Official Minutes for Webb County
Commissioners Court Special Meeting

Thursday, June 4, 2015 at 9:00 AM
(Approved June 22, 2015)

Let it be remembered that a special meeting of the Webb County Commissioners Court was held at 9:00 a.m. at the regular meeting place with the following members present to wit:

Tano E. Tijerina,                                           County Judge
Frank Sciaraffa,                                            Commissioner, Pct. 1
John C. Galo,                                                Commissioner, Pct. 3

Thus constituting a quorum, the Commissioners Court proceeded to act upon the Agenda as posted in the meeting notice of the 1st day of June 2015. Present also were Mrs. Mabel Z. Gonzales, Deputy County Clerk representing Mrs. Margie Ramirez Ibarra, Ex-officio Clerk of the Commissioners Court, various officers and others interested in the business of the Court.
1.   Roll Call by Honorable Margie Ramirez-Ibarra, Webb County Clerk
  Motion by Commissioner, Pct. 1 Frank Sciaraffa, seconded by County Judge Tano E. Tijerina to excuse Cmr. Tijerina
  Vote: 3 - 0 Motion Carried
  Motion by County Judge Tano E. Tijerina, seconded by Commissioner, Pct. 3 John C. Galo to excuse Cmr. Canales
  Vote: 3 - 0 Motion Carried
2.   Pledge of Allegiance
3.   Public Comment - This section provides the public the opportunity to address the Commissioners Court on any items on the Agenda. Members of the public wishing to participate must complete a Witness Card specifying which agenda item they wish to comment on. Each public member will be allowed a total of Three (3) minutes within which to make any/all public comments.

Webb County Clerk, Mrs. Margie Ramirez Ibarra
Mrs. Ibarra spoke in reference to item #4 and stated that the current process for internal promotions was unclear and faulty. 
Administrative Services
4.      Discussion and possible action to approve the modifications to the Wage Plan Policy.

Issue: In calculating "promotions", procedurally HR has taken the current salary, worked on the 5%, and subsequently placed the new salary, (rounded off to the "next highest step".)  While this has been done by HR, not everyone may perceive this method to be clear, or specific.

Solution: Further clarification within the "Promotion" section of the policy, will help address this procedure and help facilitate process.

Result: With this clarification , Elected Officials and Department Heads will get better understanding of the intent of the policy.
  Discussion on file at the Webb County Clerk's Office June 4, 2015 Commissioners Court Special Meeting DVD.

Administrative Services Director, Ms. Cynthia Mares and Webb County Clerk, Mrs. Margie Ramirez Ibarra were both present to address the Commissioners Court on item #4.
  Motion by Commissioner, Pct. 3 John C. Galo, seconded by County Judge Tano E. Tijerina to adopt the language to add; to make sure it's rounded up with an example graph
  Vote: 3 - 0 Motion Carried
Indigent Healthcare Services
5.      Discussion and possible action to authorize an Inter-Governmental Transfer (IGT) to the State of Texas in connection with the Texas Healthcare Transformation and Quality Improvement Program/1115 Waiver in an amount not to exceed $1,200,000 for FY 2014-2015 (First Quarter: Oct. 2014 – Dec. 2014) (Second Quarter: Jan. 2015 – Mar. 2015) (Third Quarter: Apr. 2015 – June 2015) (Fourth Quarter: July 2015 – Sept. 2015). [Accounts #001-4100-6714-3 (Hospital Inpatient) and #001-4100-6714-4 (Hospital Outpatient) from Fiscal Year 2014-2015 Budget]

Issue:  Since 2006, Webb County has participated as the Inter-Governmental Transfer entity for Laredo Medical Center and Doctors Hospital of Laredo. The IGT submitted allows our local hospitals to receive matching funds from the federal government that is used to offset the uncompensated care that both hospitals provide. 

Solution:  The Commissioners Court may approve (quarterly, bi-annually, or yearly) contribution amounts that Webb County will submit on behalf of both hospitals.

Result:  The authorization of IGT will allow local hospitals to access matching federal funds for FY 2014-2015 to offset uncompensated care costs as well as receive incentive payments from the State of Texas for successful completion of 1115 Waiver project milestones and metrics.
  Discussion on file at the Webb County Clerk's Office June 4, 2015 Commissioners Court Special Meeting DVD.

Indigent Healthcare Director, Ms. Nancy Cadena, Adelanto HealthCare Ventures, Mr. Carlos Zaffirini, CEO for Laredo Medical Center, Mr. Enrique Gallegos, and CEO for Doctors Hospital, Mr. Rene Lopez were all present to address the Commissioners Court on item #5.
  Motion by Commissioner, Pct. 3 John C. Galo, seconded by County Judge Tano E. Tijerina
  Vote: 3 - 0 Motion Carried
6.   Communications

Cmr. Sciaraffa - No comments.

Cmr. Galo wished good luck on their game to Alexander High School.
  Motion by Commissioner, Pct. 1 Frank Sciaraffa, seconded by County Judge Tano E. Tijerina to adjourn
  Vote: 3 - 0 Motion Carried