 Retirement $2,495.00
6100-1090-001-425000 Unemployment Tax $135.00
6100-1090-001-426000 Worker Compensation $11.00
6100-1090-001-462000 Wellness Employee Clinic Expenses $140,479.20
  Motion by Commissioner, Pct. 3 John C. Galo, seconded by County Judge Tano E. Tijerina
  Vote: 5 - 0 Motion Carried
23.      Discussion and possible action to authorize the Purchasing Agent to seek Request for Proposals for a third party administrator for property and casualty and workman’s compensation in accordance with the Texas Local Government Code; Section 262.030 (Alternative Competitive Proposal Procedures for Certain Goods and Services) (d.) and any other matters incident thereto. 
Issue: RWL Group, Consultant for Webb County is working with Risk Management and the Purchasing Agent to prepare a comprehensive proposal package for solicitation for a third party administration related to property and casualty and for workman’s compensation and liability. 
Solution: Authorize the Purchasing Agent to solicit competitive sealed proposals for property and casualty and for workman’s compensation and liability third party administrator for Webb County.
Result: With the consent of the Commissioners Court and in the best interest for Webb County, proceed with posting of sealed proposal as recommended by the Webb County Purchasing Agent and Risk Manager to secure competitive proposals for consideration by the governing body.
  Motion by Commissioner, Pct. 3 John C. Galo, seconded by Commissioner, Pct. 1 Jesse Gonzalez
  Vote: 5 - 0 Motion Carried
24.      Discussion and possible action to authorize the Purchasing Agent to solicit Request for Proposals for all vendors related to 125 Cafeteria Plan 3rd Party Administrators in accordance with the Texas Local Government Code; Section 262.030 (Alternative Competitive Proposal Procedures for Certain Goods and Services)(d.); and any other matters incident thereto. 
Issue: Mr. Randy McGraw, HUB International Texas, Consultant for Webb County is working with Risk Management and the Purchasing Agent to prepare a comprehensive proposal package for solicitation for a 125 Cafeteria Plan 3rd Party Administrator. 
Solution: Authorize the Purchasing Agent to solicit competitive sealed proposals for 125 Cafeteria Plan 3rd Party Administrator for Webb County.
Result: With the consent of the Commissioners Court and in the best interest for Webb County, proceed with scheduled posting of sealed proposal as recommended by the Webb County Purchasing Agent and Risk Manager to secure competitive proposals for consideration by the governing body.

  Motion by Commissioner, Pct. 3 John C. Galo, seconded by Commissioner, Pct. 1 Jesse Gonzalez
  Vote: 5 - 0 Motion Carried
Honorable Margie Ibarra, County Clerk
25.      Discussion and possible action to approve the posting and filling of the following Slots, subject to the availability of payroll funds and any applicable Civil Service guidelines, effective April 12, 2021.
Slot # Title Hourly Rate
Deputy County Clerk
Deputy County Clerk
$13.73-$14.43 (10/A-E)
$13.73-$14.43 (10/A-E)

Issue: We currently have two (2) slots that are vacant. At the time of the budget hearing, we were told to come back to the court in April to request the positions.

Solution: Approval of this request will allow the County Clerk Department to operate its daily functions at a high efficiency.

Result: Our office is currently under-staffed, and in great need of additional personnel to serve the citizens of Webb County.  The filling of slot #2281 & #0643 will allow our department to continue to function efficiently and effectively in a high demand office where there has been an increase of work in our Public Records Division and Court Division.
  Motion by County Judge Tano E. Tijerina, seconded by Commissioner, Pct. 3 John C. Galo
  Vote: 5 - 0 Motion Carried
Honorable Harold Devally, Constable Pct. 4
26.      Discussion and possible action to accept and insure a chocolate Labrador Retriever canine (K-9) named Maxx (Bear) (Birthday 11-03-2018). This canine (K-9) is a donation at no cost to the Webb County Constable Pct. 4; and, thus there is no financial impact to the general operating budget.

Issue: Approval of item is needed in order to accept K-9.

Solution: Acceptance of the donation of a Canine (K-9) from O-GAH-PAH PRIDE KENNEL to acquire the K-9's services to assist Webb County Constable Pct. 4 Office deputies with crime-fighting services in the Laredo/Webb County area to better serve local citizens.

Result: Requested K9 will assist the Webb County Constable Pct.4 Office to fight crime.
  Motion by Commissioner, Pct. 3 John C. Galo, seconded by Commissioner, Pct. 1 Jesse Gonzalez to approve
  Vote: 5 - 0 Motion Carried
27.      Discussion and possible action to approve, by Order, the following budget amendment for funds available by increasing the expenditure budget from the U.S. Department of Justice and any other matters incident thereto. This will not have an impact on the general fund.  [Requested by Harold DeVally, Constable Pct. 4; Fund 2202 (Federal Treasury Forfeiture)]
  Acct. Number Acct. Name Amount
From: 2202-259700 Fund Balance $4,000
To: 2202-3170-001-461006 Canine Expenditures $4,000

Issue: Proceeds from equitable shared funds from the U.S. Department of Justice may be spent after a budget for the expenditure of the proceeds has been submitted to the governing body.

Solution: Submit a breakdown of monies distributed to the governing body that clearly lists and defines the categories expenditures.

Result: These funds will be available for official use to meet the needs of the office.
  Motion by Commissioner, Pct. 3 John C. Galo, seconded by Commissioner, Pct. 1 Jesse Gonzalez
  Vote: 5 - 0 Motion Carried
Budget Officer
28.      Discussion and possible action to transfer county payroll savings funds accumulated as of April 7, 2021 in the amount of $632,930 to the Operational Reserve account and second quarterly allocation for new computers based on survey performed by Information Technology; and any other matters incident thereto.

Acct. Number Acct. Name Request
1001-1130-001-431007-010 Operational Reserve $582,930
1001-1130-001-460105 Minor Tools & Apparatus $50,000
  Motion by Commissioner, Pct. 3 John C. Galo, seconded by Commissioner, Pct. 1 Jesse Gonzalez to approve
  Vote: 5 - 0 Motion Carried
Commissioners Court Administrator
29.      Discussion and possible action to proclaim the month of April 2021 as National County Government Month in Webb County, Texas, and any other matters incident thereto.

  No action taken
Honorable Jesse Gonzalez, Webb County Commissioner Pct. 1
30.      Discussion and possible action to approve the following Community Cleanup dates for areas of Webb County, Precinct One, and to authorize the Road and Bridge Department to operate their equipment.
Date Location
Tuesday, April 27, 2021 Mirando City
Tuesday, May 4, 2021 El Cenizo
Tuesday, May 11, 2021  La Presa
Tuesday, May 18, 2021  Rio Bravo
  Motion by Commissioner, Pct. 1 Jesse Gonzalez, seconded by Commissioner, Pct. 2 Rosaura “Wawi” Tijerina
  Vote: 5 - 0 Motion Carried
Honorable Rosaura “Wawi” Tijerina, Webb County Commissioner Pct. 2
31.      Status report from county staff regarding the parking issue on county roads with possible action to enable enforcement powers towards offenders; and any other matters incident thereto.   
  Motion by Commissioner, Pct. 2 Rosaura “Wawi” Tijerina, seconded by County Judge Tano E. Tijerina to table
  Vote: 5 - 0 Motion Carried
Honorable Cindy Liendo, Webb County Commissioner Pct. 4
32.      Discussion and possible action to recognize April 2021 as Month of the Military Child in Webb County to remember children's roles in strengthening the military family and pay tribute to their sacrifices and courage. [Requested by Cindy Liendo, Webb County Commissioner Pct. 4]   
  Motion by Commissioner, Pct 4 Cindy Liendo, seconded by Commissioner, Pct. 3 John C. Galo
  Vote: 5 - 0 Motion Carried
  Commissioner Pct. 4 Cindy Liendo read the Proclamation
  Motion by County Judge Tano E. Tijerina, seconded by Commissioner, Pct 4 Cindy Liendo to bring addendum up
  Vote: 5 - 0 Motion Carried
1.   Discussion and possible action to allocate funding for the Casa Blanca Golf Course department as follows: [Account #1001-1130-001-431007-010 Operational Reserve]
AC Unit for Restaurant 2.5 ton capacity $7,000
Office Space for Kitchen Staff (Remodel) $6,500
500 Outdoor Chairs, 25 Round Tables (60 inches), Linens and Storage Facility $25,000
Uniforms $5,000
Clubhouse Exterior Painting $6,500
200-lb Commercial Capacity Ice Maker $10,000
Total $60,000

Issue: The Golf Course is experiencing substantial growth and has several events requiring tables and chair for current and future events. The kitchen needs AC capacity for climate and safety. The clubhouse needs exterior painting.

Solution: Fund the accounts as needed.

Result: The golf course will have current and future events
  Motion by Commissioner, Pct. 3 John C. Galo, seconded by Commissioner, Pct. 2 Rosaura “Wawi” Tijerina approve and not to exceed $60,000.00
  Vote: 5 - 0 Motion Carried
  Motion by County Judge Tano E. Tijerina, seconded by Commissioner, Pct. 3 John C. Galo reason we are going into Executive Session is that deliberations in an Open Meeting would have detrimental effect on the position of the Commissioners Court in negotiating.
  Vote: 5 - 0 Motion Carried
Executive Session (10:20 a.m. - 10:57 a.m.)
Closed Session/Executive Session
33.      Status report from civil legal division regarding current contractual negotiations for the following contracts associated with the Webb County Fairgrounds Project:
  • Architectural Contract
  • Construction Manager at Risk Contract
  • Owner’s Representative Contract
  • Civil Engineering Contract

With discussion and possible action to, authorize general counsel to finalize said agreements; and any other matters incident thereto. [Executive Session is requested pursuant to Government Code §551.0725 Deliberation Regarding Contract Being Negotiated; Closed Meeting] [Sponsored by Tano E. Tijerina, County Judge] [Co-Sponsored by Rosaura “Wawi” Tijerina, Webb County Commissioner, Pct. 2]
  No Action Taken. 

Mr. Nathan Bratton requested Mr. Leroy Medford, Commissioners Court Administrator and Mr. Lalo Uribe, Executive Administrator be present on all negotiations.
  Motion by Commissioner, Pct. 3 John C. Galo, seconded by County Judge Tano E. Tijerina
  Vote: 5 - 0 Motion Carried
34.   Communications
  No communications were given.
35.   Adjourn
  Motion by Commissioner, Pct. 3 John C. Galo, seconded by Commissioner, Pct. 1 Jesse Gonzalez to adjourn
  Vote: 5 - 0 Motion Carried